「生命を捕える〔take→手に取る〕ことはできるであろうか。できないと私は思う。生命はただ_ある_のだ〔Life IS〕。天、もしくは、地にある何ものもそれに触れたり、影響を与えたりはできない。〔略〕霊的な意味において、_生命を捕えることはできない_。〔略〕それは捕えられることも破壊されることもなく、形態から形態へと、経験から経験へと〝通り過ぎ〟、生命を通して神の完全な意志が表現される。」
(アリス・A・ベイリー(土方三羊 訳 、1989/5/10)『トランス・ヒマラヤ密教入門 第一巻』: 44頁。The Rays and the Initiation、p.125、pdfではp.66)。
「生命を奪うことはできるであろうか。できないと私は思う。生命はただ「ある」〔Life IS〕。天や地にある何ものもそれに触れたり、影響を及ぼしたりはできない。〔略〕 霊的な意味において、生命を奪うことはできない。〔略〕生命〔略〕は動じない〔impregnable 揺るぎない;難攻不落である〕〔略〕奪われることも破壊されることもなく、神の完全な意志が生命を通して表現されるまで、形態から形態へと、経験から経験へと「通り過ぎる」〔"passes on" 〕〔略〕。」
(アリス・ベイリー(AABライブラリー 訳 、2013/6/25)『光線とイニシエーション(上)』: 165、167頁。The Rays and the Initiation、pp.125-126、pdfではp.66)。
(アリス・A・ベイリー(土方三羊 訳 、2002/2/28)『トランス・ヒマラヤ密教入門 第1巻[人間の本質]』)
『秘密教義』では、巻き込み〔逆進化〕involution と開展〔進化〕evolution の過程として語られている。
プラーナまたはプラナは、生命原理だという。エーテル体 ethric body または活力体 vital body とは、どのような関係なのだろうか?。
『Teaching of the Temple』の第一巻の最後の方に用語集 Glossaryがある。そのp.686に、
「PRANA – The Life Principle. The Breath of Life.」
「プラーナまたはプラナ (サンスクリット語: प्राण (prāṇa, praaNa); 英語: prana) は本来、サンスクリットで呼吸、息吹などを意味する言葉である。日本語では気息と訳されることが多い。
インド哲学では、同時に人間存在の構成要素の1つである風の元素をも意味している。そして生き物 (すなわち息物) の生命力そのものとされ、やがてその存在はアートマンの根拠にまで高められた。」
人体では、脾臓でプラーナを受け取るという。濃密物体の脾臓を摘出しても、エーテル体脾臓は存在し、エネルギー流入や分配の機能には影響が無い(ベンジャミン クレーム 要文献)。
ヒラリオン大師が伝えた『寺院の教え』の第一課(質料—物質の顕現)と第七課(エーテル的宇宙 Etheric Universe)が関係深いと思う。
第一課 質料—物質の顕現
The Instruction I am about to give you is of infinite importance, and I shall endeavor to render it as simple as possible, in the hope that it will be understood by those students whose opportunities for the acquisition of knowledge have been limited. Upon a complete understanding of this subject depends the full comprehension of many previous Instructions, as well as others that will follow.
The visible Universe as a whole, as well as each constituent or organic part of the same, whether it be sun, planet, man, or molecule, is primarily brought into manifestation on the physical plane, as Substance or Matter, from the inner or Spiritual plane of Life, by the energizing, through will (Fohatic) power, of the potential forces contained or confined in certain colors manifesting through a great age or Kalpa in the sphere of Mind.
These colors are of a much higher order than their reflections, the colors of the physical plane.
When a new life cycle of manifestation begins, for any separated or individualized portion of the Universal Whole, it first appears as a rapidly vibrating mass of scintillating colors, which, from a definite point in Etheric Space, spread outward into physical space (so termed), by means of a circular mode of motion, in a spiral.
The diameter of the last outward sweep of the spiral would be determined by the amount of expansive energy imparted to the mass by the initial impulse.
When this energy reaches its extremity of power in the last spiral sweep, a neutral centre is in process of creation by means of the contact and interaction of the negative forces of contraction peculiar to the physical plane, with those induced by the action of Spiritual, or Positive energy, before mentioned.
This neutral centre, which, in the creation of a world, becomes the equatorial belt, manifests in the human and animal kingdoms as the Solar Plexus.
From the centre, the spiral of color decreases in exact ratio to another point, resulting in the formation of a rapidly revolving globe of color, partially flattened at each Pole, and hollow so far as physical substance is concerned ; but in reality containing all the potencies, as well as the Skandas – the stored up good and evil tendencies of preceding manifestations of the incarnating Ego, or entity-and the latent [2] forces which will bring effects into action as causes of subsequent effects, at the right time and in the right place, as determined by the Law of Karma.
In this globe also resides the alchemical power transmuting physical substance into Spiritual energy, and "vice versa", as food is transmuted by the powers of digestion and assimilation ; into flesh and blood, and finally into physical energy.
If this spiral globe of color could be seen by physical eyes at the beginning of an era of manifestation, it would seem to enclose a certain portion of clear space.
On the highest Spiritual plane all lines of demarcation would disappear, and it would be indistinguishable, as far as form is concerned, from all the great ocean of Ether, the store-house of all energies and potencies ; but on the higher astral, the plane of soul, it would be visible to Spiritual eyes as an individualized Entity-call it Angel, Or Deva-God, whichever you like-so far transcending in beauty, glory and power any description ever given by human tongue or pen, that it is useless to attempt to convey any impression of it to the human mind ; it must be seen and recognized to be understood. It belongs to the army of archangels which surround the Throne of God, situated in the hearts of every one of that vast throng, and which exists potentially in the heart of every human being. For illustration, take a piece of paper ; consider one side of it as the Spiritual, the other' side as the physical plane. Separate one single point, among many others, of white light on the Spiritual plane (or side) of the paper ; then imagine a flash of Light, or Creative Energy, darting from some other point and impinging upon, thus imparting a more rapid vibration, or another mode of motion to, the point under consideration. This mode of motion (Fohatic energy) imparting a forward movement, would drive the substance contained in the point, through the piece of paper (the fibre of which would correspond to the astral, or middle plane) to the other side (the physical plane) and then proceed to form, by the process of spiral movement, above referred to, a complete globe of color from the point of its appearance on the physical plane as represented on the paper. There are always forty-eight spiral rings on either side of the middle, or equatorial line, the latter being the forty-ninth from either end. This spiral sheath of color encloses the substance on the plane of action in
and through which the energy which passes into it from the first point of manifestation will work in conjunction with the forces of color, for the creation of an individualized life, whether it be a cell, man or world. The auric correspondence to this hollow globe obtains throughout a whole era of individualized manifestation, however long or short that may be, as its particular [3] sphere of creative energy, as does also the globe of color which constitutes the aura of each cell, man, or world. In the materialization of a world there gradually forms, just within the globe of color (as the result of interaction of interior and exterior forces), first, a rapidly revolving sphere of heat and subsequently, moisture. In the creation of a world the power of attraction which the combined energy and force hold within its mass, draws to this moisture the Cosmic dust which is floating in space. For long ages of time, great quantities of dust and falling masses from other worlds, in the form of meteors, etc., intercepted by or attracted to it, gradually transform this (so to speak) lining of the color globe into the crust of such a world as the one you are now living upon. But innumerable Kalpas before this occurred, the substance, with which the Spiritual energy manifesting in the point was clothed, had passed through many phases of existence from a molecule to a God. And the Spiritual Entity, or World-builder, visibly represented by that point of Light, has voluntarily and intelligently assumed the labor, responsibility and sacrifice of creating from its own substance, a world, in which other manifesting entities of lower orders may gain the necessary physical experience to fit them also in time for Spiritual existence as Angels or Gods. A corresponding process to the one outlined above occurs in the birth of every child or animal on the physical plane. The creative emanation of the male contains a definite portion of the substance generated on the Spiritual plane by the interaction of masculine and feminine forces as previously explained between the two points of light, or the creative fires ; and the product, by contact and interaction with the ovum or egg budded from the ovaries of the female sex, results in impregnation. A certain residue is used by Nature in the formation of a state of matter comparable to the inner lining of the spiral globe of color, within which gestation is accomplished. The Uterus, or outer covering, corresponds to the color globe, but is not the globe ; for the Uterus, as well as every other organic structure, has its own peculiar spiral globe of color, or aura.
Despite innumerable explanations and descriptions of the planes of manifestation, students are continually misinterpreting terms and location. The diagram shown below will aid in many ways. First of all, however, you must charge your mind with the fact that there is in reality no high nor low, no hard nor fast lines ; that all manifestation is from within outward ; that all planes penetrate and interpenetrate each other. [4]
The dot on the top indicates the Unmanifested, the Absolute, the positive potencies. The one at the bottom indicates the negative of the above – the reservoir in which had been generated and from which had been projected into space, all potential energies belonging to the physical plane, and into which would be cast all manifested matte that had fulfilled its mission ; as well as all of nature's abortions an seeming abnormal conditions, to be in some future age energized again by the positive forces of life, and so given another opportunity. It is also known as Chaos.
Each horizontal line in the diagram indicates the positive and negative aspects of some plane or sphere of consciousness ; that part of each line to the right of the centre representing the positive pole, that to the left the negative. The line through the centre indicates interaction of Spirit and Matter.
This diagram must not be confounded with others which illustrate the same truths, or the different planes or forces. In a certain sense this stands alone. ———
ヒラリオン.(クラーク,ジェフ・コジマ,マサナリ 訳 改訂版 2000/6).寺院の教え I 〔第1〜60課〕.コピー本.222pp.竜王文庫.[B20020327、2500円][昭和51年10月〜昭和57年4月の『至上我の光』に連載されたものを編集したもの。掲載時の誤植と誤訳を一部訂正。]
ベイリー,アリス.1960(AABライブラリー 訳 2013/6/25).光線とイニシエーション(上).541pp.AABライブラリー.[定価3100円+税(税込価格3255円)][B20130905、3,100円]
ベイリー,アリス.1960(AABライブラリー 訳 2013/6/25).光線とイニシエーション(下).510pp.AABライブラリー.[定価2900円+税(税込価格3045円)][B20130905、2,900円]
ユリアーンス,アート(編)[アリス・A・ベイリー(著)].(坊洋 訳 、1989/5/10).トランス・ヒマラヤ密教入門 第一巻 人間の進化.342pp.たま出版.[定価2900円(本体2816円)][B19900213][Rh19910115]
ユリアーンス,アート(編)[アリス・A・ベイリー(著)].(土方三羊 訳 、2002/2/28).トランス・ヒマラヤ密教入門 第1巻[人間の本質].236pp.アルテ発行/星雲社発売.[定価(本体2500円+税)][B20020911]
〔The Master〕Hiralion. Teaching of the Temple. The Book I. [pdfは、http://www.templeofthepeople.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/teachings_temple_1.pdfから入手できる[受信:2016年6月20日。]]
A Student Who Has Imposes his own Punctuation on the Original Text [=Jurriaanse, Aart]. 1971 (9th printing 1996). Ponder on This. From the Writings of Alice A. Bailey and the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul. 14+431pp. [B20000901、$14.00+$39.00/20[shipping]]
「生命を捕える〔take→手に取る〕ことはできるであろうか。できないと私は思う。生命はただ_ある_のだ〔Life IS〕。天、もしくは、地にある何ものもそれに触れたり、影響を与えたりはできない。〔略〕霊的な意味において、_生命を捕えることはできない_。〔略〕それは捕えられることも破壊されることもなく、形態から形態へと、経験から経験へと〝通り過ぎ〟、生命を通して神の完全な意志が表現される。」
(アリス・A・ベイリー(土方三羊 訳 、1989/5/10)『トランス・ヒマラヤ密教入門 第一巻』: 44頁。The Rays and the Initiation、p.125、pdfではp.66)。
「生命を奪うことはできるであろうか。できないと私は思う。生命はただ「ある」〔Life IS〕。天や地にある何ものもそれに触れたり、影響を及ぼしたりはできない。〔略〕 霊的な意味において、生命を奪うことはできない。〔略〕生命〔略〕は動じない〔impregnable 揺るぎない;難攻不落である〕〔略〕奪われることも破壊されることもなく、神の完全な意志が生命を通して表現されるまで、形態から形態へと、経験から経験へと「通り過ぎる」〔"passes on" 〕〔略〕。」
(アリス・ベイリー(AABライブラリー 訳 、2013/6/25)『光線とイニシエーション(上)』: 165、167頁。The Rays and the Initiation、pp.125-126、pdfではp.66)。
(アリス・A・ベイリー(土方三羊 訳 、2002/2/28)『トランス・ヒマラヤ密教入門 第1巻[人間の本質]』)
『秘密教義』では、巻き込み〔逆進化〕involution と開展〔進化〕evolution の過程として語られている。
プラーナまたはプラナは、生命原理だという。エーテル体 ethric body または活力体 vital body とは、どのような関係なのだろうか?。
『Teaching of the Temple』の第一巻の最後の方に用語集 Glossaryがある。そのp.686に、
「PRANA – The Life Principle. The Breath of Life.」
「プラーナまたはプラナ (サンスクリット語: प्राण (prāṇa, praaNa); 英語: prana) は本来、サンスクリットで呼吸、息吹などを意味する言葉である。日本語では気息と訳されることが多い。
インド哲学では、同時に人間存在の構成要素の1つである風の元素をも意味している。そして生き物 (すなわち息物) の生命力そのものとされ、やがてその存在はアートマンの根拠にまで高められた。」
人体では、脾臓でプラーナを受け取るという。濃密物体の脾臓を摘出しても、エーテル体脾臓は存在し、エネルギー流入や分配の機能には影響が無い(ベンジャミン クレーム 要文献)。
ヒラリオン大師が伝えた『寺院の教え』の第一課(質料—物質の顕現)と第七課(エーテル的宇宙 Etheric Universe)が関係深いと思う。
第一課 質料—物質の顕現
The Instruction I am about to give you is of infinite importance, and I shall endeavor to render it as simple as possible, in the hope that it will be understood by those students whose opportunities for the acquisition of knowledge have been limited. Upon a complete understanding of this subject depends the full comprehension of many previous Instructions, as well as others that will follow.
The visible Universe as a whole, as well as each constituent or organic part of the same, whether it be sun, planet, man, or molecule, is primarily brought into manifestation on the physical plane, as Substance or Matter, from the inner or Spiritual plane of Life, by the energizing, through will (Fohatic) power, of the potential forces contained or confined in certain colors manifesting through a great age or Kalpa in the sphere of Mind.
These colors are of a much higher order than their reflections, the colors of the physical plane.
When a new life cycle of manifestation begins, for any separated or individualized portion of the Universal Whole, it first appears as a rapidly vibrating mass of scintillating colors, which, from a definite point in Etheric Space, spread outward into physical space (so termed), by means of a circular mode of motion, in a spiral.
The diameter of the last outward sweep of the spiral would be determined by the amount of expansive energy imparted to the mass by the initial impulse.
When this energy reaches its extremity of power in the last spiral sweep, a neutral centre is in process of creation by means of the contact and interaction of the negative forces of contraction peculiar to the physical plane, with those induced by the action of Spiritual, or Positive energy, before mentioned.
This neutral centre, which, in the creation of a world, becomes the equatorial belt, manifests in the human and animal kingdoms as the Solar Plexus.
From the centre, the spiral of color decreases in exact ratio to another point, resulting in the formation of a rapidly revolving globe of color, partially flattened at each Pole, and hollow so far as physical substance is concerned ; but in reality containing all the potencies, as well as the Skandas – the stored up good and evil tendencies of preceding manifestations of the incarnating Ego, or entity-and the latent [2] forces which will bring effects into action as causes of subsequent effects, at the right time and in the right place, as determined by the Law of Karma.
In this globe also resides the alchemical power transmuting physical substance into Spiritual energy, and "vice versa", as food is transmuted by the powers of digestion and assimilation ; into flesh and blood, and finally into physical energy.
If this spiral globe of color could be seen by physical eyes at the beginning of an era of manifestation, it would seem to enclose a certain portion of clear space.
On the highest Spiritual plane all lines of demarcation would disappear, and it would be indistinguishable, as far as form is concerned, from all the great ocean of Ether, the store-house of all energies and potencies ; but on the higher astral, the plane of soul, it would be visible to Spiritual eyes as an individualized Entity-call it Angel, Or Deva-God, whichever you like-so far transcending in beauty, glory and power any description ever given by human tongue or pen, that it is useless to attempt to convey any impression of it to the human mind ; it must be seen and recognized to be understood. It belongs to the army of archangels which surround the Throne of God, situated in the hearts of every one of that vast throng, and which exists potentially in the heart of every human being. For illustration, take a piece of paper ; consider one side of it as the Spiritual, the other' side as the physical plane. Separate one single point, among many others, of white light on the Spiritual plane (or side) of the paper ; then imagine a flash of Light, or Creative Energy, darting from some other point and impinging upon, thus imparting a more rapid vibration, or another mode of motion to, the point under consideration. This mode of motion (Fohatic energy) imparting a forward movement, would drive the substance contained in the point, through the piece of paper (the fibre of which would correspond to the astral, or middle plane) to the other side (the physical plane) and then proceed to form, by the process of spiral movement, above referred to, a complete globe of color from the point of its appearance on the physical plane as represented on the paper. There are always forty-eight spiral rings on either side of the middle, or equatorial line, the latter being the forty-ninth from either end. This spiral sheath of color encloses the substance on the plane of action in
and through which the energy which passes into it from the first point of manifestation will work in conjunction with the forces of color, for the creation of an individualized life, whether it be a cell, man or world. The auric correspondence to this hollow globe obtains throughout a whole era of individualized manifestation, however long or short that may be, as its particular [3] sphere of creative energy, as does also the globe of color which constitutes the aura of each cell, man, or world. In the materialization of a world there gradually forms, just within the globe of color (as the result of interaction of interior and exterior forces), first, a rapidly revolving sphere of heat and subsequently, moisture. In the creation of a world the power of attraction which the combined energy and force hold within its mass, draws to this moisture the Cosmic dust which is floating in space. For long ages of time, great quantities of dust and falling masses from other worlds, in the form of meteors, etc., intercepted by or attracted to it, gradually transform this (so to speak) lining of the color globe into the crust of such a world as the one you are now living upon. But innumerable Kalpas before this occurred, the substance, with which the Spiritual energy manifesting in the point was clothed, had passed through many phases of existence from a molecule to a God. And the Spiritual Entity, or World-builder, visibly represented by that point of Light, has voluntarily and intelligently assumed the labor, responsibility and sacrifice of creating from its own substance, a world, in which other manifesting entities of lower orders may gain the necessary physical experience to fit them also in time for Spiritual existence as Angels or Gods. A corresponding process to the one outlined above occurs in the birth of every child or animal on the physical plane. The creative emanation of the male contains a definite portion of the substance generated on the Spiritual plane by the interaction of masculine and feminine forces as previously explained between the two points of light, or the creative fires ; and the product, by contact and interaction with the ovum or egg budded from the ovaries of the female sex, results in impregnation. A certain residue is used by Nature in the formation of a state of matter comparable to the inner lining of the spiral globe of color, within which gestation is accomplished. The Uterus, or outer covering, corresponds to the color globe, but is not the globe ; for the Uterus, as well as every other organic structure, has its own peculiar spiral globe of color, or aura.
Despite innumerable explanations and descriptions of the planes of manifestation, students are continually misinterpreting terms and location. The diagram shown below will aid in many ways. First of all, however, you must charge your mind with the fact that there is in reality no high nor low, no hard nor fast lines ; that all manifestation is from within outward ; that all planes penetrate and interpenetrate each other. [4]
The dot on the top indicates the Unmanifested, the Absolute, the positive potencies. The one at the bottom indicates the negative of the above – the reservoir in which had been generated and from which had been projected into space, all potential energies belonging to the physical plane, and into which would be cast all manifested matte that had fulfilled its mission ; as well as all of nature's abortions an seeming abnormal conditions, to be in some future age energized again by the positive forces of life, and so given another opportunity. It is also known as Chaos.
Each horizontal line in the diagram indicates the positive and negative aspects of some plane or sphere of consciousness ; that part of each line to the right of the centre representing the positive pole, that to the left the negative. The line through the centre indicates interaction of Spirit and Matter.
This diagram must not be confounded with others which illustrate the same truths, or the different planes or forces. In a certain sense this stands alone. ———
ヒラリオン.(クラーク,ジェフ・コジマ,マサナリ 訳 改訂版 2000/6).寺院の教え I 〔第1〜60課〕.コピー本.222pp.竜王文庫.[B20020327、2500円][昭和51年10月〜昭和57年4月の『至上我の光』に連載されたものを編集したもの。掲載時の誤植と誤訳を一部訂正。]
ベイリー,アリス.1960(AABライブラリー 訳 2013/6/25).光線とイニシエーション(上).541pp.AABライブラリー.[定価3100円+税(税込価格3255円)][B20130905、3,100円]
ベイリー,アリス.1960(AABライブラリー 訳 2013/6/25).光線とイニシエーション(下).510pp.AABライブラリー.[定価2900円+税(税込価格3045円)][B20130905、2,900円]
ユリアーンス,アート(編)[アリス・A・ベイリー(著)].(坊洋 訳 、1989/5/10).トランス・ヒマラヤ密教入門 第一巻 人間の進化.342pp.たま出版.[定価2900円(本体2816円)][B19900213][Rh19910115]
ユリアーンス,アート(編)[アリス・A・ベイリー(著)].(土方三羊 訳 、2002/2/28).トランス・ヒマラヤ密教入門 第1巻[人間の本質].236pp.アルテ発行/星雲社発売.[定価(本体2500円+税)][B20020911]
〔The Master〕Hiralion. Teaching of the Temple. The Book I. [pdfは、http://www.templeofthepeople.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/teachings_temple_1.pdfから入手できる[受信:2016年6月20日。]]
A Student Who Has Imposes his own Punctuation on the Original Text [=Jurriaanse, Aart]. 1971 (9th printing 1996). Ponder on This. From the Writings of Alice A. Bailey and the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul. 14+431pp. [B20000901、$14.00+$39.00/20[shipping]]