こんばんは、J です。
この抽選申込みを、りんくう公園 指定管理事務所に提出そして当選しないとイベントは開催出来ない… もしかして当日、イベントを行うより大変な作業量なのではないのでしょうか?
NPO法人GRA 事務局員の皆様、りんくう公園指定管理事務所 事務員の皆様に『事務作業お疲れまです。』『いつも、ありがとうございます。』
【 返信 】
こんにちは J さん
いつも GRA活動にご注目とご支援をくださり 誠にありがとうございます。
To the secretariat staff of the NPO GRA
Good evening, I'm J.
Thank you for applying for lottery for facility use.
I think that the event cannot be held unless this lottery application is submitted to the designated management office of Rinku Park and won. Maybe it's more work than holding an event, isn't it?
Due to my work, it is difficult for me to participate in events, but when I participate, I want to keep in mind that the event is held after a huge amount of work by multiple people.
I would like to express my gratitude to everyone involved in the clerical work involved in holding the event.
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