イオン、外国人採用1500人 来年度 アジア展開にらむ 20年度の日本本社 正社員の5割に
According to sources concerened, Aeon Co.,Ltd. will increase foerein employees in its recruits in fiscal 2013. The number of foreing workers newly employed is expected to be about 1,500 people now, which will be the highest ever. Conventionally, the company has hired most of forein workers at its overseas locations, not at its headquarters. However, Aeon has changed its policy so that more foreign employees should be placed at the headquarters from now on at the backdrop of the situation that the company intends to expand its overseas business, espacially in Asian markets. According to the present draft,Aeon will gradually have enhanced the ration of foreign employees to regular workers at its headquarters to 50 percent by the year fiscal 2020.
According to sources concerened, Aeon Co.,Ltd. will increase foerein employees in its recruits in fiscal 2013. The number of foreing workers newly employed is expected to be about 1,500 people now, which will be the highest ever. Conventionally, the company has hired most of forein workers at its overseas locations, not at its headquarters. However, Aeon has changed its policy so that more foreign employees should be placed at the headquarters from now on at the backdrop of the situation that the company intends to expand its overseas business, espacially in Asian markets. According to the present draft,Aeon will gradually have enhanced the ration of foreign employees to regular workers at its headquarters to 50 percent by the year fiscal 2020.