文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

There is not one person who goes to the brokerage firm to my classmate.

2016年09月01日 16時32分43秒 | 日記

Japan which makes the cell phone in Japan being really excellent one, but it is made too stunning and made masochism that it was the Galapagos of the technology
China is the Galapagos in the world as the country though, utilize being a major power with 1.3 billion populations, it continued to take the exchange poor policy of Renminbi as the state. (Is it who knew global shall find is).

What Japan should do utilizes the money of 1,600 trillion yen of maximum personal assets in the world even now, reduce the money (the gift of the laborer who is excellent in the diligence to have supported Japan which is industrial state), which was born from the society to the society.
Have continued to despise the stock market that the state which is capitalism is the root of the capitalism, (so we have been easily defeated), it is the true truth of the big stagnation of this Japan in 20.
There is not one person who goes to the brokerage firm to my classmate.
It made an elitist layer in Japan a stockbroker in the disparaging word.
Say a stock like a stock.

Most Valuable Player in the U.S., on Harvard goes to The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and becomes the successive Secretary of the Treasury.
Yen becomes the end of the risk-aversion and is because becoming strong yen for each thing is the country which is uncommon to the world where equal to or more than 95 % of the government bonds in Japan is catered for in this personal asset.
When leading 0.6 % = 10 trillion yen of the personal asset to the stock market, immediately, Japan becomes the huge market which towers to the U.S. = becomes a financial major power in the world.
This article continues

It is the tragedy to have come without noticing that the turntable of civilization

2016年09月01日 16時05分20秒 | 日記

Well, in 2009, the person concerned in the stock market in Japan comment, saying, now, "it is the Chinese request of the American leaving".
It is the tragedy to have come without noticing that the turntable of civilization took effect in Japan ahead by several years of 30.
They don't even notice in the truth, they brandish a stupid sense of justice, the responsibility of the mass media which made Japan's lost 20 is serious indeed.
It is the practice that, as for the hegemony state, continues for 200 years.
That the times in Japan ended is impossible.
Japan must continue to prosper of towering with the U.S. or complementing the U.S. very much for another 170 years as the economic superpower.
Why will Japan have stagnated this 20 years big?
The mass media of 12 years old of mental ages and the politics were useless if saying severely.
The company in Japan is exposed to the innovating and the competition every day, improves world top class technique in each field and accounts for the big share.
Worldwide excellently, it isn't necessary to say.
This article continues

〈The Turntable of Civilization〉

2016年09月01日 15時15分25秒 | 日記

The Turntable of Civilization

Hegemonic stability theory, according to Wikipedia, is the theory which was released by Charles Kindleberger of the economist and was established by Robert Gilpin.

The world needs the following three conditions to be stable in the hegemony of a country and moreover to develop economically.

1. A country have the overwhelming political influence and the economic power. That is, have a Hegemony.

2. The hegemon understand a free market and try to build an international system to realize it.

3. Be blessed with the profit in the international system with the hegemon.

Being the hegemon where the U.S. in now is authentic will be surely as it if comparing with the condition.

I continued to think why the hegemon might exist in the world 30 years before.

I noticed suddenly when seeing the world from Rome for 8 days which stayed, calling on the close friend, saying "the half of the world is poor still it isn't possible to bite even a meal therefore, fiercely prospering a country is necessary".

The money for example flows through Africa anyhow, doing so.......

If seeing from the era, I noticed that it was saying Italy - Portugal - Spain - France - the United Kingdom - the U.S. - the U.S. and Japan.

That it's the turntable of civilization.

Ahead by several years of 30, the U.S. sneezed within only 50 years, becoming a hegemon.

The U.S. is the first time human history hegemon which recognized the role to do a poor country roughly as the hegemon.

The economy of the numerous consumption type the necessity about which it is possible to say to do, too, passed and the financial deficit was expanding.

As for just as it is, the world, too, is dangerous, the U.S. and the towering and prosperous free country are necessary, there is only Japan.

At that time, we completed the first time civilization of the human history of the classlessness, the state which is ideologyless and then isn't dominated by the religion.

It is the result of about 4 million people of sacrifice only in terminal short time of the Great War though.

It completed the first time civilization of the human history obviously if supposing that the U.S. was a Christian state.

Now, I, I think this way.

When passing for 50 years with the hegemony moving from the United Kingdom to the U.S., the population of the world increased to being duple and became 6.5 billion.

American a country can rescue the world no longer.

Still, the U.S. utters a shriek.

In case of being Europe, being Japan, being China and expanding a domestic demand.

This article continues

who may say that it is never richness and that it is rather poor.

2016年09月01日 12時15分48秒 | 日記

The existence which is completely different from many Japanese in various parts of Japan which the true Okinawa person saw who may say that it is never richness and that it is rather poor.

The one to have said the situation and consideration to be the aristocracy-of-labor which resembled a Communist Party party autarchic bureaucrat of will be more right.

The aristocracy-of-labor which a guarantee in employment and the old age is absolutely promised to not committing a considerable disgraceful affair, subscribing to Asahi Shimbun, watching the news station and so on.

they don't write this fact at all, they continue to attack Japanese Government with Japan

2016年09月01日 12時13分35秒 | 日記

However, with the media which made Asahi Shimbun the first on the list, two companies of newspaper companies at Okinawa which isn't exaggerated even if it says the worst child in the Asahi, they don't write this fact at all, they continue to attack Japanese Government with Japan.

Don't you know whether for it to be glad about their state in China and Korea and whether or not to know it?

we are doing the much better living I got a feeling to be sorry

2016年09月01日 12時09分44秒 | 日記

"After the tax which should be dropped by such people is abundantly dropped on us, we are doing the much better living I got a feeling to be sorry."

I who recalled the word of this Okinawa person here re-recognized that his word was completely right.

Because, because Japan continues to pay the tax which can improve the present situation that one child for every six persons is growing into the poor home for Okinawa Prefecture as the huge grant.

In other words, it is possible to say that it continues to pay Okinawa a huge grant, sacrificing one piece of life for every six persons of the Japanese people at the mainland, too.

people who live to plow the fields, to do cultivation in forest and to do fishing on the sea,

2016年09月01日 12時07分20秒 | 日記

All over the country in Japan, people who live to plow the fields, to do cultivation in forest and to do fishing on the sea, it isn't poor but it is never rich.

The recentness, the Newsweek magazine to the style by which the true deep emotion of Okinawa inhabitant of a prefecture was told.

For example, be in inverse proportion to the huge revenue share to continue to pay Okinawa, the Japanese in each place where the one to have said that was poor is more right.

When completely ordinary Okinawa person who answered the interview of the Newsweek magazine is doing the good living which various ones were more provided with in themselves than in them, it is where in various parts of Japan.

See the ordinary countryside living on TV, he is said to have thought.

who is moving this man because of the realization of their own distorted thought

2016年09月01日 12時04分38秒 | 日記

As for the one, Asahi Shimbun who is moving this man because of the realization of their own distorted thought, in all of Japan people, the time when it is necessary to notice comes to the thing which is exaggerated no longer even if it says that it is the group of the outlaw.

The thing is true "the near contemporary history in Japan" which all of Japan people should know.

It tries to distort law, too, if not agreeing with their own distorted thought.

2016年09月01日 12時01分25秒 | 日記

Their attitude, for example, to the judgment of the International Court of Justice to the problem on the South China Sea, to China's not changing at all with the attitude to continue to take, in all of Japan people, it is necessary to notice.

It tries to distort law, too, if not agreeing with their own distorted thought.

All of the Japanese people must be noticed to that this is the true appearance of Asahi Shimbun.

In other words, it isn't exaggerated at all even if it says Mitanzono Satoshi at the beginning to be the outlaw who violates the law that the Democratic Party fixed, which was elected with it getting the support.

But it ignores the law which was established in the Diet.

2016年09月01日 11時59分02秒 | 日記

Though it is the result of the situation which was a stupid support like hysteria by the kindergartner.

But it ignores the law which was established in the Diet.

In August 27th, Asahi Shimbun is merrily, saying "Sendai nuclear power plant stopped, governor request" as the headline of the front page, as for their own taking the lead, it published as if nothing happened by the taste not revealing thoughts.

It is outrageous that they have done.

To know why it is outrageous, in all of Japan people, it is necessary to recall how Nuclear Regulation Authority was legislated.

if it says that only above-mentioned three decided.

2016年09月01日 11時57分16秒 | 日記

With the man who was a prime minister in case of the Tohoku district Pacific Ocean offing earthquake, use the habit of this man thoroughly, to the photovoltaic generation business which the company begins newly, with the man to have made render the decision to make it buy for coming 20 years with the world ceiling price (more than twice of the global standard) from the country, it added the woman who played the main role (with the husband) as the lawyer to the military comfort woman fabrication case that the president resigned, taking the consequences in addition to doing a press conference by this Asahi Shimbun in Japan, being official, being complete fabrication.

It says the immediate stop of all the nuclear power plants which aren't exaggerated at all even if it says that only above-mentioned three decided.

I thought that he might surely respond to this.

2016年09月01日 11時53分37秒 | 日記

Mitanzono Satoshi who was the staff of former - TV-Asahi was elected to the Kagoshima Prefecture governor.

It ran, recommended by the group which raises nuclear power plant opposition with The Democratic Party and the Communist Party.

Of course TV Asahi and Asahi Shimbun would have been cheering in emotionally.

To showing the taste which doesn't oppose in the nuclear power plant blindly, after he is elected to the Kagoshima Prefecture governor, Asahi Shimbun urged him to do promote nuclear power plant opposition in the editorial.

I thought that he might surely respond to this.

If saying severely, the man who have the appearance with no hope of getting ahead, the scene which the man is passing a document to by inviting the president of Kyushu Electric Power to the Kagoshima prefectural government was televised as the news.

The administration whom the Japanese people gave 2/3 seats to in the Diet, in the long-range energy policy of Japan that doesn't have oil resources, the re- operation of the nuclear power plant is one of the results of giving the very natural conclusion to be essential, in the document which opposes the re- operation permission decision which Nuclear Regulation Authority to be examining, depending on the standard which is severe in the best of the world which was established by the government gave, it is.

Personne n'écrit ce qui suit jamais, il est l'article qui expose le mensonge qui est opposé à

2016年09月01日 10時20分47秒 | 日記

Personne a écrit ce qui suit jamais, il est l'article qui expose le mensonge qui est opposée à la centrale nucléaire qui ne sont pas exagérées même si elle dit qu'il est le résultat d'être exploité par la Chine et la Corée puérilement et bêtement.

J'ai grandi, né dans la préfecture de Miyagi Natori Ville Yuriage.

Lorsque la hausse jusqu'à Hiyoriyama, sur la bonne journée de la météo, Kinkasan qui est à la fin de la péninsule Oshika là-bas aurait pu être vu bien au-delà.

Il est la ville d'Onagawa dans le fond dans cette péninsule Oshika.

Onagawa centrale nucléaire de Tohoku Electric Power qui est ici dans le cas du tremblement de terre de Tohoku offing Océan Pacifique district est devenu le logement du résident local.

En d'autres termes, ce qui et le fait que les adversaires de l'opposition des centrales nucléaires ne sont pas exagérées Disent même si elle dit que les êtres humains qui sont puérilement et bêtement exploités par la Chine et la Corée accomplir sont contraires complètement.

Il était le plus sûr en cas de tremblements de terre de 2016 Kumamoto, aussi, et il est à la centrale nucléaire de Sendai qu'il n'a pas donné complètement un pouce.

Cependant, ceci est que la kindergartner comprend initialement.

Il ne se fait pas avec la meilleure robustesse, sauf la centrale nucléaire dans le bâtiment aujourd'hui.

Il est fait avec la force du niveau qui ne casse pas, même si les bosses d'avion, à l'exception de la centrale nucléaire.

Le gratte-ciel était irrésistiblement et la preuve par 9,11 dans le U.S ..

Ce 福島 est devenu Fukushima quelque chose parce que du premier ministre à l'époque, le lendemain, le 11 Mars, moi qui ai écrit dans le moment où il est allé à la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima avec l'hélicoptère suis la première personne à temps au Japon.

En d'autres termes, il est parce qu'il était Naoto Kan administration dont Asahi Shimbun formé en soulevant.

Il est parce que je recevais le meilleur look de Dieu au Japon qui pourrait surveiller de près une situation à ce moment-là.

Cet article continue

Nessuno ha scritto quanto segue mai, è l'articolo che espone la menzogna opposta a

2016年09月01日 10時20分15秒 | 日記

Nessuno ha scritto quanto segue mai, è l'articolo che espone la menzogna che è di fronte alla centrale nucleare che non è esagerato, anche se si dice che si tratta di un risultato di essere operato da Cina e Corea infantile e scioccamente.

Sono cresciuto, nato nella prefettura di Miyagi Natori Città Yuriage.

Quando si alza fino a Hiyoriyama, il buon giorno di tempo, Kinkasan, che si trova alla fine della penisola di Oshika laggiù avrebbe potuto essere visto ben oltre.

C'è città Onagawa nella parte inferiore di questa penisola Oshika.

Onagawa centrale nucleare di Tohoku Electric Power, che è qui in caso di offing terremoto di Tohoku nell'Oceano Pacifico quartiere è diventato l'alloggiamento del residente locale.

In altre parole, che cosa e il fatto che i contendenti di opposizione delle centrali nucleari non sono esagerate stiamo dicendo, anche se si dice che gli esseri umani che sono infantile e stupidamente gestiti da Cina e Corea compiere sono contrari completamente.

E 'stato il più sicuro in caso di 2016 terremoti Kumamoto, anche, ed è alla centrale nucleare di Sendai che non ha dato tutto un pollice.

Tuttavia, questo è che il kindergartner comprende originalmente.

Non è fatta con la migliore robustezza tranne centrale nucleare presso l'edificio spettacoli.

È fatto con la forza del livello tale da non rompere anche se i dossi aerei tranne centrale nucleare.

Il grattacielo era irresistibilmente e la prova da 9,11 nel fuori degli USA ..

Che 福島 divenne Fukushima qualcosa a causa del premier in quei giorni, il giorno dopo l'11 marzo, io che ha scritto nel momento in cui è andato alla centrale nucleare di Fukushima con l'elicottero sono la prima persona volta in Giappone.

In altre parole, è perché era Naoto Kan somministrazione quale Asahi Shimbun formato da sollevamento.

E 'perché ho ricevuto il miglior look dal Dio in Giappone, che potrebbe assistere ad una situazione in quel momento da vicino.

Questo articolo continua

Nadie ha escrito la siguiente vez, es el artículo que expone la mentira que es opuesta a

2016年09月01日 10時19分40秒 | 日記

Nadie escribió lo siguiente nunca, es el artículo que expone la mentira que es opuesta a la planta de energía nuclear que no exagerada, incluso si dice que es una consecuencia de haber sido operados por China y Corea infantilmente y tontamente.

Crecí, nacido en la prefectura de Miyagi Natori Ciudad Yuriage.

Al levantarse hasta Hiyoriyama, en el buen día de las condiciones meteorológicas, Kinkasan que está en el extremo de la península de Oshika por allí se podría haber visto mucho más allá.

No es la ciudad de Onagawa, en la parte inferior de esta península de Oshika.

Onagawa planta de energía nuclear de Tohoku Electric Power, que está aquí, en el caso del terremoto de Tohoku lontananza al Océano Pacífico distrito se convirtió en la carcasa del residente local.

En otras palabras, lo que el hecho y el que las partes en disputa nuclear oposición planta de energía no son exageradas están diciendo, incluso si dice que los seres humanos que son operadas manera infantil y estúpida por China y Corea son contrarias lograr por completo.

Era el más seguro en caso de terremotos de 2016 en Kumamoto, también, y es en la central nuclear de Sendai que no cede un ápice completamente.

Sin embargo, esto es que el kindergartner entiende originalmente.

No está hecho con la mejor robustez, excepto la planta de energía nuclear en el edificio en la actualidad.

Se hace con la fuerza del nivel que no se rompe incluso si las protuberancias de avión, excepto la planta de energía nuclear.

El rascacielos fue irresistiblemente y la prueba de 9.11 en el U.S ..

Que se convirtió en Fukushima 福島 algo debido a que el primer ministro en aquellos días, en el día siguiente, el 11 de marzo, lo que escribió en el momento en que fue a la central nuclear de Fukushima con el helicóptero soy la primera persona tiempo en Japón.

En otras palabras, es porque era Naoto Kan administración a quien Asahi Shimbun formado por elevación.

Es porque he recibido el mejor aspecto del Dios en Japón, que podría ver una situación en ese momento cerca.

Este artículo continúa