文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Tillerson also criticized China's infrastructure investment as 'looting economy' and

2018年02月03日 21時31分21秒 | 日記

The following is from the ten pages of today's Yomiuri Shimbun.

Emphasis in sentences other than heading is me.

"Power of the new empire is unnecessary in Latin America"

Mr. Tillerson criticizing Chinese bitterly

Washington = Ohki Shoma

US Secretary of State Tillerson gave a lecture on Latin American policy at the University in Austin, Texas, which he visited on January 1, and on China, which is expanding its influence on Latin America in economic terms rapidly, 'Latin America does not need the power of the new empire which pursues only the profit of the one's own citizen.' he criticized it severely.

Tillerson said China's economic support to each country 'always comes with great sacrifice', while China takes the appearance of investing on a national initiative,

He pointed out that he is sending Chinese workers or lending funds of scale that cannot continue to be repaid.

China tries to drag this area (China and Italy) to cultivate Chinese economy and often ignores law and human rights on the land 'and it ringed an alarm, saying' China tries to drag this area into its own influential area using the power of the economy '.

In October last year Tillerson also criticized China's infrastructure investment as 'looting economy' and is increasing the caution against China that challenges the US-led international order.

President Trump, too, placed China with 'the rival who challenges our national interest and economy, sense of values' with State of the Union Address on January 30th and came up with the opposition posture.

Mr. Tillerson visits five countries, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia and Jamaica on 1 to 7th.

He is planning to discuss strengthening bilateral relations between countries, and he’d like to eliminate the influence of China on Latin America, the' backyard 'in the United States.

"Power of the new empire is unnecessary in Latin America"

2018年02月03日 21時27分03秒 | 日記

The following is from the ten pages of today's Yomiuri Shimbun.

Emphasis in sentences other than heading is me.

"Power of the new empire is unnecessary in Latin America"

Mr. Tillerson criticizing Chinese bitterly

Washington = Ohki Shoma

US Secretary of State Tillerson gave a lecture on Latin American policy at the University in Austin, Texas, which he visited on January 1, and on China, which is expanding its influence on Latin America in economic terms rapidly, 'Latin America does not need the power of the new empire which pursues only the profit of the one's own citizen.' he criticized it severely.

Tillerson said China's economic support to each country 'always comes with great sacrifice', while China takes the appearance of investing on a national initiative,

He pointed out that he is sending Chinese workers or lending funds of scale that cannot continue to be repaid.

China tries to drag this area (China and Italy) to cultivate Chinese economy and often ignores law and human rights on the land 'and it ringed an alarm, saying' China tries to drag this area into its own influential area using the power of the economy '.

In October last year Tillerson also criticized China's infrastructure investment as 'looting economy' and is increasing the caution against China that challenges the US-led international order.

President Trump, too, placed China with 'the rival who challenges our national interest and economy, sense of values' with State of the Union Address on January 30th and came up with the opposition posture.

Mr. Tillerson visits five countries, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia and Jamaica on 1 to 7th.

He is planning to discuss strengthening bilateral relations between countries, and he’d like to eliminate the influence of China on Latin America, the' backyard 'in the United States.

What the article in the previous chapter shows is that it is obvious at first sight of

2018年02月03日 18時01分21秒 | 日記

What the article in the previous chapter shows is that it is obvious at first sight of China's Communist Party dictators who say black is white and white is black.

It is not obvious that the rulers of the Communist Party of China are complying with this, Asahi Shimbun etc. etc., NHK, or the United Nations ... Especially UNESCO people who are not exaggerating to say that they are under the rule of China, now , Those who started outrageous propaganda such as ‘groping in Japan is a big problem’ in France, the parliamentarians of the city council of San Francisco, equivalent people of this kind, and sold to China for money Neighboring countries equal to being or only some countries in Africa, etc.

It is because we ourselves experienced the status which was taken up with the report

2018年02月03日 17時55分43秒 | 日記

The following is from today's Sankei Shimbun 3 page.

It is clear in the following article that I am stopping the subscription of the Asahi Newspaper and switching to the Sankei Shimbun is a great correct answer.

"Environmental coverage deterioration in China"

This paper points out at a press conference. Opposition authorities

[Beijing = Kinya Fujimoto]

A Sankei newspaper reporter opposed to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs denying the deterioration of coverage in China, expressed his position as ‘seeking improvement’.

The Chinese media such as the Communist Party Agency newspaper, Global Times affiliated to People's Daily said ‘Japanese reporters (to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) make a challenge at a hall and bring their members to their knees’ ‘Sankei newspaper reporter provoked’ and criticized this paper in large reports.

The starting point is the annual report released on January 30 by ‘Foreign Correspondents' Club of China’ organized by 218 correspondents in Beijing including Sankei Shimbun.

In the report, interviewing by the authorities in sensitive areas such as the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and China and the North Korean border is increasing.

"40% answered that" the reporting environment in China is getting worse".

Hua Chunying spokesperson said, 'Criticism of the report is unreasonable, it thinks that that FCCC represented your viewpoint, or it agrees with the If you could raise your hands and tell me.

The number of attendees of the press conference usually exceeds 30 people, but in many cases the Chinese staff of each press is present, it seems that there was no one to raise hands.

Ms. Hua concluded, 'The reporter here does not agree with the view of the report, and the FCCC cannot represent the true view of about 600 foreign resident reporters in China.'

Receive this Ms. Hua's conclusion, the Sankei Shimbun reporter after explaining that this paper reporter was not attending interview on January 30th, and he protested at the interview on February 1st, 'I agree with the report. It is because we ourselves experienced the status which was taken up with the report.

We have long wanted the Chinese side to improve the situation.

This is our position.'

Ms. Hua decided that ‘You seem to be asking with a malice and asking and ‘Why does it only the Sankei Shimbun think that there is a problem why about whether or not other media does not encounter to the trouble like you?

It should try to reconsider deeply.’ she answered.

In the Sankei Shimbun, a message from foreign correspondent ‘you have compensated me by proxy well of my thoughts’ was also sent. 

A newspaper that boldly shows the reality, completely irrelevant to pretended-moralism and

2018年02月03日 17時14分01秒 | 日記

January 31 is a great anniversary for me.

After August of four years ago, I was continuing to subscribe with the meaning of monitoring,

As I mentioned earlier, an article on Mrs. Akie’s name came out with a big headline on the front page, appearing in the newspaper.

In short, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a born scammer or swindler ... moreover, now it is a human being arrested in a criminal case ... Kagoike gave out the name of Prime Minister Abe 's wife To say things, as if Prime Minister Abe was involved, of all things, a newspaper wrote in the headline on the front page.

I had taken the three papers of this newspaper with Nikkei, Yomiuri, but I threw this newspaper instantly.

Rather than being a supervisor of the Asahi Shimbun, as the best reader, Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, has read carefully every day, so in the first place, there was no reason why I continued to subscribe, besides, I have not read this newspaper almost since August 4 years ago ... Because it did not do even the intention of reading.

I told the dealer to officially stop the subscription on January 31.

Although the amount of garbage has decreased since the next day,

There was a newspaper I wanted to subscribe to by all means.

It is a Sankei Shimbun.

Because the friend mentioned above brings it every day, I thought that I need to subscribe but I thought that it was not so, I told the dealer to start subscribing.

On the morning of February 1st, Sankei was in the place of the Asahi Shimbun who had been entering for a long time.

In fact, after a long absence, I spent the time after getting up to carefully read the newspaper.

In Sankei Shimbun, the fact that the reader did not know was published. That is, there are articles to read.

I have referred to the Sankei newspaper many times as the newspaper that now conveys the facts in Japan as facts. Not Sankei Shimbun 30 years ago, 40 years ago, now that the Sankei Shimbun is the real newspaper, it is a leading newspaper that conveys facts the reader does not know.

A newspaper that boldly shows the reality, completely irrelevant to pretended-moralism and masochistic view of history and that is the Sankei Shimbun.

This draft continues.


2018年02月03日 16時52分41秒 | 日記



「中南米 新帝国の力不要」

ティラーソン氏 中国を痛烈批判






トランプ大統領も1月30日の一般教書演説で、中国を「我々の国益や経済、価値観に挑むライバル」と位置づけ、対抗姿勢を打ち出した。 ティラーソン氏は17日にメキシコ、アルゼンチン、ペルー、コロンビア、ジャマイカの5か国を歴訪する。



2018年02月03日 16時47分02秒 | 日記







2018年02月03日 16時44分51秒 | 日記



「中国の取材環境 悪化」

本紙記者会見で指摘 当局反発














C'est un pays où le bon sens international ne passe pas.

2018年02月03日 13時36分46秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.
La bataille de l'histoire n'est pas finie
Dans l'accord entre le Japon et la République de Corée sur le problème des femmes de réconfort l'an dernier, ce problème aurait dû être «résolu de manière définitive et irréversible», mais l'état actuel ne l'est pas.
En Corée, il y a une voix de reconsidération du consensus.
C'est un pays où le bon sens international ne passe pas.
Comme pour y répondre, même à l'extérieur de San Francisco, le mouvement pour tenter le déclin du Japon à l'étranger n'a pas cessé.
Même lors de la construction d'une organisation coréenne à New York en octobre, l'image des femmes de réconfort a été dévoilée.
À l'Assemblée législative de l'Ontario au Canada, le «Jour de l'anniversaire du massacre de Nanjing» n'a pas été une question de réconfort. Il a été placé sous la direction des législateurs chinois.
La recherche empirique montre que le «massacre» est aussi une histoire déformée.
Comme c'est aussi à San Francisco, ne négligez pas ce que les personnes et les organisations locales coréennes et chinoises déménagent.
Là où il y a beaucoup de ces résidents, le conseil et les municipalités sont prêts à les féliciter pour leur volonté.
Loin de la fin du jeu d'histoire, il fait toujours rage.
La guerre d'histoire a plusieurs éléments.
En 2003, la Chine a révisé l'ordonnance sur le travail politique de l'Armée populaire de libération, et a ajouté la guerre de l'opinion publique, la guerre psychologique et la bataille juridique à l'œuvre.
Lutter contre l'opinion publique anti-japonaise à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du Japon, en essayant de séparer la relation entre le pays étranger et le Japon.
Au Japon, la vue historique anti-japonaise domestique est augmentée, la fierté envers le pays, et le moral du peuple est endommagé.
Ce sont des batailles d'opinion publique et une guerre psychologique.
En bref, la guerre historique est une manœuvre politique, trompant les «méthodes trompeuses» (Sun Tzu).
C'est dans les coulisses d'essayer d'affaiblir le Japon ou d'éloigner le Japon et la nation amie les uns des autres.
La Chine utilise bien la Corée.
* Il était encore bon que la Chine ajoute 2 journaux préfectoraux et des factions Onaga qui contrôlent Okinawa ainsi que la Chine utilise bien *

Es un país donde el sentido común internacional no pasa.

2018年02月03日 13時36分14秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la continuación del capítulo anterior.
La batalla de la historia no ha terminado
En el acuerdo Japón-ROK de la cuestión de las mujeres de confort el año pasado, este problema debería haberse "resuelto en última instancia e irreversiblemente", pero el estado real no es así.
En Corea hay una voz de reconsideración del consenso.
Es un país donde el sentido común internacional no pasa.
Como para responder, incluso fuera de San Francisco, el movimiento para tratar de rechazar a Japón en el exterior no se ha detenido.
Incluso en la construcción de una organización coreana de la ciudad de Nueva York en octubre, se dio a conocer la imagen de las mujeres de confort.
No es un tema de mujeres de solaz, en la Legislatura de Ontario en Canadá, el "Día del Aniversario de la Masacre de Nanjing" fue organizado bajo el liderazgo de legisladores chinos.
La investigación empírica muestra que la "masacre" también es una historia distorsionada.
Al igual que en San Francisco, no pase por alto lo que están moviendo las personas y las organizaciones locales de Corea y China.
Donde hay muchos residentes, el consejo y los municipios están dispuestos a felicitarlos por su buena disposición.
Lejos del final del juego de historia, todavía está en su apogeo.
La guerra de la historia tiene varios elementos.
En 2003, China revisó la ordenanza de trabajo político del Ejército Popular de Liberación y agregó la guerra de opinión pública, la guerra psicológica y la batalla legal al trabajo.
Luchando contra la opinión pública antijaponesa tanto dentro como fuera de Japón, tratando de separar la relación entre el país extranjero y Japón.
En Japón, la visión histórica nacional antijaponesa aumenta, el orgullo por el país y la moral de la gente se daña.
Estas son batallas de opinión pública y guerra psicológica.
En resumen, la guerra histórica es una maniobra política que engaña a los "métodos engañosos" (Sun Tzu).
Está detrás de las escenas de tratar de debilitar a Japón o de mantener a Japón y su nación amiga alejados unos de otros.
China está utilizando Corea bien.
* Todavía era bueno si China agrega 2 prefecturales y facciones Onaga que controlan Okinawa y China también lo usa *

Es ist ein Land, in dem internationaler gesunder Menschenverstand nicht besteht.

2018年02月03日 13時35分40秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.
History Battle ist nicht vorbei
In der Japan-ROK-Vereinbarung der Trostfrauenfrage vom letzten Jahr sollte dieses Problem "endgültig und irreversibel gelöst" sein, aber der tatsächliche Zustand ist nicht so.
In Korea gibt es eine Stimme des Überdenkens des Konsenses.
Es ist ein Land, in dem internationaler gesunder Menschenverstand nicht besteht.
Als ob, um darauf zu antworten, sogar außerhalb von San Francisco, hat die Bewegung, um zu versuchen, Japan noch im Ausland zu sinken, nicht aufgehört.
Sogar im Gebäude einer koreanischen Organisation von New York City im Oktober wurde das Bild von Trostfrauen enthüllt.
Es war kein Trost für Frauen, in der Legislatur von Ontario in Kanada wurde der "Nanjing Massacre Anniversary Day" unter der Führung chinesischer Gesetzgeber abgehalten.
Empirische Untersuchungen zeigen, dass "Massaker" auch eine verzerrte Geschichte ist.
Wie es auch in San Francisco ist, sollten Sie nicht vergessen, was lokale koreanische und chinesische Menschen und Organisationen bewegen.
Wo viele solche Bewohner sind, sind der Rat und die Gemeinden bereit, ihnen für ihre Bereitschaft zu gratulieren.
Weit entfernt vom Ende des Geschichtsspiels tobt es immer noch.
History Warfare hat mehrere Elemente.
Im Jahr 2003 revidierte China die politische Arbeitsverordnung der Volksbefreiungsarmee und fügte der Arbeit die öffentliche Meinungsführung, psychologische Kriegsführung und Rechtsstreit hinzu.
Bekämpfung der antijapanischen öffentlichen Meinung innerhalb und außerhalb Japans, um die Beziehung zwischen dem Ausland und Japan zu trennen.
In Japan wird die innenpolitische antijapanische Sichtweise erhöht, der Stolz auf das Land und die Moral der Bevölkerung sind geschädigt.
Dies sind öffentliche Meinungsschlachten und psychologische Kriegsführung.
Kurz gesagt, ein historischer Krieg ist ein politisches Manövrieren und betrügt "betrügerische Methoden" (Sun Tzu).
Es ist hinter den Kulissen zu versuchen, Japan zu schwächen oder Japan und eine freundliche Nation voneinander fern zu halten.
China nutzt Korea gut.
* Es war immer noch gut, wenn China 2 Prefectural-Zeitungen und Onaga-Fraktionen hinzufügt, die Okinawa sowie China gut kontrollieren.

É um país onde o senso comum internacional não passa.

2018年02月03日 13時34分53秒 | 日記

O seguinte é a continuação do capítulo anterior.
A batalha de história não acabou
No acordo Japão-ROK da questão das mulheres de conforto no ano passado, esse problema deveria ter "resolvido de forma definitiva e irreversível", mas o estado atual não é assim.
Na Coréia há uma voz de reconsideração do consenso.
É um país onde o senso comum internacional não passa.
Como para responder a ele, mesmo fora de San Francisco, o movimento para tentar diminuir o Japão ainda no exterior não parou.
Mesmo na construção de uma organização coreana da cidade de Nova York em outubro, a imagem das mulheres de conforto foi revelada.
Não é uma questão de conforto nas mulheres, no Legislativo de Ontário no Canadá, o "Dia do Aniversário do Massacre de Nanjing" foi liderado pelos legisladores chineses.
Pesquisas empíricas mostram que o "massacre" também é uma história distorcida.
Como também é em São Francisco, não ignore o que as pessoas e as organizações locais coreanas e chinesas estão se movendo.
Onde há muitos desses residentes, o conselho e os municípios estão dispostos a parabenizá-los por sua disposição.
Longe do final do jogo de história, ainda está furioso.
A guerra de história tem vários elementos.
Em 2003, a China revisou a ordenança do trabalho político do Exército Popular de Libertação e acrescentou guerra de opinião pública, guerra psicológica e batalha legal ao trabalho.
Lutando contra a opinião pública anti-japonesa dentro e fora do Japão, tentando separar a relação entre país estrangeiro e Japão.
No Japão, a visão histórica anti-japonesa doméstica é aumentada, o orgulho em relação ao país e a moral das pessoas está danificada.
Estas são batalhas de opinião pública e guerra psicológica.
Em suma, a guerra histórica é uma manobra política, enganando "métodos enganadores" (Sun Tzu).
É por trás das cenas de tentar enfraquecer o Japão ou manter o Japão e a nação amigável fora um do outro.
A China está usando a Coréia bem.
* Ainda era bom se a China adicionasse 2 jornais de prefecturas e facções de Onaga que controlam Okinawa, bem como a China usa bem *


2018年02月03日 13時34分02秒 | 日記


국제적인 상식이

2018年02月03日 13時31分37秒 | 日記

다음은 이전 장의 계속입니다.
역사 전투는 끝나지 않았다.
작년 위안부 문제에 관한 한 - 양국 합의에서이 문제는 '궁극적으로 돌이킬 수 없게 해결 된'것이지만 실제 상태는 그렇지 않다.
한국에서는 합의에 대한 재검토의 목소리가 있습니다.
국제적인 상식이 흐르지 않는 나라입니다.
샌프란시스코 바깥에서도 일본에 대한 대응 움직임은 멈추지 않았습니다.
10 월 뉴욕 한인 단체 조직에서도 위안부 이미지가 공개됐다.
위안부 문제는 아니지만 캐나다 온타리오 주의회에서는 '난징 대학살 기념일'이 중국 국회의원의지도 아래 놓여졌습니다.
경험적 연구에 따르면 '학살'은 또한 왜곡 된 역사이기도합니다.
샌프란시스코에서도 그렇듯이 한인 및 중국인 현지인들의 움직임을 간과하지 마십시오.
그러한 주민들이 많이있는 곳에서는 시의회와 지자체가 그들의 의지를 기꺼이 축하합니다.
역사 게임의 끝에서 멀리 떨어져 있지만, 여전히 격렬합니다.
역사 전쟁에는 몇 가지 요소가 있습니다.
2003 년 중국은 인민 해방군 정치 업무 조례를 개정하고 여론전, 심리적 전쟁 및 법적 전투를 추가했다.
외국과 일본의 관계를 분리하려는 일본 국내외의 반일 여론과 싸우는 것.
일본의 반일 역사적인 견해가 높아지고 자국에 대한 자부심과 국민의 사기가 손상됩니다.
이것들은 여론과의 전쟁과 심리전입니다.
간단히 말해서, 역사적인 전쟁은 '기만적인 방법'(Sun Tzu)을 속이는 정치적인 기동입니다.
일본을 약화 시키거나 일본과 우호적 인 국가를 서로 멀어지게하는 것의 배후에 있습니다.
중국은 한국을 잘 사용하고있다.
* 중국이 오키나와를 통제하는 2 개의 현의 신문과오나가 파벌을 추가하고 중국이 잘 사용한다면 *

Это страна,

2018年02月03日 13時31分02秒 | 日記

Следующее - продолжение предыдущей главы.
История битвы не закончилась
В соглашении между Японией и РК, посвященном проблеме утешения женщин в прошлом году, эта проблема должна быть «решена в конечном счете и необратимо», но фактическое состояние не так.
В Корее есть голос переосмысления консенсуса.
Это страна, где международный здравый смысл не проходит.
Как бы реагировать на это, даже за пределами Сан-Франциско, движение, пытающееся отказаться от Японии, все еще за рубежом, не прекратилось.
Даже в здании корейской организации Нью-Йорка в октябре был представлен образ женщин-утешителей.
Не проблема женщин-утех, в Законодательном Законодательстве Онтарио в Канаде «День юбилея Наньцзинской битвы» был поставлен под руководством китайских законодателей.
Эмпирические исследования показывают, что «массовое убийство» также является искаженной историей.
Как и в Сан-Франциско, не забывайте, что двигаются местные корейские и китайские люди и организации.
Там, где таких резидентов много, совет и муниципалитеты готовы поздравить их с готовностью.
Вдали от конца истории игра все еще бушует.
История войны имеет несколько элементов.
В 2003 году Китай пересмотрел Положение о политической работе Народно-освободительной армии и добавил, что общественная борьба, психологическая война и юридическая битва за эту работу.
Борьба с антияпонским общественным мнением как внутри Японии, так и за ее пределами, пытаясь отделить отношения между иностранным государством и Японией.
В Японии увеличивается внутренняя антияпонская историческая точка зрения, гордость по отношению к стране, а моральный дух людей поврежден.
Это битва общественного мнения и психологическая война.
Короче говоря, историческая война - это политическое маневрирование, обманывающее «обманчивые методы» (Sun Tzu).
Это за кулисами попытки ослабить Японию или удержать Японию и дружественную нацию от друг друга.
Китай хорошо использует Корею.
* Было еще хорошо, если Китай добавит 2 префектурных газеты и фракции Онаги, которые контролируют Окинаву, а также Китай хорошо использует *