三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)

【前田利家入城とオモシロ建築「五十軒長屋」 金沢城-3】

2024年11月30日 06時23分27秒 | Weblog


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Toshiie Maeda's Entry into the Castle and the Interesting Architecture of “Gojuken Nagaya” Kanazawa Castle-3
Kanazawa Castle, a religious castle, was overrun by the centralized power and transformed into a modern castle with a castle tower. The site of Ukon Takayama, a member of the Maeda family with 1 million koku. The...

In 1580, Shibata Katsuie and his subordinate Sakuma Morimasa attacked and occupied the Honganji-controlled Kanazawa Godo, which was the predecessor of this Kanazawa Castle. The Ichikyusho sect retreated to “Yoshizaki Gobo,” 55 km south of the castle. Gobo and other military and religious bases of religious forces in the Warring States period do not appear much in textbook histories, but it is interesting to note that they were relatively “popular” during that period.
 In my family tradition of Eiga in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture, we can see how a religious center called “Eiga Godo” exercised enormous power, but since it is a religious force that probably has a certain social influence even today, it seems that it has not been sufficiently analyzed objectively. However, considering the fact that religion has been deeply involved in human activities and has been a decisive factor in human history, I do not think that this is necessarily a scientific understanding of history. The existence of Nobunaga is an interesting aspect of “Japanese history” in light of a cutting-edge quantum scientist's theory that “death does not exist,” which I am currently reading. As for Japanese history, the “central military government” that burned down Mt. Hiei and suppressed the Ikkyu sect, matured toward the Tokugawa shogunate system while compromising with the religious powers. This may be unique in the history of the world.
 After the struggle and military clash between the forces of Katsuie Shibata and Hideyoshi, Toshiie Maeda, who had been a traitor from Shibata's side, entered Kanazawa Castle in 1583 as a result of his meritorious deeds after the Battle of Dokogatake. The Maeda family, always exercising their unique “weathercock” ability in the political climate that followed, would endure as the lords of Kaga's 1,000,000 goku (one million koku) until the end of the Edo period.
 Toshiie is said to have undertaken a large-scale castle construction project, including the construction of the castle tower and stone walls around the castle. The curious and aesthetically pleasing structure known as the “Gojyuken Nagaya” in this photo is located on the surrounding stonewalls. The next phase of Kanazawa Castle construction, from 1596 to 1615, is said to have been undertaken by Takayama Ukon, a Christian feudal lord who was “banished” by Hideyoshi, but who used his latest military fortification techniques.
 In the Age of Discovery, the political and military situation in Japan is said to have played a major role. The political and military situation in Europe had a great deal to do with the situation in Japan, and at the same time, it was a major focal point in world history.
 The 50-house row houses are unique in terms of architecture, and seem to have inherited a somewhat mysterious “individuality. The simplicity of its form is very appealing to me, and it gives me a sense of interest in the manner of Tadao Ando, a contemporary architect.
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【織田軍・佐久間盛政と一向一揆「金沢御堂」 金沢城-2】

2024年11月29日 06時07分37秒 | Weblog


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Oda's Army, Sakuma Morimasa and the Kanazawa Temple, Kanazawa Castle-2
Kanazawa Midou, the site of the final war in the Warring States period, where the religion based on supernatural phenomena and Oda Nobunaga's army's principle of action, “If you die, you have nothing” can be seen. ...

Today, again, I would like to talk about Kanazawa Castle. Exploring history and architecture is something that interests me more and more as I age. Recently, I have been reading a book titled “Death Does Not Exist” by Hiroshi Tasaka, a quantum physics researcher. 〜˜Till now, science based on materialism has denied the existence of an afterlife. Therefore, it has never been in agreement with religions that affirm the existence of an afterlife. In recent years, however, cutting-edge quantum science has proposed an interesting hypothesis. This “new hypothesis” suggests the possibility of the existence of an afterlife. 〜It is such an exciting area, isn't it?
 For a history buff like myself, I am somewhat excited because I feel that this is an extremely powerful connection with cutting-edge science. I think it's also closely related to the timeless dialogue between the ancients and moderns. I am being pulled along by the scientific rigor of the written language, and I feel as if I am objectively “assessing” my own aging. I hope to write more about this reading experience in due course.
 This is a bit of a side road, but I think it is possible to approach historical figures and, at the same time, to approach the architecture and housing they left behind in a cutting-edge way. Especially in Kanazawa, a battle between religious forces and tyrannical power was being waged. Religion was based on a kind of supernatural human experience, whereas tyranny was based on military rule and the triumph of powerful central authority over the interests of the present world.
 The starting point of Kanazawa Castle is said to be the “Kanazawa Godo,” which was the base of the Ikko Putsch. 1546, priests from Honganji Temple were sent down to form the “Terauchi-machi” (temple town). The “Midou” was a kind of fortress for the religious power of the Ikkyu sect during the Warring States period. The Hokuriku Kanazawa area, which had developed into a major cultural center, was an important geopolitical and military center. The Hokuriku area, where the Ikkyu Sect was flourishing, became the center of religious belief and a major force supporting Honganji both economically and politically.
 Oda Nobunaga's army attacked the religious power's stronghold. This final battle of the warring states period was fought with great intensity throughout the country. It was probably the greatest phase of de facto domestic warfare in Japan.
 The battle ended with the capture of the Kanazawa Palace by Oda's forces, Katsuie Shibata and his nephew Morimasa Sakuma. After the capture, Morimasa Sakuma began construction of a castle to defend this strategic location against the counterattack of the revolting forces. This is said to be the original form of Kanazawa Castle that remains today. The figure is a portrait of Sakuma Morimasa as a warrior.

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2024年11月28日 06時10分50秒 | Weblog

 金沢城石川門 表門 城郭建築 / 江戸 / 中部 / 石川県
 江戸後期/1788年 高麗門、鉛瓦葺 石川県金沢市丸の内71番地

English version⬇

Kanazawa Castle “Ishikawa-mon Gate” (Ishikawa Gate)
About 10 years ago, I was exploring castle architecture. It was the starting point of my love for castles after I learned that they were classified as residences. The balance of stone, wood, and metalwork appealed to me. The stone, wood, and metalwork appealed to me.

 I have been taking a break from traveling around the country for a while, but I would like to gradually return to it starting today. My main interest is to look at houses and architecture from my work experience, so my main desire is to restore what I was thinking there in my brain from the huge amount of photos and information stored in my computer. If I get drawn into current topics, I inevitably get away from the main purpose of the blog.
 So this is Kanazawa Castle, which I visited in January of the winter of 2015. This is a photographic record from almost 10 years ago. Please forgive me if there have been any changes in the local architecture since then. As for exploring castle architecture, I was strongly interested in Nobunaga's Azuchi Castle, which I visited at the same time. It is said that castle architecture is a kind of “residence” as a classification of architecture, which is a sorting category in the broad sense of the word. I was informed of this at the exhibition “Is Japanese Architecture Peculiar?” at the National Museum of Japanese History. I suppose it is classified that way because, academically speaking, it is “not palace or religious architecture.
 And today, it is “gates. Considering the nature of its architectural purpose, the gate of a castle is largely a killing device against enemy attack. Cultural Heritage Online has the following summary description.
 Kanazawa Castle Ishikawa Gate Front Gate Castle architecture / Edo / Chubu / Ishikawa
 Late Edo period / 1788, Korai-mon Gate, lead tile roof, 71 Marunouchi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa
 Designation date: 19350513
 The Ishikawa Prefecture Council of History and Culture website also has the following description 〜It is a highly defensive gate consisting of a front gate, an inner turret gate, a continuation turret and a double turret surrounding the gate, and a drum wall extending to the left and right of the front gate. 〜The drum walls extend on both sides of the front gate.
 Oh, it is “Masugata”. This was a military architectural device to confine enemy forces that invaded the castle within a square area and destroy them from above with bows and guns. The photo is a view of the gate looking back from the inside of the square. I was fascinated by the vertical and horizontal design of the wooden door made of different materials.
 When you search for “Ishikawa Gate” on the web, you are mainly introduced to the “turret” structure on the side of the gate (left and right side of the gate in the front exterior photo), but I was struck by the sloping walls of stone walls on both sides and the discontinuous surfaces of the wood and metalwork seen from the inside. Perhaps he felt that the atmosphere created by the colors and materials told a story of the passage of time. The gate was built in the early Edo period, later destroyed by fire, and rebuilt in 1788, so it has withstood the winds and snow of 236 years of history. The scale and expression of the gate are very attractive. The main aesthetic of our house, too, is the harmony of the wooden structure with the basic block structure. I think it is a kind of familiarity.
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2024年11月27日 06時16分28秒 | Weblog


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Japanese society is in the midst of an uncertain early winter.
The shameful behavior of the government officials has gradually damaged the nation's credibility. The next legitimacy to reverse the situation is yet to be seen. Must the people be prepared? ...

 The photo shows the pond in Maruyama Park, Sapporo, the day before yesterday. Sapporo has been experiencing a swing back from finally having snow recently to having warm air again. Overall, the seasonal pattern is that of early winter in the midst of global warming.
 The recent “sense of instability” in Japan seems to be a reflection of such climate change, which is having a great impact on the public sentiment. Today's issue is “social structure including politics of Japan as a whole.
 The Ishiba administration is an administration that is a straight reflection of this kind of current situation in Japan. When the budget-related wait-and-see political situation will soon begin to move, will we be plunged into a storm without denial? Yesterday, the government announced to the press that it would accept the policies of the KDP, and for the time being, it will probably try to manage the government within the framework of the autocratic government, but since it has handed over control of the Budget Committee to the first opposition party, we are entering a political situation where it is completely unclear what the budget deliberations will look like.
 Meanwhile, on the diplomatic front, the “Trump shift,” which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been pushing for quite some time, has been met with a curt “no” from Ishiba, and the Japan-U.S. alliance, the cornerstone of Japanese diplomacy, is becoming increasingly unstable. In addition, as the prime minister of a country, the leader of the world's third largest economy, he is either unaware of the fact that he is the prime minister of a country, or his human defects are exposed in the light of his mannerisms.
 In view of this situation, the Japanese people may have to be prepared for a relative decline in national credibility in the world in the future. In Europe, Germany's position is wobbling, and the possibility of similar or greater damage to the national interest is increasing. This administration is daily exposing the unprecedented situation in which Japan, which has achieved phenomenal economic growth in the postwar world and established a stable element in the Pacific region, is now on the verge of a crisis.
 At the same time, a major change has begun to emerge in the conventional social structure of public opinion, with the Hyogo gubernatorial election as a symbolic stage for this change. The structure itself, which has been dominated by the combination of politics and the mass media, is being shaken to its core. At the moment, the mass media seem to be repeatedly reporting news that is intended to defend the vested interests of the past. In addition, there is a chaotic situation in which such “opportunities to take advantage of” have been created.
 It remains to be seen whether the situation will stabilize quickly and significantly. It does not appear that the future situation will stabilize in the near future. How will Japanese society be able to cope with the budget deliberations from the end of the year to the compilation of the next fiscal year's budget, and with the inauguration of the Trump administration?
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2024年11月26日 06時15分17秒 | Weblog


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Japanese Poetic Mind and Musicality, What is a 5-7 word melody?
How were these poems “sung” in the Manyo world of poetry? What was the melody sung by the immensely beautiful Nukata-ou? ...

 As I get older and my professional life comes to a certain end, my “spirit of inquiry” into the many questions I have been asking myself in my life is beginning to rear its head a little more and more.
 Yesterday I wrote about Simon and Garfunkel's famous song “Winter Walk” in my blog, and I have been wondering about the “musicality” of Japanese poetry, which I have been feeling since I lived in the postwar world in the Japanese cultural sphere. In our generation, we have already been exposed to “traditional” enka (traditional Japanese ballad) music, and then to the music of Yuzo Kayama's “Wakadaisho” series, the Beatles, Ueki and others, as well as foreign music such as Simon and Garfunkel.
 He has continued to live in the midst of stimuli from both “poetry and music. The melody of a song is integrated with the words of the poet in a song, and the melody becomes a part of the song and is memorized.
 It has been permeating our brains in the form of media such as television, movies, and records. We were living in the midst of such a flood of musicality. On the other hand, however, I did not think that we were the only ones who were aware of such a variety of “musicality.
 It is often said that things like melodies are difficult to record. It is said that it is difficult to scientifically prove how the ancient poems of Manyo were “vocalized”. On the other hand, poetic texts have survived to the present day because they were recorded as “written words. The Missing Link of Musicality.
 However, I imagine, for example, that the poetic text that King Nukata is said to have sung at night in the port of Nukitazu on his way to the “World War” at Hakumuragang was accompanied by a deep musicality by all accounts.
 The song, “Wait for the moon, and the tide will go out, now that we are going to sail to Nikitatsu,” must have been sung in real life as a “songstress” on the government side to inspire the soldiers to go to war. One can imagine the visionary scene of an immensely beautiful woman, favored by two emperors, agitating the soldiers in the back of a reddish bonfire. Thus, I have been asking myself what kind of melody or melody was actually the “musicality” that appeared in the poetic texts.
 In response to such questions, there is a theory that “culture remains at the margins. This is a theory that the leading-edge culture in the center of the Japanese cultural sphere gradually “ripples” through festivals and other occasions in various regions, and that at the end, the remnants of the culture are purified and remain at the fringes of the sphere.
 With this in mind, I have maintained a strong interest in the versification and melodic nature of Tsugaru jongara and Soma bon-uta. I have a fantasy that there is a purely Japanese ancestor of Kotoba and musicality.
 It is a long way to go, but I would like to keep it as a theme area for a long time.
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【札幌2024 『冬の散歩道』高齢夫婦】

2024年11月25日 06時10分44秒 | Weblog

 『Hazy Shade of Winter』という原題、タイトルに忠実であれば「冬の霞んだ影」となってくるのが自然だろう。その霞んだ、が重要な内面表出・シャウト部分のように感じる。それが『冬の散歩道』となった事情はよく知らない。また当時は受け手としてそこまで解釈や和訳というものに踏み込みたいとまでは思わなかった。タイトルと音調が不釣り合いであろうがなかろうが、騒がしい青春期のいっときを激しく記憶させてくれるものだった。
 で、『冬の散歩道』とタイトルを書いてみたら、あのタイトルの不思議さに半世紀ぶりに気付かされてしまった。え、なんでさ? そうか、あの曲が冬の散歩道というタイトルだったなぁとアタマのなかで小さく鳴り響かせながら、その邦題の違和感にあらためて驚いている。

English version⬇

Sapporo 2024 “Winter Walkway” An Elderly Couple
The title of the famous song by Simon and Garfunkel, which you will notice after writing “Winter Walking Path”. The discomfort of the tune with the static photographic scene. An interesting divergence. ...

 Simon and Garfunkel's classic song was familiar to my ears during my high school and college years, a time when music and daily life were in close proximity, which is quite different from today. The tune was up-tempo and evoked a part of the psychology of youth that did not match the title of the song. The season, too, seemed to be a natural backdrop for the fall and winter months.
 If the original title “Hazy Shade of Winter” is true to its title, “Hazy Shade of Winter” would be a natural choice. I feel that “Hazy” is an important part of the inner expression and shout. I am not familiar with the circumstances that led to the title “Winter Walks. At the time, as a recipient, I did not want to go that far into interpretation or Japanese translation. The title and the tone may or may not be disproportionate to each other, but it was something that made me remember a moment of my noisy youth with intensity.
 The photo shows yesterday's positive walkway scene in Maruyama Park in Sapporo City for the purpose of improving the health of the elderly.
 In the world of Japanese sensibility, tanka poetry, and the world of Kacho Fugetsu (flower, bird, and the moon), the image of a “winter walkway” is naturally expressed by the “quiet sound effect” of the falling snow - the noise from the ground and trees, which become various sound sources, is softly blocked out. In fact, when I captured this photo on my iPhone, I intended to capture it as such a tanka-like epic scene.
 And when I wrote the title “Winter Walks,” I realized for the first time in half a century the strangeness of that title. Well, why? I was surprised again at the incongruity of the Japanese title, while thinking that the song was titled “Winter Walking Path.
 For people of my generation, music that accompanies us in life is completely out of the picture. We are far away from so-called “popular songs,” the kind of music that songs bring to the world (see ......). I have no interest in what is going on in the music scene today.
 However, when I occasionally listen to the background music of my youth, I am quickly and intensely stimulated by nostalgia. On the other hand, there is probably a sense of immersion in Japan's traditional short-form culture. And since enka, contemporary Japanese music culture has become detached from the scenes of ordinary people's lives. I, at least, have spent a long time of my working life in an almost silent background.
 Perhaps, in the Japanese tradition, the enka-like worldview that naturally emerged from life has continued to live on as something derived from the short-form culture.
 I would like to explore this aspect. Now, let's see.
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2024年11月24日 05時53分21秒 | Weblog


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Nigiri-zushi at a family reunion for the first time in a long time.
In Japanese common people's history, the staple food of rice was not white rice, but rice mixed with many grains. Sushi rice is a kind of special food. Sushi is such a culture. Nostalgically enjoy the physical movement of nigiri. Nigiri

 Recently, we have been drastically reducing the amount of rice, which is the basis of our business, as “weight loss” is our first priority from a health standpoint. Until now, the usual amount of rice cooked each morning was 3 cups for a married couple plus one person, but now we cook only about 1 cup of white rice. Now we cook about 1 cup of white rice, to which we add about 0.2 cups of azuki beans and 9-grain rice. This is the traditional basic food of the Japanese people, as often mentioned when studying Kunio Yanagida's folk history.
 As a result, our rice intake is about half of what it used to be. As a result of such a change in habits, weight loss has been achieved there. However, this is a “means” for health management, not an end, so we are moving toward eating smaller portions without any joys or sorrows.
 However, as we become accustomed to this kind of eating habit, we are becoming more and more separated from the food culture menu of nigiri-zushi. Until now, we have been in the habit of buying a variety of ingredients with the motive of “Oh, I'll make this at the next sushi party.
 Inevitably, such items accumulate in the freezer.
 Yesterday, my daughter and her husband came over and decided to cook something interesting together, and they ordered me to make nigirizushi as their staple food. Oh, yes, that's right.
 Since I had just finished writing, I decided to clean out the freezer. I had “thawed” the ingredients from the day before and processed them about five hours before making the sushi.
 Then, for the first time in a very long time, I cooked 5.5 cups of white rice-only sushi rice.
 I spread the cooked sushi rice into a bare wooden sushi tub, seasoned it, and enjoyed the physical motion of “nigiri” filled with nostalgia (laugh).
 The ingredients were salmon, octopus, broiled eel, scallops, bonito tataki, and shrimp. The shrimp was frozen, but I grilled it in the Honshu style before filleting it. I grew up in Hokkaido, and I have a vivid memory of eating this kind of “cooked shrimp” for the first time when I lived in Yokohama City for the first time, and now I have such a beautiful memory.
 I guess I want to relive that kind of surprise one more time. There is a theory that this kind of mental image is very beneficial as a “health factor” of the mind. Being reminded “fondly” of a certain scene contributes to the activation of the mind.
 Well, with such a feeling ruminating in my mind, I mindlessly held all 88 cans. I was enjoying a day off in a relaxed mood.
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2024年11月23日 05時49分24秒 | Weblog


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Kiwi” tropical fruit planted for trial in Sapporo, Hokkaido
Land and architecture are the basic factors of a house. Various “patterns of life” are layered in the environmental conditions. Experimentation and ingenuity leave their traces. Full of sourness. Sourness.

 Yesterday, various work progress was being made on our house 2.0. Construction work will continue toward the end of the year, depending on the snowfall.
 This is the fourth time I have been involved in construction and land-related projects. Each time the location, environment, and other conditions differ greatly, but I feel that this kind of experience is a major “deciding factor” in each person's life.
 The concept of “working hard,” which has been spun out over the course of the history of the Japanese people, is something that is very much in our blood and has been connected to us for a long time. The concept of “home” is inherited by the land beyond the individual, and I strongly feel that I am a part of such a large “Mayu”. It is natural to think about what one should do for the “family” to continue to exist.
 My father was born in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, where my grandfather moved to the suburbs of Iwamizawa City, Hokkaido, from the suburbs of Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture. He sold the farmhouse there, moved to Sapporo, and restarted his business as a food manufacturer. When the first business location in Sapporo had to be relocated due to road widening, he moved to Nishi Ward, Sapporo, and built a full-scale factory-integrated building. He left the land and the house behind and passed away.
 He left the land and the house behind and passed away. As the youngest son, I have already had three such experiences.
 While reminiscing about such a process, I will be thinking about the near future, about 30 years from now, and how I should devise a way to make it happen. As I was looking around with such vague thoughts in my mind, I noticed a small “kiwi” fruit growing in the garden.
 My father-in-law had planted them when he built this house more than 20 years ago. The tiny one on the right in the photo is the one on the left. The peeled one is also in the photo. On the left is a fine kiwi that I happened to have bought at the supermarket.
 I don't know why I wanted to plant such a tropical fruit. But it made me smile to think that my father-in-law, who was in the landscaping business, might have mobilized all the gardening knowledge he had acquired and experimented with it.
 The climate conditions were completely different, so the crop this year was very tiny. After peeling the grapes, I was a little afraid to put them in my mouth, but they were almost all sour, and a sense of disappointment spread through my mouth. But after that, I felt like bursting into laughter and smiling. I felt like applauding him for having experimented with this tree.
 I would like to keep this tree and “inherit” its ingenious efforts from next year onward (laugh).
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2024年11月22日 04時35分23秒 | Weblog


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A thank-you greeting at the relocation of our 2.0 neighbor's company.
The neighborhood is a cluster of companies. The neighborhood is very dry, but at the same time, “companies are people,” so we are always grateful for the company's hospitality. ...

 By yesterday, I had finally finished the draft of the project that was in progress. This will set the basic direction for me and my “company” from now on, so I have carefully checked it over and finally finished it. The goal of this second stage of work is now in sight.
 I have also just finished communicating with a land surveyor and a judicial scrivener for the registration of my house. In relation to this, a major company in the neighboring land is going to demolish its office building and start construction work for another use, so I paid a visit to express my gratitude for all the help I had given them.
 In a normal detached house, the neighborhood next door would generally be residential, but in this area, all the neighbors are companies, so we have to “get to know” them on that basis. As someone who has been in the corporate world for a long time, I think this kind of condition is very clear and suits my nature. However, even so, in the end, as the saying goes, “a company is only as good as its people,” and human relationships will never change. I think it is important to express our gratitude at each milestone in our relationships.
 We have had a long history with our neighbors, and since we have been informed of their new location, we would like to build a long-lasting relationship with them. I think it is about time for me (laugh), but it is better to do what we can do for the next generation.
 The photo shows the remains of trees that were cut down in conjunction with the boundary change. Just a few days ago, it was covered in soil, but now, exposed to snow and rain, even the smallest parts of the roots have begun to appear. It looked a bit like the body of an animal. However, there was nothing gruesome like a “carcass” of an animal, and this was a kind of beauty (laugh). It was more like an assertion of the power of life force. It will probably be put away soon, but it looks like a bright impression.
 Next week, demolition and land preparation work will begin at the neighbor's site, and the tidying up of the boundary area is also likely to proceed. As for us, we would like to confirm the trend of such a large company, and then gradually move toward the optimal use of the site as a local small and medium-sized company and individual.
 I feel that the outlook is becoming clearer and clearer, both for my immediate work and for the construction of the environment in the near future. From the state of “Home 2.0,” it seems that changes in the environment, such as business succession, are progressing further, and a future form that could be called “Myself 2.0” is taking shape.
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2024年11月21日 06時27分27秒 | Weblog


English version⬇

Is there a counterpoint between the established media and SNS information?
Some of the commentators, who are conveniently used by the established media, made comments that taunted the people. The very ugliness of the electorate. ...

 I'm getting more and more focused on my work, but the time for updating my blog, although I have decided to do so, is looming every day. At the moment, however, there is not much time left in my mind to update my blog.
 The aftermath of the Hyogo gubernatorial election seems to be still going on, and various “changing factors” seem to be coming out. It seems that the chaotic situation since the last Tokyo gubernatorial election is expanding. There is no doubt that the “structure” of Japan's electoral system is emerging from a macroscopic perspective.
 It seems that a major change is taking place in the basic structure of the conventional left-right conflict. The existence of the established media itself, which until now had been untouchable, is now being brought up to the top. The media is also a part of the established “power structure,” and I believe that the confusion is a result of the fact that it has also come to be illuminated as a major point of contention.
 In fact, the “public opinion” that has been created by the established media is being largely shattered by the transmission of information through social networking services. It seems that a small number of people, who have been jumping on the established media as much as they like, are spreading a rumor that “the people of Hyogo Prefecture have been deceived by false information on SNS.
 Such reactions themselves have triggered antipathy among many people and have become somewhat “inflammatory. Although people are free to make their own opinions, there is no doubt that the existing media itself is complicit in this kind of discourse. As for the existing media, they have completely diverged from the “will of the people” and seem to be seriously confused as to how they should accept this.
 NHK's chairman has stated that the established media should take a fresh look at their footing with regard to future election coverage. As a public broadcaster, this seems to be a reasonable announcement. However, we will have to wait and see how the situation develops in the future.
 It is an undeniable fact that the public is becoming increasingly skeptical of the media's reporting. It is difficult to win the trust of users unless the media is sincere about its original function of impartiality and neutrality.
 The discourse that the people of the prefecture are being “foolishly” deceived, so to speak, is a clear indication of their own ugly “electorate” mentality. It seems very “dangerous” for such a trend to expand.
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