文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2016年09月09日 15時28分03秒 | 日記



The human being who has a proper brain and has right knowledge about the history

2016年09月09日 13時29分41秒 | 日記

The following was the article of the Sankei Shimbun page 6 yesterday but in the moment to have read this article, surely, there was a part which actually felt being the country of "the evil which isn't known in the bottom" "the plausible lie".

*-* is me and it is the truth of the thing.

It installs in comfort woman image within the year, too, in Germany. The friendship town in Korea which is first in the Europe 【 Seoul = Namura Takahiro 】

In addition to Korea, the comfort woman image which is installed in the U.S. and Australia and so on, in the Europe, for the first time, it was by the end of the year installed in Germany, too.

According to more than one piece of Korean media, it is in the Freiburg city of German southwest and the it sisterhood, the Yom Tae mayor in Korean Gyeonggi Province - Suwon, this year, in May, it appeals the cooperation establishment of the image to the Freiburg mayor, it says that there was a reply to accept.

The last agrees among the mayors at the end of August. It says schedule to be jointly with the both cities with the Freiburg city central part on December 10th which hits the anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights of the United Nations established and for a commemorative ceremony, too, to be done.

The Korean media, "It is a war criminal country like Japan but Germany is the model country of apologizing for", it is one to praise, "it is opposite to pressuring image of a girl (the comfort woman image) removal (in front of the Japanese Embassy) in Seoul by Japan which is reluctant to apologize to a war damage country and to reconsider it on the occasion of late last year Korea and Japan agreement." (The SBS news), it is criticizing Japan.

The omit the last part

The human being who has a proper brain and has right knowledge about the history should have thought that this on earth is what article.

"Japan which is reluctant to apologize to a war damage country and to reconsider it."

Come on, since when it became the war damage country of the 2nd Great War in Korea on earth?

The old persons should know the thing which was as calm as Korea during the Second World War wasn't believed to be making war because it didn't become even a field and Japan which was an annexation state avoided mobilization from Korea about all surfaces until the last minute of the end of the war.

How much the recentness, surely, "it was good in the times of the government of Japan..." of the old person who was in the park which is the growing witness of such history only talked about the truth and the country which is beat to death by the youngster (in other words, it is the youngster who grew up in the fascism which referred by the preceding chapter) who was present or it is possible to say that the youngster is the country which beats to death the old person who only told the truth and is this lie too terrible?

It is the taste not to notice even this obvious lie that is crueler and the way with the feeble-mindedness of the media in Korea not to be ashamed of by brandishing the false moralism of Asahi Shimbun heritage is.

Korean Peninsula was a war field, when the Second World War has ended long ago, the inner contention among the peoples, in other words, the internal strife in north and south, it was when fighting on June 25th, 1950 - on July 27th, 1953 stopping, which developed into proxy war of USA VS USSR, USA VS Chinese Communist Party.

How on earth do the culture of the citizens in the Freiburg city which agreed, believing such history fabrication coolly, or the intellect, the brain structure become?

No way, surely the case than that, such as you leave the Nazi era.


2016年09月09日 12時35分29秒 | 日記





韓国だけでなく米国やオーストラリアなどに設置されている慰安婦像が、欧州では初めて、ドイツにも年内に殷殷されることになった。 複数の韓国メディアによると、独南西部のフライブルク市と姉妹関係にある韓国京畿道・水原市の廉泰英市長が今年5月、フライブルク市長に像の共同設置を呼びかけ、受け入れるとの返事があったという。 


韓国メディアは「日本のように戦犯国だが、ドイツは‘謝罪の模範国”」とたたえる一方、「戦争被害国への謝罪と反省を渋る日本が、昨年末の韓日合意を機にソウルの(日本大使館前の)少女像(慰安婦像)撤去へ圧力をかけるのとは対照的」 (SBSニュース)と日本を非難している。 







朝鮮半島が戦場だったのは、第二次大戦がとうに終わっていた時、民族間の内部抗争=南北の主権争いが、米VSソ連、米VS中共の代理戦争に発展した1950年6月25日 - 1953年7月27日休戦の時である。



Rather, the hellish hellfire doubles and it will be waiting for you.

2016年09月09日 11時21分20秒 | 日記

The country which continues to do a fascism for a long time surely, after the war which maintains their own administration, enumerating hatred to the foreign country and the other race.

As a result of entering the war on the Vietnam War fully as the country, Korea could give a 300,000 American immigration frame.

At the time to have become an annexation state of Japan, as for it, Japan abolished the rank discrimination system like a surprising cross-ply which was of the world’s worst first as the big cause that Korean Peninsula was one of the world least less-developed countries at a breath but in Japan, the time was the century of the war.

35 years later, Japan which the axis state had, even Hitler avoided, Japan has the U.S. which is the world's strongest and biggest country cut off petroleum, it is fanned by the newspaper which made Asahi Shimbun the first on the list, too, it fought against the U.S. and then it was defeated.

It would not be necessary to say that the cacoethes returned to Korean Peninsula.

It places more a lot of correspondents in Korea in order that it is difficult to believe more, it doesn't write the Asahi at all but for example, it is difficult for the actual state of the children in Korea, the actual state of their exam competition to render service to the explanation.

As for the reader knows well, I am the human being who was reading through "the war and peace", "Anna Karenina", "The Brothers Karamazov", "The Red and the Black", "Le Lys dans la vallée", "Paul et Virginie" "Takiguchi Nyudo" and so on, making a junior high school student but as one ordinary, such a junior high school student should as you know not exist in Korea in now.

Because there is no absolutely that the truth is 100 % erased, (The evil doesn't exist forever fully by all means), they are having admiration actually to Japan.

Therefore, it is very natural to be reading Haruki Murakami's book most in the world after finishing exam competition even if it doesn't know the world literature and so on at all.

Because, because the publishing company in Japan is a flattering writer excellently as that, only it may be admiration itself for the youngster in Korea.

However, it is only it.

Because no severity of the actual state changes, the wave of the emigrant to all over the world such as the U.S. never stops.

Only as for it, as for no problem, it is natural to be but they are the children of the fascism system which got anti-Japanese education.

In the U.S., it is 300,000 frames.

In the U.S. which is a democracy, there are a city and a city where their fascism is accepted by that the 1 vote talks.

The people who read the article of the establishment to comfort woman image within the year, too, to the Freiburg city in Germany whom the Sankei Shimbun yesterday told should have known the right of my article here.

Probably, this city will be the city where South Germany newspaper has enormous influence like Asahi Shimbun before August the year before last in Japan.

In other words, the citizen here is growing up, subscribing to South Germany newspaper.

Nazism’s crime, the people who braved the crime of the hatred to have paid to Jew, do you own something which sides fundamentally with the Koreans who are braving a similar crime?

With the Tokyo correspondent of South Germany newspaper which is the adherent of Asahi Shimbun which made up Japan as the country like Nazism, for the people in the Freiburg city, making up Japan as the country which did a bad thing like their own Nazism, it may want to make their own indulgence.

However, the God doesn't permit the scheme.

The turntable with the civilization which is the providence of the God doesn't permit.

It is a citizen in the Freiburg city, and you will be except the punishment to the sin to those Jews who were massacred by Nazism or by the punishment to have made up a sin to Japan, you cannot go to the heaven by all means.

Rather, the hellish hellfire doubles and it will be waiting for you.

Milli Müdafiə böhrandan əvvəl mübarizə olmayan bir alternativ yoxdur.

2016年09月09日 11時20分43秒 | 日記

Aşağıdakı əvvəlki fəsildə sonradan edir.

Milli Müdafiə böhrandan əvvəl mübarizə olmayan bir alternativ yoxdur.

Obama ABŞ administrasiyası və ya Yaponiya bir tərəfdən qatlanmış sonra, Çin bir çox sahələrdə tərəfdən üstünlüyü var idi.

2020-ci ildə Tokio Olimpiya Oyunlarına 5 - Yaponiya və Çin hərbi güc fərqi 1 genişləndirir.

Müharibə The Art (Sun Tzu, 512 M.Ö. hərbi text), bu dərhal mübarizə, Çin böyük üstünlüyü status anadan olmuşdur olunur ilə qazanmaq lazımdır.

güc qoymaq Çin nüvə ilə Yaponiya təhdid ki, çox, kifayət qədər düşünülür.

Bu miqdarda belə bir raket verilməsi və tamamilə tamamilə müdafiə etmək mümkün deyil statusu Yaponiya sürücüler doymuş hücum da narahat edir.

Bu kifayət qədər bilir, çünki, Çin daha hücum edən Yaponiya güllə, uzanır sonra Yaponiya oxu olacaq, düşür zaman yaxşı vaxt görərək ölkənin sursat ehtiyat miqdarı ilə kiçik edir.

Bu yazı davam edir

Si l'être, il est clair que nous devons une révision fondamentale de la défense du Japon.

2016年09月09日 10時02分07秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

Dans la stratégie de l'armée actuelle des États-Unis, il est la composition que la mer - Air Force, aussi, se retirer sur le côté est de la 2ème ligne de l'île lignes sur le porte-avions, aussi, et que le Japon affronte l'ennemi imminent si le signe du missile de décharge de la Chine est confirmée.

Si l'être, il est clair que nous devons une révision fondamentale de la défense du Japon.

Le Self-Defense Force dispose d'un équipement ou un membre en étant pénurie écrasante.

Ajout, la Constitution ou la loi des Forces d'auto-défense est immergé jusqu'à la garde à l'esprit de la défense défensive et l'action ou la capacité d'exercice de la Force d'autodéfense est sévèrement limitée.

Amérique pense de la première ligne de défense de la ligne de l'île par la guerre de longue haleine, mais le pays de la composition de la première ligne de lignes insulaires, qui sont de est le Japon, Taiwan l'avant-garde, et les Philippines.

En plus de deux pays à l'exception du Japon, est-il pouvoir supporter "la guerre de longue haleine" au Japon?

Par ce statut, le fait que la Force d'auto-défense qui est sous la sévère limitation maintient la 1ère ligne de lignes insulaires complètement et ainsi de suite sont impossibles.

Dans ce cas, le Japon est supprimée par l'armée chinoise.

Maintenant, quand l'aspect que le cauchemar peut devenir réelle peut être vu, il bat en une mise en garde, disant au peuple une crise sera le rôle du gouvernement.

Quant à l'être du Japon fait de faire ce que dans l'armée chinoise, devrait rappeler la tragédie des amis en Asie.

La Chine qui a occupé la Mongolie fait autrefois les troupes Mongolie attaquent Tibet.

Dans l'étape qui supprimait le Japon, la Chine verra une force d'auto-défense off obligatoire à l'avant comme l'avant-garde en Chine.

Il est misérable.

Cet article continue.

Se essere, è chiaro che abbiamo bisogno di una revisione fondamentale della difesa del Giappone.

2016年09月09日 10時01分35秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è il sequel del capitolo precedente.

Nella strategia del presente esercito degli Stati Uniti, è la composizione che il mare - Air Force, troppo, ritirarsi al lato est della linea 2 di linee dell'isola sulla portaerei, troppo, e che il Giappone si confronta con il nemico imminente se il segno del missile di scarico dalla Cina è confermato.

Se essere, è chiaro che abbiamo bisogno di una revisione fondamentale della difesa del Giappone.

Il-Self Defense Force ha attrezzature o un membro di essere opprimente carenza.

Aggiungendo, la Costituzione o la legge Self-Defense Forces è immerso fino in fondo alla mente della difesa difensiva e l'azione o la capacità di attacco della Self-Defense Force è severamente limitato.

L'America pensa del 1 ° linea di difesa di linea dell'isola dalla guerra a lungo-tirato fuori, ma il paese composizione della prima linea di linee dell'isola, che stare in prima linea è il Giappone, Taiwan e le Filippine.

Oltre ai due paesi ad eccezione del Giappone, c'è il potere di sopportare "la guerra di lungo-tirato fuori" in Giappone?

In tale stato, il fatto che la forza di autodifesa che è sotto la severa limitazione mantiene 1a linea linee isola completamente e così via sono impossibili.

In tal caso, il Giappone è soppressa dal militare cinese.

Ora, quando l'aspetto che l'incubo diventi reale può essere visto, battitori un avvertimento, dicendo al popolo una crisi sarà il ruolo del governo.

Per quanto riguarda il benessere del Giappone fatto di fare ciò che sotto il militare cinese, dovrebbe ricordare la tragedia degli amici in Asia.

Cina, che occupava precedentemente la Mongolia ha reso truppe Mongolia attaccano Tibet.

Nella fase che ha soppresso il Giappone, la Cina vedrà un Self-Defense Force off obbligatoriamente al fronte come l'avanguardia in Cina.

E 'infelice.

Questo articolo continua.

Si ser, es evidente que necesitamos una revisión fundamental de la defensa de Japón.

2016年09月09日 10時00分58秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la secuela del capítulo anterior.

En la estrategia de la presente ejército de Estados Unidos, es la composición que el mar - Fuerza Aérea, también, retirarse a la parte este de la segunda línea de la isla líneas sobre el portaaviones, también, y que Japón se enfrenta a la inminente enemigo si la signo de que el misil de descarga de china se confirma.

Si ser, es evidente que necesitamos una revisión fundamental de la defensa de Japón.

La Fuerza de Autodefensa disponga de equipos o un miembro en ser descubierto abrumadora.

Añadir, la Constitución o la Ley de las Fuerzas de Autodefensa se sumerge hasta el fondo de la mente de la defensa defensiva y la acción o la capacidad de ataque de la Fuerza de Autodefensa es muy limitada.

América piensa en la 1ª línea de defensas línea de la isla por la guerra de larga duración de salida, pero el país composición de la 1ª línea de isla líneas que se destacan en es Japón, Taiwán la vanguardia, y las Filipinas.

Además de los dos países, excepto Japón, ¿hay energía para aguantar "la guerra de larga duración-out" en Japón?

Por esa condición, el hecho de que la Fuerza de Autodefensa que está bajo la severa limitación mantiene la 1ª línea de las líneas de la isla por completo y así sucesivamente son imposibles.

En ese caso, Japón es reprimida por el ejército chino.

Ahora, cuando el aspecto de que la pesadilla puede llegar a ser real puede ser visto, que azota una advertencia, diciendo a la gente una crisis va a ser el papel del gobierno.

En cuanto a ser hecha de Japón para hacer lo que en virtud de los militares chinos, debe recordar la tragedia de los amigos en Asia.

China, que ocupaba anteriormente Mongolia Mongolia hizo tropas atacan el Tíbet.

En el paso que suprime Japón, China verá una Fuerza de Autodefensa fuera obligatoriamente en la parte delantera como la vanguardia en China.

Es lamentable.

Este artículo continúa.

eine grundlegende Überprüfung der Verteidigung von Japan müssen.

2016年09月09日 10時00分19秒 | 日記

Im Folgenden ist die Fortsetzung des vorhergehenden Kapitels.

In der Strategie der vorliegenden US-Armee, ist es die Zusammensetzung, die das Meer - Air Force auch auf der Ostseite der zweiten Linie der Insel Linien über den Flugzeugträger zurückziehen, auch, und dass Japan konfrontiert den drohenden Feind, wenn die Zeichen der Rakete aus China Austragen bestätigt.

Wenn sein, es ist klar, dass wir eine grundlegende Überprüfung der Verteidigung von Japan müssen.

Die Self-Defense Force ist eine Ausrüstung oder ein Mitglied in überwältigenden Mangel zu sein.

Hinzugefügt wird, wird die Verfassung oder die Selbstverteidigungskräfte Recht auf den Griff eingetaucht, um den Geist der defensive Verteidigung und die Handlung oder die Schlagkraft des Self-Defense Force ist stark eingeschränkt.

Amerika denkt an die erste Linie der Insel Linie Verteidigung durch die langgezogenen-out Krieg, sondern die Zusammensetzung Land der ersten Linie der Insel Linien, die an der Spitze stehen, ist Japan, Taiwan und den Philippinen.

Neben zwei Ländern mit Ausnahme von Japan, gibt es Macht ", um die langgezogene Krieg" in Japan zu ertragen?

Durch einen solchen Status, dass die Tatsache, die Self-Defense Force, die unter der schweren Einschränkung ist die erste Linie der Insel Linien hält vollständig und so weiter sind nicht möglich.

In diesem Fall wird Japan durch das chinesische Militär unterdrückt.

Wenn nun der Aspekt, dass der Alptraum wirklich werden kann gesehen werden kann, batters es eine Verwarnung, zu sagen, die Menschen eine Krise wird die Rolle der Regierung sein.

Wie für Japans zu sein, was unter dem chinesischen Militär zu tun hat, sollte die Tragödie der Freunde in Asien wieder zu verwenden.

China, die Mongolei besetzt früher gemacht Mongolei Truppen Tibet angreifen.

In dem Schritt, die Japan unterdrückt, wird China eine Self-Defense Force sehen zwangsweise nach vorne als Vorhut in China ab.

Es ist unglücklich.

Dieser Artikel setzt.

Se ser, é claro que precisamos de uma revisão fundamental da defesa do Japão.

2016年09月09日 09時59分47秒 | 日記

O que se segue é a sequela do capítulo anterior.

Na estratégia do presente exército norte-americano, é a composição que o mar - Força Aérea, também, retirar-se para o lado leste da 2ª linha de linhas ilha sobre o porta-aviões, também, e que o Japão enfrenta o inimigo iminente se o sinal de que o míssil descarga da China é confirmada.

Se ser, é claro que precisamos de uma revisão fundamental da defesa do Japão.

O Self-Defense Force dispõe de equipamentos ou de um membro em ser esmagadora falta.

Adicionando, a Constituição ou a Lei Forças de Autodefesa está imerso até o punho para a mente da defesa defensiva e a ação ou a capacidade de ataque da Força de Autodefesa é severamente limitada.

América pensa na primeira linha de defesas linha ilha pela guerra longa chamou-out, mas o país composição da primeira linha de linhas insulares que estar na vanguarda é o Japão, Taiwan e Filipinas.

Além dos dois países, exceto Japão, há poder para resistir "a guerra de longa chamou-out" no Japão?

Por tal status, o fato de que a Força de Auto-Defesa que está sob a severa limitação mantém a 1ª linha de linhas ilha completamente e assim por diante são impossíveis.

Nesse caso, o Japão é suprimida pelos militares chineses.

Agora, quando o aspecto de que o pesadelo pode se tornar real pode ser visto, ele golpeia uma advertência, dizendo às pessoas uma crise será o papel do governo.

Quanto a estar do Japão fez para fazer o que sob o militar chinês, deve recordar a tragédia dos amigos na Ásia.

China que ocupava a Mongólia feito anteriormente tropas Mongólia atacar Tibet.

Na etapa que suprimiu o Japão, a China vai ver um Self-Defense Force off obrigatoriamente para a frente como a guarda avançada na China.

É miserável.

Este artigo continua.


2016年09月09日 09時59分14秒 | 日記


在目前美國軍隊的戰略,那就是海的成分 - 空軍,也撤退到約航母,太島線,二號線的東側,並表示日本面臨的迫在眉睫的敵人,如果導彈從中國放電跡象被確認。















2016年09月09日 09時58分43秒 | 日記


在目前美国军队的战略,那就是海的成分 - 空军,也撤退到约航母,太岛线,二号线的东侧,并表示日本面临的迫在眉睫的敌人,如果导弹从中国放电迹象被确认。















2016年09月09日 09時58分13秒 | 日記

다음은 앞 장에서의 속편이다.

본 미국 군대의 전략에서, 바다 조성이다 - 공군, 너무, 너무 항공 모함에 대한 섬 라인의 2 라인의 동쪽으로 후퇴, 일본의 경우 임박한 적을 직면 것을 중국에서 배출 미사일의 기호가 확인된다.

되는 경우, 우리가 일본의 방위의 기본 검토가 필요 분명하다.

자위대가 장비 나 압도적으로 부족 인의 회원을 보유하고 있습니다.

헌법이나 자위대 법은 방어적인 국방 및 조치 또는 자위대의 공격 능력의 마음에 칼자루에 침지 추가하는 것은 심각하게 제한됩니다.

미국은 긴 그린 아웃 전쟁으로 섬 선 방어의 첫 번째 라인하지만 선두 일본, 대만이 서 섬 라인의 1 라인의 구성 국가, 필리핀의 생각한다.

일본을 제외한 두 나라뿐만 아니라, 일본의 "긴 그린 아웃 전쟁"을 견딜 힘이있다?

이러한 상태로, 심각한 제한 아래에있는 자위대가 완전히 그래서 섬 라인의 1 라인을 유지한다는 사실 불가능하다.

이 경우, 일본 중국 군에 의해 억제된다.

이제 악몽이 실제가 될 수있는 측면을 볼 수있을 때, 그것은 위기가 정부의 역할이 될 사람을 말하고,주의를 강타.

중국 군대에서 무엇을 만든 일본의 존재에 관해서는, 아시아에서 친구의 비극을 기억해야합니다.

몽골를 차지하는 중국은 이전의 몽골 군대가 티베트를 공격했다.

일본을 억제하는 단계에서, 중국은 중국의 사전 가드로 전면에 강제적 자위대를 볼 수 있습니다.

그것은 비참하다.

이 문서는 계속됩니다.


2016年09月09日 09時57分43秒 | 日記

Ниже является продолжением предыдущей главе.

В стратегии нынешней американской армии, то есть композиция, что море - военно-воздушных сил, тоже отступить на восточной стороне 2-й линии островных линий около авианосца, также, и что Япония противостоит надвигающейся врага, если знак ракеты выгрузки из Китая подтверждается.

Если быть, то ясно, нам необходимо провести фундаментальный обзор обороны Японии.

-Defense Force Само имеет оборудование или члена в вычурности не хватает.

Добавление, Конституция или закон силы самообороны погружают на рукояти в виду оборонительной обороны и действия или способности простиранию сил самообороны сильно ограничена.

Америка считает, что 1-й линии острова линии обороны по протяжный тотальной войне, но состав страны 1-й линии островных линий, которые стоят на переднем крае является Япония, Тайвань и Филиппины.

В дополнение к двум странам, за исключением Японии, есть сила, чтобы выдержать "затянувшейся тотальную войну" в Японии?

По такому статусу, тот факт, что Силы самообороны, которая находится под серьезным ограничением сохраняет 1-й линии островных линий полностью и так далее невозможны.

В этом случае, Япония подавляется китайскими военными.

Теперь, когда аспект, что кошмар может стать актуальным можно увидеть, это колотит предостережение, говоря людям, кризис будет роль правительства.

Что же касается существа Японии сделали, чтобы сделать то, что в соответствии с китайскими военными, следует вспомнить трагедию друзей в Азии.

Китай, который занимал ранее Монголию из Монголии войска нападают на Тибет.

На этапе, который подавленной Японию, Китай будет видеть силы самообороны от в обязательном порядке на фронт в качестве авангардом в Китае.

Это несчастными.

Эта статья продолжается.