文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

essential to the existence by our country which is not blessed with the neighboring country

2017年11月18日 00時08分40秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Alternatively, he also quoted such a word by historian Yamamoto Taketoshi.

“The Japanese did not notice that the American side recognized Japanese occupation as an extension of war.

Actually guiding Japanese people to a peaceful era, they were actually planning the slavery of Japan under the Cold War."

Thinking about the meaning of occupation

Currently, the United States is an important alliance to Japan, the Japan-US alliance is it essential to the existence by our country which is not blessed with the neighboring country.

We should aim for further strengthening and deepening in the future.

However, this does not mean that Japan must continue to accept the US-made history view, the constitution aimed at weakening Japan, and be mentally dominated.

The Occupation Period is the duration of the war without a direct use of force, the Allied Command Headquarters manipulates the Japanese and Japanese media with a clear purpose and intention,

It was brainwashing.

We are more conscious of the meaning of that and the effects that follow,

I think we have to overcome it.

How the occupation policy and the Tokyo trial do are connected to the present way of the media.......

At the symposium site, while listening to Mr. Shinohara's story, I was thinking about that again.

I want to engrave the words that Shinohara left behind.

(Editorial Committee and Editorial Board of the Political Division)