Born and raised in Kanazawa, the great Japanese thinker Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki said that life ought to be lived as a bird flies through the air, or as a fish swims in the water. Suzuki was encouraging us to live as naturally as possible, which, at a different level, is one of the themes of the International Year of Biodiversity in 2010.
Over the course of the next several months the 190 parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity will be developing a strategic vision on how humans can live sustainably at the heart of the dynamic ecological system that supports us. A vision of course that the Japanese have long had, in their ancient land management practices of Satoyama. Rural agricultural communities and villages in Japan have a century-old history of carefully managing the forests, grasslands, streams and ponds upon which their living depends. In this time of environmental crisis, the international community has much to learn from such an enlightening culture. I had the immense privilege of visiting Ishikawa Prefecture and I was enlightened by the Satoyama/Satoumi experience.
And this is more important as we all know that the current rate of species extinction has reached an unprecedented rate of extinction. And for some experts may be that the rate of extinction today is one thousand times higher than the natural rate of extinction. And if the current loss rate continues, it is expected that an area of 1.3 billion ha worldwide, about 1.5 times the United States of America, will completely lose its original biodiversity level by 2050.
To prevent a worst case scenario, 8 years ago, the parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity set a target: to significantly slow and reduce the rate of loss of biodiversity by 2010. And this was endorsed by the Johannesburg Summit in 2002. Therefore the General Assembly has declared 2010 as the UN General Assembly Year of Biodiversity. This year, also, the third edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook will be issued in a couple of weeks, which will be based on national reports demonstrating progress in achieving the 2010 target, and, most importantly, shaping the way for the future for the post-2010 target, for the Nagoya 2050 Vision and 2020 target, which will be adopted by the 10th Conference of the Parties in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, under the slogan “Live in Harmony into the Future”.
この最悪のシナリオを避けるために、生物多様性条約締約国は、2010年までに生物多様性の損失速度を大幅に減らすという目標を、8年前に設定しました。これは、2002年のヨハネスブルグ・サミットで承認され、国連総会は、2010年を国連の生物多様性年にすることに決定しました。また、今年は、間もなく「世界の生物多様性概況 第3版」が発行される予定です。2010年目標達成に向けた進捗状況の国別リポートを基にする「第3版」は、「地球のいのち、つないでいこう」とのスローガンのもと、愛知県名古屋市で開催される第10回生物多様性条約締約国会議で採択される予定の、2010年以降の目標、名古屋2050ビジョンや2020年目標を設定する上で、非常に重要な意味を持ちます。
As I alluded to earlier, the central element of the new strategic plan will be emphasizing that humans are not outside agents attempting to preserve distant ecosystems, but are deeply dependent on biodiversity for everything that makes life as we know it possible: food, medicine and many other biological goods that sustain both our health and our economic productivity: air purification, crop pollination, and the countless irreplaceable services provided by healthy ecosystems, and the spiritual and cultural fulfillment offered by contact with the natural world.
The perspective of the so-called Ecosystem Approach received a great boost two years ago in Kobe, in May 2008, when the G8 Ministries of Environment and their partners adopted a Call for Action and put forward Satoyama as a model of how humans should live in and interact with nature. The Kobe Call for Action for Biodiversity agreed to make Satoyama an international initiative, a Japanese-led project to promote Satoyama-like practices worldwide. The initiative gained impetus at the Convention’s 9th meeting of the Conference in Bonn, Germany, and in September 2008 and 2009 when meetings on Satoyama Forum were organized. Your Forum today in Kanazawa is another step towards spreading the wisdom embodied by the Satoyama both more broadly in Japan and throughout the rest of the world.
The Director General of the Japanese Ministry of Environment once told me, when I was attending the Satoyama Workshop in 2008, that the Satoyama model can contribute highly towards achieving coexistence between man and nature. I agree with him strongly. Allow me therefore to thank UNU-IAS, the Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa, and the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature for organizing this important and timely event. And my gratitude, of course, to Anne McDonald, for her fantastic job as the Head of the Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa. Let me also thank the Forests Culture Association, and its founding organization, the Asahi Shinbun, for collaborating with the Ministry of Environment and the Forestry Agency to strengthen the Green Wave Campaign in Japan. I could have not been more pleased to hear of your plan to have 100,000 planted throughout the Japanese archipelago on May 22, on the occasion of the International Day of Biodiversity, which will be celebrated under the themes “Biodiversity for Development” and “Biodiversity for Poverty Alleviation”. Getting youth to involve in biodiversity conservation is deeply important as they are tomorrow’s policymakers and tomorrow’s citizens, and with the right education and exposure, tomorrow’s champions of the Satoyama International Initiative. I look forward to the Progress Report on the Satoyama Initiative at the 14th meeting of the Convention’s Scientific Body in Nairobi in May, as well as at the COP 10, in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture.
A practically important moment when the Ecosystem Approach must receive attention is during the UN High-Level Segment of the 65th Session of the General Assembly to be held in September 2010 in New York at the General Assembly, when the High-Level Segment on Biodiversity, with the participation of Heads of States and governments will be convened for the first time ever. We hope that the Prime Minister of Japan will be chairing one of the important meetings on the post-2010 initiative. By keeping Satoyama and the Ecosystem Approach at the heart of our deliberations over the course of the year, we are ultimately ensuring that the theme of integrating humans into nature takes center stage at COP 10 in Nagoya, when an unprecedented range of stakeholders, from youth, to local authorities, to private sector, to scientific communities, to NGOs, to indigenous peoples will gather to shape our post-2010 agenda.
“Follow nature and return to nature” advises the celebrated Japanese poet Matsuo Basho. I am sure that we will see this wisdom on display in 10 months’ time, when Kanazawa hosts the closing ceremony of the International Year of Biodiversity in December 2010, and the launch of the International Year of Forests in 2011. I look forward to celebrating with you on that important occasion and hope we will all keep the slogan of the IYB in mind far beyond 2010.
Biodiversity is indeed life, and biodiversity is our life.
⇒7日(日)夜・金沢の天気 くもり