文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Therefore, Japan should tell facing dangerous status to the people by the information disclosure

2016年09月08日 22時41分29秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

Therefore, Japan should tell facing dangerous status to the people by the information disclosure as much as possible.

If the real fact with the dreadful offensive power of China can be shared, the people judge certainly wisely.

The marine platform which China constructed onto the intermediate-cable on the East China Sea, the offensive near miss to the Self-Defense Force aircraft by the Chinese war plane in the East China Sea sky, the marine militiaman who presses against Senkaku, the saturated attack that the means which Japan makes, too, passes away, including the possibility of the nuking toward Japan, it conceals crisis information from national eyes, it is chipping off the power for the people to think.

The status to think of with the people must be made.

Listen to the voice of the Self-Defense Force uniformed personnel who wishes that it wants to avoid a war most than anyone on it.

It is the time to hurry about the large-scale reform as much as doubling defense budget by arranging the defense equipment and the personnel which they think that is necessary to avoid a war.

The historic mission of Liberal Democratic Party will be explaining that the revision of the Constitution preamble and article 9 clause 2 determines the fate in Japan in front of this big crisis to the people very sincerely.

However, America in the ally is in the presidential election, too, and falls into a stall.

2016年09月08日 22時32分33秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

However, America in the ally is in the presidential election, too, and falls into a stall.

Two presidential candidates made the posture which is opposite to TPP (the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement) clear.

Now which should establish a rule in Asia-Pacific where China did to the sea of the conflict with both Japan and United States leading the van, it says that the U.S. will renounce the rule of all things.

It is difficult to read the reorganization of the international dynamics but the importance of the role of Japan is clear.

The problem in Japan is simply having the power and the will for the menace in China not to encroach.

This article continues

The singularity means the phenomenon which leads for one supercomputer to have

2016年09月08日 22時21分07秒 | 日記

If achieving once, springing the 1 big strong country where no country can do even a challenge.

It is "the singularity (the significant level)" by the artificial intelligence and the supercomputer.

The Mr. Saito Motoaki who made the energy saving supercomputer it does continuation with the 3rd period and which is the best in the world warns of the possibility that China reaches there within another several years.

The singularity means the phenomenon which leads for one supercomputer to have the intelligence which is more excellent than adjusting the brain of all human beings.

It says that China achieves it by 2020 and that it may dominate the world.

Earlier than China, the country must stand there and the problem which should challenge in the total power is here, too.

Now, the power of Japan as the state is in every sense tested.

This article continues

There is not an alternative which doesn't fight before the crisis of the national defense.

2016年09月08日 22時13分08秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

There is not an alternative which doesn't fight before the crisis of the national defense.

After the Obama U.S. administration or Japan folded a hand, China had advantage in the hand in many fields.

The difference of the military power in Japan and China expands into 1 - 5 by Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020.

The Art of War (military text by Sun Tzu, 512 BCE),  it should win with being fighting promptly, the status of the China overwhelming advantage has been born.

That China which put power threatens Japan with the nucleus, too, is sufficiently thought of.

The saturated attack which drives Japan into the status which it isn't possible to defend absolutely completely by lodging a missile and so on in quantities, too, is worried about.

Because it knows sufficiently, China doing little with the ammunition reserve quantity of the country if making further attack by seeing the good time when the bullet in Japan runs out, then Japan falls, it will be reading. 

This article continues  

If being, it is clear we need a fundamental review of the defense of Japan.

2016年09月08日 22時00分18秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

In the strategy of the present U.S. army, it is the composition that the sea - Air Force, too, retreat to the east side of the 2nd line of island lines about the aircraft carrier, too, and that Japan confronts the impending enemy if the sign of the missile discharging from China is confirmed.

If being, it is clear we need a fundamental review of the defense of Japan.

The Self-Defense Force has equipment or a member in being overwhelming shortage.

Adding, the Constitution or the Self-Defense Forces Law is immersed to the hilt to the mind of the defensive defense and the action or the strike capability of the Self-Defense Force is severely limited.

America thinks of the 1st line of island line defenses by the long-drawn-out war but the composition country of the 1st line of island lines which stand in the forefront is Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines.

In addition to two countries except Japan, is there power to endure "the long-drawn-out war" in Japan?

By such status, the fact that the Self-Defense Force which is under the severe limitation keeps the 1st line of island lines completely and so on are impossible.

In that case, Japan is suppressed by the Chinese military.

Now when the aspect that the nightmare may become actual can be seen, it batters a caution, telling the people a crisis will be the role of the government.

As for Japan's being made to do what under the Chinese military, should recall the tragedy of the friends in Asia.

China which occupied Mongolia formerly made Mongolia troops attack Tibet.

In the step which suppressed Japan, China will see a Self-Defense Force off compulsorily to the front as the advance guard in China.

It is miserable.

This article continues.

The following is a paper as the realist in the real thing of Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai

2016年09月08日 21時07分24秒 | 日記

The following is a paper as the realist in the real thing of Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai who was carried on the September 5th Sankei Shimbun FrontPage, being entitled "it is possible for the reform hurrying of the Self-Defense Force which is large in scale to be done" and the American citizen in addition to all of the Japanese people, too, is the paper which must be listened to.

After the war, America kept Japan's safety.

It is very strange wherever it sees from, the Japanese people consider to be reasonable as air about the security environment of the foreign country dependence.

However, the United States is reviewing fundamentally a national defense strategy in order to respond to the extraordinary become forced military expansion of China.

A result, Japan is no longer must be carried out on their own almost all of the land defense in the field with the exception of nuclear weapons.

This is the first time in the postwar period.

If we cannot be supported to this big change, Japan cannot survive but the country cannot support yet.

Why is it possible to defend Japan and the people completely in this?

In the government nucleus, above all the person in charge of the national defense, I even think he would be spend the sleepless night.

It is the Mr. Youda Kazuhito of the Japanese strategy research forum policy proposal member of the committee and the previous Army Commanding General of the western part of the Ground Self-Defense Force that emitted a warning by the change of the security environment which is an after the war maximum crisis.

It pointed out that the Chinese of A2AD (access blocking, area denial) strategy to prevent the forward deployment of US forces, the United States continues to retreat.

Conventional Japan worked out a strategy, presupposing that the American aircraft carrier comes to support immediately when China advances to the 1st line of island lines, that the U.S. army takes the initiative in anti- Chinese fight and that the U.S. army hits a Chinese mainland.

It was regarded that it is air sea battle (ASB) of the US strategy.  

ASB is the assumption that nuclear deterrence of the United States is valid, usually to maintain a military balance by force to suppress the conflict, to exhaustion the Chinese national power in the long war, but strategy that leads to the end of the war.

On the other hand, that of China is called Short Sharp War, short-term, high-intensity tactics.

It thinks to win in the local game of the short-term battle to concentrate all of the force of the non-nuclear.

This article continues


2016年09月08日 13時44分04秒 | 日記



















しかも日本の権益を狙うかのように海軍力を増強している。 古代ギリシヤの歴史家トゥキュディデスは、「平和の代償」とは絶えず戦争に備えることだと言った。







2016年09月08日 13時18分40秒 | 日記

以下は9/13号のニユーズウィーク誌の10ページに、「アジアが抱える最大の危機 それは日中関係」と題して掲載されたケリー・ブラウン(ロンドン大学キングズ・カレッジ教授)の論文からである。


アジアが抱える最大の危機 それは日中関係



核開発を進める北朝鮮? 緊張の続くパキスタンとインド? 南シナ海での中国と周辺諸国との衝突? 



















2016年09月08日 12時52分05秒 | 日記
























戦争回避のために必要だと、彼らが考える防衛装備と人員を整え、防衛予算を倍増する程の大規模改革を急ぐときだ。 自民党の歴史的使命は、この大危機の前で、憲法前文と9条2項の改正が日本の運命を決することを国民に誠心誠意説くことであろう。


2016年09月08日 12時49分23秒 | 日記



























2016年09月08日 11時42分25秒 | 日記











Avez-vous abolir le système de discrimination de rang qui était

2016年09月08日 11時29分18秒 | 日記

Le Japon et la péninsule coréenne étaient un état de l'union personnelle.

Si elle a fait une colonie, il n'a pas été du tout. Ceci est un fait indéniable.

Ce sont les pays européens et américains qui étaient un état suzerain à l'époque du colonialisme.

En même temps que l'annexion début, 20% sur le budget national de la péninsule coréenne, à 35 ans ont été au pouvoir, la chose que le Japon a continué à baisser, avez-vous fait pour les anciennes colonies?

Avez-vous la forêt dans la montagne?

Avez-vous abolir le système de discrimination de rang qui était le pire premier au monde à un souffle?

La discrimination contre les femmes qui était de pire premier spécifiquement le monde.

Dans la péninsule coréenne, de nombreuses femmes étaient égaux à l'esclave. Il y ait encore la trace.

Par conséquent, moi qui ai écrit que la femme golfeur professionnel en Corée balayait suis la première personne dans le monde. La femme en Corée devrait savoir que mon article est juste.

Fonder une école à travers le pays à la colonie, avez-vous une éducation obligatoire prévalent dans le pays qui a été l'un du monde countrieses moins moins développés?

Avez-vous fait la chose que la création de l'Université nationale de Séoul est antérieure à la création de l'Université nationale de Nagoya à la colonie?

Avez-vous assurez-vous qu'il était possible d'être béni avec la vie cultivée en faisant des barrages dans la péninsule coréenne et la fourniture de l'énergie électrique?

Cet article continue

Hai abolire il sistema di discriminazione rango che era del peggiore prima del mondo a un soffio?

2016年09月08日 11時28分51秒 | 日記

Giappone e penisola coreana sono stati uno stato di unione personale.

Se così fosse una colonia, non era affatto. Questo è un fatto innegabile.

Sono i paesi europei e americani che erano uno stato sovrano nei tempi colonialismo.

In contemporanea con l'annessione inizio, il 20% nel corso del bilancio nazionale a penisola coreana, a 35 anni di essere stato al governo, la cosa come il Giappone ha continuato a cadere, avete fatto per le ex colonie?

Ti è foresta di montagna?

Hai abolire il sistema di discriminazione rango che era del peggiore prima del mondo a un soffio?

La discriminazione nei confronti delle donne, che è stato del peggior primo al mondo in particolare.

In penisola coreana, molte donne sono stati pari allo slave. Ci sia ancora la traccia.

Pertanto, che ha scritto che il golfista donna professionale in Corea stava spazzando sopra sono la prima persona al mondo. La donna in Corea dovrebbe sapere che il mio articolo è giusto.

Fondare una scuola in tutto il paese a colonia, hai fatto una scuola dell'obbligo prevalere nel paese che era uno del mondo meno countrieses meno sviluppate?

Hai fatto la cosa come l'istituzione dell'Università nazionale di Seoul sia anteriore a istituzione di Università nazionale di Nagoya alla colonia?

Sei sicuro che fosse possibile per essere benedetti con la vita colta facendo dighe in penisola coreana e la fornitura di energia elettrica?

Questo articolo continua

¿Ha abolir el sistema de discriminación rango en lo que fue la peor primera del mundo en un soplo?

2016年09月08日 11時28分22秒 | 日記

Japón y la península de Corea eran un estado unión personal.

Si lo hiciera una colonia, que no era en absoluto. Este es un hecho innegable.

Se trata de los países europeos y americanos, que eran un estado soberano en los tiempos del colonialismo.

Simultáneamente con la anexión principio, un 20% más del presupuesto nacional a la península de Corea, a 35 años de haber sido rector, la cosa como Japón continuó cayendo, se han realizado para las antiguas colonias?

¿Te bosque en la montaña?

¿Ha abolir el sistema de discriminación rango en lo que fue la peor primera del mundo en un soplo?

La discriminación de la mujer, que era la peor primera concretamente del mundo.

En la península de Corea, muchas mujeres eran iguales al esclavo. No siendo la traza.

Por lo tanto, quien escribió que el golfista profesional de la mujer en Corea estaba barriendo sobre soy la primera persona en el mundo. La mujer en Corea debe saber que mi artículo es correcto.

La fundación de una escuela en todo el país en la colonia, ¿ha realizado una enseñanza obligatoria prevalece en el país, que era una parte del mundo menos countrieses menos desarrollados?

¿Usted hizo lo que el establecimiento de la Universidad Nacional de Seúl es anterior a la creación de la Universidad Nacional de Nagoya a la colonia?

¿Tienes seguro de que era posible ser bendecido con la vida culta haciendo presas en la península de Corea y el suministro de energía eléctrica?

Este artículo continúa

Haben Sie den Rang Scheidungssystem abzuschaffen,

2016年09月08日 11時27分49秒 | 日記

Japan und koreanischen Halbinsel waren eine Personalunion Staat.

Wenn es eine Kolonie war, war es nicht. Dies ist eine unbestreitbare Tatsache.

Es sind die europäischen und amerikanischen Ländern, die ein suzerain Zustand in den Kolonialismus Zeiten waren.

Gleichzeitig mit Annexion Beginn, 20% mehr als der Staatshaushalt auf der koreanischen Halbinsel, bis 35 Jahre gewesen zu sein Regierungs, die Sache wie Japan fallen weiter, haben Sie an den ehemaligen Kolonien gemacht?

Hast du Wald im Berg?

Haben Sie den Rang Scheidungssystem abzuschaffen, die in einem Atemzug von der weltweit schlimmsten erste war?

Die Diskriminierung von Frauen, die schlechteste erste speziell der weltweit war.

In der koreanischen Halbinsel, waren viele Frauen an den Slave gleich. Es gibt immer noch die Spur sein.

Deshalb habe ich, der schrieb, dass die Frau Profi-Golfer in Korea bin fegte über die erste Person in der Welt. Die Frau in Korea sollten wissen, dass Sie meinen Artikel richtig ist.

eine Schule in dem ganzen Land in der Kolonie gründen, hast du eine Schulpflicht im Land herrschen, die eine der weltweit am wenigsten weniger entwickelten countrieses?

Haben Sie die Sache wie die Einrichtung von nationalen Seoul Universität zu tun war früher als die Einrichtung von nationalen Universität Nagoya in die Kolonie?

Haben Sie sicherstellen, dass es möglich war, mit dem kultivierten Leben gesegnet werden durch Dämme in der koreanischen Halbinsel zu machen und elektrische Stromversorgung?

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