The World Cup Brazil 2014 - Argentina vs Netherlands

2014年07月11日 | 日記

The Argentina won
Against Netherlands
Next is Germany

About the match of Argentina vs Netherlands at The World Cup Brazil yesterday morning, it started at 5:00am so I was watching before going work. It was a scoreless draw when it was full time. They had extra time, I had to leave my home. After that, until the end of match, I checked the result on the Internet. It was anodyne. Just to know a result, it wasn't fun. I watched the rebroadcasted match, I got to know how it was, but anodyne. OK, anyway, the final match starts 4:00am on Monday at our time, I hope that I could watch throw all the contents before going work.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 Genki

2014年07月10日 | 日記

It's good!
When I'm sleeping,
I put my hand out of the basket

カゴの中で就寝中の元気君。ちょうどテが出ているところは編み目にスキマがあります。編み目のスキマからにゃんこのテが出ている、ってダケなんすけど、そのにゃんこテがポワンポワンしていてかわいいネ、ってことですね。...ここで、猫好きでも無いし、ましてや猫のテ? 孫の手じゃなく? ってな感じのツッコミをお持ちの方には、この写真の本当(?)を味わえないでしょーな。って、それはどんな種類の写真にも言えることだに。
His name is Genki, who was sleeping in the basket. He put his hand out of the basket, it's so lovely! Don't you think so? Well, actually, I just talked about "his hand", it's put out of the basket. Lovely, isn't it? Also his hand is so fluffy! Lovely, isn't it? If you wouldn't like cats, interested in cats, it's OK. It happens the same things to other photos.

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The World Cup Brazil 2014 - Brazil vs Germany

2014年07月09日 | 日記

The German eleven
Men defeated the Brazil

今朝方行われたW杯ブラジルの準決勝、ドイツ対ブラジル。前半戦で既にドイツに5点。ブラジル0点。後半戦にドイツ2点追加、ブラジルは終了間際にやっと1点。結果7-1。ほぉ。2002年の日韓W杯で決勝で対戦したこのチーム、その時は2-0でブラジルの勝ち。雪辱を果たした・・・とも言えるカモですが、果たし過ぎ? 強いですね、ドイツ。ブラジルはスタメンの選手が二人(FWネイマールとDFチアゴ・シウバ)欠場してたそーですが、それだけでこんなに総崩れになってしまうのでしょーか?? 予想もしなかったことが起きてしまう! 怖いぞW杯! 明日も早起きして、アルゼンチン対オランダ戦を見なくては!
In this morning, our time, we had the match of Brazil vs Germany, World Cup Brazil. The result is 1-7. Surprised? 1 score is for Brazil, 7 for Germany. Wow. They had the match in the final at 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan. It was 2-0, Brazil won. So now Germany revenged a defeat. Well, too much? Even Brazil didn't have 2 main players, Neymar and Thiago Silva, Brazil got down their power? Ohhhhh, it would happen something at World Cup. Tomorrow morning, we have the other match, Argentina vs Netherlands! Have to watch it!
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日乗 daily - 今日の朝 today's morning

2014年07月08日 | 日記

I'm going to work
It's sunny today

見上げると朝の空が眩しくて、気付けばその空の下にある緑が濃くなっている。ああ、夏が来た。と、夏がキライ。暑いのはまだ何とかナルがクーラーが! と、夏へのマイナス連想が始まってしまいそーなコチラの陽気ですが、沖縄方面では超ド級の巨大台風が接近中とか…。ヒトも動物も草木も被害無く済みますように。
When I looked up in the sky, it's so bright, I noticed the leaves have greened up. Oh, summer has come. I don't like summer. I'm OK with hot but not OK with air conditioner. I've started to think about how much I don't like summer with today's weather, but in Okinawa districts, it's a huge typhoon coming. I hope all the things are safe.
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オサンポ take a walk - bird 燕 swallow

2014年07月07日 | 日記

I'm happy to find the second
Swallow's nest
At the same place where I saw
The first one

以前に駅から職場までの間に見つけた燕の巣があった場所に、数日前に行ってみましたら、何と! 一個目の隣に新しい巣が出来ていました。そんでもって親鳥が抱卵中の雰囲気。ふっふ。これでまた朝のお楽しみが出来ました。巣立ちまでこの道を通ることにしますワ。
I told you about the swallow nest on this blog before. I could see it between from the station to the office. I found new one at the same place a few days ago. There was a parent bird that seemed to make their eggs warm. Oh, it's so good! I will keep watching until their fledging.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outdoor cat 縞猫 stripe pattern cat

2014年07月06日 | 日記

It's the same
The cat has a stripe pattern
That is running away

In these days, when I meet cats, they run away. Why??
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outdoor cat 黒子猫 two black kittens

2014年07月05日 | 日記

There are two black colour cats
Which are running away

お? 子猫? と思ってシャッターを切ったら逃げられ。
" Oh, lovely two ... Kittens!" I took a photo of the cats, then they ran away.
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower スキマ草

2014年07月04日 | 日記

At the street gutter
There are grass gathering
Like a alpine meadow

側溝とか排水溝など、水回りには必ずと言っていいほど、こーいった草木草花タチがの姿が見られると思います。何かイイナァと眺めてしまうワケです。ナンデイイと思うのか、理由は分かりません。何でしょう? …敢えて言えば、"無機質で武骨な風景を和らげる"効果を感じるから…とか? "小さな草花が一箇所に集まって一生懸命生きてる姿が健気な感じがしていい"…トカ? そーいうのもアルカモですが、見た瞬間、「へへ、イルネ」のよーな、その存在が楽しいと言う方が近いですかね。
Something like street gutter, we can see many little greens around there. I like them. I don't know why. Well, there would be some reasons... I think that they would make sceneries soft and comfortable. Or, greens would get and live together at one place with their very best. I think they could become its reasons. Actually, I love and enjoy to see them.
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日乗 daily - インコ poll parrot goods

2014年07月03日 | 日記

poll parrots heal
Human beings

Recently, poll parrots or little bards are booming, even it's real or goods. I found the display at the shop in the first basement of Tokyo Station. I thought that it was true, and they were lovely.

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博物館 Museum - 故宮博物院 台北 The National Palace Museum, Taipei

2014年07月02日 | 日記

Finally we can reach
the jadeite cabbage
After keeping waiting in a long queue

台北の故宮博物院に行って、この「翠玉白菜」を閲覧してきた数人の友人から、ヘッド部分にこちらの白菜が乗っている耳掻きのお土産をもらったことがあったので、この白菜の存在は前から知ってました。今回博物館法に関する難しい法律やら何やらが解決したトカで、二週間ダケだけど貸してもらえることになった~とかで、日本にお越しいただけたよーです。(~7月7日まで。上野公園・東京国立博物館) そうか東京に来るのかぁ、観たいなあ、いつ台湾に行けるかワカランしなぁ、でチョイ迷いつつ行くか行かないか、行くならいついつ? と思案していたら、職場のヒトから「私台湾で観てきたんで」とチケットを譲っていただいたので先週の土曜日の夕方によっしゃ! 今でしょ! 的に行ってきました。この白菜のために費やした時間は正味40分程だったでしょうか。観察出来た時間は約1分もあったかどーか。ディズニーランドのアトラクションを待つのと似てますね。まあ百聞は一見に如かず。思ったより大きい、ということを知ることが出来ただけでも良かったーカナカナ。あそうそう、日本人の「ど根性しょうこんたましい」をそこで見ました。"白菜キティグッズが売ってましたヨ。
I've got a souvenir of the jadeite cabbage which is at the top of earpick. So I knew it already but I've never seen it before. This time, it came to Japan, now we can see it until 7th of July. I was thinking to go and see but I knew, there would have been a very very long long queue. Yes, I went, and yes, it was. I spent around 40 mins just to see the one. Well, OK, I was just given one minute to face it. I didn't know it was bigger than what I thought. OK, it is actually masterpiece.
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