文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2018年07月08日 22時24分49秒 | 日記


And it demanded English transmission, which the Asahi Shimbun withdrew the article


there are few cases where the national interest has been compromised so much by wrong coverage


La politique d'entreprise de ce journal est la constitution MacArthur










La política de la compañía de este periódico es la constitución de MacArthur


based on Yoshida Seiji's testimony which told a falsehood of female as 'forcibly entered'


La politique d'entreprise de ce journal est la constitution MacArthur


I would like the Asahi Shimbun to understand that it is a serious problem.


A propos de changer l'attitude d'Asahi rapidement de la couverture de Megumi


which will not use the expressions that 'forced to provide sex' in comfort women.




이 신문의 회사


Asahi Newspaper is spreading ‘comfort women entrainment and sexual slave theory’


Die Unternehmenspolitik dieser Zeitung ist die MacArthur-Verfassung


The Asahi side responded to responds by 7/23 as ‘to take it heavily’.


朝日が慰安婦の説明で「forced to provide sex(性行為を強制された)」としている表現を今後使用しないことや、


La politica aziendale di questo giornale è la costituzione MacArthur




A política da empresa deste jornal é a constituição MacArthur






Sobre esse tempo em mudar a atitude do Asahi rapidamente da cobertura Megumi


تغطية ميغومي








메구미 취재의


Um diese Zeit änderte sich die Haltung der Asahi schnell von Megumis Berichterstattung






Pada masa itu, mengubah sikap Asahi dengan cepat terhadap liputan Megumi




Apply for correction to the Asahi Newspaper Comfort women's English coverage








Asahi'nin Megumi kapsamını hızlı bir şekilde değiştirdiği zaman hakkında


Примерно в то же время






دستور ماك آرثر




Selskabspolitikken for denne avis er MacArthur-forfatningen


Bu gazetenin şirket politikası MacArthur anayasasıdır.




Siitä ajankohdasta, kun Asahin asenne muuttui nopeasti Megumin kattavuudesta


But he was angry at not complaining the article but complaining about the Asahi Shimbun

2018年07月08日 21時08分02秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Whether it is on bad terms with the Asahi Shimbun, two years later, when I was at the social department desk I had to face the Asahi Newspaper again.

On that day, I was a duty desk, so when I arrived, roving reporter Ishikawa Mizuho was the deception at the headline of Asahi Shimbun on the front page of ‘The Poison Gas Operation’

He had done verified manuscript that it is ‘a smoke curtain frenzied with the River crossing strategy’.

Professor Akira Fujiwara of Hitotsubashi University also has a commentary on the Ken Shimura style ‘It is so. This is poison gas.’, in the article of the Asahi newspaper.

However, Ishikawa manuscript was more persuasive.

Poison gas generally creeps on the ground.

Yperite used first in Belgium crawled over the ground, flowed into the entrenchment and killed the soldiers.

You can only kill a crow if you climb into the sky rising smoke, as in the photo of the Asahi Shimbun.

Ishikawa manuscript made a top social side.

The next morning when I was sleeping in the sleeping room, I was beaten up by the phone from the Asahi Shimbun Satake Akiyoshi Director, did something serious, it was a preliminary notice of a knockout that I would go over there following the evening publication descendant it was.

When I was waiting, he truly beat up alone and barked in the middle of the editorial office, ‘I will crush the Sankei Shimbun and others.’

The claim of the Sankei was right.

Asahi made a correction in a few days, but I could not understand Satake's feelings.

If an error is pointed out, if it is newspaperman, it is normal to investigate again.

Apologize if it is as I pointed out.

But he was angry at not complaining the article but complaining about the Asahi Shimbun.

‘Defying to Asahi Shimbun is good grit.’, he said.

It is said that this worked lese majesty.

Through this turmoil, the Asahi newspaper reporter came to think that perhaps it was a sociopath (antisocial personality disorder group) characterized by narcissism and collective self-satisfaction.

The Asahi Shimbun also rode the Yoshida Seiji on the lie of comfort women for 30 years and continued to show contempt for Japanese.

This draft continues.

I will be happy if it helps to understand the shallowness of the current Morikake frenzy coverage

2018年07月08日 20時16分55秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, the Asahi Shimbun wounded the coral and disparaged the Japanese with 'the mind's poverty ... dissolute mind'.

They have a way of saying they are not Japanese.

I cannot explain by sociopath alone.

When I again peruse the history of the Asahi Newspaper, there is a GHQ suspended case in September 1945.

The Asahi Shimbun had been accusing the American barbarity exactly as the Japanese think.

Make Hatoyama Ichiro indicated that the atomic bombing is the inhumane act which excels poison gas, too.

In the Manila genocide by the Japanese army that GHQ pressed, the Asahi wrote a justice that ‘the Imperial Army is unlikely to do such a thing’ ‘It should be verified.’

GHQ is supposed to order two days off on that.

However, the theory that it was a discontinuance order is persistent.

The U.S. slighted a paper medium.

The radio with a good performance record frightfully spread to Japan.

GHQ was a motivation in the brainwash after the war only in the NHK broadcasting.

The defying newspaper was not necessary.

The limitation of paper was about the ABC of colonial rule.

The panicky Asahi Shimbun swore the loyalty to the United States and allowed him to survive.

After that, the Asahi Shimbun forgot to be ashamed, became an agent of the United States and took the initiative in the paper ‘Japan is an invading country’ and ‘Japanese army is brutal’ on the other hand, the Asahi took the lie of the Warner List that the US military protected the cultural assets of Kyoto, and respected white people like God.

He also shouts ‘Conform!’, in the mood of his agent in the MacArthur Constitution which abandons military and belligerent rights so that Japan will not become a threat to the white nation again.

They still set up the article 9 Society and criticize the tide of the constitutional amendment.

Looking at its appearance, in the colonial imperialism era, it entered the Asian colonies of white dominance, became the hand of white people, very similar to the overseas Chinese who manages the local government and the people.

The employees of the Asahi Shimbun are above the Japanese.

We can understand why they like the tone of looking down on Japanese people like coral graffiti.

When Toyota was falsely suspected of going out of control, Asahi newspaper chief editor, Yoichi Funabashi wrote in the front page ‘Toyota is a synonym of defect in the US’.

The truth etc. does not matter.

Showing contempt for Japan, they believe not to revive Japan is a duty of the Asahi people.

Their way of speaking can also be understood with that.

In this book I have taken up such Asahi newspaper from various angles.

I will be happy if it helps to understand the shallowness of the current Morikake frenzy coverage.

May 2018 red-letter day Masayuki Takayama

Their way of speaking can also be understood with that.

2018年07月08日 20時16分21秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, the Asahi Shimbun wounded the coral and disparaged the Japanese with 'the mind's poverty ... dissolute mind'.

They have a way of saying they are not Japanese.

I cannot explain by sociopath alone.

When I again peruse the history of the Asahi Newspaper, there is a GHQ suspended case in September 1945.

The Asahi Shimbun had been accusing the American barbarity exactly as the Japanese think.

Make Hatoyama Ichiro indicated that the atomic bombing is the inhumane act which excels poison gas, too.

In the Manila genocide by the Japanese army that GHQ pressed, the Asahi wrote a justice that ‘the Imperial Army is unlikely to do such a thing’ ‘It should be verified.’

GHQ is supposed to order two days off on that.

However, the theory that it was a discontinuance order is persistent.

The U.S. slighted a paper medium.

The radio with a good performance record frightfully spread to Japan.

GHQ was a motivation in the brainwash after the war only in the NHK broadcasting.

The defying newspaper was not necessary.

The limitation of paper was about the ABC of colonial rule.

The panicky Asahi Shimbun swore the loyalty to the United States and allowed him to survive.

After that, the Asahi Shimbun forgot to be ashamed, became an agent of the United States and took the initiative in the paper ‘Japan is an invading country’ and ‘Japanese army is brutal’ on the other hand, the Asahi took the lie of the Warner List that the US military protected the cultural assets of Kyoto, and respected white people like God.

He also shouts ‘Conform!’, in the mood of his agent in the MacArthur Constitution which abandons military and belligerent rights so that Japan will not become a threat to the white nation again.

They still set up the article 9 Society and criticize the tide of the constitutional amendment.

Looking at its appearance, in the colonial imperialism era, it entered the Asian colonies of white dominance, became the hand of white people, very similar to the overseas Chinese who manages the local government and the people.

The employees of the Asahi Shimbun are above the Japanese.

We can understand why they like the tone of looking down on Japanese people like coral graffiti.

When Toyota was falsely suspected of going out of control, Asahi newspaper chief editor, Yoichi Funabashi wrote in the front page ‘Toyota is a synonym of defect in the US’.

The truth etc. does not matter.

Showing contempt for Japan, they believe not to revive Japan is a duty of the Asahi people.

Their way of speaking can also be understood with that.

In this book I have taken up such Asahi newspaper from various angles.

I will be happy if it helps to understand the shallowness of the current Morikake frenzy coverage.

May 2018 red-letter day Masayuki Takayama

Showing contempt for Japan, they believe not to revive Japan is a duty of the Asahi people

2018年07月08日 20時15分22秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, the Asahi Shimbun wounded the coral and disparaged the Japanese with 'the mind's poverty ... dissolute mind'.

They have a way of saying they are not Japanese.

I cannot explain by sociopath alone.

When I again peruse the history of the Asahi Newspaper, there is a GHQ suspended case in September 1945.

The Asahi Shimbun had been accusing the American barbarity exactly as the Japanese think.

Make Hatoyama Ichiro indicated that the atomic bombing is the inhumane act which excels poison gas, too.

In the Manila genocide by the Japanese army that GHQ pressed, the Asahi wrote a justice that ‘the Imperial Army is unlikely to do such a thing’ ‘It should be verified.’

GHQ is supposed to order two days off on that.

However, the theory that it was a discontinuance order is persistent.

The U.S. slighted a paper medium.

The radio with a good performance record frightfully spread to Japan.

GHQ was a motivation in the brainwash after the war only in the NHK broadcasting.

The defying newspaper was not necessary.

The limitation of paper was about the ABC of colonial rule.

The panicky Asahi Shimbun swore the loyalty to the United States and allowed him to survive.

After that, the Asahi Shimbun forgot to be ashamed, became an agent of the United States and took the initiative in the paper ‘Japan is an invading country’ and ‘Japanese army is brutal’ on the other hand, the Asahi took the lie of the Warner List that the US military protected the cultural assets of Kyoto, and respected white people like God.

He also shouts ‘Conform!’, in the mood of his agent in the MacArthur Constitution which abandons military and belligerent rights so that Japan will not become a threat to the white nation again.

They still set up the article 9 Society and criticize the tide of the constitutional amendment.

Looking at its appearance, in the colonial imperialism era, it entered the Asian colonies of white dominance, became the hand of white people, very similar to the overseas Chinese who manages the local government and the people.

The employees of the Asahi Shimbun are above the Japanese.

We can understand why they like the tone of looking down on Japanese people like coral graffiti.

When Toyota was falsely suspected of going out of control, Asahi newspaper chief editor, Yoichi Funabashi wrote in the front page ‘Toyota is a synonym of defect in the US’.

The truth etc. does not matter.

Showing contempt for Japan, they believe not to revive Japan is a duty of the Asahi people.

Their way of speaking can also be understood with that.

In this book I have taken up such Asahi newspaper from various angles.

I will be happy if it helps to understand the shallowness of the current Morikake frenzy coverage.

May 2018 red-letter day Masayuki Takayama

Yoichi Funabashi wrote in the front page ‘Toyota is a synonym of defect in the US’.

2018年07月08日 20時14分26秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, the Asahi Shimbun wounded the coral and disparaged the Japanese with 'the mind's poverty ... dissolute mind'.

They have a way of saying they are not Japanese.

I cannot explain by sociopath alone.

When I again peruse the history of the Asahi Newspaper, there is a GHQ suspended case in September 1945.

The Asahi Shimbun had been accusing the American barbarity exactly as the Japanese think.

Make Hatoyama Ichiro indicated that the atomic bombing is the inhumane act which excels poison gas, too.

In the Manila genocide by the Japanese army that GHQ pressed, the Asahi wrote a justice that ‘the Imperial Army is unlikely to do such a thing’ ‘It should be verified.’

GHQ is supposed to order two days off on that.

However, the theory that it was a discontinuance order is persistent.

The U.S. slighted a paper medium.

The radio with a good performance record frightfully spread to Japan.

GHQ was a motivation in the brainwash after the war only in the NHK broadcasting.

The defying newspaper was not necessary.

The limitation of paper was about the ABC of colonial rule.

The panicky Asahi Shimbun swore the loyalty to the United States and allowed him to survive.

After that, the Asahi Shimbun forgot to be ashamed, became an agent of the United States and took the initiative in the paper ‘Japan is an invading country’ and ‘Japanese army is brutal’ on the other hand, the Asahi took the lie of the Warner List that the US military protected the cultural assets of Kyoto, and respected white people like God.

He also shouts ‘Conform!’, in the mood of his agent in the MacArthur Constitution which abandons military and belligerent rights so that Japan will not become a threat to the white nation again.

They still set up the article 9 Society and criticize the tide of the constitutional amendment.

Looking at its appearance, in the colonial imperialism era, it entered the Asian colonies of white dominance, became the hand of white people, very similar to the overseas Chinese who manages the local government and the people.

The employees of the Asahi Shimbun are above the Japanese.

We can understand why they like the tone of looking down on Japanese people like coral graffiti.

When Toyota was falsely suspected of going out of control, Asahi newspaper chief editor, Yoichi Funabashi wrote in the front page ‘Toyota is a synonym of defect in the US’.

The truth etc. does not matter.

Showing contempt for Japan, they believe not to revive Japan is a duty of the Asahi people.

Their way of speaking can also be understood with that.

In this book I have taken up such Asahi newspaper from various angles.

I will be happy if it helps to understand the shallowness of the current Morikake frenzy coverage.

May 2018 red-letter day Masayuki Takayama

When Toyota was falsely suspected of going out of control, Asahi newspaper chief editor,

2018年07月08日 20時13分30秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, the Asahi Shimbun wounded the coral and disparaged the Japanese with 'the mind's poverty ... dissolute mind'.

They have a way of saying they are not Japanese.

I cannot explain by sociopath alone.

When I again peruse the history of the Asahi Newspaper, there is a GHQ suspended case in September 1945.

The Asahi Shimbun had been accusing the American barbarity exactly as the Japanese think.

Make Hatoyama Ichiro indicated that the atomic bombing is the inhumane act which excels poison gas, too.

In the Manila genocide by the Japanese army that GHQ pressed, the Asahi wrote a justice that ‘the Imperial Army is unlikely to do such a thing’ ‘It should be verified.’

GHQ is supposed to order two days off on that.

However, the theory that it was a discontinuance order is persistent.

The U.S. slighted a paper medium.

The radio with a good performance record frightfully spread to Japan.

GHQ was a motivation in the brainwash after the war only in the NHK broadcasting.

The defying newspaper was not necessary.

The limitation of paper was about the ABC of colonial rule.

The panicky Asahi Shimbun swore the loyalty to the United States and allowed him to survive.

After that, the Asahi Shimbun forgot to be ashamed, became an agent of the United States and took the initiative in the paper ‘Japan is an invading country’ and ‘Japanese army is brutal’ on the other hand, the Asahi took the lie of the Warner List that the US military protected the cultural assets of Kyoto, and respected white people like God.

He also shouts ‘Conform!’, in the mood of his agent in the MacArthur Constitution which abandons military and belligerent rights so that Japan will not become a threat to the white nation again.

They still set up the article 9 Society and criticize the tide of the constitutional amendment.

Looking at its appearance, in the colonial imperialism era, it entered the Asian colonies of white dominance, became the hand of white people, very similar to the overseas Chinese who manages the local government and the people.

The employees of the Asahi Shimbun are above the Japanese.

We can understand why they like the tone of looking down on Japanese people like coral graffiti.

When Toyota was falsely suspected of going out of control, Asahi newspaper chief editor, Yoichi Funabashi wrote in the front page ‘Toyota is a synonym of defect in the US’.

The truth etc. does not matter.

Showing contempt for Japan, they believe not to revive Japan is a duty of the Asahi people.

Their way of speaking can also be understood with that.

In this book I have taken up such Asahi newspaper from various angles.

I will be happy if it helps to understand the shallowness of the current Morikake frenzy coverage.

May 2018 red-letter day Masayuki Takayama

We can understand why they like the tone of looking down on Japanese people like coral graffiti

2018年07月08日 20時12分15秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, the Asahi Shimbun wounded the coral and disparaged the Japanese with 'the mind's poverty ... dissolute mind'.

They have a way of saying they are not Japanese.

I cannot explain by sociopath alone.

When I again peruse the history of the Asahi Newspaper, there is a GHQ suspended case in September 1945.

The Asahi Shimbun had been accusing the American barbarity exactly as the Japanese think.

Make Hatoyama Ichiro indicated that the atomic bombing is the inhumane act which excels poison gas, too.

In the Manila genocide by the Japanese army that GHQ pressed, the Asahi wrote a justice that ‘the Imperial Army is unlikely to do such a thing’ ‘It should be verified.’

GHQ is supposed to order two days off on that.

However, the theory that it was a discontinuance order is persistent.

The U.S. slighted a paper medium.

The radio with a good performance record frightfully spread to Japan.

GHQ was a motivation in the brainwash after the war only in the NHK broadcasting.

The defying newspaper was not necessary.

The limitation of paper was about the ABC of colonial rule.

The panicky Asahi Shimbun swore the loyalty to the United States and allowed him to survive.

After that, the Asahi Shimbun forgot to be ashamed, became an agent of the United States and took the initiative in the paper ‘Japan is an invading country’ and ‘Japanese army is brutal’ on the other hand, the Asahi took the lie of the Warner List that the US military protected the cultural assets of Kyoto, and respected white people like God.

He also shouts ‘Conform!’, in the mood of his agent in the MacArthur Constitution which abandons military and belligerent rights so that Japan will not become a threat to the white nation again.

They still set up the article 9 Society and criticize the tide of the constitutional amendment.

Looking at its appearance, in the colonial imperialism era, it entered the Asian colonies of white dominance, became the hand of white people, very similar to the overseas Chinese who manages the local government and the people.

The employees of the Asahi Shimbun are above the Japanese.

We can understand why they like the tone of looking down on Japanese people like coral graffiti.

When Toyota was falsely suspected of going out of control, Asahi newspaper chief editor, Yoichi Funabashi wrote in the front page ‘Toyota is a synonym of defect in the US’.

The truth etc. does not matter.

Showing contempt for Japan, they believe not to revive Japan is a duty of the Asahi people.

Their way of speaking can also be understood with that.

In this book I have taken up such Asahi newspaper from various angles.

I will be happy if it helps to understand the shallowness of the current Morikake frenzy coverage.

May 2018 red-letter day Masayuki Takayama

The employees of the Asahi Shimbun are above the Japanese.

2018年07月08日 20時11分24秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, the Asahi Shimbun wounded the coral and disparaged the Japanese with 'the mind's poverty ... dissolute mind'.

They have a way of saying they are not Japanese.

I cannot explain by sociopath alone.

When I again peruse the history of the Asahi Newspaper, there is a GHQ suspended case in September 1945.

The Asahi Shimbun had been accusing the American barbarity exactly as the Japanese think.

Make Hatoyama Ichiro indicated that the atomic bombing is the inhumane act which excels poison gas, too.

In the Manila genocide by the Japanese army that GHQ pressed, the Asahi wrote a justice that ‘the Imperial Army is unlikely to do such a thing’ ‘It should be verified.’

GHQ is supposed to order two days off on that.

However, the theory that it was a discontinuance order is persistent.

The U.S. slighted a paper medium.

The radio with a good performance record frightfully spread to Japan.

GHQ was a motivation in the brainwash after the war only in the NHK broadcasting.

The defying newspaper was not necessary.

The limitation of paper was about the ABC of colonial rule.

The panicky Asahi Shimbun swore the loyalty to the United States and allowed him to survive.

After that, the Asahi Shimbun forgot to be ashamed, became an agent of the United States and took the initiative in the paper ‘Japan is an invading country’ and ‘Japanese army is brutal’ on the other hand, the Asahi took the lie of the Warner List that the US military protected the cultural assets of Kyoto, and respected white people like God.

He also shouts ‘Conform!’, in the mood of his agent in the MacArthur Constitution which abandons military and belligerent rights so that Japan will not become a threat to the white nation again.

They still set up the article 9 Society and criticize the tide of the constitutional amendment.

Looking at its appearance, in the colonial imperialism era, it entered the Asian colonies of white dominance, became the hand of white people, very similar to the overseas Chinese who manages the local government and the people.

The employees of the Asahi Shimbun are above the Japanese.

We can understand why they like the tone of looking down on Japanese people like coral graffiti.

When Toyota was falsely suspected of going out of control, Asahi newspaper chief editor, Yoichi Funabashi wrote in the front page ‘Toyota is a synonym of defect in the US’.

The truth etc. does not matter.

Showing contempt for Japan, they believe not to revive Japan is a duty of the Asahi people.

Their way of speaking can also be understood with that.

In this book I have taken up such Asahi newspaper from various angles.

I will be happy if it helps to understand the shallowness of the current Morikake frenzy coverage.

May 2018 red-letter day Masayuki Takayama

very similar to the overseas Chinese who manages the local government and the people.

2018年07月08日 20時10分13秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, the Asahi Shimbun wounded the coral and disparaged the Japanese with 'the mind's poverty ... dissolute mind'.

They have a way of saying they are not Japanese.

I cannot explain by sociopath alone.

When I again peruse the history of the Asahi Newspaper, there is a GHQ suspended case in September 1945.

The Asahi Shimbun had been accusing the American barbarity exactly as the Japanese think.

Make Hatoyama Ichiro indicated that the atomic bombing is the inhumane act which excels poison gas, too.

In the Manila genocide by the Japanese army that GHQ pressed, the Asahi wrote a justice that ‘the Imperial Army is unlikely to do such a thing’ ‘It should be verified.’

GHQ is supposed to order two days off on that.

However, the theory that it was a discontinuance order is persistent.

The U.S. slighted a paper medium.

The radio with a good performance record frightfully spread to Japan.

GHQ was a motivation in the brainwash after the war only in the NHK broadcasting.

The defying newspaper was not necessary.

The limitation of paper was about the ABC of colonial rule.

The panicky Asahi Shimbun swore the loyalty to the United States and allowed him to survive.

After that, the Asahi Shimbun forgot to be ashamed, became an agent of the United States and took the initiative in the paper ‘Japan is an invading country’ and ‘Japanese army is brutal’ on the other hand, the Asahi took the lie of the Warner List that the US military protected the cultural assets of Kyoto, and respected white people like God.

He also shouts ‘Conform!’, in the mood of his agent in the MacArthur Constitution which abandons military and belligerent rights so that Japan will not become a threat to the white nation again.

They still set up the article 9 Society and criticize the tide of the constitutional amendment.

Looking at its appearance, in the colonialism era, it entered the Asian colonies of white dominance, became the hand of white people, very similar to the overseas Chinese who manages the local government and the people.

The employees of the Asahi Shimbun are above the Japanese.

We can understand why they like the tone of looking down on Japanese people like coral graffiti.

When Toyota was falsely suspected of going out of control, Asahi newspaper chief editor, Yoichi Funabashi wrote in the front page ‘Toyota is a synonym of defect in the US’.

The truth etc. does not matter.

Showing contempt for Japan, they believe not to revive Japan is a duty of the Asahi people.

Their way of speaking can also be understood with that.

In this book I have taken up such Asahi newspaper from various angles.

I will be happy if it helps to understand the shallowness of the current Morikake frenzy coverage.

May 2018 red-letter day Masayuki Takayama

Looking at its appearance, in the colonialism era, it entered the Asian colonies of white dominance

2018年07月08日 20時09分15秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, the Asahi Shimbun wounded the coral and disparaged the Japanese with 'the mind's poverty ... dissolute mind'.

They have a way of saying they are not Japanese.

I cannot explain by sociopath alone.

When I again peruse the history of the Asahi Newspaper, there is a GHQ suspended case in September 1945.

The Asahi Shimbun had been accusing the American barbarity exactly as the Japanese think.

Make Hatoyama Ichiro indicated that the atomic bombing is the inhumane act which excels poison gas, too.

In the Manila genocide by the Japanese army that GHQ pressed, the Asahi wrote a justice that ‘the Imperial Army is unlikely to do such a thing’ ‘It should be verified.’

GHQ is supposed to order two days off on that.

However, the theory that it was a discontinuance order is persistent.

The U.S. slighted a paper medium.

The radio with a good performance record frightfully spread to Japan.

GHQ was a motivation in the brainwash after the war only in the NHK broadcasting.

The defying newspaper was not necessary.

The limitation of paper was about the ABC of colonial rule.

The panicky Asahi Shimbun swore the loyalty to the United States and allowed him to survive.

After that, the Asahi Shimbun forgot to be ashamed, became an agent of the United States and took the initiative in the paper ‘Japan is an invading country’ and ‘Japanese army is brutal’ on the other hand, the Asahi took the lie of the Warner List that the US military protected the cultural assets of Kyoto, and respected white people like God.

He also shouts ‘Conform!’, in the mood of his agent in the MacArthur Constitution which abandons military and belligerent rights so that Japan will not become a threat to the white nation again.

They still set up the article 9 Society and criticize the tide of the constitutional amendment.

Looking at its appearance, in the colonialism era, it entered the Asian colonies of white dominance, became the hand of white people, very similar to the overseas Chinese who manages the local government and the people.

The employees of the Asahi Shimbun are above the Japanese.

We can understand why they like the tone of looking down on Japanese people like coral graffiti.

When Toyota was falsely suspected of going out of control, Asahi newspaper chief editor, Yoichi Funabashi wrote in the front page ‘Toyota is a synonym of defect in the US’.

The truth etc. does not matter.

Showing contempt for Japan, they believe not to revive Japan is a duty of the Asahi people.

Their way of speaking can also be understood with that.

In this book I have taken up such Asahi newspaper from various angles.

I will be happy if it helps to understand the shallowness of the current Morikake frenzy coverage.

May 2018 red-letter day Masayuki Takayama

They still set up the article 9 Society and criticize the tide of the constitutional amendment

2018年07月08日 20時06分22秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, the Asahi Shimbun wounded the coral and disparaged the Japanese with 'the mind's poverty ... dissolute mind'.

They have a way of saying they are not Japanese.

I cannot explain by sociopath alone.

When I again peruse the history of the Asahi Newspaper, there is a GHQ suspended case in September 1945.

The Asahi Shimbun had been accusing the American barbarity exactly as the Japanese think.

Make Hatoyama Ichiro indicated that the atomic bombing is the inhumane act which excels poison gas, too.

In the Manila genocide by the Japanese army that GHQ pressed, the Asahi wrote a justice that ‘the Imperial Army is unlikely to do such a thing’ ‘It should be verified.’

GHQ is supposed to order two days off on that.

However, the theory that it was a discontinuance order is persistent.

The U.S. slighted a paper medium.

The radio with a good performance record frightfully spread to Japan.

GHQ was a motivation in the brainwash after the war only in the NHK broadcasting.

The defying newspaper was not necessary.

The limitation of paper was about the ABC of colonial rule.

The panicky Asahi Shimbun swore the loyalty to the United States and allowed him to survive.

After that, the Asahi Shimbun forgot to be ashamed, became an agent of the United States and took the initiative in the paper ‘Japan is an invading country’ and ‘Japanese army is brutal’ on the other hand, the Asahi took the lie of the Warner List that the US military protected the cultural assets of Kyoto, and respected white people like God.

He also shouts ‘Conform!’, in the mood of his agent in the MacArthur Constitution which abandons military and belligerent rights so that Japan will not become a threat to the white nation again.

They still set up the article 9 Society and criticize the tide of the constitutional amendment.

Looking at its appearance, in the colonial imperialism era, it entered the Asian colonies of white dominance, became the hand of white people, very similar to the overseas Chinese who manages the local government and the people.

The employees of the Asahi Shimbun are above the Japanese.

We can understand why they like the tone of looking down on Japanese people like coral graffiti.

When Toyota was falsely suspected of going out of control, Asahi newspaper chief editor, Yoichi Funabashi wrote in the front page ‘Toyota is a synonym of defect in the US’.

The truth etc. does not matter.

Showing contempt for Japan, they believe not to revive Japan is a duty of the Asahi people.

Their way of speaking can also be understood with that.

In this book I have taken up such Asahi newspaper from various angles.

I will be happy if it helps to understand the shallowness of the current Morikake frenzy coverage.

May 2018 red-letter day Masayuki Takayama

which abandons military and belligerent rights so that Japan will not become

2018年07月08日 20時05分15秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, the Asahi Shimbun wounded the coral and disparaged the Japanese with 'the mind's poverty ... dissolute mind'.

They have a way of saying they are not Japanese.

I cannot explain by sociopath alone.

When I again peruse the history of the Asahi Newspaper, there is a GHQ suspended case in September 1945.

The Asahi Shimbun had been accusing the American barbarity exactly as the Japanese think.

Make Hatoyama Ichiro indicated that the atomic bombing is the inhumane act which excels poison gas, too.

In the Manila genocide by the Japanese army that GHQ pressed, the Asahi wrote a justice that ‘the Imperial Army is unlikely to do such a thing’ ‘It should be verified.’

GHQ is supposed to order two days off on that.

However, the theory that it was a discontinuance order is persistent.

The U.S. slighted a paper medium.

The radio with a good performance record frightfully spread to Japan.

GHQ was a motivation in the brainwash after the war only in the NHK broadcasting.

The defying newspaper was not necessary.

The limitation of paper was about the ABC of colonial rule.

The panicky Asahi Shimbun swore the loyalty to the United States and allowed him to survive.

After that, the Asahi Shimbun forgot to be ashamed, became an agent of the United States and took the initiative in the paper ‘Japan is an invading country’ and ‘Japanese army is brutal’ on the other hand, the Asahi took the lie of the Warner List that the US military protected the cultural assets of Kyoto, and respected white people like God.

He also shouts ‘Conform!’, in the mood of his agent in the MacArthur Constitution which abandons military and belligerent rights so that Japan will not become a threat to the white nation again.

They still set up the article 9 Society and criticize the tide of the constitutional amendment.

Looking at its appearance, in the colonial imperialism era, it entered the Asian colonies of white dominance, became the hand of white people, very similar to the overseas Chinese who manages the local government and the people.

The employees of the Asahi Shimbun are above the Japanese.

We can understand why they like the tone of looking down on Japanese people like coral graffiti.

When Toyota was falsely suspected of going out of control, Asahi newspaper chief editor, Yoichi Funabashi wrote in the front page ‘Toyota is a synonym of defect in the US’.

The truth etc. does not matter.

Showing contempt for Japan, they believe not to revive Japan is a duty of the Asahi people.

Their way of speaking can also be understood with that.

In this book I have taken up such Asahi newspaper from various angles.

I will be happy if it helps to understand the shallowness of the current Morikake frenzy coverage.

May 2018 red-letter day Masayuki Takayama

He also shouts ‘Conform!’, in the mood of his agent in the MacArthur Constitution

2018年07月08日 20時04分14秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, the Asahi Shimbun wounded the coral and disparaged the Japanese with 'the mind's poverty ... dissolute mind'.

They have a way of saying they are not Japanese.

I cannot explain by sociopath alone.

When I again peruse the history of the Asahi Newspaper, there is a GHQ suspended case in September 1945.

The Asahi Shimbun had been accusing the American barbarity exactly as the Japanese think.

Make Hatoyama Ichiro indicated that the atomic bombing is the inhumane act which excels poison gas, too.

In the Manila genocide by the Japanese army that GHQ pressed, the Asahi wrote a justice that ‘the Imperial Army is unlikely to do such a thing’ ‘It should be verified.’

GHQ is supposed to order two days off on that.

However, the theory that it was a discontinuance order is persistent.

The U.S. slighted a paper medium.

The radio with a good performance record frightfully spread to Japan.

GHQ was a motivation in the brainwash after the war only in the NHK broadcasting.

The defying newspaper was not necessary.

The limitation of paper was about the ABC of colonial rule.

The panicky Asahi Shimbun swore the loyalty to the United States and allowed him to survive.

After that, the Asahi Shimbun forgot to be ashamed, became an agent of the United States and took the initiative in the paper ‘Japan is an invading country’ and ‘Japanese army is brutal’ on the other hand, the Asahi took the lie of the Warner List that the US military protected the cultural assets of Kyoto, and respected white people like God.

He also shouts ‘Conform!’, in the mood of his agent in the MacArthur Constitution which abandons military and belligerent rights so that Japan will not become a threat to the white nation again.

They still set up the article 9 Society and criticize the tide of the constitutional amendment.

Looking at its appearance, in the colonial imperialism era, it entered the Asian colonies of white dominance, became the hand of white people, very similar to the overseas Chinese who manages the local government and the people.

The employees of the Asahi Shimbun are above the Japanese.

We can understand why they like the tone of looking down on Japanese people like coral graffiti.

When Toyota was falsely suspected of going out of control, Asahi newspaper chief editor, Yoichi Funabashi wrote in the front page ‘Toyota is a synonym of defect in the US’.

The truth etc. does not matter.

Showing contempt for Japan, they believe not to revive Japan is a duty of the Asahi people.

Their way of speaking can also be understood with that.

In this book I have taken up such Asahi newspaper from various angles.

I will be happy if it helps to understand the shallowness of the current Morikake frenzy coverage.

May 2018 red-letter day Masayuki Takayama

took the lie of the Warner List that the US military protected the cultural assets of Kyoto

2018年07月08日 20時02分40秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, the Asahi Shimbun wounded the coral and disparaged the Japanese with 'the mind's poverty ... dissolute mind'.

They have a way of saying they are not Japanese.

I cannot explain by sociopath alone.

When I again peruse the history of the Asahi Newspaper, there is a GHQ suspended case in September 1945.

The Asahi Shimbun had been accusing the American barbarity exactly as the Japanese think.

Make Hatoyama Ichiro indicated that the atomic bombing is the inhumane act which excels poison gas, too.

In the Manila genocide by the Japanese army that GHQ pressed, the Asahi wrote a justice that ‘the Imperial Army is unlikely to do such a thing’ ‘It should be verified.’

GHQ is supposed to order two days off on that.

However, the theory that it was a discontinuance order is persistent.

The U.S. slighted a paper medium.

The radio with a good performance record frightfully spread to Japan.

GHQ was a motivation in the brainwash after the war only in the NHK broadcasting.

The defying newspaper was not necessary.

The limitation of paper was about the ABC of colonial rule.

The panicky Asahi Shimbun swore the loyalty to the United States and allowed him to survive.

After that, the Asahi Shimbun forgot to be ashamed, became an agent of the United States and took the initiative in the paper ‘Japan is an invading country’ and ‘Japanese army is brutal’ on the other hand, the Asahi took the lie of the Warner List that the US military protected the cultural assets of Kyoto, and respected white people like God.

He also shouts ‘Conform!’, in the mood of his agent in the MacArthur Constitution which abandons military and belligerent rights so that Japan will not become a threat to the white nation again.

They still set up the article 9 Society and criticize the tide of the constitutional amendment.

Looking at its appearance, in the colonial imperialism era, it entered the Asian colonies of white dominance, became the hand of white people, very similar to the overseas Chinese who manages the local government and the people.

The employees of the Asahi Shimbun are above the Japanese.

We can understand why they like the tone of looking down on Japanese people like coral graffiti.

When Toyota was falsely suspected of going out of control, Asahi newspaper chief editor, Yoichi Funabashi wrote in the front page ‘Toyota is a synonym of defect in the US’.

The truth etc. does not matter.

Showing contempt for Japan, they believe not to revive Japan is a duty of the Asahi people.

Their way of speaking can also be understood with that.

In this book I have taken up such Asahi newspaper from various angles.

I will be happy if it helps to understand the shallowness of the current Morikake frenzy coverage.

May 2018 red-letter day Masayuki Takayama