猫三昧 Cat-loving - 夏、夜 at night in summer

2018年08月13日 | 日記

I saw a cat
There were many cicadas singing
Walking at night in summer


When we saw each other with our eyes, she(he?) just ran way, soon stopped, then settled down and started to stare at me. I was wondering if she would have suspected me... "who just feeds her then nothing bad to her". I tried hard to say to her in mind, "Yes, I'm a good human, only a good human...". I hope she correctly got my message. If I see her again, I will try to do my best.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 羽化する蝉 a cicada is now emerging

2018年08月12日 | 日記

Now you're emerging
Yourself believing
In a natural way


I'm not sure how many pupae did emerge at the night, I found one. When he(she) was staying for doing, there was a street-lump near by. It was bright by the lump, his white soft body that just coming out of his exuvia. I haven't seen "emerge" recently. I'm hearing your songs among many cicadas, right?
In these day, what things are fun for me, it's about all cicadas. Their songs, finding exuviae on the ground and emerging. Cicada, is one of representative for summer. I enjoyed myself being with them. It would be said, I'm really enjoying with this summer(?). Anyway.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋176 lost glove176

2018年08月11日 | 日記

at the summer night
There is an odd glove
On the sandpit


It's white, would not seem for UV protect. It might be... for work? The glove has got some additional small parts of cloth on itself, it would be leather or artificial leather. Why was it there? Dropped by someone? Where, how did it come here? Delivered by what? Who? At dusk, there was no one the sandpit, I was starring at the glove.... not a sussy person...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 夕陽色の天使のはしご(再び) the evening light's crepuscular rays again

2018年08月10日 | 日記

It is said that there are
Some angels who
Set the stairs down to the land


If you carefully look at the clouds in the photo, you could find some crepuscular rays. They are in red and orange, the sun colours. If would have got there a bit earlier time, I could have seen more beautiful ones. I really appreciate the sun-power that can create this landscape. I'm in awe of the sun...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - ヒカルカオ a lighting face

2018年08月09日 | 日記

In the dark
There is the cat
Whose face is lighting


...it's not lighting by him(her?)self, I gave him a light with my torch. During taking his photos, I did it. I was wondering if the light was ok to him, he seemed to be ok because he stayed at there for a bit while. But his face in the photo...oh my god. It's too brighten. Sorry for that.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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It’s about last year—オサンポ walk - 夏休みの花壇 a flower bed in a summer holiday

2018年08月08日 | 日記
オサンポ walk - 夏休みの花壇 a flower bed in a summer holiday
色々な花が咲いてる夏休みThere are many kinds of Flowers in a flower bedIn a summer holiday なんか......


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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「人間関係 境界線の上手な引き方」how to keep good relationship with others

2018年08月08日 | 日記

Even between two people
There would be
The boundary


That boundary cannot be seen...that's why, we sometimes would get in trouble... with other's relationships. I was worried about that very much for a long time ago. I've learnt many things from those experiences, I've got something that I understood by that. The book told me, my kind of answers are right. Good.
@The book is only written in Japanese. But I think you could find similar books in your country's language. If you are interested in the book.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - それは木っ端 a scrap piece of wood

2018年08月07日 | 日記

There is a cat
Getting close to with wiping sweat
It's a scrap piece of wood

猫好きなので、どこでもいつでも「猫」に会えると嬉しいと思うくらい目が曇って(?)いるので、何かを見て猫?っと思ってしまうことが多いです。この時がそうでした。でも、ここにとどまっていることが少し不自然に思える場所で、見つけてから動く気配がしない。もしかして…まさかのデッドボディ?? っと、近づきながらドキドキが強くなっていきそうになったのですが、あらまの木っ端と言いますか、折れて落ちた?枝でした。猫じゃなくて残念でしたが、デッドボディじゃないのは良かった。という、なんということない、散歩途中の一幕です(んません…)。

I love cat, I am happy to see cats anytime, anywhere and any moment. So that? Sometimes I get wrong, I see something as a cat. This time, about the photo, at the beginning, I thought there was a cat. But about the place, it was a bit strange for cats being there. From the moment I found the cat, he(she?) never moved. If he was dead... my heart started beating fast, when I got close to him, I discovered he was a scrap piece of wood. Or, a dropped broken branch from the tree. I was disappointed it was not a cat but I was happy it was not a dead body of cat, it was just the wood. It's just a little story.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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オサンポ walk - 夏の夜の花 the flowers at night in summer

2018年08月06日 | 日記

This red flower
Is what
In a summer‘s night


If it wouldn't be necessary to go out for something during daytime(we see the sun), I wouldn't like to go out. If so, only I go out when it's night.
Why I tell you about that, when my photos are in dark on the blog, it must have been taken at night. Yes.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - カラスふん poo of the crows

2018年08月05日 | 日記

The crow in summer
Dropping poo
It's saying we're here


When I was waiting for the green light at the crossover point, the crow dropped poo. It was dangerous. I was going to get it on my head but my position was slightly far from the dropped point. I was ok.
Hi there, crows
I already knew you are all there
You don't need to tell me about your existence

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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