除染土処理 全閣僚会議 福島第一 45年期限へ検討開始 官房長官トップ 年内初会合
The government has decided that they would start to discuss how to deal with decontaminated soils coming from the accident at the Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant. They are going to establish the all-cabinet-member meeting in which concrete methods are discussed and have its first meeting within the year. The soils contaminated with radioactivity at the accident were decontaminated and now there are stored at a facility in Fukushima. And it is decided that they should be dealt with outside Fukushima Prefecture by the end of 2045, but securing the place where the necessary procedures could be done outside the prefecture is a very difficult problem. Given such conditions, they have to accelerate its handling with all the ministries and agencies participated in this project. The all-cabinet-member meeting is chaired by the Chief Cabinet Secretary.
The government has decided that they would start to discuss how to deal with decontaminated soils coming from the accident at the Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant. They are going to establish the all-cabinet-member meeting in which concrete methods are discussed and have its first meeting within the year. The soils contaminated with radioactivity at the accident were decontaminated and now there are stored at a facility in Fukushima. And it is decided that they should be dealt with outside Fukushima Prefecture by the end of 2045, but securing the place where the necessary procedures could be done outside the prefecture is a very difficult problem. Given such conditions, they have to accelerate its handling with all the ministries and agencies participated in this project. The all-cabinet-member meeting is chaired by the Chief Cabinet Secretary.