from recent news

2024年12月17日 10時53分58秒 | 新聞記事から
政治改革法案が 自民党と立憲民主党が合意して 今国会で成立へ 政治活動費は全廃することとなる  自民党が考えた「工夫支出」は撤回するとのことである

The Liberal Democratic Party and the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan reached a basic agreement on December 16 on the bills related to the political reform including the revision of the political funds control law. The LDP decided on withdrawal of the political activity funds given by the political party and dubious expenditures called "Ku-hu-shi-shutsu" or expenditures to be allowed to keep undisclosed details for some purposes in the face of strong opposition from opposing parties. And then these related bills are expected to pass the House of Representatives on December 17.
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