文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The following is a feature article on page 2 of the Nikkei newspaper

2013年12月11日 23時25分01秒 | 日記

I send the real image of Abe cabinet to the editorialist of New York Times which wrote the editorial of the preceding chapter.

The following is a feature article on page 2 of the Nikkei newspaper has started 2013/12/10 under the heading of "Abe administration one year".

"I took a risk"

“Abenomics makes succeed by all means. Has come at a time when just have to think ahead about time.”

November 15 evening, Shinzo Abe ( 59) of the Prime Minister touched the next move while tasting blowfish sashimi with Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso (73) in the official residence.

Kinoshita Yasushi of the financial undersecretary (56) The encouragement to the next year budgetary process is a name about that the dining which included Ministry of Finance executive is done.

But the topic was moved to the fate of economic policy naturally.

Aso said "The U.S. led to sub- prime crisis in the financial run to say the economy is getting better because," What “important to manufacturing. It should clearly show the attitude to use the money to be strongly industry.” he preached that.

Abe nodded "We know.”

Abenomics is that “Three Arrows” monetary easing, fiscal stimulus, and the growth strategy. While it feels the response of certain of the economy of the feet, Abe leak it, "We spread the rest” around.

Profit expansion by the corporation increases by the wage, is it possible to join it and how does it make beneficence prevail in the district, too?

It is "capitalism of the Land of Vigorous Rice Plants (Japan) " that it plans as the new goal.

It is rather than the law of the jungle, to explore the economic model of its own with an emphasis on manufacturing.

(It is not survival of the fittest and it searches the independent economic model which thought much of the manufacturing.)

What is the difference with before by 6 years which were compelled to do the station on the way replacement of the prime minister within 366 days?

Abe recalls, “There was a shift in policy that I want to do and that people want in the first -order regime. 2nd regime was to the economy top priority “he said.

Power base is linked to economic trends. Strong political opponent is just not found in Nagata-cho, line of sight is oriented such as “market” and “public opinion “.

Nikkei Stock Average of administration inception of December 26 last year was¥ 10,230.

Abe’s every day to worry about the stock price board in the office.

“Although I announced a growth strategy with much effort, it goes down why “.

Impatience was stained in mid- June it announced the first wave of growth strategy.

It showed frowns "wall of ¥ 15,000 it does not quite be exceeded," said in early November.

It was in a good mood to be “up unusual” stock prices and to recover the 15,000 yen to stand about half years on November 15.

The figure which is different from the official remark which repeats “that it doesn't have joy and sorrow in quick alternation” can be had a glimpse of.

Cabinet approval rating is also a concern. “Support rate is not lowered so much." In October that final decision to raise to 8% of the sales tax rate in April next year, read carefully the poll of media outlets, and showed an expression of relief.

November 20, luncheon at the official residence of the prime minister U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy (56).

Male executives of more than one offer, but the presence, Abe refused to advance.

“It’s no good because not only put women ministers. Anything is important impression. Consciously what is seen, how it is received." Two people of Mori Masako (49) of the declining birth rate and Minister Inada Tomomi (54) of administrative reform minister , and was appointed to sit it appealed the positive promotion of women .

Became a big milestone in the handling of the government of the first year, it was the success of the bid to host Olympics in Tokyo September 7.

Way back from Buenos Aires, Argentina (IOC) General Assembly was held the International Olympic Committee, Abe gave a toast in government aircraft during.

Was said so as not to stand in front of the prime minister of the bid from business leaders and big-shot politician "Actually, the (51) Cabinet Deputy Secretary, Seko Hiroshige.

“Talking is damaged in Abenomics if it fails and ... “, Prime Minister was transformed into a serious expression.

“I 'm taking a risk. I know that it does not know Olympics may or may not be able to bid.

It is the work of the politician that takes risk.

Take a risk, in order to be successful it, I made a maximum effort.”

That the Liberal Democratic Party won a sweeping victory in succession House of Representatives election in December last year, and the House of Councillors election in July this year, and solidified the foundation for stable government in the hands of their own has become a source of self-confidence of Abe.

Morning November 25, official residence of the prime minister.

In the study session with secretary et al ahead in the afternoon the question of the Upper House Committee on Audit, it's the time when I was talking to respond to the question of opposition lawmakers on constitutional interpretation review of the right to collective self-defense.

One of the attendees and propose "better to answer carefully will be good,"but Abe argued.

"Reluctantly, that the answer enters a keeper is hopeless.
. I refute. Field of security is not that kind of situation. It would have seen a problem of air defense identification zone of China. It’s not if you are going out to the theological controversy”

The consideration to the New Komeito blurs but there is not a forever reserved feeling. At the press conference in the evening on the 9th which received the ending of the extraordinary session of the Diet, it emphasized the meaning of the conclusion of the National Security Council (Japanese NSC) act-of-incorporation and the specific security mood once more.

It is watching the good opportunity which comes up with Abe color while picturing the strategy of the long-term power.

One full year in the 16th from last year's general election. we follow the reality of the Abe administration, which aims to "politics decide".

( Omitting of titles from names )


2013年12月11日 23時23分37秒 | 日記

뉴스 위크 잡지 2013년 12월 10일 문제 , "중국 의 뱃속 중 일본 과 미국 을 자극 하는 "


갑자기 , 그것은 센카쿠 제도 에 로 설정

" 방공 식별 구역 " 의 계산 착오 와 확률 중국군

영향 이나 방어 , 일본 의 보안 정책 에 나가

그것은 제목

특집 기사 를 읽고 J 는 · 버크셔 밀러 ( 전략 국제 연구 태평양 포럼 연구원 미국 센터 ) , 뉴욕 타임즈 , 어떤 수준 의 신문 되었다 , 그것은 놀랐습니다.

뉴스 위크 일본 판 은 , 그것은 단지 약 100,000 사본을 가입 하지만, 되지 않았지만 같은 놀라움 을 느낀 사람들이 많았다 한다 .


중국은 아시아 의 영토 문제 에허세 를 걸었다 .


중국 지도자 가 미국의 의도를 오해 한 적이 있습니까 , 반복 된 몇 가지 주요 미국 언론 의 잘못된 분석에 기여 했을 수 있습니다 .

25 일 중국 의 ADIZ 을 비난 하면서 , 뉴욕 타임스는 " 자극 했다 (센카쿠 문제 에서 ) 하지만, 매우 강경 한 아베 신조 총리 가 이끄는 일본 내각 은 "다른 손을 주장 그는 말했다. 게시 된 편집 내용 일치 중반 에 일본 정부 가 신중하게 다루어 져야 오바마 행정부 를 모욕 했다.

당신은 등 중국 에 대해 극단적 인 표현을 사용하거나 공격적인 태도 를 보여줍니다 수있다 " 아베 는 외교 정책 애국 경고 를 촬영하고있다 , 그러나 미국과 일본 에 대한 위험 . 오바마 정부가 일본 의 이익을 보호해야합니다 , 아베 정부는 부풀어 될 향상 바보 위험 에 영향을 미치고, 이로 인한 중국과의 긴장 하지 않으려면 해야합니다. "

일반적으로 그것은 방법 이 중립 미국 정부 의 주장 뷰의 오해 해서는 안된다.

그러나 중국 은 미국의 반응을 misjudges 현실에서 실수를 했다.

마지막 부분을 생략

아베 내각 에 대해 같은 뉴욕 타임즈 등 의 판단을 전달 몇 가지 괜찮은 일본 사람들 은 없습니다.

" 자기 증대 " 지식인 과 한국 ,중 하나 이외의 도덕 은 또한 집에 없습니다.

또한 뉴욕 타임즈 , 그것은 신문 모두 에서 이 깜짝 놀랐다 입니다 전혀 다른 매스 미디어 의 도덕" 자기 증대 " 일본 의 .

이 기사 최근 일본 의 통치 기간 동안 한국 에 대한 모든 최근의 노출 문서 의 무지 에서 결정되면 , 소개 된 , 이름 의 파시즘 교육 에서 자란 미국 기자 한국 12 세의 정신 의 반일 교육을 말한다 그는 그것이 당신이 큰 소리 를 제기 했을 것이라고 추측 할 수 있지만, 나이 가 많습니다 .

그 후, 그렇지 않은 , 경우에 , 확실히신문 상당히낮은 수준 있다는 사실 이다 .


2013年12月11日 23時22分44秒 | 日記

新闻周刊二○一三年十二月十日号, “出中国的腹部挑起日本和美国的”






阅读特稿·J·伯克希尔·米勒(美国为中心的战略与国际研究太平洋论坛研究员) ,纽约时报,什么是这个级别的报纸,它很惊讶。





25 ,同时谴责中国的防空识别,纽约时报宣称另一方面“ (在尖阁问题)已被挑起,但超强硬的日本内阁总理领导安倍晋三”,他说。发表社论内容不一致中旬上被不尊重日本政府,奥巴马政府认为他们应该认真解决。

您可以使用极端的表达对中国等,或显示积极的姿态, “安倍已经采取了外交政策爱国惊人,但它是危险的,美国和日本。奥巴马政府必须保护日本的利益,安倍政府应该以不影响愚蠢的风险,强被自高自大,并与中国的紧张关系由这一点。 “









Newsweek номер журнала 2013/12/10 ,

2013年12月11日 23時22分02秒 | 日記

Newsweek номер журнала 2013/12/10 , " из чрева Китая спровоцировать Японию и Соединенные Штаты "

Восточная Азия

Вдруг , он установлен на более острова Сенкаку

Просчет и шансы китайские военные из " опознавательная зона ПВО "

Влияние или выйти в обороне и политике безопасности Японии

Это под названием

Читайте тематические статьи J · Беркшир Миллер ( США Центр стратегических и международных исследований Тихого океана форумов сотрудник ) , Нью-Йорк Таймс , и то, что было в газете этого уровня , это был удивлен .

Журнал Newsweek японская версия , хотя он не был подписан лишь около 100 000 копий , но люди, которые чувствовали то же самое удивление должно было много.


Китай поставил браваду в территориальном вопросе Азии также.


Китайские руководители неправильно понял намерение США , введенный в заблуждение анализ некоторых основных американских СМИ , который повторялся , возможно, были предоставлены .

25 , осуждая ADIZ Китая , Нью-Йорк Таймс утверждал другую руку " ( в вопросе Сэнкаку ) был спровоцирован , но ультра- ястребом Кабинет Японии во главе с премьер-министром Синдзо Абэ ", сказал он . Вышел в свет редакционное содержание противоречит середине -она неуважение японское правительство , администрацию Обамы , что они должны быть решены тщательно .

Вы можете использовать крайнее выражение против Китая и т.д., или показывает агрессивную позицию , " г-н Абе занял внешней политики патриотического вызывает тревогу , но это опасно для Соединенных Штатов и Японии. Правительство Обамы должна защищать интересы Японии , администрация Абэ должен не влияет глупый риск , что повышает превозносились , и напряженность в отношениях с Китаем по этой . "

Как правило, не должны получить это неправильно , что это вид , что правительство США претензий нейтралитета , в какую сторону это .

Тем не менее, Китай сделал ошибку в реальности, недооценивает реакцию Соединенных Штатов.

Пропустите последнюю часть

Разве это не мало достойных японцы , которые прошли суждение , таких как Нью-Йорк Таймс о Abe Кабинета .

Моралист , кроме " самовозвеличивания " интеллигенции и корейский, один из только и не дома .

Также Нью-Йорк Таймс , это удивлены иметь вообще былогазеты, которая не отличается СМИ морализм" самовозвеличивание " из Японии.

Если определено, из статьи в последнее время и подвергается статья невежество всех против Кореи в период правления Японии недавно был ввести , американские репортеры корейские , которые выросли в фашизма образования имени сказать антияпонской образования 12 -летний психического возраст часто , хотя он может догадаться, что это было бы поднял громкий голос вы находитесь.

Если после , что это не так, то это, безусловно, тот факт, что газета была низкий уровень значительно .

Newsweek questão 2013/12/10 revista ,

2013年12月11日 23時20分59秒 | 日記

Newsweek questão 2013/12/10 revista , "fora da barriga da China para provocar o Japão e os Estados Unidos"

Leste da Ásia

De repente, ela é definida como sobre ilhas Senkaku

Erro de cálculo e as probabilidades militar chinês de "zona de identificação de defesa aérea "

Influência ou sair em defesa e política do Japão de segurança

É intitulado

Leia artigos de J · Berkshire Miller (Centro dos EUA para Estratégico e International Ocean Pacific Studies Fórum Fellow ), o New York Times, e qual foi o jornal desse nível , ele ficou surpreso.

A revista Newsweek versão japonesa, embora não tenha sido subscrito apenas cerca de 100 mil cópias , mas as pessoas que sentiram a mesma surpresa deve eram muitos.


China colocou a bravata na questão territorial da Ásia também .


Os líderes chineses se tinha entendido mal a intenção dos Estados Unidos , uma análise equivocada de alguns grandes meios de comunicação dos EUA que foi repetido pode ter contribuído .

25 , enquanto condenando o ADIZ da China , New York Times afirmou que o outro lado " ( na edição de Senkaku ) foi provocado, mas ultra- hawkish Gabinete do Japão liderado pelo primeiro-ministro Shinzo Abe ", disse. Conteúdo editorial foi publicado inconsistente mid -on foi desrespeitar o governo japonês , o governo Obama de que eles devem ser abordados com cuidado.

Você pode usar a expressão extrema contra a China , etc, ou mostra postura agressiva ", o Sr. Abe assumiu uma política externa alarmante patriótico, mas é perigoso para os Estados Unidos e Japão . Governo Obama deve proteger os interesses do Japão, Abe deve administração para não afetar o risco estúpido que aumenta a ser inchado , e as tensões com a China por isso. "

Normalmente não deve errar é vista das reivindicações do governo dos EUA de neutralidade que maneira isso.

No entanto , a China tem feito um erro , na realidade, que julga mal a reação dos Estados Unidos.

Omitir a última parte

Não é poucas pessoas decentes japoneses que passaram julgamento , como o New York Times sobre o Gabinete Abe .

O moralista que não intelectuais " auto-engrandecimento " e coreano, um dos únicos também não está em casa .

Também New York Times, ele é surpreendido ao ter em tudo foi um jornal que não moralismo mídia de massa diferente de uma " auto-engrandecimento " do Japão .

Se for determinada a partir do artigo da recente e expostos artigo ignorância de todos contra a Coreia durante o reinado do Japão recentemente, foi introduzir , os repórteres americanos coreanas que cresceram em educação fascismo do nome dizer educação anti- japonês de 12 anos de idade mental, idade é muitas vezes , embora ele pode adivinhar que teria levantado uma voz alta que você é.

Se , após o que não é o caso , é sem dúvida o facto de que o jornal era um baixo nível consideravelmente .

Newsweek número de la revista 12/10/2013

2013年12月11日 23時20分09秒 | 日記

Newsweek número de la revista 12/10/2013 " Desde el seno de China para provocar Japón y los Estados Unidos"

Asia del Este

De repente , se establece a lo largo de las Islas Senkaku

Error de cálculo y las probabilidades militar chino de "zona de identificación de defensa aérea "

Influencia o salir en defensa y de seguridad de Japón

Se titula

Leer artículos de J · Berkshire Miller ( Centro de EE.UU. para el Foro Estratégico y Oceánico Internacional de Estudios del Pacífico Fellow) , el New York Times, y lo que era el periódico de este nivel, se sorprendió.

La revista Newsweek versión japonesa, aunque no se ha suscrito a sólo 100.000 copias, pero las personas que sintieron la misma sorpresa se fueron muchos.


China ha puesto la bravuconería en la cuestión territorial de Asia también .


Los líderes chinos han habían entendido mal la intención de los Estados Unidos, un análisis equivocado de algunos de los principales medios de comunicación estadounidenses que se repiten se podría haber contribuido .

25 , al tiempo que condena la ADIZ de China, New York Times afirmó por otra parte " ( en la edición de Senkaku ) había sido provocado , pero ultra- agresiva del Gobierno de Japón del primer ministro Shinzo Abe ", dijo. Contenido editorial fue publicado inconsistente mediados de fue faltando el respeto al gobierno japonés , el gobierno de Obama que deben abordarse con cuidado.

Usted puede utilizar la expresión extrema en contra de China , etc o muestra actitud agresiva , " el señor Abe ha dado un alarmante patriótica política exterior, pero es peligroso para Estados Unidos y Japón. El gobierno de Obama debe proteger los intereses de Japón , la administración Abe debe a no afectar el riesgo estúpido que mejora se envanece , y las tensiones con China por el este . "

Normalmente no debería hacerlo mal es la vista de las afirmaciones del gobierno de EE.UU. de neutralidad que manera esto.

Sin embargo , China ha cometido un error en la realidad que juzga mal la reacción de los Estados Unidos .

Omita la última parte

¿No es poca gente japoneses decentes que pasaron el juicio , como el New York Times sobre el gabinete de Abe .

El moralista que no sean intelectuales " auto-engrandecimiento " y de Corea , uno de los únicos también no está en casa .

También New York Times, que se sorprende de tener en absoluto fue un periódico que no es diferente moralismo medios de comunicación de una " auto-engrandecimiento " de Japón .

Si se determina del artículo de la reciente y se expone la ignorancia artículo de todos contra Corea durante el reinado de Japón recientemente , se introducen , los periodistas estadounidenses coreanas que crecieron en la educación fascismo del nombre dicen que la educación anti- japonesa de 12 años de edad mental, la edad es a menudo a pesar de que se puede adivinar que habría levantado una voz fuerte que eres.

Si , después de que no es el caso , es sin duda el hecho de que el periódico era un nivel bajo considerablemente .

Newsweek rivista 2013/12/10 ,

2013年12月11日 23時19分11秒 | 日記

Newsweek rivista 2013/12/10 , "fuori dal ventre della Cina per provocare il Giappone e gli Stati Uniti "

Asia orientale

Improvvisamente , è impostato su isole Senkaku

Errore di calcolo e le probabilità militare cinese di " zona di identificazione della difesa aerea "

Influenza o uscire in difesa e politica di sicurezza del Giappone

si intitola

Leggi articoli caratteristica J · Berkshire Miller ( US Center for Strategic Studies e internazionale Oceano Pacifico Forum Fellow ) , il New York Times , e quello che era il giornale di questo livello , è stato sorpreso .

Rivista Newsweek versione giapponese , anche se non è stato sottoscritto solo circa 100.000 copie , ma le persone che sentivano la stessa sorpresa dovrebbe erano molti.


La Cina ha messo la spavalderia nella questione territoriale dell'Asia anche .


I leader cinesi hanno avevano frainteso l'intenzione degli Stati Uniti , un'analisi sbagliata di alcuni dei principali media statunitensi che è stato ripetuto potrebbe essere stato contribuito .

25 , pur condannando il Adiz della Cina , New York Times ha sostenuto l' altra parte " ( nel numero di Senkaku ) era stato provocato , ma ultra- falco Gabinetto del Giappone, guidato dal primo ministro Shinzo Abe ", ha detto . Contenuto editoriale è stato pubblicato incoerente mid -on è stato il mancato rispetto governo giapponese , l'amministrazione Obama che dovrebbero essere affrontate con attenzione .

È possibile utilizzare l' espressione estrema contro la Cina , ecc o mostra atteggiamento aggressivo , "Il signor Abe ha adottato una politica estera allarmante patriottico , ma è pericoloso per gli Stati Uniti e il Giappone . Governo Obama deve tutelare gli interessi del Giappone , amministrazione Abe dovrebbe per non influenzare il rischio stupido che esalta essere gonfio , e le tensioni con la Cina di questo . "

Normalmente non dovrebbe sbagliare è vista delle rivendicazioni del governo statunitense di neutralità che modo questo .

Tuttavia, la Cina ha fatto un errore , in realtà, che misconosce la reazione degli Stati Uniti .

Omettere l'ultima parte

Non è sono poche persone decenti giapponesi che hanno superato il giudizio , come il New York Times circa l' Abe Gabinetto.

Il moralista diverso intellettuali " autoesaltazione " e coreano , uno dei più non è solo anche a casa.

Anche New York Times , si è sorpreso di avere a tutti è stato un giornale che non è diverso mass media moralismo di un " auto-esaltazione " del Giappone .

Se viene stabilito dall'articolo recente ed esposta articolo ignoranza di tutti contro la Corea durante il regno del Giappone di recente , è stato introdotto , giornalisti americani coreani che sono cresciuti nella formazione fascismo del nome dicono educazione anti- giapponese di 12 -year -old mentale l'età è spesso anche se può indovinare che avrebbe sollevato a gran voce che sei.

Se , dopo che non è il caso , è certamente il fatto che il giornale era un basso livello considerevolmente .

Newsweek 2013.12.10

2013年12月11日 23時17分59秒 | 日記

Newsweek 2013.12.10 Problem ", aus dem Bauch von China Japan und den Vereinigten Staaten zu provozieren "


Plötzlich , es zu über Senkaku-Inseln gesetzt

Fehlkalkulation und Chancen des chinesischen Militärs " LuftverteidigungszoneIdentifizierung "

Einfluss oder sich aus in Verteidigungs-und SicherheitspolitikJapans

Es betitelt

Lesen Feature-Artikel J · Berkshire Miller ( US- Zentrum für Strategische und Internationale Studien Pazifik Forum Fellow ), der New York Times, und was war die Zeitung von diesem Niveau , es war überrascht.

Newsweek japanische Version , obwohl es nicht nur etwa 100.000 Exemplare gezeichnet worden , aber die Leute , die die gleiche Überraschung fühlte sollten waren viele.


China hat die Tapferkeit in der territorialen Frage von Asien auch setzen .


Chinesischen Führer , hätte die Absicht der Vereinigten Staaten missverstanden , könnte eine fehlgeleitete Analyse von einigen großen US- Medien, die wiederholt worden beigetragen haben.

25 , während der Verurteilung der ADIZ China , New York Times behauptete der anderen Seite "(im Senkaku- Ausgabe) hatte provoziert worden, aber ultra- Falken Kabinett von Japan von Ministerpräsident Shinzo Abe geführt " , sagte er. Veröffentlicht wurde redaktionelle Inhalte inkonsistent Mitte wurde auf Missachtung der japanischen Regierung , die Obama-Regierung , die sie sorgfältig behandelt werden.

Sie können die extremen Ausdruck gegen China usw. verwenden oder zeigt aggressive Haltung ", Herr Abe hat eine Außenpolitik patriotischen alarmierend genommen , aber es ist für die Vereinigten Staaten und Japan gefährlich. Obama -Regierung muss die Interessen von Japan zu schützen, sollten Regierung Abe nicht zu beeinträchtigen dumm Risiko, das verbessert die aufgeblasen werden, und die Spannungen mit China durch diese . "

Normalerweise sollte es falsch , es ist Sichts der US- Regierung behauptet, der Neutralität , welchen Weg diese .

Allerdings hat China einen Fehler in der Realität , die die Reaktion der Vereinigten Staaten verkennt gemacht .

Lassen Sie den letzten Teil

Ist es nicht wenige Menschen, die anständig japanischen Urteil über die Abe Kabinett wie die New York Times.

Die andere als " Selbstverherrlichung " Intellektuellen und Koreanisch, einer der Moralist nur auch nicht zu Hause ist .

Auch New York Times , ist es überrascht zu haben wurde eine Zeitung, die nicht anders als Massenmedien Moralismus eines " Selbstverherrlichung " von Japan .

Wenn es aus dem Artikel der jüngste und Ignoranz ausgesetzt Artikel aller gegen Korea während der Herrschaft von Japan vor kurzem festgestellt , wurde eingeführt , amerikanische Reporter , die in Koreanisch Faschismus Bildung des Namens wuchs sagen anti-japanischen Erziehung der 12 -Jährige psychische Alter ist oft , obwohl er ahnt , dass es eine laute Stimme sind Sie aufgeworfen haben .

Wenn nach , dass es nicht der Fall ist , ist es sicherlich die Tatsache, daß die Zeitung einen niedrigen Pegel erheblich .

Newsweek question magazine 10/12/2013 ,

2013年12月11日 23時10分49秒 | 日記

Newsweek question magazine 10/12/2013 , " sur le ventre de la Chine pour provoquer le Japon et les Etats-Unis "

Asie de l'Est

Soudain , il est réglé sur sur les îles Senkaku

Erreur de calcul et les chances militaire chinoise de " zone d'identification de défense aérienne "

Influence ou de sortir dans la défense et la politique de sécurité du Japon

il s'intitule

Lire des articles de fond J · Berkshire Miller ( US Center for Strategic and international de l'océan Pacifique études Forum Fellow ) , le New York Times , et ce qui était le journal de ce niveau, il a été surpris .

Le magazine Newsweek version japonaise , même si elle n'a pas été souscrit seulement environ 100.000 exemplaires , mais les gens qui se sentaient la même surprise devrait étaient nombreux .


La Chine a mis la bravade dans la question territoriale de l'Asie également .


Les dirigeants chinois ont avaient mal compris l'intention des États-Unis , une analyse erronée de certains médias américains majeurs qui ont été répétés aurait pu contribué .

25 , tout en condamnant l'ADIZ de la Chine , du New York Times a affirmé d'autre part » ( dans le numéro de Senkaku ) avait été provoqué , mais ultra - belliciste Cabinet du Japon dirigé par le Premier ministre Shinzo Abe " dit-il . Contenu éditorial a été publié incompatible mi- été sur manque de respect du gouvernement japonais, l'administration Obama qu'ils doivent être adressées avec soin.

Vous pouvez utiliser l'expression extrême contre la Chine , etc ou montre attitude agressive , " M. Abe a pris une alarmante patriotique de la politique étrangère , mais il est dangereux pour les Etats- Unis et le Japon . Gouvernement Obama doit protéger les intérêts du Japon , de l'administration Abe doit de ne pas influer sur le risque stupide qui améliore être gonflé , et les tensions avec la Chine par ce . "

Devrait normalement pas se tromper c'est tenu des réclamations du gouvernement américain de neutralité façon cela.

Cependant, la Chine a fait une erreur dans la réalité qui méconnaît la réaction des États-Unis .

Omettre la dernière partie

N'est pas peu de gens décents japonais qui passaient jugement comme le New York Times sur le Cabinet Abe .

Le moraliste autre que des intellectuels et le coréen , l'un des " auto-glorification " n'est également pas à la maison .

Aussi New York Times , il est surpris d'avoir été du tout un journal qui ne diffère pas de moralisme des médias de masse d'un " auto-glorification " du Japon.

S'il est déterminé à partir de l'article, l' article récent et exposé ignorance de tous contre la Corée sous le règne du Japon récemment, a été introduit , les journalistes américains coréens qui ont grandi dans l'éducation de fascisme de nom disent éducation anti -japonaise de 12 ans mentale âge est souvent bien qu'il peut deviner qu'il aurait soulevé une voix forte que vous êtes .

Si , après que ce n'est pas le cas , il est certainement le fait que le journal a un niveau bas sensiblement.

Newsweek magazine 2013/12/10 issue,

2013年12月11日 22時50分17秒 | 日記

Newsweek magazine 2013/12/10 issue, "out of the belly of China to provoke Japan and the United States"

East Asia

Suddenly, it is set to over Senkaku Islands

Miscalculation and odds Chinese military of "air defense identification zone"

Influence or get out in defense and security policy of Japan

It titled

Read feature articles J · Berkshire Miller (U.S. Center for Strategic and International Studies Pacific Ocean Forum Fellow), the New York Times, and what was the newspaper of this level, it was surprised.

Newsweek magazine Japanese version, although it has not been subscribed only about 100,000 copies, but the people who felt the same surprise should were many.


China has put the bravado in the territorial issue of Asia also.


Chinese leaders have had misunderstood the intention of the United States, a misguided analysis of some major U.S. media that was repeated might have been contributed.

25 , while condemning the ADIZ of China , New York Times claimed the other hand " ( in the Senkaku issue ) had been provoked , but ultra- hawkish Cabinet of Japan led by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe " he said. Was published editorial content inconsistent mid- on was disrespecting the Japanese government, the Obama administration that they should be addressed carefully.

You can use the extreme expression against China, etc. or shows aggressive stance, “Mr Abe has taken a foreign policy patriotic alarming, but it's dangerous for the United States and Japan. Obama government must protect the interests of Japan, Abe administration should to not affect stupid risk that enhances be puffed up, and the tensions with China by this. "

Normally should not get it wrong it's view of the U.S. government claims of neutrality which way this.

However, China has made a mistake in reality that misjudges the reaction of the United States.

Omit the last part

Is not are few decent Japanese people that passed judgment such as the New York Times about the Abe Cabinet.

The moralist other than "self-aggrandizement" intellectuals and Korean, one of the only also is not home.

Also New York Times, it is surprised to have at all was a newspaper that no different mass media moralism of a "self-aggrandizement" of Japan.

If it is determined from the article the recent and exposed article ignorance of all against Korea during the reign of Japan recently, was introduce, American reporters Korean who grew up in fascism education of name say anti-Japanese education of 12-year-old mental age is often although he can guess that it would have raised a loud voice you are.

If, after that it is not the case, it’s certainly the fact that the newspaper was a low level considerably.