Japan which makes the cell phone in Japan being really excellent one, but it is made too stunning and made masochism that it was the Galapagos of the technology
China is the Galapagos in the world as the country though, utilize being a major power with 1.3 billion populations, it continued to take the exchange poor policy of Renminbi as the state. (Is it who knew global shall find is).
What Japan should do utilizes the money of 1,600 trillion yen of maximum personal assets in the world even now, reduce the money (the gift of the laborer who is excellent in the diligence to have supported Japan which is industrial state), which was born from the society to the society.
Have continued to despise the stock market that the state which is capitalism is the root of the capitalism, (so we have been easily defeated), it is the true truth of the big stagnation of this Japan in 20.
There is not one person who goes to the brokerage firm to my classmate.
It made an elitist layer in Japan a stockbroker in the disparaging word.
Say a stock like a stock.
Most Valuable Player in the U.S., on Harvard goes to The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and becomes the successive Secretary of the Treasury.
Yen becomes the end of the risk-aversion and is because becoming strong yen for each thing is the country which is uncommon to the world where equal to or more than 95 % of the government bonds in Japan is catered for in this personal asset.
When leading 0.6 % = 10 trillion yen of the personal asset to the stock market, immediately, Japan becomes the huge market which towers to the U.S. = becomes a financial major power in the world.
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