ドル急落 円99円台 12年ぶり円高水準 米経済の不安増幅 日経平均427円安 2年半びり安値
In the global foreign exchange market on March 13, the U.S. dollar sharply declined against the yen to its lowest level in 12 years,hitting the 99 yen a dollar level in an European market.This will surely escalate the fear and concern about the U.S. economy.In line with the turbulence in the foreign exchange market,the Tokyo stock market also was inundated with selling orders, making the 225-issue Nikkei Stock Average down about 427 yen compared with the previous day, to 12,433.44 yen, which marked the lowest level in two and a half years since August 31, 2005.
In the global foreign exchange market on March 13, the U.S. dollar sharply declined against the yen to its lowest level in 12 years,hitting the 99 yen a dollar level in an European market.This will surely escalate the fear and concern about the U.S. economy.In line with the turbulence in the foreign exchange market,the Tokyo stock market also was inundated with selling orders, making the 225-issue Nikkei Stock Average down about 427 yen compared with the previous day, to 12,433.44 yen, which marked the lowest level in two and a half years since August 31, 2005.