文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I think that it wants you, too, to know me by all means.

2016年09月24日 16時00分29秒 | 日記


The United Nations, too, is the time which must change.

Though there is advocated “the enemy clause in the article of the U.N. Charter, too, there is question such as Japan and Germany, Italy when seven countries in amount are burdened with many contributions in the United Nations, too.

The United Nations doesn't refer about the condition that the hostile country is not a hostile country and isn't defining limitation at all even about the action.

Therefore, it says that it is “it declares that the former enemy country is an outlaw forever.

However, nearly 70 years try to pass from the Great War at the end and the role of the United Nations which tries to avoid a war among the states, too, functions.

Shortly, the United Nations will should be reborn to the international organization which realized the true equality of the member country, doing a revolution.

There is little United Nations number of staffs in Japan though United Nations Assessments, too, is the 2nd following America.

Because moreover, that the liberal force seems to be rampant as Mr. Marano to point out, it cannot be said that fair institution.


There was briefing which can appeal in the NGO organization such as the Japan Federation of Bar Associations but our group had been excluded. This will be discrimination itself surely.


My being proposing when how about making the information Ministry to analyze by collecting all the information all over the world including the report of the media about Japan.

If there are a report which is disadvantageous to Japan and a wrong report, it builds the system as it refutes by the language in the country within 24 hours.

At the budget as much as 300 billion yen, it imagines an organization with 3000 scales.

Because China or Korea is attacking Japan by the information fight, Japan, too, will should oppose of course.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should do originally but if seeing former process, he can hardly expect.

* It is Mr. Mototani.

When the Sankei Shimbun reported the Freiburg city in Germany decides to establish a comfort woman image for the first time in the Europe, on that day, I with the paper to have sent the world, and It introduced to the world following it the paper of me who included a critique, let it overrule the stupid decision which will have been left as the shame to the all generations to come in the Freiburg city, I wonder you know.

My reader all over the world, only alone by me, moreover, it is free completely, the budget as much as 300 billion yen equals an organization with 3,000 scales, it knows that it did the true work.

I think that it wants you, too, to know me by all means.


2016年09月24日 15時47分44秒 | 日記






The topic which came out from the NGO organization, without confirming evidence

2016年09月24日 15時25分10秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel which is If major newspapers in its own country continues to write such an article..


"Asahi Shimbun" should be reborn to the news media which tells a fact tightly first.

Because it was connecting with Korea's being anti-Japanese successfully so far, it will have enumerated the lie of the military comfort woman.

A comfort woman image is built in the park in America, too, involve America, Korea is to promote hate to Japan.

It is sure that there is a stratagem that will make Japan-U.S. cause a crack.

Also, "aversion to Japan" have amplified a comfort woman problem and had spread to the United Nations in addition to the Europe and America, too.

I attended a United Nations free right agreement committee in Switzerland on the 16th from July 14th and heard the discussion for the first time.

There, the contents of the criticism resolution to Japan about the comfort woman problem which was adopted in 2008 are different from the fact just.

Surely, the United Nations was the haunt of the liberal forces and I wondered if they were saying to the joke.

The topic which came out from the NGO organization, without confirming evidence, too, it criticizes a state.

First, it will ask its own country government a logic.

Without doing it, it pressures Japanese Government by the United Nations report or the passing.

It is strange that the media in Japan hardly reports the thing.

This article continues


2016年09月24日 15時02分59秒 | 日記











2016年09月24日 14時37分21秒 | 日記









If major newspapers in its own country continues to write such an article

2016年09月24日 10時08分59秒 | 日記

It knew that the economic organization which made Federation of Economic Organizations in Japan the first on the list yesterday was activating economic alternating current by the visit to China as the topic with China.

The phrase which was added later because it sloughed in this chapter, when searching in google, there was a following article.

This, too, is the article which is proving the right of my article by 100 %.From http: //ironna.jp/article/549. (VOICE, the December, 2014 number publication article)

The comfort woman problem, Asahi Shimbun fabricated, it is an after the war maximum media crime.

Mototani Toshio (the APA GROUP representative) / Tony Marano (the critic)

In the United Nations, "anti-Japanese" is in full bloom.


Marano sends the opinion from America for Japan in YouTube and so on and it thanks for it really as one of the Japanese.

I, too, am sending various opinions through my own group company.

As for me, reading a newspaper since the schoolchild was a hobby and it, too, it was about, such as read between the lines, interested in the difference of the report of each paper and so on, too.

After that, it went to 78 countries of the worlds and it learned the culture and the custom of many countries based on the study and at the site the experience.

Also, it built up companionship with the high-ups such as the national council chairperson in front of Castro in Republic of Cuba and Lee Teng-hui previous Taiwan supremo, Kim Young Sam previous Korea president.

In such, many people in the world say "Japan is wonderful" though, for some reason "anti-Japanese" report only by the media in Japan. I felt always doubtful.


I think that Japan is a wonderful country to the extent that I, too, published a book of "Japan is the best in the world! The declaration" (Fuso Publishing).

Since Sea Shepherd harasses a whaling activity in Japan, raising a video in YouTube, it presented a question about the liberal influence in the Western countries. The culture of Japan had better throw out a chest more in its having the originality and the uniqueness of it.

The culture of Japan has originality, uniquely, the Japanese had better throw out a chest more.

However, I was surprised to come to Japan, when saying "Japan is a great country", it has been told that it does a dangerous nationalist. Will the media in Japan not be too much dyed liberal?

In America, the tribe of liberal is destroying a tradition and a culture, mistaking when he is cutting-edge.

They head the United Nations and try to popularize their own self-righteousness.

That the root resembles them, it is the two forces of China and Korea which is attacking Japan, declaring "anti-Japanese".


China and Korea are maintaining that they are a territory in its own country to Okinawa and Tsushima in addition to Senkaku-shoto and Takeshima.

For it, massacre 300,000 in Nanjin, 200,000 are taken from Korean Peninsula as the military comfort woman, the sexual slave do, not even being, it is circulating to all over the world.

It makes a comfort woman image and it is in the present situation that the intelligentsia in the Europe and America believes these lies.

The cause why it was tightened up in this way is because it did the publishing of the false confession book, saying Yoshida Seiji made a Korean woman a comfort woman during the wartime in Jeju Do with the book of "my war crime" and so on in 1983.

Asahi Shimbun takes up the contents many times, it knew that it was not actually in Uemura Takashi reporter, Kim Hak-sun to call a previous comfort woman, "it was taken to the field by the name of the female volunteer corps", it repeated an untruth report.

Moreover, in the evening paper column on January 23rd, 1992, the article which the Kitabatake Kiyoyasu Osaka head office editorialist in the Asahi released, entitling "the military comfort woman" became the cause which is reported to be the compulsion taking of an army and a sexual slave.

When attempting to quote, "It is with the compulsion taking of a military comfort woman that, in the memory, the heart is painful specifically. Yoshida, and the subordinate, 10 or 15 make a business trip to Korean Peninsula. Become 50 or 100 policemen of the governor-general's offices together, it surrounds a village and it drives out a woman on the road. It hits a young woman, brandishing a backsword, it kicks and it packs her in the track. It lets in the lockup in the police beforehand by taking with three, 10 from one village. If becoming 100 or 200 of the schedule, it carries to Shimonoseki. Women were sent to the front by the hand of the army civilian employee at the barrack of the army, crossing. Few women whom Yoshida took had 950 even if there are they and saw."

"The state power uses the police. It kidnaps a woman at the colony in the condition which cannot run away by all means. It carries to the field. It imprisons with 1 year and 2 and it rapes a group. Then, when the Japanese military retreated, it left in the field. I think that the half of the man, all of the women died among the Korean whom I took compulsion to." so it wrote.

If major newspapers "the Asahi" in its own country continues to write such an article, the person in any country has believed that it is "Japan took 200,000 military comfort women formerly from the Korea, forcing and made a sexual slave".

Writing the verification article of which the "Asahi Shimbun" admitted that it was a false report grinningly after 32 years finally, the president apologized.

I think that this is not a false report, that "the Asahi" of the anti-Japanese media is fabricated "After the war the biggest media crime" and that all persons who concerned this including the president should resign immediately.

Also, I want to get a responsibility to the successive president, too.

This article continues

*The Japanese people are about president's taking the consequences soon and resigning though as it knows. But the people in the world don't know at all. Now, because it is still taking part in anti-Japanese education of fascism itself Nazism itself by Korea and China, it, too, will be natural in me when too cruel about the feeble-mindedness of the world about the inaccuracy of it to refer many times.

une personne qui a vu le programme d'histoire spéciale du Tyrannosaurus

2016年09月24日 09時31分35秒 | 日記

Il devrait être tout à fait une personne qui a vu le programme d'histoire spéciale du Tyrannosaurus dans NHK hier.

Le réchauffement de la planète et le crash par satellite ont été le facteur de leur marée.

Même si les gens partout dans le monde ne savent pas du tout, le radiodiffuseur commercial au Japon est une filiale dans le 5 grand journal au Japon.

Ces stations de télévision, il ne devrait pas connaître même la chose qui est pas exagéré du tout du tout, même si elle dit qu'elle est une chaîne de télévision pour le bureau de divertissement partiel.

Ce serait le phénomène qui est tout à fait propre au Japon.

En venant du Japon sans devenir le leader dans le monde avait un facteur important dans cette chose, aussi, je me suis référé.

Il est la première personne à temps dans le monde à ce stade.

Le clown (talk nonsense) célébrité apparaît sur le téléviseur dans chaque fuseau horaire.

La majorité de l'opinion qu'ils émettent à la télévision est quelque chose que la station de télévision a été préparé à l'avance.

La chaîne de télévision qui est une filiale dans le journal en attendant, il retransmet une émission de nouvelles, en mettant sur un visage comme l'homme au masque de fer de la justice, il continue à éclipser le Japon, il continue d'attaquer la politique du gouvernement, tous les politiciens dans le mal, il a continué à dire que eux-mêmes sont le palladium de la démocratie.

Le monde pourrait être dirigée de telle manière de plaisanterie et ainsi de suite et il n'a pas été.

Le joueur sélectionné qui a fait cet état était Asahi Shimbun.

Un tel simple fait, aussi, la plupart en toute sécurité dans le monde, en toute quiétude, proprement, l'un des pays qui le restaurant le plus délicieux matchs les, il vit dans la métropole de Tokyo, recevant la bienfaisance de Asahi Shimbun, le correspondant de l'Allemagne du Sud journal leur propre article qui était l'article de Asahi Shimbun, les membres de la branche du papier New York Times qui place une succursale japonaise en compagnie Asahi Shimbun ne sais pas du tout.

Il a été de voir la télévision Tokyo Channel 12, sports de nouvelles Ltd, continuer un officiant à la station de nouvelles qui a été le programme de signboard de TV-Asahi depuis de nombreuses années, Furutachi qui a gagné l'argent énorme, aussi, en sortant du commercial de Softbank , il était rugissant.

Un tel homme mis sur un visage comme un porte-parole de la démocratie au Japon et depuis de nombreuses années, il a eu une grande influence sur la politique au Japon.

Avant-dernière année, jusqu'en Août, il ne connaît pas leur état réel du tout et il ne faut pas dire qu'il a appris plus la rage et le regret qui ne sont pas, de continuer à voir l'émission de nouvelles.

Cet article continue.

persona che ha visto il programma speciale storia del Tyrannosaurus

2016年09月24日 09時31分00秒 | 日記

Ci dovrebbe piuttosto essere una persona che ha visto il programma speciale storia del Tyrannosaurus in NHK ieri.

Il riscaldamento globale e il crollo satellitare sono stati il fattore del loro marea.

Anche se le persone di tutto il mondo non conoscono affatto, l'emittente commerciale in Giappone è una società controllata al 5 grande giornale in Giappone.

Queste stazioni televisive, non dovrebbe conoscere ancora la cosa che non è esagerato a tutti a tutti, anche se si dice che si tratta di una stazione TV per l'ufficio intrattenimento parziale.

Questo sarebbe il fenomeno, completamente peculiare Giappone.

Se si arriva senza il Giappone di diventare il leader nel mondo ha avuto un grande fattore in questa cosa, anche, ho fatto riferimento.

E 'la prima persona che volta al mondo, a questo punto.

Viene visualizzata la clownerie (discorso senza senso) di celebrità sulla TV in ogni fuso orario.

La maggioranza ritiene che emettono in televisione è qualcosa che stazione televisiva è stata preparata in anticipo.

La stazione televisiva, che è una filiale nel giornale nel frattempo, si trasmessi dalla televisione un notiziario, mettendo su una faccia come uomo dalla maschera di ferro della giustizia, continua a impallidire il Giappone, continua ad attaccare la politica del governo, tutti i politici nel male, ha continuato a dire che si sono il palladio della democrazia.

Il mondo potrebbe essere diretto in modo tale scherzo e così via, e non è stato.

Il giocatore selezionato che ha fatto questo stato era Asahi Shimbun.

Tale un semplice fatto, anche, più sicuro al mondo, in pace, in modo pulito, quello del paese che i più deliziosi del ristorante partite, vive a Tokyo metropolitana, ricevendo la beneficenza di Asahi Shimbun, il corrispondente di Germania meridionale giornale proprio l'articolo di cui è stato l'articolo di Asahi Shimbun, i membri del ramo della carta New York Times, che pone una filiale giapponese nell'azienda Asahi Shimbun non so affatto.

Si vedeva Television Tokyo Canale 12, Ltd. notizie sportive, continuare una presiede alla stazione di notizie che è stato il programma di cartello di TV Asahi per molti anni, Furutachi che ha vinto denaro enorme, troppo, uscendo al commerciale di Softbank , è stato scoppiettante.

Un tale uomo messo su una faccia da portavoce della democrazia in Giappone e per molti anni, ha avuto una grande influenza sulla politica in Giappone.

Due anni fa, fino ad agosto, non conoscono il loro stato effettivo a tutti e non è necessario dire che ha imparato più la rabbia e il rammarico che non è, per continuare a vedere lo spettacolo notizie.

Questo articolo continua.

vio el programa especial historia del Tyrannosaurus

2016年09月24日 09時30分21秒 | 日記

No debe absolutamente ser una persona que vio el programa especial historia del Tyrannosaurus en NHK ayer.

El calentamiento global y el desplome por satélite fueron el factor de su marea.

Incluso si las personas de todo el mundo no saben en absoluto, la empresa comercial de televisión en Japón es una filial en el periódico 5 grandes en Japón.

Estas estaciones de televisión, no deben saber siquiera lo que no es exagerado en absoluto en absoluto, incluso si dice que se trata de un canal de televisión para la oficina de entretenimiento parcial.

Este sería el fenómeno que es completamente peculiar a Japón.

Cuando viene sin Japón de convertirse en el líder en el mundo tenía un gran factor en esta cosa, también, me he referido.

Es la primera persona vez en el mundo en este momento.

El (hablar sin sentido) celebridad payaso aparece en la TV en todas las zonas horarias.

La mayoría de la opinión que emiten en la televisión es algo que la estación de televisión fue preparado de antemano.

El canal de televisión que es una filial en el periódico, mientras tanto, se televisa un programa de noticias, poner una cara como hombre de la máscara de hierro de la justicia, que continúa empequeñecer Japón, que continúa atacando la política del gobierno, todos los políticos en el mal, que continuó diciendo que ellos mismos son el paladio de la democracia.

El mundo podría dirigirse de tal manera broma y así sucesivamente y no lo fue.

El jugador seleccionado que hizo este estado era Asahi Shimbun.

Tal simple hecho, también, de forma más segura en el mundo, con toda tranquilidad, limpia, la del país que los más deliciosos partidos restaurante, que vive en el área metropolitana de Tokio, la recepción de la beneficencia de Asahi Shimbun, el corresponsal del diario Sur de Alemania su propio Artículo de los cuales fue el artículo de Asahi Shimbun, los miembros de la rama del papel del New York Times que coloca una sucursal japonesa Asahi Shimbun en la compañía no sabe en absoluto.

Se estaba viendo la televisión Canal 12 Tokio, Ltd noticias deportivas, continuar un preside en la estación de noticias que fue el programa de TV de señal en Asahi desde hace muchos años, que ganó Furutachi grandes cantidades de dinero, también, que sale a la comercial de Softbank , fue rotundo.

Tal hombre se puso una cara como un portavoz de la democracia en Japón y desde hace muchos años, que tenía una gran influencia en la política en Japón.

Penúltimo año, hasta agosto, no se sabe su estado real en absoluto y no es necesario decir que aprendió más la rabia y el pesar que no es, para continuar viendo el programa de noticias.

Este artículo continúa.

besondere Geschichte Programm des Tyrannosaurus sah

2016年09月24日 09時29分44秒 | 日記

Es sollte durchaus eine Person sein, die die besondere Geschichte Programm des Tyrannosaurus in NHK gestern gesehen.

Die globale Erwärmung und der Satellit Absturz waren der Faktor ihrer Flut.

Auch wenn die Menschen auf der ganzen Welt überhaupt nicht wissen, ist der Privatsender in Japan ist eine Tochtergesellschaft in den 5 großen Zeitung in Japan.

Diese TV-Sender, sollte es nicht einmal wissen, die Sache, die überhaupt nicht übertrieben ist alles, auch wenn es sagt, dass es ein Fernsehsender für die Teil Unterhaltung Büro.

Dies wäre das Phänomen, das in Japan vollständig eigentümlich ist.

Wenn ohne Japan kommt der Führer der immer in der Welt in dieser Sache einen großen Faktor hatte auch bezeichnet ich.

Es ist das erste Mal, Person in der Welt an dieser Stelle.

Die Clownerie (Unsinn reden) Berühmtheit erscheint auf dem Fernseh in jeder Zeitzone.

Die Mehrheit der Meinung, dass sie im Fernsehen ausstrahlen ist etwas, das Fernsehsender im Voraus vorbereitet wurde.

Die TV-Station, die eine Tochtergesellschaft in der Zeitung in der Zwischenzeit ist, televises es eine Nachrichtensendung, auf einem Gesicht wie Mann in der eisernen Maske der Gerechtigkeit setzen, es geht weiter Japan in den Schatten stellt, geht es um die Politik der Regierung zu attackieren, alle Politiker in dem bösen, weiter dazu sagen, dass sich das Palladium der Demokratie sind.

Die Welt könnte in einem solchen Witz Weise geleitet und so weiter, und es war nicht.

Der ausgewählte Spieler, der diesen Zustand gemacht wurde Asahi Shimbun.

Eine solche einfache Tatsache auch am sichersten in der Welt, friedlich, sauber, die des Landes, das die köstlichsten Restaurant Streichhölzer, es in der Metropole Tokyo lebt, die beneficence von Asahi Shimbun, der Korrespondent der Süd-Deutschland Zeitung empfängt ihre eigenen Artikel davon war der Artikel von Asahi Shimbun, die Mitglieder des Zweiges von der New York Times Papier, das eine japanische Niederlassung in Asahi Shimbun Unternehmen wissen nicht, an allen Orten.

Es war zu sehen, Fernsehen Tokyo Kanal 12, Ltd. Sportnachrichten, einen Vorsteher an der Nachrichtensender fortzusetzen, die das Schild Programm von TV-Asahi war für viele Jahre, Furutachi die große Geld gewonnen, auch zum Handels von Softbank herauskommen es war brüllend.

Ein solcher Mann, der auf einem Gesicht wie ein Sprecher der Demokratie in Japan und seit vielen Jahren setzen, hatte er einen großen Einfluss auf die Politik in Japan.

Jahr vor dem letzten, bis August, ist es nicht weiß, ihre Ist-Zustand überhaupt und es ist nicht notwendig zu sagen, dass es nicht mehr die Wut und das Bedauern, die nicht gelernt wird, um weiterhin die Nachrichtensendung zu sehen.

Dieser Artikel setzt.

programa de história especial do Tyrannosaurus

2016年09月24日 09時29分11秒 | 日記

Não deve ser completamente uma pessoa que viu o programa de história especial do Tyrannosaurus no NHK ontem.

O aquecimento global e a queda de satélite foram o fator de sua maré.

Mesmo que as pessoas de todo o mundo não conhece, a emissora comercial do Japão é uma subsidiária na grande jornal 5 no Japão.

Estas estações de TV, ele não deve saber ainda a coisa que não é exagerado em tudo em tudo, mesmo se ele diz que é uma estação de TV para o escritório de entretenimento parcial.

Este seria o fenómeno que é completamente estranho ao Japão.

Quando chegar sem o Japão de se tornar o líder do mundo tinha um grande fator nessa coisa, também, a que me referi.

É a primeira pessoa tempo do mundo neste momento.

A palhaçada (falar bobagens) celebridade aparece na TV em cada fuso horário.

A maioria da opinião de que eles emitem na televisão é algo que estação de televisão foi preparado com antecedência.

A estação de TV que é uma subsidiária no jornal, no entretanto, que televisiona um noticiário, colocando em um rosto como o Homem da Máscara de Ferro da justiça, continua a anão Japão, continua a atacar a política do governo, todos os políticos do mal, ele continuou a dizer que eles próprios são o paládio da democracia.

O mundo pode estar a caminho de uma tal maneira piada e assim por diante e não foi.

O jogador selecionado que fez este estado foi Asahi Shimbun.

Tal fato simples, também, mais segurança no mundo, pacificamente, de forma limpa, a do país que os mais deliciosos jogos de restaurante, que vive em Tóquio metropolitana, recebendo a beneficência de Asahi Shimbun, o correspondente da Alemanha do Sul jornal a sua própria artigo dos quais foi o artigo de Asahi Shimbun, os membros do ramo do papel New York Times que coloca uma filial japonesa na empresa Asahi Shimbun não sei nada.

Ele estava vendo televisão Tokyo Canal 12, notícias esportivas do Ltd., continuar uma oficiante na estação de notícias que foi o programa quadro indicador da TV-Asahi por muitos anos, Furutachi que ganhou muito dinheiro, também, saindo para o comercial da Softbank , foi estrondoso.

Tal homem colocar um rosto como um porta-voz da democracia no Japão e por muitos anos, ele teve uma grande influência sobre a política no Japão.

Ano antes da última, até agosto, ele não sabe o seu estado real em tudo e não é necessário dizer que aprendi mais a raiva ea tristeza que não é, de continuar a ver o noticiário.

Este artigo continua.


2016年09月24日 09時28分42秒 | 日記



















2016年09月24日 09時28分10秒 | 日記



















2016年09月24日 09時27分38秒 | 日記

확실히 어제 NHK에서 티라노 사우루스의 특별한 이야기 프로그램을 본 사람이 있어야합니다.

지구 온난화와 위성 충돌은 조류의 요인이었다.

전 세계 사람들이 전혀 모르는 경우에도, 일본의 상업 방송은 일본에서 5 큰 신문의 자회사입니다.

이 TV 방송국, 그것은이 부분 엔터테인먼트 사무실을위한 TV 방송국 것을 말한다 모든 모든도에 과장되지 않은 경우에도 일을 알지 못한다.

이 일본에 완전히 특유의 현상이 될 것이다.

일본이 일에 큰 요인이 있었다 세계에서 리더가없이 오는 경우도, 내가 언급했다.

이 시점에서 세계 최초의 사람이다.

광대 요 (통화 넌센스) 유명 인사는 모든 시간대에 TV에 나타납니다.

그들은 텔레비전 발광 의견의 대부분은 방송국 미리 제조 된 것이있다.

한편 신문의 자회사 인 TV 방송국, 그것은, 그것은 정부의 정책을 공격하기 위해 계속, 그것은 일본 난쟁이을 계속 정의의 철 가면 같은 얼굴을 입고, 뉴스 쇼를 중계를 악마의 모든 정치인, 그것 자체가 민주주의의 팔라듐 있다는 말을 계속했다.

세계는 농담 방식으로 향했다 수 등 그리고 그것은 아니었다.

이 상태를 만든 선택한 플레이어는 아사히 신문이었다.

간단한 사실도, 가장 안전한 세계, 평화적으로, 완전히, 가장 맛있는 레스토랑 일치, 그것은 아사히 신문, 남부 독일 신문의 특파원의 선행을 받고, 대도시 도쿄에 살고있는 나라의 하나 자신의 이러한 의 기사는 아사히 신문, 전혀 모르는 아사히 신문 회사의 일본 지사를 배치 뉴욕 타임스 용지의 지부 회원의 글이었다.

그것은 텔레비전 도쿄 채널 (12)는 회사의 스포츠 뉴스, TV 아사히의 간판 프로그램이 여러 해 동안이었다 뉴스 스테이션에서 사회자를 계속보고 있었다, 소프트 뱅크의 광고에 나오는, 너무 큰 돈을 원 Furutachi 그것은 포효했다.

일본에서 민주주의의 대변인처럼 얼굴에 많은 년간 넣어 같은 남자, 그는 일본의 정치에 큰 영향을 미쳤다.

올해 마지막 전에 년 8 월까지, 모든 그들의 실제 상태를 알 수없고 뉴스 쇼를보기 위해 지속적으로, 더 이상 분노와없는 후회를 배운 말을 할 필요가 없습니다.

이 문서는 계속됩니다.


2016年09月24日 09時27分08秒 | 日記

Там вполне должен быть человек, который видел особую историю программу Tyrannosaurus в NHK вчера.

Глобальное потепление и спутник аварии были фактором их течения.

Даже если люди во всем мире не знают вообще, коммерческий вещатель в Японии является дочерней компанией в 5 большой газеты в Японии.

Эти телевизионные станции, она не должна знать даже вещь, которая не преувеличены вообще на всех, даже если он говорит, что это телевизионная станция для частичного развлекательного офиса.

Это было бы явление, которое вполне свойственно Японии.

Когда приходит без Японии став лидером в мире был большой фактор в этом деле, я тоже говорил.

Это первый раз, когда человек в мире на данный момент.

на экране телевизора в каждом часовом поясе появляется клоунада (говорить глупости) знаменитость.

Большинство придерживается мнения, что они испускают на телевидении является то, что телевизионная станция была подготовлена заранее.

Телевизионная станция, которая является дочерней компанией в газете в то же время, это televises пресс-шоу, положив на лицо, как Человек в железной маске из справедливости, она продолжает карлик Японию, он продолжает нападать на политику правительства, все политики в злом, она продолжала говорить, что сами по себе являются палладиум демократии.

Мир может возглавить в такой шуточной манере и так далее, и это не было.

Выбранный игрок, сделавший это состояние было Асахи симбун.

Такой простой факт, тоже самое безопасное в мире, спокойно, чисто, одна из страны, самые вкусные рестораны спички, он живет в метрополии Токио, получая благотворность Asahi Shimbun, передает корреспондент газеты Южной Германии свои собственные статья которого была статья Asahi Shimbun, членов отделения бумаги New York Times, которая помещает японский филиал в компании Asahi Shimbun не знают вообще.

Он видел телевидения Токио Канал 12, Ltd. в спортивные новости, продолжить предстоятель на пресс-станции, которая была Вывеска программа TV-Asahi в течение многих лет, Furutachi который выиграл огромные деньги, тоже, выходит к рекламе Softbank , это было ревом.

Такой человек надел лицо как представитель демократии в Японии и в течение многих лет, он имел большое влияние на политику в Японии.

Годом ранее в прошлом, до августа, он не знает их фактическое состояние на всех и не надо говорить, что он узнал не больше, гнев и сожаление, которое не так, чтобы продолжать видеть новости шоу.

Эта статья продолжается.