I think the charter establishing the United Nation Education Science and Culture UNESCO provide that it is in the mind of the mankind that the seeds of war are planted and it is also in the mind of mankind that the defense for war are also needed. I am making this because I think there is a close relation between science, education, and culture and there is a very close relation between culture, nature, and biodiversity. And UNESCO has been established after the Second World War to prevent future war and I think today war has another name and it is the disruption of nature.
So, we need to plant the seeds of stopping this war in the mind and in the soul of the people in order to promote the peace with nature and in order to promote I think a new culture, a new science, and the new education which will allow the elite of today and tomorrow to be prepared to build a sustainable future and the future in harmony with all living species including one species, we human being.
I think in the 80s the Secretary General of the UN has said that the new name for peace is development. I think today the new name of peace is sustainable development and you cannot achieve sustainable development without protecting biodiversity. It is not I think fortuitous that the Nobel Peace, the institution has awarded in 2004, the Nobel Peace Prize for the first time to an environmentalist Madam Wangari Maathai and in 2007 to IPCC and former vice president of the US Al Gore. Therefore, to build this new peace and the new sustainable development the education and science and culture have tremendous role to play.
1980年代に国連事務総長は度々「平和の新しい名前は発展だ」と話されました。私は平和の新しい名前は「持続可能な発展」だと思います。生物多様性を守らなければ持続可能は発展に到達することはできません。その証拠に、2004年のノーベル平和賞は、初めて環境にかかわってきた人に授与されました。ワンガリ・マータイさんが受賞したのです。また2007年にはIPCC(気候変動に関する政府間パネル)とアル・ゴア アメリカ合衆国副大統領が受賞しています。ですからこの新しい平和と新しい持続可能な発展を構築するため、教育、科学、文化が大切な役割を果たさなければなりません。
Therefore, each time I have the immense privilege of visiting a university I feel very humble. Because it is not only I think a temple or a mosque or a church of knowledge, but I think it is also the needs of the construction or the establishment of a responsible elite and we all know the role and the responsibility of the elite of any country. Indeed in the theory of Antonio Gramsci about the organic and the traditional intellectual, the intelligentsia of any country so those who have been privileged of being educated have an historical responsibility towards the future of that nation.
So Nakamura-san, I wanted to thank you very much for giving me the privilege of being with you in this I think prestigious temple of knowledge which has I think merit the tradition like this building 300 years and modern science.
So, for us the implementation of the convention that we call it the convention on life on earth which has three objectives; conservation, sustainable use and fair and equitable sharing cannot be achieved without the unique and distinct contribution of the scientific community and the new elite that is to save yourself.
Indeed, I think the challenge you know it is immense and I think it is unprecedented. The loss of biodiversity component by climate change I think require more than ever the mobilization of the science community in order to address this challenges that are really unique and unprecedented and new to the mankind. New science is emerging, new ecosystem are emerging, older are being destroyed and therefore more than ever we need the brain to predict and to guide the implementation of future action of the policy makers.
Therefore on 20th September 2010 and for the first time in the history of the international organization, there will be one day heads of the states and the heads of government meeting exclusively devoted to biodiversity and the preparation of the Nagoya Summit in October 2010.
As we know when my bosses involve I get anxious and of course I make sure that the files are well prepared because he will be interested to know if I have done a good job or not. So therefore it is extremely important for the heads of states to engage in this battle for life on earth and this is what the Nagoya Summit will be about and this is what the New York Summit will be about.
But this is not enough, we need also those who are involved at local level because as you know action are taking place at local level. So, there would be a summit of cities and biodiversity in Nagoya and we expect more than 300 cities mayor to be there and it will be the first time that we have mayors and the cities and local authorities of the world engaged in the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
We need the laws and we need the regulations so we need to involve the parliamentarian and to educate the parliamentarian about biodiversity. And there will be with GLOBE International and the Diet a meeting of the parliamentarian and biodiversity in Nagoya. We need also money and there would be a meeting the first ever forum on bilateral and multilateral donor agency and biodiversity. And we need those that are involved in the economic sectors, the companies so with Keidanren, there will be also a meeting on business and biodiversity. So, in Nagoya we hope to achieve a global alliance of all stakeholders for life on earth.
These will take place while the world would celebrate for the first time also an international year on biodiversity starting from 1st January to 31st December 2010. So, these will culminate here in Ishikawa, Kanazawa with the closing ceremony in December 2010 of the international year on biodiversity. We will not only close the international year, but we will launch a new international year on forests.
So, I wanted to pay tribute to Japan, to Japan as authorities, but Japan as civil society, Japan as university, Japan as citizen and Japan as students and I wanted to thank all of you for welcoming the world here in Kanazawa in December 2010 to share the experience of Japan, but also to provide leadership through you and through the universities because you are the elite of tomorrow. So, thank you very much for this unique opportunity to be with you this morning.
⇒16日(火)夜・金沢の天気 ゆき