文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Forresten, hvor ble det av 200.000 smuglet enhetene forsvant noe sted?

2017年03月02日 11時58分28秒 | 日記

Følgende er en fortsettelse av forrige kapittel.

Forresten, hvor ble det av 200.000 smuglet enhetene forsvant noe sted?

Minst tilstedeværelsen av smugler folk var viden kjent før på midten av 1970 - tallet.

Ved retur til Nord-Korea, er 100.000 mennesker krysset havet mens antall smuglere er økende, ble det også forventet som en arbeidsstyrken for å støtte industrien i Hanshin området nederst.

Mange japanske folk har glemt at mange koreanere bosatt i Japan ble smuglet.

Fremgangsmåten er Kwon Hyi-ro tilfelle.

Det kan også sies at Chongryon bevegelse ble mottatt som svar på Kwon Hyi-ro og saken som hevder at "koreanere i Japan har blitt diskriminert, så vi bør redusere sin med samme beløp".

At øvelsen er at Chongryon dannet "en koreansk obligatorisk tyranni undersøkelse team" for å fremme den faktiske situasjonen for obligatorisk entrainment, som er "mørke" av moderne historie i Japan.

Denne bevegelsen startet i Hokkaido og Kyushu i 1973, og samarbeid med japanske forskere og statsborger aktivister som ble fanget i soning historisk syn også overlappes og ble utstedt mange granskningsrapporter.

Og Chongryon publisert "Chongryon" i 2005, som markerte 50-årsjubileet for dannelsen) (Chongryon) begynte å understreke "obligatorisk innblanding" i forklaringen av "hvorfor koreanere lever i Japan"

Det er allment kjent at Chongryon ledere hadde også smuglere.

Dette utkastet fortsetter.

Af den måde, hvor kom de 200.000 indsmuglede enheder forsvandt overalt?

2017年03月02日 11時57分56秒 | 日記

Følgende er en fortsættelse af det forrige kapitel.

Af den måde, hvor kom de 200.000 indsmuglede enheder forsvandt overalt?

Mindst tilstedeværelsen af indsmuglede mennesker var almindeligt kendt indtil midten - 1970'erne.

Mens vender tilbage til Nordkorea, er 100.000 mennesker krydser havet, mens antallet af smuglere er stigende, blev det også forventet som arbejdsstyrken at støtte industrien i Hanshin nederst.

Mange japanske folk har glemt, at mange koreanere, der bor i Japan, blev smuglet.

Processen er Kwon Hyi-ro sag.

Det kan også siges, at Chongryon bevægelse blev modtaget som reaktion på Kwon Hyi-ro og sagen, der hævder, at "koreanere i Japan har været udsat for forskelsbehandling, så vi bør reducere synd med samme beløb".

Det øvelse er, at Chongryon dannet "en koreansk obligatorisk tyranni undersøgelse team" for at fremme den faktiske situation for obligatorisk medrivning, som er "mørke" af moderne historie i Japan.

Denne bevægelse begyndte i Hokkaido og Kyushu i 1973, og samarbejdet med japanske forskere og borger aktivister, der blev fanget i forsoningen historiske opfattelse også overlappede og blev udstedt mange undersøgelsesrapporter.

Og Chongryon udgivet "Chongryon" i 2005, der markerede 50-året for dannelsen) (Chongryon) begyndte at understrege "tvungen medrivning" i forklaringen af "hvorfor koreanerne bor i Japan"

Det er almindeligt kendt, at Chongryon ledere havde også smuglere.

Dette udkast fortsætter.


2017年03月02日 11時57分20秒 | 日記


โดยวิธีการที่ไม่หน่วยงานที่ลักลอบนำเข้า 200,000 หายไปที่ใด?

อย่างน้อยการปรากฏตัวของคนลักลอบนำที่เป็นที่รู้จักกันอย่างแพร่หลายจนกระทั่งกลาง - 1970

ในขณะที่กลับไปยังเกาหลีเหนือ 100,000 คนกำลังข้ามมหาสมุทรในขณะที่จำนวนของการลักลอบจะเพิ่มขึ้นนอกจากนี้ยังคาดว่าเป็นแรงงานเพื่อสนับสนุนอุตสาหกรรมในพื้นที่ Hanshin ที่ด้านล่าง

คนญี่ปุ่นหลายคนลืมว่าหลาย ๆ ชาวเกาหลีที่อาศัยอยู่ในประเทศญี่ปุ่นถูกลักลอบนำเข้า

กระบวนการนี้เป็นกรณีที่ควอน HYI-ro

นอกจากนี้ยังอาจกล่าวได้ว่าการเคลื่อนไหวของ Chongryon ได้รับในการตอบสนองต่อควอน HYI-ro และกรณีที่อ้างว่า "ชาวเกาหลีในญี่ปุ่นได้รับการเลือกปฏิบัติดังนั้นเราจึงควรลดความบาปได้โดยปริมาณที่เท่ากัน"

การออกกำลังกายที่เป็นที่ Chongryon รูปแบบที่ "เกาหลีบังคับทีมสำรวจการปกครองแบบเผด็จการ" เพื่อส่งเสริมสถานการณ์จริงของรถไฟภาคบังคับซึ่งก็คือ "ความมืด" ของประวัติศาสตร์สมัยใหม่ในประเทศญี่ปุ่น

การเคลื่อนไหวครั้งนี้เริ่มต้นขึ้นในฮอกไกโดคิวชูและในปี 1973 และความร่วมมือของนักวิชาการและนักเคลื่อนไหวญี่ปุ่นพลเมืองที่ถูกจับในมุมมองทางประวัติศาสตร์ลบมลทินยังซ้อนทับและรายงานการตรวจสอบหลายคนออก

และตีพิมพ์ Chongryon "Chongryon" ในปี 2005 ซึ่งเป็นวันครบรอบ 50 ปีของการสร้าง) (Chongryon) เริ่มที่จะเน้น "รถไฟภาคบังคับ" ในคำอธิบายของ "ทำไมชาวเกาหลีที่อาศัยอยู่ในญี่ปุ่น"

มันเป็นความรู้ทั่วไปที่ผู้บริหาร Chongryon ยังมีพวกค้าของเถื่อน


Mimochodom, odkiaľ sa 200.000 pašované subjektmi zmizol niekde?

2017年03月02日 11時56分49秒 | 日記

Nasledujúci text je pokračovaním predchádzajúcej kapitole.

Mimochodom, odkiaľ sa 200.000 pašované subjektmi zmizol niekde?

Aspoň prítomnosť prevádzaných osôb bolo široko známe až do polovice - 1970.

Pri návrate do Severnej Kórey, 100,000 ľudí sa cez oceán zatiaľ čo počet pašerákov sa zvyšuje, to bolo tiež očakávané ako pracovná sila na podporu priemyslu v tejto oblasti v dolnej časti Hanshin.

Mnoho japonských ľudia zabudli, že mnohí Kórejci žijúci v Japonsku bol pašované.

Tento proces je Kwon Hyi-ro prípad.

To môže tiež byť hovoril, že Chongryon hnutia bol prijatý v reakcii na Kwon Hyi-ro a prípade, že tvrdí, že "Kórejci v Japonsku boli diskriminované, takže by sme mali znížiť hriech o rovnakú sumu".

Že cvičenie je, že Chongryon tvoril "kórejský povinný tyranie prieskumný tím", aby podporovali skutočnú situáciu povinného entrainment, ktorá je "tma" moderných dejín v Japonsku.

Toto hnutie začalo v Hokkaido a Kyushu v roku 1973, a spolupráca japonských vedcov a občianskych aktivistov, ktorí boli chytení v historickom pohľade odčinenia tiež prekrývali a bolo vydaných veľa správ vyšetrovania.

A Chongryon publikoval "Chongryon" V roku 2005, ktorý označil 50. výročie vzniku) (Chongryon) začal zdôrazňovať "povinné unášanie" vo vysvetlení "prečo Kórejci žijú v Japonsku"

Je všeobecne známe, že Chongryon manažéri tiež mal pašerákmi.

Tento návrh pokračuje.

Förresten , vart tog de 200.000 smugglade enheter försvann någonstans?

2017年03月02日 11時56分09秒 | 日記

Följande är en fortsättning av föregående kapitel.

Förresten, vart tog de 200.000 smugglade enheter försvann någonstans?

Åtminstone var förekomsten av smugglade människor allmänt känt fram till mitten av 1970 - talet.

Samtidigt återvände till Nordkorea, är 100.000 människor korsar havet medan antalet smugglare ökar, det var också väntat som arbetskraft för att stödja industrin i Hanshin området längst ned.

Många japaner har glömt att många koreaner som bor i Japan smugglades.

Processen är Kwon Hyi-ro fall.

Det kan också sägas att Chongryon rörelse mottogs som svar på Kwon Hyi-ro och målet som hävdar att "koreaner i Japan har blivit diskriminerad, så vi bör minska synd med samma belopp".

Att motion är att Chongryon bildade "en koreansk obligatorisk tyranni undersökningen laget" för att främja den faktiska situationen för obligatorisk indragning, som är "mörker" av modern historia i Japan.

Denna rörelse började i Hokkaido och Kyushu i 1973, och samarbete med japanska forskare och medborgare aktivister som fångades i försoningen historiskt perspektiv lappade också och många utredningsrapporter utfärdades.

Och Chongryon publicerade "Chongryon" 2005, som markerade 50-årsdagen av bildandet) (Chongryon) började att betona "obligatorisk indragning" i förklaringen till "varför koreaner bor i Japan"

Det är allmänt känt att Chongryon chefer hade också smugglare.

Detta utkast fortsätter.

By the way, waar heb de 200.000 gesmokkelde entiteiten overal verdwenen?

2017年03月02日 11時55分40秒 | 日記

De volgende is de voortzetting van het vorige hoofdstuk.

By the way, waar heb de 200.000 gesmokkelde entiteiten overal verdwenen?

Ten minste de aanwezigheid van gesmokkelde mensen was alom bekend tot het midden - 1970.

Terwijl terugkeer naar Noord-Korea, zijn 100.000 mensen het oversteken van de oceaan, terwijl het aantal smokkelaars toeneemt, werd ook verwacht als arbeidskrachten om de industrie te ondersteunen in de Hanshin gebied aan de onderkant.

Veel Japanners zijn vergeten dat veel Koreanen die in Japan werden gesmokkeld.

Het proces is Kwon Hyi-ro geval.

Het kan ook worden gezegd dat Chongryon de beweging werd ontvangen in reactie op Kwon Hyi-ro en de zaak die beweert dat "Koreanen in Japan zijn gediscrimineerd, zodat we de zonde zou moeten afnemen met hetzelfde bedrag."

Dat de oefening is dat Chongryon gevormd "een Koreaanse verplichte tirannie survey team" om de werkelijke situatie van de verplichte meesleuren, die "duisternis" van de moderne geschiedenis in Japan te promoten.

Deze beweging begon in Hokkaido en Kyushu in 1973, en de samenwerking van de Japanse geleerden en burger activisten die in de verzoening historische beeld gevangen ook overlappen en veel onderzoeksrapporten werden uitgegeven.

En Chongryon gepubliceerd "Chongryon" in 2005, waarin de 50e verjaardag van de formatie gemarkeerd) (Chongryon) begon te benadrukken "verplichte meesleuren" in de uitleg van de "waarom Koreanen in Japan wonen"

Het is algemeen bekend dat Chongryon leidinggevenden had ook smokkelaars.

Dit ontwerp wordt voortgezet.

By the way, di mana 200.000 entitas diselundupkan menghilang di mana saja?

2017年03月02日 11時55分07秒 | 日記

Berikut ini adalah kelanjutan dari bab sebelumnya.

By the way, di mana 200.000 entitas diselundupkan menghilang di mana saja?

Setidaknya kehadiran orang diselundupkan secara luas diketahui sampai pertengahan - 1970.

Saat kembali ke Korea Utara, 100.000 orang menyeberang lautan sementara jumlah penyelundup meningkat, itu juga diharapkan sebagai tenaga kerja untuk mendukung industri di daerah Hanshin di bagian bawah.

Banyak orang Jepang telah lupa bahwa banyak warga Korea yang tinggal di Jepang diselundupkan.

Proses ini Kwon kasus Hyi-ro.

Hal ini juga dapat dikatakan bahwa gerakan chongryon ini diterima dalam menanggapi Kwon Hyi-ro dan kasus yang mengklaim bahwa "Korea di Jepang telah didiskriminasi, jadi kami harus mengurangi dosa dengan jumlah yang sama".

Latihan itu adalah bahwa chongryon membentuk "tim survei tirani wajib Korea" untuk mempromosikan situasi aktual entrainment wajib, yang merupakan "kegelapan" sejarah modern di Jepang.

Gerakan ini dimulai di Hokkaido dan Kyushu pada tahun 1973, dan kerja sama dari para sarjana Jepang dan aktivis warga yang tertangkap di pendamaian pandangan sejarah juga tumpang tindih dan banyak laporan investigasi yang dikeluarkan.

Dan chongryon diterbitkan "chongryon" pada tahun 2005, yang menandai ulang tahun ke-50 formasi) (chongryon) mulai menekankan "entrainment wajib" dalam penjelasan "mengapa Korea tinggal di Jepang"

Ini adalah pengetahuan umum bahwa eksekutif chongryon juga memiliki penyelundup.

Draft ini terus berlanjut.

في أي مكان؟

2017年03月02日 11時54分31秒 | 日記

ما يلي هو استمرار الفصل السابق.

بالمناسبة، أين 200،000 الكيانات تهريبها اختفت في أي مكان؟

على الأقل كان وجود أشخاص تهريبها معروف على نطاق واسع حتى منتصف - 1970s.

بينما كان عائدا إلى كوريا الشمالية، 100،000 شخص يعبرون المحيط في حين أن عدد من المهربين في ازدياد، وكان من المتوقع أيضا أنها القوة العاملة لدعم هذه الصناعة في المنطقة هانشين في القاع.

لقد نسي كثير من الشعب الياباني أن العديد من الكوريين المقيمين في اليابان تم تهريبها.

هذه العملية هي كوون حالة Hyi-ريال عماني.

ويمكن أن يقال أيضا أن حركة تشونغريون وكان في استقبال ردا على كوون Hyi رو والحال أن يدعي أن "الكوريين في اليابان تعرضت للتمييز، لذلك يجب علينا الحد من الخطيئة من قبل نفس المبلغ".

هذا التمرين هو أن تشونغريون شكلت "لإلزامية فريق المسح الطغيان الكورية" لتعزيز الوضع الفعلي للentrainment الفكرة الإلزامي، الذي هو "الظلام" في التاريخ الحديث في اليابان.

بدأت هذه الحركة في هوكايدو وكيوشو في عام 1973، والتعاون من العلماء اليابانيين ونشطاء مواطن الذين وقعوا في نظر تاريخية التكفير أيضا تتداخل وصدرت العديد من التقارير التحقيق.

وتشونغريون نشرت "شونغريون" في عام 2005، الذي يصادف الذكرى ال50 لتشكيل) (تشونغريون) بدأ التأكيد على "entrainment الفكرة الإلزامي" في شرح "لماذا نعيش الكوريين في اليابان"

ومن المعروف أن المديرين التنفيذيين تشونغريون زيارتها أيضا المهربين.

هذا المشروع لا يزال مستمرا.

By the way, waar het die 200,000 gesmokkel entiteite oral verdwyn?

2017年03月02日 11時53分53秒 | 日記

Die volgende is die voortsetting van die vorige hoofstuk.

By the way, waar het die 200,000 gesmokkel entiteite oral verdwyn?

Ten minste die teenwoordigheid van gesmokkel mense was alombekend tot die middel - 1970.

Terwyl sy terugkeer na Noord-Korea, is 100,000 mense oor die see terwyl die aantal smokkelaars is aan die toeneem, is dit ook verwag as 'n arbeidsmag om die bedryf te ondersteun in die Hanshin gebied aan die onderkant.

Baie Japannese mense vergeet dat baie Koreane wat in Japan gesmokkel.

Die proses is Kwon Hyi-ro geval.

Dit kan ook gesê word dat Chongryon se beweging is wat in reaksie op Kwon Hyi-ro en die saak wat beweer dat "Koreane in Japan is gediskrimineer, sodat ons die sonde moet verminder word deur dieselfde bedrag".

Dat oefening is dat Chongryon gevorm " 'n Koreaanse verpligte tirannie opname span" om die werklike situasie van verpligte meevoeren, wat is "duisternis" van die moderne geskiedenis in Japan te bevorder.

Hierdie beweging het begin in Hokkaido en Kyushu in 1973, en samewerking van die Japannese wetenskaplikes en burger aktiviste wat in die versoening historiese siening is gevang ook oorvleuel en baie ondersoekverslae is uitgereik.

En Chongryon gepubliseer "Chongryon" in 2005, wat die 50ste herdenking van die stigting gemerk) (Chongryon) begin om te beklemtoon "verpligte meevoeren" in die verduideliking van "hoekom Koreane in Japan woon"

Dit is algemeen bekend dat Chongryon bestuurders het ook smokkelaars.

Dit konsep voort.


2017年03月02日 11時44分24秒 | 日記














2017年03月02日 11時29分20秒 | 日記




























Even if the person is not a person praised, their viciousness is beyond description.

2017年03月02日 10時42分57秒 | 日記

Now that the world is unstable and in extremely dangerous situations it is understandable to anyone who has a decent brain.

The cause is the party autarchic of the Communist Party and is in the tyrannies of China which is the biggest violation of human rights state in the world.... In other words, the tyrannies of a country that is willing to accept lawlessness to realize his own principle is the cause.... Similarly, Everyone knows Russia, North Korea's tyranny, Korea's unstable situation, Middle Eastern problems, and so on.

However, the forces that want to defuse Japan in the previous chapter cannot even see such elementary school level.

They just want to kill the Abe administration anyway. A faction of just wanting to lower the position and credibility of Japan in the international community is fussing every day with places where there is nothing to do with Prime Minister Abe 's policy.
Moreover, it is a well-known fact that they were trying to criticize Prime Minister Abe to Mrs. Abe in the early years of the Abe administration.
Kindergarten management who did not know anything in Japan got approval from Osaka prefecture and is building the elementary school under the philosophy of training patriotism.
He asked Mrs. Akie many times to obtaining her consent if he wanted her to become the honorary principal.
Together with such a person, not only Mrs. Akie attacks the regime.
In Toyosu, purchasing without properly solving the problem of soil contamination is said to be a high price purchase and said it is a big problem. The timing of relocation of the Tsukiji market to buildings completed over hundreds of billions of yen is still unavailable. Hundreds of millions of yen taxes are wasted every day.
There was a large amount of soil contamination in the basement of the state-owned land in this Toyonaka substratum.
In terms of price and contract that this is not a 100% problem after sale, the country has been granted approval from the Osaka prefectural elementary school, and its management also has given the awards twice by the nation to the management during the Democratic administration.
It is a big deal of trouble to say that the circumstances of the contract are wrong. In Toyosu saying that the thought on soil contamination was sweet, we set up a 100 Article Committee to establish to the governor of the time (a big man of truly is also really older now) to pull out.
The childishness and vulgarity of this faction,
Idiots who absolutely do not know that Japan is a country that has to lead the world 170 years later, alongside the United States.
This faction continued to drop Japanese credit, honor and leadership in the international community.
It goes without saying that the representative is Asahi Shimbun.
There will be Japan Teachers' Union among the offending powers. Because this person is trying to do the opposite of their biased education, masochistic historical education.
Besides, he was a member of the Japan Conference Osaka Branch where the Asahi Shimbun and others are regarded as regards asileile forces, so the Asahi Shimbun etc are fueling the overthrow of the Abe government in a frenzy.
Even if the person is not a person praised, their viciousness is beyond description.

Prime Minister Abe, a politician who is a politician who can be said to be the best in history and is looking at reality only straightly, is important for the stability of the international community today, they do not even know.

His wife also supports diplomacy to support Prime Minister Abe and go around the earth as his wife ... how much her presence has supported the diplomacy of Abe’s globes bird’s - eye view,

It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that Prime Minister Abe has realized for the first time among the successive prime ministers that Japan, as a country that must lead the world alongside the United States, he has continued to work. It goes without saying that it was a work of life.

It is natural for married men to know that his wife supported him perfectly. Even bachelors like me, I know silently. There are only men and women in this world. Therefore it is a couple.

Stability of the mind is in homeostasis in any human being. Whether Abe goes to any country, it should have watched the Japanese citizen watching the appearance of Mrs. Abe's hand ascending and descending and raising and lowering the ramp, as one would expect that she is a Japanese wife.

Except for them in the previous chapter.

The wife asked it to become an honorary principal of a private elementary school which the person was asked to start with the approval of Osaka prefecture, being asked by an educational official, who would have joined the association committee it is just that, they are trying to defeat the Abe administration.

If their truly outrageous aspects are applied to the world, countless private schools become a big problem.

Of course, a foolish country that makes such a big problem is a Korea, or as a result of the work of China and Korea completely, Asahi Shimbun and Mainichi Shimbun under the influence, Democratic Party, Communist Party, so-called cultural people, so-called Citizen groups, so-called human rights lawyers, apart from them, they do not exist anywhere in the world.

All private schools in the US are collapsed, and all principals such as honorary principals and major donors must be denounced by the Congress.

It goes without saying that the United States cannot do such a silly thing.

That form is a form of Korea.

So most of them surely must be humans related to Korea.

With the history of more than 2,000 years I have continued to mention, producing countless great men, governance of the world's only intellectual nation ... except for defeat and occupation in World War II ... In Japan it has been a country that has continued,

In that low grade throwing one's weight around in a small group without knowing one's real worth in a larger world outside, with duplicity, liars, rude,

People who are the lowest are not in Japan.

Now that the world is unstable and in extremely dangerous situations it is understandable to

2017年03月02日 10時40分35秒 | 日記

Now that the world is unstable and in extremely dangerous situations it is understandable to anyone who has a decent brain.

The cause is the party autarchic of the Communist Party and is in the tyrannies of China which is the biggest violation of human rights state in the world.... In other words, the tyrannies of a country that is willing to accept lawlessness to realize his own principle is the cause.... Similarly, Everyone knows Russia, North Korea's tyranny, Korea's unstable situation, Middle Eastern problems, and so on.

However, the forces that want to defuse Japan in the previous chapter cannot even see such elementary school level.

They just want to kill the Abe administration anyway. A faction of just wanting to lower the position and credibility of Japan in the international community is fussing every day with places where there is nothing to do with Prime Minister Abe 's policy.
Moreover, it is a well-known fact that they were trying to criticize Prime Minister Abe to Mrs. Abe in the early years of the Abe administration.
Kindergarten management who did not know anything in Japan got approval from Osaka prefecture and is building the elementary school under the philosophy of training patriotism.
He asked Mrs. Akie many times to obtaining her consent if he wanted her to become the honorary principal.
Together with such a person, not only Mrs. Akie attacks the regime.
In Toyosu, purchasing without properly solving the problem of soil contamination is said to be a high price purchase and said it is a big problem. The timing of relocation of the Tsukiji market to buildings completed over hundreds of billions of yen is still unavailable. Hundreds of millions of yen taxes are wasted every day.
There was a large amount of soil contamination in the basement of the state-owned land in this Toyonaka substratum.
In terms of price and contract that this is not a 100% problem after sale, the country has been granted approval from the Osaka prefectural elementary school, and its management also has given the awards twice by the nation to the management during the Democratic administration.
It is a big deal of trouble to say that the circumstances of the contract are wrong. In Toyosu saying that the thought on soil contamination was sweet, we set up a 100 Article Committee to establish to the governor of the time (a big man of truly is also really older now) to pull out.
The childishness and vulgarity of this faction,
Idiots who absolutely do not know that Japan is a country that has to lead the world 170 years later, alongside the United States.
This faction continued to drop Japanese credit, honor and leadership in the international community.
It goes without saying that the representative is Asahi Shimbun.
There will be Japan Teachers' Union among the offending powers. Because this person is trying to do the opposite of their biased education, masochistic historical education.
Besides, he was a member of the Japan Conference Osaka Branch where the Asahi Shimbun and others are regarded as regards asileile forces, so the Asahi Shimbun etc are fueling the overthrow of the Abe government in a frenzy.
Even if the person is not a person praised, their viciousness is beyond description.

Prime Minister Abe, a politician who is a politician who can be said to be the best in history and is looking at reality only straightly, is important for the stability of the international community today, they do not even know.

His wife also supports diplomacy to support Prime Minister Abe and go around the earth as his wife ... how much her presence has supported the diplomacy of Abe’s globes bird’s - eye view,

It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that Prime Minister Abe has realized for the first time among the successive prime ministers that Japan, as a country that must lead the world alongside the United States, he has continued to work. It goes without saying that it was a work of life.

It is natural for married men to know that his wife supported him perfectly. Even bachelors like me, I know silently. There are only men and women in this world. Therefore it is a couple.

Stability of the mind is in homeostasis in any human being. Whether Abe goes to any country, it should have watched the Japanese citizen watching the appearance of Mrs. Abe's hand ascending and descending and raising and lowering the ramp, as one would expect that she is a Japanese wife.

Except for them in the previous chapter.

The wife asked it to become an honorary principal of a private elementary school which the person was asked to start with the approval of Osaka prefecture, being asked by an educational official, who would have joined the association committee it is just that, they are trying to defeat the Abe administration.

If their truly outrageous aspects are applied to the world, countless private schools become a big problem.

Of course, a foolish country that makes such a big problem is a Korea, or as a result of the work of China and Korea completely, Asahi Shimbun and Mainichi Shimbun under the influence, Democratic Party, Communist Party, so-called cultural people, so-called Citizen groups, so-called human rights lawyers, apart from them, they do not exist anywhere in the world.

All private schools in the US are collapsed, and all principals such as honorary principals and major donors must be denounced by the Congress.

It goes without saying that the United States cannot do such a silly thing.

That form is a form of Korea.

So most of them surely must be humans related to Korea.

With the history of more than 2,000 years I have continued to mention, producing countless great men, governance of the world's only intellectual nation ... except for defeat and occupation in World War II ... In Japan it has been a country that has continued,

In that low grade throwing one's weight around in a small group without knowing one's real worth in a larger world outside, with duplicity, liars, rude,

People who are the lowest are not in Japan.


2017年03月02日 10時16分10秒 | 日記




















La population n'augmentera pas de 1,5 fois dans un court laps de temps.

2017年03月02日 10時00分00秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

* Amélioration de surplus en plus de titres est la mienne.

Le contexte de l'incident de Kwon Hyi-ro at-il vraiment été un «problème de discrimination»?

Il a été dit que les Japonais généralement dédaignaient les Coréens, mais dans le Japon d'après-guerre après la démolition du Grand Empire Japonais (ci-après dénommé l'empire), les forces d'occupation américaines (commandant suprême des puissances alliées = GHQ) Politique préférentielle.

Il a tenté de dominer l'occupation militaire en encourageant les conflits ethniques par un traitement préférentiel des Coréens plutôt que par des Japonais et en l'utilisant comme un brise-lame pour s'opposer à la politique d'occupation japonaise.

C'est leur moyen habituel de faciliter la gouvernance en favorisant les conflits ethniques, ce qui est courant dans la gestion coloniale des pays occidentaux.

Je crois que cela encourageait le «frottement ethnique» à favoriser l'argument de Kwon Hyi-ro.

Au moment de la démolition, près de 1,6 million de personnes revenaient des Coréens qui vivaient au Japon et qui comptait près de 2 millions de personnes jusqu'à présent.

À la fin de 1946, il n'y avait qu'environ 400 000 Coréens vivant au Japon.

Il a augmenté à 600.000 en 1959 quand le "retour à la maison de mouvement (affaires de retour)" à la Corée du Nord a commencé.

Bien sûr, c'est le numéro sur la table.

La politique préférentielle coréenne du GHQ pour encourager la confrontation entre les groupes ethniques, plutôt que d'inviter l'arrêt des Coréens visant à retourner dans la péninsule coréenne, a plutôt créé une chance de reculer.

La population n'augmentera pas de 1,5 fois dans un court laps de temps.

Pendant ce temps, environ 60 000 personnes ont été prises dans un pays de contrebande.

Il est souligné qu'il y avait quelques contrebandiers qui n'ont pas été arrêtés trois fois plus de 60.000 personnes.

Il est d'environ 200 000 personnes, et si vous soustraire 400 000 de 600 000 personnes 200 000 personnes correspondent en nombre.

Cependant, le sens de ce "200 000 contrebandiers sur 600 mille Coréens au Japon" n'a pas été pris en considération à ce jour.

Ce projet se poursuit.