There are three flowers
At the gap
細くて長い茎が、「え、コンナトコロから?」と思うよーなトコロ、土があるよーに見えないトコロから、しかも保護色的だし? でも気付けば先端にとても小さいけど、ユリに似た白くて清楚な小花がちょうど咲きごろな感じで。おやまあ。近くをキョロキョロと見回すとこの塀の持ち主の庭に仲間が点々と、各々一本ずつ独立していて同じように花を咲かせていました。種が拡散するタイプかにゃ。
A log thin culm is in the gap, such a very narrow space which looks like no soil. And it has nearly the same colour with the fence. Look at the point of culm, there are three flowers which are like white lily, small blooming now. Oh. Look around there, there are the same flowers in the garden over the fence. It must have spread its seeds.
There are three flowers
At the gap
細くて長い茎が、「え、コンナトコロから?」と思うよーなトコロ、土があるよーに見えないトコロから、しかも保護色的だし? でも気付けば先端にとても小さいけど、ユリに似た白くて清楚な小花がちょうど咲きごろな感じで。おやまあ。近くをキョロキョロと見回すとこの塀の持ち主の庭に仲間が点々と、各々一本ずつ独立していて同じように花を咲かせていました。種が拡散するタイプかにゃ。
A log thin culm is in the gap, such a very narrow space which looks like no soil. And it has nearly the same colour with the fence. Look at the point of culm, there are three flowers which are like white lily, small blooming now. Oh. Look around there, there are the same flowers in the garden over the fence. It must have spread its seeds.