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Hannah Arendt

2013年12月17日 22時50分46秒 | 日記

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Johanna[1] "Hannah" Arendt (/ˈɛərənt/ or /ˈɑrənt/German: [ˈaːʀənt]; 14 October 1906 – 4 December 1975) was a German-American political theorist. Though often described as a philosopher, she rejected that label on the grounds that philosophy is concerned with "man in the singular" and instead described herself as a political theorist because her work centers on the fact that "men, not Man, live on the earth and inhabit the world."[2] Her works deal with the nature of power, and the subjects of politics, direct democracyauthority, and totalitarianism. The Hannah Arendt Prizeis named in her honour.

Life and career

Arendt was born into a secular family of German Jews in Linden (present-dayHanover), the daughter of Martha (née Cohn) and Paul Arendt.[3] She grew up inKönigsberg (renamed Kaliningrad and annexed to the Soviet Union in 1946) and Berlin. At the University of Marburg, she studied philosophy with Martin Heidegger.

According to Hans Jonas, her only German-Jewish classmate, Arendt embarked on a long and stormy romantic relationship with Heidegger, for which she later was criticized due to Heidegger's support for the Nazi Partywhen he was rector at the University of Freiburg.

In the wake of one of their breakups, Arendt moved to Heidelberg, where she wrote her dissertation under the existentialist philosopher-psychologist Karl Jaspers on the concept of love in the thought of Saint Augustine. In 1929, in Berlin, she married Günther Stern, later known as Günther Anders; they divorced in 1937. The dissertation was published in 1929. Although an agnostic,[4]Arendt was prevented from "habilitating" – a prerequisite for teaching in German universities–because she was Jewish. She researched anti-Semitism for some time before being interrogated[when?] by the Gestapo.

In 1933, Arendt fled Germany for Paris, where she befriended the Marxist literary critic and philosopher, Walter Benjamin, her first husband's cousin. While in France, she worked to support and aid Jewish refugees. In 1937, she was stripped of her German citizenship. In 1940, she married the German poet and Marxist philosopher Heinrich Blücher, a former member of the Communist Party. Later that year, after the German military occupation of northern France, the Vichy regime began deportation of Jews to Nazi concentration camps in the unoccupied south of France, and she was interned in Camp Gurs as an "enemy alien". Arendt was able to escape after a few weeks and left France in 1941 with her husband and her mother to the United States. They relied on visas illegally issued by the American diplomat Hiram Bingham, who aided roughly 2,500 Jewish refugees in this way. Varian Fry, another American humanitarian, paid for their travel and helped obtain the visas. Upon arriving in New York, Arendt became active in the German-Jewish community. From 1941–45, she wrote a column for the German-language Jewish newspaper, Aufbau. From 1944, she directed research for the Commission of European Jewish Cultural Reconstruction and traveled frequently to Germany in this capacity.[5]

After World War II, she returned to Germany and worked for Youth Aliyah, a Zionist organization, which saved thousands of children from the Holocaust and settled them in the British Mandate of Palestine.[6] She became a close friend of Karl Jaspers and his wife, developing a deep intellectual friendship with him.[7] She began corresponding with American author Mary McCarthy around this time.[8]

In 1950, Arendt became a naturalized citizen of the United States.[9] She served as a visiting scholar at the University of California, BerkeleyPrinceton University, and Northwestern University. In 1959, she was named the first female lecturer at Princeton. She also taught at the University of Chicago from 1963 to 1967, where she was a member of the Committee on Social ThoughtThe New School in ManhattanYale University, where she was a fellow; and, the Center for Advanced Studies at Wesleyan University (1961–62, 1962–63).[10]

She was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1962 and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 1964.[11][12]

Arendt was instrumental in the creation in 1974 of Structured Liberal Education (SLE) at Stanford University. She wrote a letter to the then president of Stanford University to convince the university to enact Mark Mancall's vision of a residentially-based humanities program.[13]


Arendt died in New York City on 4 December 1975, at age 69, of a heart attack. She was buried at Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, where her husband taught for many years.

The Origins of Totalitarianism

Arendt's first major book was titled The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951), which traced the roots of Stalinist Communism and Nazism in both anti-Semitism and imperialism. The book was opposed by the Left on the grounds that it presented the two movements as equally tyrannical. She further contends that Jewry was not the operative factor in the Holocaust, but merely a convenient proxy. Totalitarianism in Germany was, in the end, about megalomania and consistency, not eradicating Jews.

The Human Condition

Arguably her most influential work, The Human Condition (1958) distinguishes between the concepts of political and social, labor and work, various forms of action, and explores implications of those distinctions. Her theory of political action, corresponding to the existence of a public realm, is extensively developed in this work. Arendt argues that, while human life always evolves within societies, the social-being part of human nature, political life, was intentionally constructed by only a few of these societies as a space for individuals to achieve freedom through the construction of a common world. These categories, which attempt to bridge the gap between ontological and sociological structures, are sharply delineated. While Arendt relegates labor and work to the realm of the "social", she favors the human condition of action as the "political" that is both existential and aesthetic.[14]

Men in Dark Times

Her collection of essays, Men in Dark Times, presents intellectual biographies of some creative and moral figures of the twentieth century, such as Walter BenjaminKarl JaspersRosa LuxemburgHermann BrochPope John XXIII, and Isak Dinesen.

*Is followed by further below.

Hitachi adalah salah satu perusahaan yang dimulai awal pada pendidikan karyawan

2013年12月17日 19時26分04秒 | 日記

Berikut ini adalah dari " usia " dari kolom serialisasi di Nikkei koran FrontPage pagi ini .

Hitachi adalah salah satu perusahaan yang dimulai awal pada pendidikan karyawan .
Di desa Hitachi , Ibaraki Prefecture, tempat kelahiran , Odaira Namihei pendiri , disediakan mengajarkan penyusunan dan coran dan membuat " sekolah pelatihan magang " di akhir Meiji . Ketika Anda mendapatkan jauh dari perbaikan manufaktur mesin listrik pertambangan , sudah saatnya yang telah berulang trial . ▼ struktur trafo dan motor yang bahkan tahu melalui kerja perbaikan , harus memakai pakaian bayi satu teknologi untuk membuat sendiri . Untuk meningkatkan siswa dan tahun kedua , sekolah pelatihan magang difokuskan pada pendidikan di asrama dibangun di antara mereka tidak menjual produk keras . Pertumbuhan perusahaan setelah itu , harus tidak diharapkan tanpa pengembangan sumber daya manusia ini . ▼ Untuk memulai pekerjaan baru , pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk itu diperlukan . Itu bahkan lebih jadi sekarang inovasi cepat . Namun ada data yang akan khawatir . Ada tren menurun pada 1990-an pendidikan dan biaya pelatihan per karyawan perusahaan-perusahaan menghabiskan setiap bulan , tingkat lebih dari 60 % pada tahun 1991 hingga 2011. Daya untuk menghasilkan produk dan layanan baru atau tidak akan jatuh . ▼ juga dalam rangka dinaikkan untuk terus upah perusahaan dengan keunggulan kompetitif , Anda ingin memperhatikan pengembangan sumber daya manusia . Ini adalah tema untuk memperdalam pembahasan dalam pertemuan tripartit perwakilan dari komunitas bisnis dan pemerintah , serikat pekerja . Hitachi Ketika membuat sekolah pelatihan magang pendek dari mesin dan peralatan yang mereka butuhkan untuk memajukan keterampilan mereka . Jika Jepang hari ini diberkati dengan lingkungan , harus ada banyak cara untuk melakukan .

Hitachi is een van die maatskappye wat vroeg werknemer onderwys begin

2013年12月17日 19時25分34秒 | 日記

Die volgende is van " die wêreld" van die opeenvolgende kolom in die Nikkei koerant FrontPage vanoggend.

Hitachi is een van die maatskappye wat vroeg werknemer onderwys begin .
In die dorp van Hitachi, Ibaraki Prefektuur , die geboorteplek , Odaira Namihei van die stigter , mits leer opstel en giet en die maak van die " vakleerling opleiding skool " aan die einde van die Meiji . Wanneer jy weg van die vervaardiging herstel van elektriese masjinerie van mynbou , dit is daardie tyd van die wat reeds verhoor herhaal . ▼ struktuur van die transformator en motor het selfs geweet het deur die werk van herstel, het op die baba te sit word klere een tegnologie gebruik te maak op hul eie. Die studente en tweede jaar te verhoog , is vakleerling opleiding skool gefokus op onderwys in 'n koshuis opgebou onder hulle nie verkoop nie hard produkte. Groei van die maatskappy daarna, moet dit nie verwag kan word sonder hierdie ontwikkeling van menslike hulpbronne . ▼ 'n nuwe werk , kennis en vaardighede , want dit is nodig om te begin. Dit is selfs meer so nou innovasie is vinnig. Daar is egter data om bekommerd te wees . Daar is 'n afwaartse neiging in die 1990's die onderwys en opleiding koste per werknemer dié maatskappye spandeer elke maand , die vlak van meer as 60 % in 1991 tot 2011. Power nuwe produkte en dienste te produseer of sou nie geval het . ▼ ook om opgewek word om voortdurend voer maatskappye met 'n mededingende voordeel , wil jy aandag aan die ontwikkeling van menslike hulpbronne . Dit is 'n tema van die bespreking in drieledige vergadering van verteenwoordigers van die sakegemeenskap en die regering , arbeid -unie te verdiep. Hitachi Wanneer dit die leerling opleiding skool was kort van masjinerie en toerusting wat hulle nodig het om hul vaardighede te bevorder. As Japan vandag geseën met die omgewing, moet daar 'n baie manier van doen nie.

히타치는 직원 교육

2013年12月17日 19時24分12秒 | 日記

다음은 닛케이 신문 FrontPage에서 연재 칼럼 의 " 세 " 에서 아침 입니다 .

히타치는 직원 교육 에 일찍 시작한 회사 중 하나입니다.
제공 히타치 , 이바라키 (현) , 출생지 , 창업자의 Odaira Namihei , 마을 에서 제도 및 주물 메이지 의 끝에서 " 제자 훈련 학교 "를 만들기 가르친다. 당신이 멀리 광산 의 전기 기계 장치 의 제조 수리 에서 얻을 때, 시험 을 반복 된 의 시간이다. 변압기 와 모터 의 ▼ 구조 도 수리 의 작품을 통해 자신 에 대한 수 있도록 하나의 기술을 옷 아기 에 넣어 될 것을 알고 있었다 . 학생들과 두 번째 년 을 높이기 위해 , 제자 훈련 학교 들은 하드 제품을 판매 하지 않는 사이에 구축기숙사에서 교육 에 집중 했다. 그 후 회사의 성장 , 이러한 인적 자원 개발 하지 않고 예상 할 수 없습니다. 새로운 일 , 지식과 그 기술 에 대한 필요 를 시작하려면 ▼ . 지금은 혁신이 빠르고 더욱 더 합니다. 그러나 걱정 할 데이터 가있다. 1990 년대에감소 추세 가 인당 교육 훈련 비용을 2011 년 에 , 매달 1991 개 이상 60 % 의 수준을 지출 하는 기업 . 새로운 제품과 서비스 를 생산하거나 전원이 추락 하지 않을 것입니다. ▼ 또한, 지속적으로 경쟁력 있는 회사 를 임금 발생 하기 위하여는, 당신은 인적 자원 개발 에 관심을 원한다. 이 사업을 지역 사회 와 정부 , 노동 조합 대표 의 노사정 회의 에서 논의를 심화 할 수있는 테마입니다. 그것은 제자 훈련 학교 는 기계 및 장비의 부족 이었다 했을 때 히타치는 그들의 기술을 향상 해야합니다. 일본 은 오늘 환경을 축복 하는 경우 , 하기의 방법 이 많이 있어야한다.


2013年12月17日 19時23分36秒 | 日記


在日立市,茨城县,发源地,创始人的大平Namihei ,村提供的教导起草和铸件使得“学徒培训学校”在明治的结束。当你远离矿山的电气机械制造修理,那就是时间,其中一直重复试验。变压器和电机的结构▼即使知道通过修复工作,必须把婴儿服一种技术,使自己的。为了提高学生和第二年,学徒培训学校主要集中在教育建立了他们之间的不卖硬制品宿舍。此前该公司的长,必须将其不被没有这些人力资源开发的预期。 ▼启动需要一个新的工作,知识和技能的。这更是让现在的创新速度快。然而有数据的担心不无道理。有一个在20世纪90年代呈下降趋势每位员工的教育和培训费用这些公司每个月花费,超过60 %在1991年的水平至2011年。电力生产新的产品和服务,或将不会下降。 ▼也为了提高连续发动具有竞争优势的企业,你要重视人力资源的开发。这是一个主题,深化商界和政府,工会代表三方会议的讨论。日立当它做了学徒培训学校是短期的机械和设备,他们需要提高他们的技能。如果日本今天拥有得天独厚的环境,应该有很多这样的方法。

Hitachi является одной из компаний,

2013年12月17日 19時22分58秒 | 日記

Ниже от « возраста» колонны сериализации в газете FrontPage Nikkei сегодня утром.

Hitachi является одной из компаний, которые начали рано образования сотрудников.
В селе Hitachi , префектура Ибараки , где родился , Odaira Namihei основателя , предоставленной учит составление и отливки и делая " ученик школы подготовки " в конце Мэйдзи . Когда вы получите от производства ремонту электротехнического оборудования добычи , это то время , которое было повторено суда. ▼ структура трансформатора и двигателя даже знал через работу ремонта , нужно было положить на детской одежды одной технологии , чтобы сделать самостоятельно. Для повышения студентов и второй год , ученик обучающая школа была направлена на образование в общежитии застроенной среди они не продают жесткие продукты . Рост компании после этого , должен ли он ждать не приходилось без этих развитии человеческих ресурсов . ▼ Чтобы начать новую работу, знания и навыки для этого не требуется. Это даже больше, так что теперь инновации быстро. Однако есть данные, которые будут обеспокоены . Существует тенденция к снижению в 1990 образования и профессиональной подготовки затраты на одного работника те компании тратят каждый месяц , уровень более чем на 60% в 1991 году до 2011 года. Мощность производить новые продукты и услуги или не попал бы . ▼ также для того, чтобы быть поднят постоянно вести компаниям конкурентное преимущество , вы хотите внимание на развитии человеческих ресурсов . Это тема углубить дискуссию в трехсторонней встрече представителей бизнес-сообщества и правительства, профсоюза . Hitachi Когда он сделал ученик обучающая школа была короткой машин и оборудования они должны продвигать свои навыки . Если Япония сегодня благословлен среде , не должно быть много способов сделать .

Hitachi é uma das empresas que começaram cedo na educação dos funcionários.

2013年12月17日 19時22分20秒 | 日記

O seguinte é de " idade " da coluna de serialização no jornal Nikkei FrontPage esta manhã.

Hitachi é uma das empresas que começaram cedo na educação dos funcionários.
Na aldeia de Hitachi, Prefeitura de Ibaraki, o local de nascimento , Odaira Namihei do fundador , desde ensina elaboração e castings e fazendo a " escola de formação de aprendiz " no final do Meiji . Quando você fugir da reparação fabricação de máquinas elétricas de mineração , é que o tempo de que tem sido repetida julgamento. ▼ estrutura do transformador e motor nem sabia por meio do trabalho de conserto, teve que ser colocado na roupa do bebê uma tecnologia para fazer por conta própria. Para aumentar as estudantes e segundo ano , a escola de treinamento aprendiz foi centrada na educação em um dormitório construído entre eles não vendem produtos duros . Crescimento da empresa , depois disso, deve -se não ser esperado sem estes o desenvolvimento de recursos humanos. ▼ Para iniciar um novo trabalho, conhecimentos e habilidades para o que é necessário . É ainda mais agora inovação é rápido. No entanto, há dados para estar preocupado . Há uma tendência de queda na década de 1990 os custos de educação e formação por colaborador aquelas empresas que gastam a cada mês , o nível de mais de 60% em 1991 para 2011. Poder de produzir novos produtos e serviços , ou não teria caído. ▼ também , a fim de ser elevado para travar continuamente as empresas com uma vantagem competitiva , você quer a atenção para o desenvolvimento de recursos humanos. É um tema para aprofundar a discussão na reunião tripartida por representantes da comunidade empresarial e do governo, sindicato . Hitachi Quando ele fez a escola de formação de aprendiz era curto de máquinas e equipamentos que precisam para aprimorar suas habilidades . Se o Japão abençoado hoje com o ambiente , deve haver um monte de maneira de fazer .

Hitachi es una de las empresas que comenzaron a principios de la educación de los empleados

2013年12月17日 19時21分28秒 | 日記

El siguiente es de " la edad " de la columna de la serialización en el FrontPage periódico Nikkei esta mañana.

Hitachi es una de las empresas que comenzaron a principios de la educación de los empleados.
En la localidad de Hitachi, prefectura de Ibaraki , el lugar de nacimiento , Odaira Namihei del fundador , siempre enseña redacción y castings y haciendo la "escuela de formación de aprendices " al final del Meiji . Cuando te alejas de la reparación de la fabricación de maquinaria eléctrica de la minería , es que el tiempo de que se ha repetido el juicio. ▼ estructura del transformador y el motor incluso supo a través del trabajo de reparación, se tuvo que poner en la ropa del bebé una tecnología para hacer por su cuenta. Para aumentar las estudiantes y segundo año , la escuela de formación de aprendices se centró en la educación en un dormitorio construido entre los que no venden productos duros . El crecimiento de la compañía después de eso, no debe de esperar sin éstos el desarrollo de recursos humanos. ▼ Para iniciar un nuevo trabajo , el conocimiento y las habilidades para lo que se necesita . Es aún más por lo que ahora la innovación es rápido . Sin embargo, hay datos para estar preocupado . Hay una tendencia a la baja en la década de 1990 los gastos de educación y formación por empleado las empresas que inviertan cada mes , el nivel de más del 60 % de 1991 a 2011. Energía para producir nuevos productos y servicios o no se habría caído . ▼ también con el fin de ser elevado a librar de forma continua las empresas con una ventaja competitiva , quieres atención al desarrollo de los recursos humanos . Es un tema para profundizar la discusión en la reunión tripartita de representantes de la comunidad empresarial y el gobierno , sindicato . Hitachi Cuando se hizo la escuela de formación de aprendiz era corto de maquinaria y equipo que necesitan para mejorar sus habilidades . Si Japón bendijo hoy con el medio ambiente , debe haber un montón de manera de hacer .

Hitachi è una delle aziende che ha iniziato presto la formazione dei dipendenti

2013年12月17日 19時20分57秒 | 日記

Di seguito è riportato da " l'età " della colonna serializzazione nel giornale FrontPage Nikkei questa mattina.

Hitachi è una delle aziende che ha iniziato presto la formazione dei dipendenti .
Nel villaggio di Hitachi , prefettura di Ibaraki , il luogo di nascita , Odaira Namihei del fondatore , a condizione che insegna redazione e fusioni e rendendo la " scuola di formazione apprendisti " alla fine del Meiji . Quando ci si allontana dalla fabbricazione riparazione di macchine elettriche delle miniere, è che il tempo di cui è stato ripetuto prova. ▼ struttura del trasformatore e motore anche conosceva attraverso il lavoro di riparazione , doveva essere messo in vestiti del bambino una tecnologia per fare in proprio . Per aumentare gli studenti e secondo anno , apprendista scuola di formazione si è concentrata sull'istruzione in un dormitorio costruito tra non vendono prodotti duri . La crescita della società dopo che , non deve essere previsto senza che questi lo sviluppo delle risorse umane . ▼ Per avviare un nuovo lavoro , conoscenze e competenze per ciò che è necessario . E ' ancora di più ora l'innovazione è veloce . Tuttavia ci sono dati da essere preoccupati . C'è una tendenza al ribasso nel 1990 le spese di istruzione e di formazione per dipendente le aziende spendono ogni mese , il livello di oltre il 60 % nel 1991-2011 . Il potere di produrre nuovi prodotti e servizi o non sarebbe caduto . ▼ anche al fine di essere portato a intraprendere continuamente imprese con un vantaggio competitivo , si vuole attenzione allo sviluppo delle risorse umane . E ' un tema per approfondire la discussione in riunione tripartita da rappresentanti della comunità imprenditoriale e del governo, sindacato . Hitachi Quando ha fatto la scuola di formazione degli apprendisti era a corto di macchine e attrezzature hanno bisogno di avanzare le loro competenze . Se il Giappone oggi ha benedetto con l'ambiente , ci dovrebbe essere un sacco di modo di fare .

Hitachi ist einer der Firmen , die früh auf die Mitarbeiterausbildung begonnen

2013年12月17日 19時17分14秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist aus dem " Alter" der Serialisierung Spalte in der Zeitung Nikkei Frontpage an diesem Morgen.

Hitachi ist einer der Firmen , die früh auf die Mitarbeiterausbildung begonnen. Im Dorf von Hitachi, Präfektur Ibaraki, der Geburtsort , Odaira Namihei des Gründers , sofern lehrt Ausarbeitung und Gussteile und macht die " Lehrlingsschule" am Ende der Meiji . Wenn Sie weg von der Herstellung Instandhaltung von elektrischen Maschinen des Bergbaus zu erhalten, es ist die Zeit , von denen wiederholt worden Studie. ▼ Struktur des Transformator -und Motor wusste sogar, durch die Arbeit in der Reparatur, musste auf Babykleidunggestellt werden , um eine Technologie auf ihren eigenen zu machen. Um die Schüler und zweiten Jahr zu erhöhen, wurde die Lehrlingsausbildung Schule auf Ausbildung in einem Schlafsaal aufgebaut unter sie nicht verkaufen Festprodukten . Das Wachstum des Unternehmens nach , dass , darf es nicht zu , ohne dass diese Personalentwicklung erwarten. ▼, um einen neuen Job , Wissen und Fähigkeiten , die erforderlich ist für starten. Es ist umso mehr Innovation ist schnell. Allerdings gibt es Daten zur Sorge . Es ist ein Abwärtstrend in den 1990er Jahren die Bildungs-und Ausbildungskosten pro Mitarbeiter die Unternehmen die Ausgaben jeden Monat , die Höhe von mehr als 60 % im Jahr 1991 bis 2011. Power für neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu produzieren oder nicht gefallen. ▼ um auch angehoben werden, um kontinuierlich zu führen Unternehmen einen Wettbewerbsvorteil , die Aufmerksamkeit wollen, dass Sie Personalentwicklung. Es ist ein Thema , um die Diskussion in Dreiertreffen von Vertretern aus der Wirtschaft und der Regierung, Gewerkschaft zu vertiefen. Hitachi Wenn es machte die Lehrlingsausbildung der Schule war kurz von Maschinen und Anlagen , die sie benötigen , um ihre Fähigkeiten zu fördern. Wenn Japan heute gesegnet mit der Umwelt , sollte es eine Menge von der Art und Weise tut.

Hitachi est l'une des sociétés qui ont commencé tôt la formation des employés

2013年12月17日 19時16分28秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est de " l'âge " de la colonne de sérialisation dans le journal FrontPage Nikkei ce matin .

Hitachi est l'une des sociétés qui ont commencé tôt la formation des employés . Dans le village de Hitachi , préfecture d'Ibaraki , le lieu de naissance , Odaira Namihei du fondateur , à condition enseigne la rédaction et la fonderie et de faire «l'école de formation des apprentis » à la fin de l' ère Meiji . Lorsque vous vous éloignez de la réparation de la fabrication de machines électriques de l'exploitation minière , c'est le moment de ce qui a été répété procès. ▼ structure du transformateur et le moteur même savait par le travail de réparation, a dû être mis sur des vêtements de bébé une technologie à faire sur leur propre . Pour augmenter les étudiants et deuxième année , l'école de formation des apprentis a été axée sur l'éducation dans un dortoir construit entre elles ne vendent pas de produits durs . La croissance de la société après que , faut-il ne pas être atteint sans les développement des ressources humaines . ▼ Pour commencer un nouvel emploi , les connaissances et les compétences pour ce qui est nécessaire . Il l'est encore plus maintenant l'innovation est rapide. Cependant, il ya des données d'être inquiet . Il ya une tendance à la baisse dans les années 1990, les frais d'éducation et de formation par employé ces entreprises dépensent chaque mois , le niveau de plus de 60 % en 1991 à 2011. Pouvoir de produire de nouveaux produits et services ou ne serait pas tombé . ▼ aussi pour être porté à mener en permanence avec les entreprises un avantage concurrentiel , vous voulez l'attention sur le développement des ressources humaines . C'est un thème à approfondir la discussion en réunion tripartite de représentants du milieu des affaires et le gouvernement , syndicat . Hitachi Quand il fait l'école de formation des apprentis a été de courte de machines et équipements dont ils ont besoin pour améliorer leurs compétences . Si le Japon a béni aujourd'hui avec l'environnement , il devrait y avoir beaucoup de façon de faire.

Hitachi is one of the companies that started early on employee education.

2013年12月17日 19時14分53秒 | 日記

The following is from “the age“ of the serialization column in the Nikkei newspaper FrontPage this morning.

Hitachi is one of the companies that started early on employee education. In the village of Hitachi, Ibaraki Prefecture, the birthplace, Odaira Namihei of the founder, provided teaches drafting and castings and making the “apprentice training school “at the end of the Meiji. When you get away from the manufacturing repair of electrical machinery of mining, it's that time of which has been repeated trial. ▼ structure of the transformer and motor even knew through work of repair , had to be put on baby clothes one technology to make on their own . To increase the students and second year, apprentice training school was focused on education in a dormitory built up among they do not sell hard products. Growth of the company after that, must it not to be expected without these human resource development. ▼ To start a new job , knowledge and skills for that is needed . It's even more so now innovation is fast. However there is data to be worried. There is a downward trend in the 1990s the education and training costs per employee those companies spending each month, the level of more than 60% in 1991 to 2011. Power to produce new products and services or would not have fallen. ▼ also in order to be raised to continuously wage companies with a competitive edge , you want attention to human resource development . It is a theme to deepen the discussion in tripartite meeting of representatives from the business community and government, labor union. Hitachi When it made the apprentice training school was short of machinery and equipment they need to advance their skills. If Japan today blessed with environment, there should be a lot of way of doing.

Fort Defiance, Arizona

2013年12月17日 13時43分29秒 | 日記

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fort Defiance (NavajoTséhootsooí) is a census-designated place (CDP) inApache County, Arizona, United States. The population was 3,624 at the 2010 census.[1]


The land on which Fort Defiance was eventually established was first noted by the U.S. military when Colonel John Washington stopped there on his return journey from an expedition to Canyon de Chelly.[2] Fort Defiance was established on September 18, 1851, by Col. Edwin V. Sumner to create a military presence inDiné bikéyah (Navajo territory). Sumner broke up the fort at Santa Fe for this purpose, creating the first military post in what is now Arizona.[2] He left Major Electus Backus in charge.[2]

Fort Defiance was built on valuable grazing land that the federal government then prohibited the Navajo from using. As a result, the appropriately named fort experienced intense fighting, culminating in two attacks, one in 1856 and anotherin 1860. The next year, at the onset of the Civil War, the army abandoned Fort Defiance. Continued Navajo raids in the area led Brigadier General James H. Carleton to send Kit Carson to impose order. General Carleton's "solution" was brutal: thousands of starving Navajo were forced on a Long Walk of 450 miles (720 km) and interned near Fort SumnerNew Mexico, and much of their livestock was destroyed. The Navajo Treaty of 1868 allowed those interned to return to a portion of their land, and Fort Defiance was reestablished as an Indian agency that year. In 1870, the first government school for the Navajo was established there.

Today, the site of Fort Defiance is populated by buildings dating from the 1930s to the present day used by various governmental agencies including the Bureau of Indian AffairsIndian Health Service, and the Navajo Nation. The largest of these buildings was the Fort Defiance Indian Hospital until 2002.


Fort Defiance is located at 35°44′31″N 109°4′0″W (35.742032, -109.066739),[3] on the Defiance Plateau about 4 miles (6 km) north of Window Rock, Arizona.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of 6.1 square miles (15.8 km2), all of it land.[1]


As of the 2000 census, there were 4,061 people, 1,115 households, and 890 families residing in the CDP.[4] The population density was 669.3 people per square mile (258.3/km²). There were 1,321 housing units at an average density of 217.7/sq mi (84.0/km²). The racial makeup of the CDP was 92.86% Native American, 4.53% White, 0.30% Asian, 0.17% Black or African American, 0.02%Pacific Islander, 0.22% from other races, and 1.90% from two or more races. 1.35% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race.

There were 1,115 households out of which 49.2% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 43.8% were married couples living together, 30.3% had a female householder with no husband present, and 20.1% were non-families. 18.2% of all households were made up of individuals and 2.9% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 3.61 and the average family size was 4.15.

In the CDP the age distribution of the population shows 40.0% under the age of 18, 9.2% from 18 to 24, 27.1% from 25 to 44, 19.1% from 45 to 64, and 4.5% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 26 years. For every 100 females there were 89.8 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 82.9 males.

The median income for a household in the CDP was $33,125, and the median income for a family was $35,448. Males had a median income of $35,455 versus $24,522 for females. The per capita income for the CDP was $10,716. About 27.9% of families and 29.5% of the population were below the poverty line, including 35.0% of those under age 18 and 32.5% of those age 65 or over.


Fort Defiance is a part of Window Rock Unified School District.

Fort Defiance is served by Window Rock Elementary School, Tse Ho Tso Middle School, and Window Rock High School.

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