文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Continue to drop 20 % over of the national budget in your country for 35 years and

2016年09月07日 11時52分04秒 | 日記

Did you do the infrastructure building as it links to Manchuria by running through Korean Peninsula, pulling a broad gauge railroad than the railroad of Japan?
Did you service a road in Korean Peninsula?
The people of old - the suzerain state should know that all being of the answer is done NO if they exclude an illiterately incompetent party.
Continue to drop 20 % over of the national budget in your country for 35 years and as mentioned above, the colonialism as it makes the modern nationhood who is equal to its country and so on be impossible.
As for such a suzerain state, a country, too, doesn't exist.
The colonialism be the principle to exploit the resources of the partner country.
The one to exploit nothing to the country which is, drop 20 % over of the national budget in your country in 35 years to the colony as it made the modern nationhood who is equal to its country is, it does not exist on the history.

However, the Koreans suggested their having horrible what was made a colony by Japan done after the war.
When it should know if thinking that you have proper intellect that the reason is as a result of the totalitarian policy of the monocrat, Ri Seung-man, it comes long ago.
Specifically, the Tokyo correspondents of South Germany newspaper will encounter the most horrible torture from Enma Daiou by the hell if they don't know.
The reporter of Asahi Shimbun who continues to give them the material of the figure to make up Japan in the criminal state which is equal to Nazis, too, doesn't have to say that all encounters Enma Daiou's torture by the hell though.

Did you abolish the rank discrimination system which was of the world’s worst first at a breath?

2016年09月07日 11時38分06秒 | 日記

Japan and Korean Peninsula were a personal union state.

If it did a colony, it was not at all. This is an undeniable fact.

It is the European and American countries which were a suzerain state in the colonialism times.

Simultaneously with annexation beginning, 20 % over of the national budget to Korean Peninsula, to 35 years to have been governing, the thing as Japan continued to drop, have you made to the former colonies?

Did you forest in the mountain?

Did you abolish the rank discrimination system which was of the world’s worst first at a breath?

The discrimination against women which was of the world’s worst first specifically.

In Korean Peninsula, many women were equal to the slave. There still be the trace.

Therefore, I who wrote that the woman professional golfer in Korea was sweeping over am the first person in the world. The woman in Korea should know that my article is right.

Founding a school in across the country at the colony, did you make a compulsory education prevail in the country which was one of the world least less-developed countrieses?

Did you do the thing as the establishment of national Seoul University was earlier than the establishment of national Nagoya University to the colony?

Did you make sure it was possible to be blessed with the cultured life by making dams in Korean Peninsula and supplying electric power?

This article continues

if saying from the article which I referred to for the first time in the world

2016年09月07日 11時01分00秒 | 日記

Two pages to have translated into Korean were stored in the best five.

Because being the cruelest was Korean when translating into English by Google translation, it attempted to translate while wondering if a meaning was neatly spread. It is the cruelest as usual.

By the way, I thought instantly.

It is in Asahi Shimbun that the big power have lain in believing a lie in Korea and China in the world and.

It will suppose that it is unavoidable because it is the country of "the plausible lie" and "the evil which isn't known in the bottom" that China tells a lie.

However, as for the reader as you know, the Chinese merchants abroad of the millionaire in Thai which I met and on Singapore I met didn't  have such one person. 

The woman that the language study was studying abroad in Japan and the women who get a job in Japan, graduating from Doshisha University, still more, in other words, in the real world, I have no experiencing an unpleasant thought and is enough and I have never met the criminal of the Chinese.

The Korean residents in Japan who are quite many in Osaka, too, even if there are human beings who did a close relationship, it never met a criminal, exclude the criminal of the matter.

However, completely, it begins with one, if saying from the article which I referred to for the first time in the world, of course, now, I avoid with the Korean respecting.

By the way, that the Korean, too, is a liar for some reason? Needless to say, Korean Peninsula is because it was a dependency in equal to or more than 2,000 years, China. The meaning, the dependency, is equal to the colony approximately.

Therefore, China never forested in the mountain in Korea.

Therefore, the mountain in Korea was a scalp.

Why did the Korean in today have the thing which is horrible with Japan that Korea was a colony in Japan done, Takeshima is a territory in Korea, and do you say the lie that Sea of Japan is Toukai, and so on, with the indifferent face?

Google translation, too, is messy because doing insignificance such as Korea actually is a real intension about the world. Or, are the Koreans translating Google into the style that the lie doesn't come out like Wikipedia as inaccurate?

By the way, it is above-mentioned answer. It wrote fabricated history as its convenience was good for the made Constitution about Ri Seung-man who is a monocrat with the all-time low class which appeared in the confusion after the war and suitably for the monocrat, for the totalitarian justice of education... itself, in case of the others = the foreign country (it is Japan in his case), Hitler, it was Jew though.

Takayama Masayuki who is a journalist in the one and only real thing in the world after the war was criticizing that it seemed that it was saying that compulsion was taken while Kang Sang-jung was the child of the illegal immigrant severely but being one of the bosses of the tribe who Kang Sang-jung said that learned to Germany is the fact of the wisdom of the many. He must continue to tell Germany to learn to his Korean Peninsula in the motherland.

This article continues


2016年09月07日 10時08分52秒 | 日記






















il est difficile pour la profondeur du péché pour rendre service à l'explication.

2016年09月07日 10時06分43秒 | 日記

A cette époque, le journaliste aux États-Unis a fabriqué un, comme le massacre de Nanjing qui a été utilisé pour la propagande anti-japonaise, les différents événements qui ont été faites avec «le mensonge plausible», que leur ensemble de la plupart sont la fabrication, le véritable journaliste et les chercheurs au Japon soient parfaitement prouver, je savais successivement depuis l'année précédente Août dernier.

Ces, reporters tels que Katsuichi Honda, il Bruits avec la personne importante reporter et ainsi de suite, comme dans le document que le Parti communiste chinois a remis, en d'autres termes, il fait parler comme il a dit, la taille du péché d'Asahi Shimbun, le Japon jusqu'à ce qu'il mène bientôt dans la communauté internationale, (longtemps à mon remarquer), il a continué à le faire placer dans la situation du condamné politique, avec le péché au Japon et le peuple japonais, il fait face en toute sécurité avec la paix dans le monde, il est difficile pour la profondeur du péché pour rendre service à l'explication.

Cet article continue

è difficile per la profondità del peccato per rendere servizio alla spiegazione.

2016年09月07日 10時06分16秒 | 日記

A quel tempo, il giornalista negli Stati Uniti fabbricato uno, come il Massacro di Nanchino, che è stato utilizzato per la propaganda anti-giapponese, i vari eventi che sono state fatte con "la bugia plausibile", che la loro tutti la maggior parte sono di fabbricazione, il vero giornalista e gli studiosi in Giappone siano perfettamente dimostrando, sapevo che successivamente dato l'anno prima lo scorso agosto.

Questi, giornalisti quali Katsuichi Honda, si soffi con l'importante persona giornalista e così via, come nel materiale che il Partito comunista cinese in adesione, in altre parole, ha fatto parlare come si dice, la dimensione del peccato di Asahi Shimbun, Giappone, fino a quando non conduce presto nella comunità internazionale, (Un tempo per il mio sottolineando), ha continuato a farlo nella situazione del detenuto politico, con il peccato in Giappone e il popolo giapponese, si trova ad affrontare in modo sicuro con pace nel mondo, è difficile per la profondità del peccato per rendere servizio alla spiegazione.

Questo articolo continua

es difícil que la profundidad del pecado a prestar servicio a la explicación.

2016年09月07日 10時05分49秒 | 日記

En ese momento, el reportero en los EE.UU. fabricó uno, como Masacre de Nanjing que se utilizó para la propaganda anti-japonesa, los diversos eventos que se hicieron con "la mentira plausible", que su toda la mayoría son de fabricación, el periodista auténtico y los eruditos en Japón sean demostrando perfectamente, sabía sucesivamente desde el año antes de agosto pasado.

Estos, reporteros como Katsuichi Honda, que soplos con el reportero importante persona y así sucesivamente, como en el material que el Partido Comunista de China licitado, en otras palabras, se hizo hablar, ya que dijo, el tamaño del pecado de Asahi Shimbun, Japón hasta que conduce pronto en la comunidad internacional, (Un tiempo para mi señalando), se continuó haciendo lo coloque en la situación del preso político, con el pecado a Japón y el pueblo japonés, se enfrenta de manera segura con paz en el mundo, es difícil que la profundidad del pecado a prestar servicio a la explicación.

Este artículo continúa

es ist schwierig für die Tiefe der Sünde Dienst an der Erklärung zu machen.

2016年09月07日 10時05分21秒 | 日記

Zu diesem Zeitpunkt hergestellt der Reporter in den USA ein, wie Massaker von Nanjing, die für die antijapanische Propaganda verwendet wurde, die verschiedenen Ereignisse, die mit dem "plausible Lüge" gemacht wurden, dass ihr alle die meisten sind Fertigung, die echte Journalist und die Gelehrten in Japan sein perfekt beweisen, wusste ich nacheinander seit dem Jahr vor dem letzten August.

Diese Reporter wie Katsuichi Honda, es Bruits mit dem wichtigen Person Reporter und so weiter, wie es in dem Material, das die Kommunistische Partei Chinas ausgeschrieben , mit anderen Worten, es machte es sprechen, wie es gesagt, die Größe der Sünde von Asahi Shimbun, Japan, bis er führt bald in der internationalen Gemeinschaft, (A lange Zeit zu meinem Hinweis auf), ist es weiterhin, um es in der Situation des politischen Sträfling, mit der Sünde zu Japan und dem japanischen Volk Platz machen, es steht sicher mit Frieden in der Welt, ist es schwierig für die Tiefe der Sünde Dienst an der Erklärung zu machen.

Dieser Artikel setzt

é difícil para a profundidade do pecado de prestar serviço para a explicação.

2016年09月07日 10時04分54秒 | 日記

Naquele tempo, o repórter em os EUA fabricado um, como o Massacre de Nanjing, que foi utilizado para a propaganda anti-japonesa, os vários eventos que foram feitas com "a mentira plausível", que seu toda a maioria são de fabricação, o jornalista genuína e os estudiosos no Japão estar provando perfeitamente, eu sabia que, sucessivamente, desde o ano antes de agosto passado.

Estes, repórteres, como Katsuichi Honda, que bruits com o repórter pessoa importante e assim por diante, como no material que o Partido Comunista da China ofertadas, em outras palavras, ele fez falar como ele disse, o tamanho do pecado de Asahi Shimbun, Japão até que ele leva em breve na comunidade internacional, (a muito tempo à minha apontando), continuou a fazê-lo colocar na situação do condenado política, com o pecado para o Japão e os japoneses, enfrenta com segurança paz no mundo, é difícil para a profundidade do pecado para prestar serviço ao explicação.

Este artigo continua


2016年09月07日 10時04分27秒 | 日記





2016年09月07日 10時04分00秒 | 日記




설명에 서비스를

2016年09月07日 10時03分30秒 | 日記

그 당시, 미국의 기자는 항일 선전의 "그럴듯한 거짓말"로 만들어진 다양한 이벤트, 대부분 자신의 모든 제조 것을, 진짜 기자에 사용 된 난징 (南京) 대학살로, 하나를 제작 일본의 학자 I는 지난 8 월 전년부터 순차적으로 알고, 완벽하게 증명합니다.

, 그것이 말했듯이이 말을 만든 중국의 공산당 즉, 위탁 재료에 같은 Katsuichi 혼다 등이, 기자, 그것은, 등등 아사히의 죄의 크기를 중요한 사람이 기자와 bruits 및 신문, 일본은은, 그것이 일본과 일본 국민에 대한 죄, 정치 죄수의 상황에 배치 할 수 있도록 계속 (나의 지적에 긴 시간이), 그것은 안전하게면, 국제 사회에 빨리되기까지 죄의 깊이가 설명을 서비스를 렌더링하는 세계의 평화, 그것은 어려운 일이다.

이 문서는 계속


2016年09月07日 10時03分00秒 | 日記

В то время, репортер в США сфабрикованы один, таких как Nanjing Massacre, который был использован для антияпонской пропаганды, различные события, которые были сделаны с "правдоподобной ложью", что их все большинство из них изготовление, подлинный журналист и ученые в Японии будет доказывать совершенно, я знал, последовательно с года до августа прошлого года.

Эти, журналисты, такие как Katsuichi Honda, она слухов с важным человеком репортер и так далее, как в материале, который Коммунистическая партия Китая подал, другими словами, он сделал это говорить, как он сказал, размер греха Asahi Shimbun, Япония, пока она не приведет в ближайшее время в международном сообществе, (долгое время мой указывая), он продолжал делать это место в ситуации политического арестанта, с грехом в Японии и японского народа, она сталкивается безопасно мир во всем мире, это трудно глубину греха, чтобы оказать услугу объяснения.

Эта статья продолжает

este dificil pentru adâncimea păcatului pentru a face serviciu explicația.

2016年09月07日 10時02分32秒 | 日記

La acel moment, reporterul în SUA fabricate unul, cum ar fi Nanjing Massacre, care a fost folosit pentru propaganda anti-japonez, diversele evenimente care au fost făcute cu "minciuna plauzibilă", că toate lor de cele mai multe sunt de fabricație, jurnalistul autentic iar oamenii de știință din Japonia se dovedește perfect, am știut succesiv începând cu un an înainte august anul trecut.

Acestea, reporteri, cum ar fi Katsuichi Honda, ea bruits cu importanta reporter persoană și așa mai departe, la fel ca în materialul pe care Partidul Comunist din China ofertat, cu alte cuvinte, a făcut-o vorbesc așa cum a spus, mărimea păcatului Asahi Shimbun, Japonia, până când aceasta conduce în curând în comunitatea internațională, (o lungă perioadă de timp pentru a-mi arătând), a continuat să-l plaseze în situația condamnatului politic, cu păcatul în Japonia și poporul japonez, se confruntă în condiții de siguranță cu pacea în lume, este dificil pentru adâncimea păcatului pentru a face serviciu explicația.

Acest articol continuă

sunku nuodėmės gylį teikti paslaugą paaiškinimo.

2016年09月07日 10時02分02秒 | 日記

Tuo metu, JAV žurnalistė pagaminti vieną, pavyzdžiui, Nankino žudynių kuris buvo naudojamas anti-Japonijos propagandos, įvairūs renginiai, kurie buvo pagaminti su "dėl tinkamo melo", kad jų visi dauguma yra gamyba, tikras žurnalistas ir Japonijos mokslininkai būti įrodyti puikiai, aš paeiliui žinojo, nes užpernai rugpjūtį.

Šie, reporteriai, kaip antai Katsuichi Honda, tai bruits su svarbus asmuo reporteris ir tt, kaip ir medžiaga, kuri komunistų partija Kinijos konkursui, kitais žodžiais tariant, ji tapo kalbėti, nes ji sakė, kad apie "Asahi nuodėmės dydį Shimbun ", Japonija, kol jis veda tik tarptautinėje bendruomenėje, (ilgą laiką mano nurodydamas), jis toliau daro tai įdėkite į politinę nuteistojo padėtį, su nuodėmės Japonijoje ir Japonijos žmonių, ji susiduria saugiai su taikos pasaulyje, sunku nuodėmės gylį teikti paslaugą paaiškinimo.

Šis straipsnis ir toliau