文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Sure enough, in old trees grow thick Inner Ise Shrine, walk by stepping on gravel,

2017年12月04日 23時44分41秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Exchange where tears and tears connect

I was often deeply touched by the scene as I accompany the prime minister's going abroad.

The Prime Minister who appealed in English to go to the Congress in Australia and appeal to the House of Representatives and make the future together is a story of when Grandfather Kishi Prime Minister visited the country for the first time.

At that time, Australian Prime Minister of the other party, before Kishi Prime Minister visited, it stated that going forward with Japan to stop looking at the past only.

In the period when the reprisal heart to Japan remained darkly on the Australian side.

Are you touched by this generosity?

Prime Minister Abe appealed there with impression.

It is a moment that it confirmed the reconciliation powerfully.

The same scene was repeated more dramatically when speaking in English in 45 in at the US Congress House and Senate on April 29, 2015.

At the same time, celebrating the valor of the army general Kuribayashi Tadamichi who was killed at Iwo Jima, while simultaneously shedding tears from resident parliamentarians, it is feat.

I was watching, I thought that the long feeling of discontentment of Japan and the United States really melts away in warm tears.

Then it is Ise Shima Summit in 2016.

Since he is trying to bring them to the theme the sacred place of Shintoism, he strongly preached that they should come, based on the trust cultivated by the Prime Minister, that he may disagree with politico-religious separation, such as France.

The Prime Minister thought that 'You must know if you come'.

Sure enough, in old trees grow thick Inner Ise Shrine, walk by stepping on gravel, G7 countries leaders touched limpid air, when they had a special spiritual experience, it was uniformly admirable.

In the history of Ise Shrine that is coming up to 2,000 years, Prime Minister Abe realized that scene of possibly never to be seen again with unprecedented.

Who else could have done it?

This draft continues.

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To that end, above all, re-strengthening the relationship between Japan and the US was necessary

2017年12月04日 21時35分38秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the theory of ‘Prime Minister Abe’ at the official residence 4th floor.

Space spreading in the Indian Ocean

There will be Japan which do not have to see a map in if one is unlucky, the choking place which can become a blind alley.

In the surroundings there are countries that have different values and set threats by military forces as the basis of diplomacy.

That is why we must continue to show it both inside and outside of the country, by the wide sea Japan is connected with many ally.

Re-strengthening the relationship between Japan and the US was necessary.

It is an idea flowing consistently to Prime Minister Abe. 

To that end, above all, re-strengthening the relationship between Japan and the US was necessary.

During the Democratic Party regime, while speaking with the mouth Saying that Japan - US relations are the cornerstone, it also showed a lean to China, and there was a draft of wind between the two countries.

As the iconic scene, when President Obama visited Japan and made an important speech in Tokyo, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama went somewhere and was absent, I remember.

At the first visit to the United States, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared it "Japan is back" at a first note, strengthening the relationship with President Obama.

It goes without saying that the intimacy with President Trump is here.

The US-Japan alliance has reached the unexplored height under the Prime Minister Abe, such as enabling the possibility of collective self-defense and enabling US ship protection. 

At the same time, Prime Minister Abe will greatly expand Japan's strategic space to the Indian Ocean.

This draft continues.

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Ten years before Windows dominates the world, Ken Sakamura invented Toron suitable for genius

2017年12月04日 18時11分38秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

However, I still think.

Ten years before Windows dominates the world, Ken Sakamura invented Toron suitable for genius, of course the government knows the significance of its significance and deploying this Toron -powered personal computer to elementary and junior high schools across the country it was determined.

On the contrary Bill Gates' s evil desire evolved, ultimately moving the US government, the protest to have made it suffer a setback the invention of Ken Sakamura, leading the world, it is a truthful fact that it was Masayoshi Son that served as an advance detachment.

Suddenly, watch 9 of the night made Softbank appear about the robot.

It is a well-known fact that it is not SOFTBANK to be bought as a robot stock on the stock market.

Without raising robot manufacturers that Japan is proud of worldwide, watch 9 of NHK that the substance is Japanese state-operated broadcasting reported much time, sparing it for Softbank and Masayoshi Son for some reason.

It is probably because state broadcasting is restricted by the realization of distorted ideas, but they never call it national broadcasting, call NHK with an ambiguous name such as public broadcasting.

Normally, it is supposed not to mention as much as possible about a specific company name etc., but on the evening, it was overtly do not care about how one looks.

It is a well-known fact that Okoshi, where the management team switched and restored, now dominates watch 9.

His buddy Inoue Asahi has also restored and is in charge of news at 7 o'clock on Saturdays and Sundays.

Okoshi professed that he respects Kang Sang-jung at watch 9.

It is a well-known fact that Kang Sang-jung had been hosting NHK's art show.

Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, was shocked by such a form, and he was angry,

After that, he wrote that he stopped watching NHK.

Kang Sang-jung likewise frequently appeared in the news station Furutachi was moderating.

During that program, he professed something close to Masayoshi Son.

By the way, Furutachi is hosting NHK’s Golden Hour program as NHK’s management team changed.

I immediately understood that coverage of the evening (it is a news report on the day that first appeared on robots) is from Okoshi these things.

To return from the digression.

Even this morning, I was caught up with such feelings, I was missing my work.

Security feels at least better

In any case, security feels at least better,

I was looking at the search results of Ameba.

At the end of the best 50 was the German chapter.

I attached both German and English translation to one of the proficient English-speaking friends, told that the work I was doing was great, so I continued this work and wrote.

The chapter is reproduced in the next chapter.

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But sometimes I think that the internet space that is doing this work is very vulnerable,

2017年12月04日 18時07分22秒 | 日記

As you know, I keep thinking that this work is my mission.

But sometimes I think that the internet space that is doing this work is very vulnerable, those who have unknown evil and mysterious lies as DNA are the most vulgar in the world because it is a place that is relentlessly repeating attacks,

Work itself sometimes becomes unpleasant.

Actual conditions such as the Personal Information Protection Law are based on laws that protect villains derived from countries like those mentioned above

The other day, NHK’s news reported that there was an outrageous flaw in Apple’s operating system that all employees said was absolutely okay.

In addition, the number of followers of Twitter has been quickly reduced to the point that I thought that some kind of attack would start.

Readers also know well, who is a member of the above rogues and has caused a great deal of damage to our company and has been acting such as the Personal Information Protection Law are based on laws that protect villains derived from countries like those mentioned above, it is about to escape by making his address undefined.

It is natural for many who suffered from the bad guys like the above to appeal to the court by casting a lot of money, but the fact that one yen cannot be recovered is the democracy of our country it is the reality of principle.

I have experienced Twitter account hijacking and impersonation several times.

It was about time when I was heading towards 10,000 echoes at a stroke, but I changed my account without any help.

Even though I thought that it is no longer be patient for repeated acts of criminal acts, even though I sent a letter to Twitter through a lawyer, but Japan remained weaker for defense and diplomacy, written from the legal community of greenhorn Japan etc. Twitter is paying no attention to.

I was forced to make a decision to change to pen name.

As for the vulnerability of Microsoft, everyone is tired of it any longer, but even if Apple thinks it is such a condition, everyone should have been further fed up.

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Japan has to send its own argument in English more as an international language to the international

2017年12月04日 17時16分08秒 | 日記


The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Japanese are too weak for propaganda
Korea has consistently pursued its efforts to brainwash its own people, to be on the side of its allies and to admit that its country after the war is consistently "a member of the victorious country."
However, until the end of the Great East Asian War in 1945, the Korean peninsula is all "Japanese territory," and all the Koreans living there are "Japanese nationality," so there is no such story.
In other words, after the war in Korea begins a big "lie".
In Korea, we had a war with Japan, the logic is that we fought the anti-Japanese war at home and abroad.
The feeling that the Japanese are really thoughtless is that European and American politicians and journalists do not insist on Japanese claims, but that more Korean claims are made.
Recently, I was interviewed by a British journalist who appealed to "Per Japan," but "Japan has three things to apologize for: comfort women problem, repair work problem, Takeshima, it's a problem." He had appealed.
No matter how much I answer, the reporter does not agree with me.
At that time, the power of disseminating information about Korea was very important to me.
Japan has to send its own argument in English more as an international language to the international community.
In this situation, the story of Korea's "lie" in the international community will continue to spread.
This design will continue.

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Japaner sind zu schwach für Propaganda

2017年12月04日 17時13分31秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.

Japaner sind zu schwach für Propaganda


Korea hat konsequent seine Bemühungen fortgesetzt, sein eigenes Volk einer Gehirnwäsche zu unterziehen, dass es auf der Seite der Verbündeten steht und zugibt, dass sein Land nach dem Krieg durchweg "ein Mitglied des siegreichen Landes" ist.

Bis zum Ende des Großen Ostasiatischen Krieges im Jahr 1945 ist die koreanische Halbinsel jedoch alles "japanische Territorium", und alle dort lebenden Koreaner sind "japanische Nationalität", also gibt es keine solche Geschichte.

Mit anderen Worten, nach dem Krieg in Korea beginnt eine große "Lüge".


In Korea hatten wir einen Krieg mit Japan, es gibt die Logik, dass wir den antijapanischen Krieg im In- und Ausland bekämpft haben.

Das Gefühl, dass Japaner wirklich gedankenlos sind, besteht darin, dass europäische und amerikanische Politiker und Journalisten nicht auf japanischen Behauptungen bestehen, sondern dass mehr koreanische Behauptungen geprägt werden.

Kürzlich wurde ich von einem britischen Journalisten interviewt, der an "pro Japan" appellierte, aber "Japan hat drei Dinge, um sich für Korea zu entschuldigen: Trostfrauenproblem, Reparaturarbeitsproblem, Takeshima, es ist ein Problem." Er hatte Berufung eingelegt.

Egal, wie viel ich antworte, der Reporter stimmt mir nicht zu.

Damals war mir die Stärke der Informationsverbreitung von Korea sehr wichtig.

Japan muss sein eigenes Argument in Englisch als eine internationale Sprache an die internationale Gemeinschaft mehr senden.

In dieser Situation wird sich die Geschichte von Koreas "Lüge" in der internationalen Gemeinschaft weiter ausbreiten.

Dieser Entwurf wird fortgesetzt.

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2017年12月04日 17時08分44秒 | 日記































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Thinking around when young people now will be about his own age, he is trying a policy

2017年12月04日 15時55分23秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The young people in Japan become a pessimism, knowing this vaguely.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has no other choice but to rely on the National Assembly and the people, but the constitutional amendment is regarded as earnest wish.

It thinks that that Japan needs a strong defense force.

But to make Japan robust, to promote science and education, or to do anything the burden of welfare continues to lie heavily on one as a burden.

Because it is, in the head of Abe Prime Minister, it is above all else economy.
The avenue which leads to the future has no choice but to begin from there.

Abenomics that began with ‘short range bazooka gun’ came here and it turned into what shoots ‘ultra-long distance gun’.

Prime Minister Abe is no longer fighting with the short-term economy of one or two years.

Thinking around when young people now will be about his own age, he is trying a policy towards the future.

This is the ‘long struggle’ in the country.

This draft continues.

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The avenue which leads to the future has no choice but to begin from there.

2017年12月04日 14時15分13秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The young people in Japan become a pessimism, knowing this vaguely.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has no other choice but to rely on the National Assembly and the people, but the constitutional amendment is regarded as earnest wish.

It thinks that that Japan needs a strong defense force.

But to make Japan robust, to promote science and education, or to do anything the burden of welfare continues to lie heavily on one as a burden.

Because it is, in the head of Abe Prime Minister, it is above all else economy.
The avenue which leads to the future has no choice but to begin from there.

Abenomics that began with ‘short range bazooka gun’ came here and it turned into what shoots ‘ultra-long distance gun’.

Prime Minister Abe is no longer fighting with the short-term economy of one or two years.

Thinking around when young people now will be about his own age, he is trying a policy towards the future.

This is the ‘long struggle’ in the country.

This draft continues.

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2017年12月04日 13時55分58秒 | 日記




















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Showing the world that Japan is closely connected with countries with the same values increases

2017年12月04日 13時50分11秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

When it says India, Prime Minister has a deep feeling.

As it goes back to his grandfather Kishi Nobusuke, he already had a big strategy leading to today in the speech of the Indian National Assembly in 2007, when he visited himself in the first administration.

In the title, ‘The crossing of the two seas'.

Looking at the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean in a bird's eye view as a 'Seascape' like 'landscape', with democracy, a free and open order, pursuit of peace and prosperity as the space where the rule of law will take over it is a strategy to go.

As you can see, this has sublimated to the Japan-US joint policy by the Trump regime.

Ocean democratic powers of Australia and India will become pillars to support India and the Pacific Ocean.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India and Prime Minister Abe, this is a rare relationship that they can understand with their eyes and eyes without the need for explanation.

In Australia where the population is low, Chinese citizens are setting political power, but this is the side that Australia is forced to introspect something rather than himself. Their identity, which respects democracy and human rights, is rather directing Australia towards seeking Japan as a partner.

If we make the external environment safe in this way, the Prime Minister has the thought that it will surely work in domestic 'long game', that is, efforts to rebuild the economy.

Showing the world that Japan is closely connected with countries with the same values increases the political capital as a country of Japan and gives the impression that it cannot be handled with easy things.

At the same time, the Prime Minister hopes the Japanese young people who want to be pessimistic about the future have peace of mind that ‘Japan is firmly connected with these countries’ and ‘It's okay’.

In other words, it also leads to the formation of ‘expectations’ on the economic side.

Abe diplomacy supports the Abenomics and there are aspects where each other is supplemented.

Continue this draft

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2017年12月04日 13時30分14秒 | 日記

















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From politics looked down by officials to politics where officials fear.

2017年12月04日 13時22分02秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

They thought that ‘This administration is serious.’

From politics looked down by officials to politics where officials fear.

That was a big change at all.

Anyway, going abroad next to going abroad with the lowest quota of ‘once a month’ started like this.

Prime Minister Abe’s going abroad counts the largest number of 59 times since the end of the war (as of November 2017), government - only aircraft are flying a longer distance than returning to and from the earth and the moon.

Prime Minister said that ‘diplomacy is a bird's eye view’ diplomacy.

The earth is wide.

The sea that covers the earth is large and big.

And Japan surrounded by the sea, because there are ally makers who share values in every corner of the earth, it may be relieved.

One of the aims is to show it to the people so.

A self-efficacy of a Japanese shrunken, 'I can do it, I should be able to do it' feelings of conflict), he wants to strengthen diplomacy as well.

To put it more, he would like to create such a state that Japan can widely stabilize and stabilize, Japan can stand standing for decades and be dignified.

This is another ‘long game’ that the Abe administration is working on.

This draft continues.

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they are engrossed in the affairs of state, Kasumigaseki changed completely.

2017年12月04日 12時36分54秒 | 日記

This is right now, it is also the Matasaburo in the wind, there is itself, he is in the place opposite the employees such as the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, NHK, etc.,

In order to develop Japan and Japan citizens day and night, it is also my main focus to inform Mr. Taniguchi Tomohiko's paper inside and outside,

We have to know that it is a truth that subscribes to the media such as the Asahi Newspaper, Mainichi Newspaper, Tokyo Newspaper, etc. and is never known to those who are only watching the TV station of their subsidiary or NHK It is.

"Working every day of the week"

At the beginning of the second Abe administration, Prime Minister issued an order to the aides. There are four times a month on weekends.

Two of them are going to various places in Japan to see the state of the economy and to meet people who cannot meet on weekdays,

One of them surely wants to go to a disaster area.

It was to devote the remaining one to going abroad.

It is not an old preparatory pilot training course, but it is a "working every day of the week" declaration that gives up on Saturdays and Sundays.

The disaster area visit lasted two years, as promised.

The Suga Yoshihide Chief Cabinet Secretary be permitted to exaggerate and by the working person, I get up at 4 o'clock every morning or at 4:30 pm and think that it includes 'Monthly Hanada', but when I read through all the typographic media Walking along with the coming guards to sweat, from 7 o'clock breakfast is served at the hotel Such a daily routine that someone starts meeting, whether to catch a cold or to put out fever, continues every day. Please ask the old-fashioned officials of the official residence who have seen the rise and fall of the administration for many years. It should be said that the prime minister working so hard and Chief Cabinet Secretary have never seen it.

The principals who recommend ‘work-life balance’ are literally selfless devotion.

When Prime Minister and Chief Cabinet Secretary showed the leadership, they are engrossed in the affairs of state, Kasumigaseki changed completely.

This draft continues.

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This is still more than the total military budget for the five major military spending countries

2017年12月04日 11時20分48秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Policy for the future

Prime Minister Abe elected elections in response to a change in the tax revenues expected to rise to 10% of the consumption tax rate planned for October 2019, and changes in the use of revenues that are said to be over 5 trillion yen.

I decided to change the original policy which was supposed to use 4 trillion yen for repaying the debt of the country and 1 trillion yen to expand social security and add 2 trillion yen for additional welfare additionally.

That is all measures to lighten the risk of giving birth and raising children such as free primary education.

The drastic measures, such as calling for an elderly who is said to be the strongest and largest vested interest group, cannot be under democratic regime.

There is no other choice but to increase tax revenue and devote it.

Still I think that this was a stage in Japan's welfare policy.

We will focus the focus of welfare not to those who are not in 20 years, but to the living generation even 50 years later.

This was equal to rewriting the social contract and it was a problem to ask the public opinion in the election.

Japan's social security benefit expense exceeds 120 trillion yen.

This is still more than the total military budget for the five major military spending countries, namely the United States, China, Saudi Arabia, Russia and the UK.

That being said, people from the United States and others are also surprised.

This draft continues.

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