猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outdoor cat

2014年07月21日 | 日記

I saw a cat, it's happy
But the cat ran away
I was sad

When I see cats, sometimes I miss an opportunity to take their photos. Because they run away. Just one moment. It happens usually, nothing special. But I feel something like sad, so that I take a photo for a place where they were there. Oh, well, you could have no comments when you are shown about this kind of photos.
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映画三昧 Film-loving - 「思い出のマーニー」 When Marnie was there

2014年07月20日 | 日記

I went to see the film of "When Marnie was there" by STUDIO GHIBLI free of charge ( I used my card points )
On Sunday morning

偉そうなコトを言わせていただければ、及第点、という感じでしょーか。宮崎監督高畑監督以外のスタジオジブリ作品を観る度に、やはりこのお二方は別格なのだと実感。ふむ。話の内容に関して、ちょいコメディ的な発想で思い付いたのは、タイトルにある「マーニー」ってそーいう隠喩的な意味を含んでいるんだ? いやいや、きっとそれはナイと思うんですけどね、へへ。
I think the film was OK, I enjoyed myself. But I think, Director Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata are special. There are two heroines, one's name is Marnie. I think "Marnie" name had some clues... it could be one of key points to the story. It's a kind of joking. I can't be sure if you would agree with me after watching the film.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 Genki

2014年07月19日 | 日記

I'm taking a nap
After played with a yarn ball

Genki-kun was taking a nap after playing with the yarn ball. Lovely! It's time to take his photos. I took his photos by any angles, sometime he was moving, I tried hard to take his best photos. Well, nowadays, you know, any digital camera, it's very easier to take photos and delete photos than film camera. ( I still like film camera though) Oh, so that my photos are getting increasing and increasing.
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日乗 diary - ¥100 shop

2014年07月18日 | 日記

I found those Japanese classical facecloths
at the ¥100 shop(one coin shop)

I love Japanese classical facecloth, it's so useful. It's long, thin, usually made of cotton, you can use it to any purpose s, of course wiping your face, hands and body. When you feel cool, when you would like to avoid the suntan you can use it as a scarf. Put it on your lap, you can avoid to get dirty from dropping food on your lovely skirt. It's light, not heavy, easy to carry, get dry easily, it can be your friends when you go to traveling. See? We call it Tenugui in Japan. OK, I found those Tenugui at a "Can Do" ¥100 shop. There were other various design ones, such as glasses, vehicle and Japanese classical dot pattern. Look at the Mt. Fuji Tenugui in the photo. I found other small goods which also had the same Mt. Fuji. I heard many foreigners bought goods at ¥100 ships for their souvenir. Um, the shop company thought they were very nice souvenirs for foreigner!
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outdoor cat

2014年07月17日 | 日記

When I was taking a walk
I met you
Lying at the windowsill

I met the cat when I was going on my way to the cleaners. Oh, she(he?) was so lovely! I thought she saw outside through the opened window. Was she back from her walking? Or, was she going to walk after that? I walk on this footpath quite often, I've never seen her. I was surprised and very happy to meet her. I wouldn't have liked to make her interrupt, I took her photos from a bit long distance. That's why, the photo is poor picture quality. After going to the cleaners, I walked on the footpath, the cat had gone. Only the window opened.

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日乗 diary - チョイオモロ 「風立ちぬ」The Wind Rises

2014年07月16日 | 日記

One alphabet dropped down in the word
It changed the meaning
It's Sunday

I found the advertisement of "The Wind Rises" film directed by Hayao Miyazaki at the CD shop on Sunday. The Japasrnr first alphabet of 風 dropped down from the poster, I found it on the table under the poster. There was an illustration of Hayao, close to the dropped alphabet, that was well drowning. Later, I looked into TV footage, there was Naoko who was heroine of the film, vomited blood. I thought it was ... kind of surréalisme ??
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オサンポ take a walk - bird 燕 swallow

2014年07月15日 | 日記

It's hot! now
But they, baby swallows need
this "hot" for their growth

暑くなって参りました。夕べには早くもカナカナの声を聞きました。夏は来ぬ。来ちゃった。あーあ。暑いダケならまだしも、暑いと冷房。冷房で仮死出来るヒトは夏をどー生き抜いているんでしょーか? ね? キモチが後ろ向きになるとカラダの調子も下がるので、とにかく前向きになる題材を探す。で、子ツバメたちですよ。カワイイですね。彼らが育つにはこの気候が必要なんですよ。ってことを励みにシマショウ。
It seems summer has come. I heard some cicada was singing last night, even it was earlier a bit. Oh, my. It's OK, I'm OK with summer but not with air conditioners. I can die by an air conditioner. How do they survive from any air conditioners if they can't get along with that? Anyway, think it positively. I found a new swallow nest. There were a few baby birds, so lovely. I think that they need this kind of temperature for their growth. Oh, Understand. I have to accept hot summer.
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The World Cup Brazil 2014 - Arzentina vs Germany

2014年07月14日 | 日記

German team, Congratulations on! Messi, you have a next time! Well, it's just finished. Now I feel miss the matches but I'm happy that I don't need to worry about shortage of sleep. See you four years later in Russia. Здравствуйте (Hello). Спасибо (Thank you).
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The World Cup Brazil 2014 - Brazil vs Netherlands

2014年07月13日 | 日記

I was so surprised
About the result Brazil vs Netherlands
It was 0-3, Netherlands won

Oh, well. I didn't understand what happened. Even if a strong team, is getting worse, it will be difficult to get back to be a good condition. Do you remember, we've got so surprising matches in the recent World Cups?
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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「波紋と螺旋とフィボナッチ」Wave pattern and Helix and Fibonacci

2014年07月12日 | 日記

You will understand
How stripe create
If read this book

「これを読めば、シマウマの縞模様がどうやって作られるのかが分かる!」と言う惹句に惹かれて図書館から借りて来ました。うむ。読み始めたのが遅くって、図書館本て二週間しか借りられないし、時間に追われる感じで慌てて読んだし、意外? な感じでなんちゃら数式(フィボナッチ)とか出てくるし、とかで、デモまあ自分也には理解出来たんじゃないかなーって思っとります。興味のある方はぜひ!
The copy for the book is "You will understand How stripe create If read this book". I was interested in it, I borrowed the book at the library. Well, I started to read the book, it was late. You know, normally we can borrow books at a library about 2 weeks. I had not much time to read it, and the author used, Fibonacci numbers. ??? Fibonacci ??? What is that? Anyway, I think I understand how. Somehow. If are interested in, please have a read!
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