オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect: ガガ「忙しいんですが…」moth "I'm busy"

2015年09月05日 | 日記
そこですか? で

There are two of moths
Is there a good place?
For making love...

ところでこの「スジモンヒトリ」に仲間がいるよーで、名前が「セスジヒトリ」とかで、「ヒトリ」は一緒。分類名は「ヒトリガ科」でこの「ガ」は「蛾」のことだとするとこの「ヒトリ」にはどんな意味が? そいう事の方が気になったりとか…しましたがどうでしょう。ホホ…。
It might be Spilarctia seriatopunctata? I upped the photo of the orange hairy caterpillar on 24th June 2015 on my blog, it is like its larva, I found it during checking it on webs.
I'm impressed that even even tiny creatures, they live own their lives. We should do the same...
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オサンポ take a walk - 秋空 the autumn sky

2015年09月05日 | 日記

The autumn sky
Human minds
Page view

「女心と秋の空」「男心と秋の空」移ろいやすいモノの例えですね。昨日のアクセス数が100くらいになって(くらい…と言うのは自分も行ってテ…ホホ…ホホ) しかし努力を続けないとすぐに減ってしまうのでしょう…。何はともあれ、たくさんの方にご訪問いただいて感謝です!
In Japan, we say, woman's mind, man's mind and autumn sky are changeable. My number of page view is around 100 yesterday. ( around means...I also visited my own blog, ha ha... ) I'm happy with it but I have to keep on updating. Otherwise I will lose 100 page views soon. Anyway, I'd like to say all of you, thank you for visiting!
( my target in near future, I'd like to get my blog within 10,000, it was squeezed through it! Wow! )
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