本州地区の古建築、古民家などを見ているとときどきお目に掛かるのが、写真のような瓦入りの土塀。初めて見たのは熱田神宮に織田信長が桶狭間合戦の勝利祈願をして、それがみごとに成就したのでお礼として奉納したとされる「信長塀」。なんでも「日本三大塀」として有名なんだそうで、あとのふたつは三十三間堂(正式には蓮華王院)の境内南端にある。桃山時代に豊臣秀吉が南大門と築地塀(太閤塀)を造営・寄進した「太閤塀」と、兵庫県の西宮神社にあり、室町時代に造られたとされている。境内の東から南側までめぐる 247m の土塀、東に表大門と潜門、南大門が付いている「大練塀」とのこと。
English version⬇
[Design texture of tile clay wall and wooden wall, Kumagusu Minakata's residence-6
A dialogue with the creator and owner of the 108-year-old building about the exterior design. The tile-laminated clay wall expresses the family character, and the wooden wall is a silent testimony of the climate and climate. ・・・・・・・.
When you see old buildings and houses in the Honshu area, you sometimes come across clay walls with tiles like the one in the photo. The first time I saw such a wall was at Atsuta Shrine, where Nobunaga Oda prayed for victory in the Battle of Okehazama, and it is said that he dedicated the “Nobunaga Fence” as a thank-you for the successful completion of his prayer. The other two are located at the southern end of the precincts of Sanjusangendo (officially called Rengeoin Temple). The “Taiko-Fence” was built and donated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in the Momoyama period (1573-1600), and the “Taiko-Fence” is located at Nishinomiya Shrine in Hyogo Prefecture and is said to have been built in the Muromachi period (1333-1573). It is a 247-meter earthen wall that runs from the east to the south of the shrine grounds, and the “Dairi Fence” with Omodaimon, Sukimon, and Minamidaimon attached to the east.
Of the three, only the Nobunaga Wall is this tiled earthen wall. It was built by kneading clay and lime with oil and piling up tiles, giving it a sense of elegance and power at the same time. Tiles occupy a unique position in Japanese culture as a high-end roofing material due to their massiveness and fire resistance, but they will eventually become waste material. Tile clay walls are made by reusing this waste material. The balance between the soil and the tiles may be a major design element, but in this Minakata Kumagusu residence, an extremely large number of tiles are densely layered.
It is assumed that these tiles are reused from the roofing materials used since the Edo period, as the Minakata family was a warrior family placed in a pivotal position in the Ando family castle in Tanabe. It seems that this kind of design was adopted as one of the “expression of family status” during the Edo period. I am not sure if the owner expressed his wishes in the design of the piling, but the balance with the aged wooden walls is very pleasing.
The top photo shows the earthen wall in front of the main house, which can be seen from the main room of the main building, and it contrasts vividly with the vegetation that plays the main role. The second photo shows the side wall, which shows the harmony of the wooden wall.
The third photo demonstrates how the unpainted wooden walls will change over time in this Nanki region. I have not been able to cover whether there is a correlation between the depth of the roof's eaves and the way the wooden walls were put up.
It is perhaps an expression of a dialogue with the passage of time and climatic conditions on the west side of the Kii Peninsula over a period of 108 years. The wooden walls are divided into horizontal and vertical sections between the main building on the left and the storehouse/stacks on the right. I felt that this may be due to the fact that the storehouse has no “openings” other than the doorway, while the residential-use building has a large opening, and thus the method of lining may have been changed. I was delusional as to why the German-style clapboard cladding, a variant of horizontal cladding, became predominant in Hokkaido houses, while the regular horizontal cladding was the only choice in Japanese architecture as a specification for the high-rainfall climate.