文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The article which is nowhere in one piece of the truth.

2016年01月13日 21時54分24秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

Statement stressed is me.

Now, the US San'onofure nuclear power plants, steam generator Mitsubishi delivery has failed, and was forced to the decommissioning due to it, the United States side has sued Mitsubishi in PL method.

Same as Toyota's Lexus litigation, it's almost accusation litigation, but even if there was a problem with the Mitsubishi, it cannot be compared with the seriousness of the defect reactor of GE.

Yet why the TEPCO say whether did not recourse to GE, because nuclear liability law Article 4, "other than TEPCO operators such as are not the responsibility of the damages" prohibits the PL method is applied.

Nuclear power business at the time the US EXIM and, it what was relied on borrowings from GE.

This one term is said to have been inserted in the intention on the sides of the U.S. that should not be considered such as the PL method, even though it has already doing look troublesome.

The reason for GE has finished the Fukushima responsible for turned sailors also wonder at its side.

Or say thanks to GE's cutting corners, Japan became able to make an excellent nuclear power plant.

The exportation, too, is favorable.

The interview touches the present situation of that the nuclear power plant which is made in Japan is steadily exported to and Asahi Shimbun makes him say that "now, are you good".

The article which is nowhere in one piece of the truth.

Now, it overcomes well, here I want to hear with.

 (August 1, 2013)

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It doesn't say that being safe ready is alternative in being made in Japan.

2016年01月13日 21時19分58秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The reporter led without touching this in the interview

"Whether nuclear power plant does not jeopardize" and make "TEPCO is how safely indifference" tell anguish as the GE resident officer deeply.

"BWR cannot support when it isn't experienced. It is possible to hone the five senses, it touches plumbing,

it sometimes ascertained the shake and the temperature have a malfunction, too."

It doesn't say that being safe ready is alternative in being made in Japan.

It is the way of talking of the liar of the American which become accustomed to completely.

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of all except the coming which was made in Japan didn't know trouble to 3.11 tsunami after that.

2016年01月13日 20時49分30秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The person in charge of GE was the Japanese who come from Okinawa, and burned with the youth for the base conflict against, and after that, he was doing a sailor and was picked up by GE and became a boiling water reactor (BWR) expert without knowing a thermal neutron and criticality. 

It thinks suddenly, saying OK with such a man, it took charge of, "The fireplace in Fukushima experienced some extraordinary situations, too, including the design mistakes of GE", he says.

As for it, it is a fact, among them, the corrosion stress breakage was cruel.

The shroud which the high pressure steam pipe and the reactor core are filled with broke one after another and the radioactive leak occurred.

There is a fracture about the turbine for the power generation, too, and the fuel rod cladding tube, too, is no good.

In short, it was a full flaw reactor.

Although the reactor became inoperable, GE did nothing.

So, the manufacturer in Japan such as the Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. and Toshiba cooperated and took on the solution.

The Asahi says by disparaging word to an atomic village and the pals.

Then, it discovered the cause of the corrosion stress was the stainless steel with the carbon contents which are many and the welding process.

The breaking turbine, too, was not mold forming and replaced with the shaving integrate type which utilized a technology in Japan.

During this improvement, this time, the gas emission valve that the worst situation could be evaded, too, was installed.

The nuclear reactor of the GE model of all except the coming which was made in Japan didn't know trouble to 3.11 tsunami after that.

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it made it the base of the nuclear power plant abolition groundless rumor after that.

2016年01月13日 20時07分54秒 | 日記

The following is from p75-78 which is Takayama Masayuki's the variable viewpoint freely "it is possible to learn a Putin evil from the U.S.",

The black emphasis except the title is me.

It is in the U.S. that it is the worst in the Fukushima nuclear accident.

Whole two years from 3.11.

A little surprising article was in Asahi Shimbun.

It is an interview article to the person in charge in former U.S. General Electric Company (GE) which resided in the Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima nuclear power plant.

When saying at what it is surprising, that the nuclear reactor which caused an accident from that earthquake disaster occurrence time is made by the GE being of the Asahi is done because it made a fact ambiguous for a long time.

For example, the one of the time of not being during the occurrence, it is an article of the atomic energy taking charge editing member of the committee Takeuchi Keiji's "the superficial assumption".

"Containment Vessel wasn't equipped if supposing "that the core melt didn't happen in Japan" about the valve. The valve which was pressed by the move of the foreign countries and was introduced became a lifeline now.

The accident assumption at first shows how hold it cheap"

It is possible to read, saying a nuclear reactor was made in Japan, and putting even a gas emission valve and there was not it in case of being only this.

But, the furnace in the GE Co. unquestionably, the valve is something that TEPCO was attached to see the US Three Mile accident.

"The assumption was superficial" though the one was GE company, it made the Asahi as the assumption of the Tokyo Electric Power Company didn't become at all, and it made it the base of the nuclear power plant abolition groundless rumor after that.

It is made by the GE Company in now and it gives it with the one.

The Asahi would think the affair has blown over.

Did the Asahi think that would modify their misleading beforehand while not noticing?

The contents of the interview are disgusting.

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As for his book, with any chapter of any book, splendor such as following, and this is genuine,

2016年01月13日 19時16分58秒 | 日記

The following is from p75-78 which is Takayama Masayuki's the variable viewpoint freely "it is possible to learn a Putin evil from the U.S.", Shinchosha.1400 yen.

As for his book, with any chapter of any book, splendor such as following, and this is genuine, this is intelligence, it is overflowed into.

As for most of the Japanese people, it should have paid a respect to the human beings who are the extremity of the false moralist to have read Asahi Shimbun such as Oe Kenzaburo and Haruki Murakami to and they were grown into.

The former is blurred about whether or not it is merely Western countries if saying forcibly and in that no one referred so far about the latter, I am the man who pointed out for the first time in the world but isn't worth about the comment, too.

In addition to not being in you and Japan in the future if thinking that it is true that it does the moralism of the put-on of such persons, and so on,

To the providence of the god, "The Turntable of Civilization", you are the person to profane, that is as the criminal, it is necessary to know that it is you, it brought about the world in very unstable now.

Because their history recognition is the following of the kindergartner.

At the same time, I introduce today, too, if early, I who knew the fact which the excellent book of Sakai Nobuhiko of the previous University of Tokyo professor told it to, about the fact to have felt recently, it was convinced of the thing that the doubt to the human being who is called Tatsuru Uchida was right completely.

But I thought that he is a honest human being because he professed Tadao Umesao's pupil when I was subscribing to AERA.

I say to him.

You should not make twice Tadao Umesao's name a mouth in the future.

It is the insult which is not anymore which faces Tadao Umesao that refers Tadao Umesao by your brain.

I introduce dazzling paper of the beginning by the next chapter.

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2016年01月13日 17時20分39秒 | 日記



「帝国の慰安婦」著者、学術的な議論訴え 米でシンポ 【ワシントン=加納宏幸】









朴氏はシンポジウム後、記者団に「米国でこの問題に関心を持っている方は 〔支援〕運動側に関心を持ってきたので、私の議論には批判的なのだろう」と指摘。




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2016年01月13日 16時48分12秒 | 日記
















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2016年01月13日 16時43分24秒 | 日記

以下は、元東大教授の酒井信彦さんの本当に見事な本である、「虐日偽善に狂う朝日新聞」 〈偏見と差別の朝日的思考と精神構造〉〉の、≪まえがき≫である。

















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どこにも一片の真実もない記事。 それでいいのかとこっちが聞きたい。

2016年01月13日 16時31分46秒 | 日記
















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2016年01月13日 16時27分02秒 | 日記















気づかぬうちにミスリードを手直ししておこうと思ったか。 そのインタビューの中身が凄い。




















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2016年01月13日 16時19分55秒 | 日記








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É desnecessário dizer que

2016年01月13日 12時55分43秒 | 日記

Esta manhã, foi o tempo que está perto clara.

Fui para Arashiyama que é meu jardim.

Eu conheci um amigo na estação de Kyoto.

Assim que sair fora sobre a estação em Arashiyama, o amigo explodiu uma raiva para o Asahi.

Eu também sentia o mesmo totalmente, mas a raiva não é bom de forma saudável, o que é absurdo com o tempo hoje, também, o amigo, também, concordou.

Eu disse.

Citando o artigo do repórter no Sankei Shimbun que estava escrevendo uma coisa completamente adequada.

Governo japonês não é tarde mesmo se ele lida para fora uma doação à fundação após a confirmação de uma ação concreta na Coréia para se voltaram para a resolução de problemas como a remoção da imagem conforto mulher que foi criada na frente de Seul japonês Embaixada da, e assim por diante , e assim por diante. (Seoul Takita Makiko)

É desnecessário dizer que o meu amigo também foi acordado a este ponto.

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Il est inutile de dire que pas

2016年01月13日 12時55分13秒 | 日記

Ce matin, il était le temps qui est près clair.

Je me dirigeai vers Arashiyama qui est mon jardin.

Je rencontrai un ami à la gare de Kyoto.

Dès que sortir en dehors de la gare de Arashiyama, l'ami a explosé de rage à l'Asahi.

Moi aussi, je me sentais de la même manière complètement, mais la fureur est pas bon sainement, ce qui est absurde avec la météo aujourd'hui, aussi, l'ami, aussi, convenu.

Je l'ai dit.

Citant l'article de la femme journaliste dans le Sankei Shimbun qui a été écrit une chose complètement appropriée.

Gouvernement japonais est pas en retard, même si elle porte sur un don à la fondation après la confirmation des mesures concrètes en Corée se sont tournés vers la résolution de problèmes comme la suppression de l'image de confort de la femme qui a été créé en face de Séoul Ambassade japonaise problème, et ainsi de suite et ainsi de suite. (Séoul Takita Makiko)

Il est inutile de dire que mon ami a également été convenu sur ce point.

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Es ist unnötig zu sagen, dass

2016年01月13日 12時54分50秒 | 日記

An diesem Morgen war es das Wetter, das in der Nähe ist klar.

Ich ging zur Arashiyama, die meinem Garten ist.

Traf ich einen Freund in Kyoto Station.

Sobald Sie kommen über die Außenstation in Arashiyama, explodierte der Freund eine Wut auf die Asahi.

Auch ich fühlte die gleiche Weise vollständig, aber die Wut nicht gut ist gesund, die absurden mit dem Wetter ist heute auch der Freund auch vereinbart.

Ich sagte.

Unter Angabe der Artikel der Reporterin in der Sankei Shimbun, die eine völlig richtige Sache schrieb.

Japanische Regierung ist nicht zu spät, auch wenn es sich aus einer Spende an die Stiftung nach der Bestätigung, konkrete Maßnahmen in Korea, um die Problemlösung als die Entfernung von dem Komfort Bild Frau, die vor der japanischen Botschaft in Seoul gegründet wurde eingeschaltet haben, und so weiter und so weiter. (Seoul Takitas Makiko)

Es ist unnötig zu sagen, dass mein Freund war auch in diesem Punkt einig.

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Es innecesario decir que

2016年01月13日 12時54分19秒 | 日記

Esta mañana, fue el clima que está cerca de claro.

Me dirigí a Arashiyama que es mi jardín.

Se encontró con un amigo en la estación de Kioto.

Tan pronto como salir fuera de la estación de Arashiyama, el amigo explotó una rabia a la Asahi.

Yo también sentía lo mismo por completo, pero la ira no es buena forma saludable, lo cual es absurdo con la actualidad el clima, también, el amigo, también, estuvo de acuerdo.


Citando el artículo de la reportera en el Sankei Shimbun, que estaba escribiendo una cosa completamente adecuada.

Gobierno japonés no es tarde, incluso si se trata de una donación a la fundación después de confirmar la acción concreta en Corea haberse convertido a la resolución de problemas como la eliminación de la imagen de la mujer la comodidad que se estableció en frente de Seúl Embajada de Japón, etc. , y así sucesivamente. (Seúl Takita Makiko)

No hace falta decir que mi amigo también se acordó en ese punto.

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