文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2019年02月10日 23時42分14秒 | 日記

根据总统月亮宰 - 中,这些事件似乎是“不幸的历史的结果”,但如果想一般的一系列问题因缺乏韩国常识的结果。
只要月亮宰 - 行政出生,他们向前俯身在接近朝鲜,这不是反 - 日本作为一个方便的政治工具,而是作为抗 - 日本的外交呼吁南方之间的关系的一种手段与朝鲜和性质改变。

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O Japão ainda não pode revisar a Constituição e manterá a Política Orientada

2019年02月10日 23時39分12秒 | 日記

O seguinte é um excerto do papel por Toshihiro Minohara, professor da Universidade de Kobe Graduate School of Law, publicado no Sankei Shimbun hoje.
De acordo com o presidente da lua Jae - in, esses eventos parecem ser 'resultado da história infeliz', mas se pensar ordinariamente uma série de problemas resultam da falta de senso comum na Coréia.
Não respeitar o direito internacional sem compilar com o acordo de 1965 Japão-Coréia do Tratado Fundamental etc., no Radar irradiação deles fez desculpas recuar repetidamente,
não é só comigo que é frustrante para a desonestidade coreana passar responsabilidade ao Japão.
Até agora as relações de segurança entre os dois países não se alterou mesmo que fosse jerky por causa de problemas como a ocupação ilegal de Takeshima, reconhecimento de história, a construção de uma estátua de mulheres de conforto.
Assim como a Lua Jae - na administração nasceu e eles se inclinou para frente em se aproximar da Coreia do Norte, não era anti - japonesa como uma ferramenta política conveniente, mas sim como um anti - japonesa como um meio de diplomacia apelando os laços entre o Sul e a Coreia do Norte e a natureza mudaram.
Pela primeira vez aqui, surge uma situação séria de que as relações militares entre o Japão e a Coréia também estão perdidas.
Naturalmente, os pontos de vista de cada jornal japonês para lidar com o governo coreano aprofundando o conflito entre o Japão e a Coréia são duros.
Além disso, apesar do tamanho do Japão e dos países da Coreia do Sul representados por população, PIB, etc. serem consideravelmente diferentes, não há grande diferença nos gastos com defesa.
Em outras palavras, porque a Coréia desistiu de relações anteriores com o Japão e acha que não há penalidade, fez calmamente por uma série de violações.
Visto do lado oposto, é um preço que o Japão tem sido lento na Ásia e sua influência declinou.
O Japão ainda não pode revisar a Constituição e manterá a Política Orientada exclusivamente pela Defesa.
Não seria de surpreender que a Coréia subestimasse totalmente o Japão, que era protegido por tropas de outros países nas operações de manutenção da paz da ONU (Otan) e não realizasse ações como grandes potências na área de segurança.
Isso é em comum com a atitude em relação ao Japão, como a China e a Rússia.
À medida que a influência dos Estados Unidos diminui gradualmente, o conceito de poder será mais amplamente utilizado na futura política internacional do que antes.
No Japão, vamos encarar a realidade fria e excluir a atitude populista, e eu gostaria que você continuar a cobertura com base de realismo que é apropriado para o grande país.

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Le Japon ne peut pas encore réviser la Constitution et s'en tiendra à une politique axée

2019年02月10日 23時36分59秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est un extrait de l'article de Toshihiro Minohara, professeur à la Haute école de droit de l'Université de Kobe, publié aujourd'hui dans le Sankei Shimbun.
Selon le président Moon Jae-in, ces événements semblent être "le résultat d'une histoire malheureuse", mais si l'on pense généralement, une série de problèmes résultent du manque de bon sens en Corée.
Ne respectez pas le droit international sans vous conformer à l'accord du Traité fondamental Japon-Corée de 1965, etc., sur les radiations par irradiation, ces excuses faisant plusieurs fois le retour en arrière,
Ce n’est pas seulement par moi-même que céder à la responsabilité du Japon est décevant pour la malhonnêteté coréenne.
Jusqu'à présent, les relations sécuritaires entre les deux pays ne changeaient pas, même si elles étaient saccadées en raison de problèmes tels que l'occupation illégale de Takeshima, la reconnaissance de l'histoire, la construction d'une statue de la femme de réconfort.
Dès que le gouvernement Moon Jae - in est né et s’est penché en avant pour s’approcher de la Corée du Nord, ce n’était pas un instrument politique commode mais un anti-japonais, mais plutôt un anti-japonais servant de moyen diplomatique faisant appel aux liens entre le Sud et la Corée du Nord et la nature ont changé.
Pour la première fois dans cette région, les relations militaires entre le Japon et la Corée sont également perdues.
Naturellement, les opinions de chaque journal japonais sur le renforcement du conflit entre le gouvernement coréen et le gouvernement coréen sont sévères.
En outre, malgré le fait que la taille de la population, du PIB, etc. du Japon et de la Corée du Sud soit très différente, il n'y a pas de grande différence entre les dépenses de défense.
En d’autres termes, la Corée ayant abandonné ses relations avec le Japon et estimant qu’il n’y avait pas de sanction, elle a calmement commis une série de violations.
Vu du côté opposé, c'est un prix que le Japon a longtemps été morose en Asie et son influence a diminué.
Le Japon ne peut pas encore réviser la Constitution et s'en tiendra à une politique axée exclusivement sur la défense.
Il ne serait pas étonnant que la Corée sous-estime totalement le Japon, qui était protégé par les troupes des autres pays participant aux opérations de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies (PKO) et ne prenait aucune mesure comparable à celle des grandes puissances dans le domaine de la sécurité.
Ceci est en commun avec l'attitude envers le Japon, comme la Chine et la Russie.
Au fur et à mesure que l'influence des États-Unis diminuera, le concept de pouvoir sera plus largement utilisé dans la politique internationale future qu'auparavant.
Au Japon, faisons face à la froide réalité et excluons l’attitude populiste. J'aimerais que vous poursuiviez la couverture sur la base du réalisme qui convient au grand pays.

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Japan kann die Verfassung noch nicht überarbeiten und wird sich an eine ausschließlich

2019年02月10日 23時35分22秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist ein Auszug aus dem Artikel von Toshihiro Minohara, Professor der Kobe University Graduate School of Law, der heute im Sankei Shimbun veröffentlicht wurde.
Präsident Moon Jae - in zufolge scheinen diese Ereignisse "ein Ergebnis unglücklicher Geschichte" zu sein, aber wenn man normalerweise denkt, ergibt sich eine Reihe von Problemen aus dem Mangel an gesundem Menschenverstand in Korea.
Halten Sie sich nicht an das Völkerrecht, ohne sich mit dem Abkommen aus dem Japan-Korea-Basisvertrag von 1965 usw. abzustimmen. Bei der Radarbestrahlung haben sie wiederholt Entschuldigungen gemacht,
Es ist nicht nur von mir selbst frustrierend, dass die koreanische Unehrlichkeit die Verantwortung auf Japan überträgt.
Bislang haben sich die Sicherheitsbeziehungen zwischen den beiden Ländern nicht geändert, auch wenn sie aufgrund von Problemen wie der illegalen Besetzung Takeshimas, der Anerkennung der Geschichte, dem Bau einer komfortablen Frauenstatue unruhig waren.
Sobald der Moon Jae - in - Verwaltungsrat geboren wurde und sich nach Nordkorea ausbreitete, war er nicht als geeignetes politisches Instrument gegen Japaner gedacht, sondern als Anti - Japaner als Mittel zur Diplomatie, das die Verbindungen zwischen dem Süden ansprach und Nordkorea und die Natur veränderten sich.
Zum ersten Mal entsteht hier eine ernste Situation, dass auch die militärischen Beziehungen zwischen Japan und Korea verloren gehen.
Natürlich sind die Ansichten jedes japanischen Papiers, sich mit der koreanischen Regierung zu befassen, die den Konflikt zwischen Japan und Korea vertieft, hart.
Trotz der Tatsache, dass sich die Größe von Japan und Südkoreas Ländern, die durch Bevölkerung, BIP usw. repräsentiert werden, erheblich unterscheiden, gibt es keinen großen Unterschied bei den Verteidigungsausgaben.
Mit anderen Worten, da Korea frühere Beziehungen zu Japan aufgegeben hat und der Meinung ist, dass es keine Strafe gibt, hat es sich ruhig für eine Reihe von Verstößen entschieden.
Von der Gegenseite her gesehen ist es ein Preis, den Japan in Asien seit langem hinfällig macht und sein Einfluss nachgelassen hat.
Japan kann die Verfassung noch nicht überarbeiten und wird sich an eine ausschließlich verteidigungsorientierte Politik halten.
Es wäre nicht überraschend, wenn Korea Japan völlig unterschätzt, das von den Truppen anderer Länder in den Friedenssicherungseinsätzen der Vereinten Nationen (PKO) geschützt wurde und keine Aktionen wie Großmächte im Sicherheitsbereich unternahm.
Dies stimmt mit der Haltung gegenüber Japan wie China und Russland überein.
Wenn der Einfluss der Vereinigten Staaten allmählich abnimmt, wird der Begriff der Macht in der künftigen internationalen Politik weiter verbreitet sein als zuvor.
In Japan müssen wir uns der kalten Realität stellen und die populistische Haltung ausschließen, und ich möchte, dass Sie die Berichterstattung auf der Grundlage des für das große Land angemessenen Realismus fortsetzen.

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Japón todavía no puede revisar la Constitución y se apegará a la política exclusivamente

2019年02月10日 23時31分38秒 | 日記

El siguiente es un extracto del artículo de Toshihiro Minohara, profesor de la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad de Kobe, publicado en el Sankei Shimbun hoy.
Según el presidente Moon Jae - in, estos eventos parecen ser 'el resultado de una historia desafortunada', pero si se piensa normalmente, una serie de problemas se debe a la falta de sentido común en Corea.
No respete el derecho internacional sin compilar con el acuerdo del Tratado Básico de Japón-Corea de 1965, etc., sobre la Radiación por Radar- ria, se hicieron excusas para retroceder repetidamente,
No es solo para mí que es frustrante para la deshonestidad coreana el pasar la responsabilidad a Japón.
Hasta ahora, las relaciones de seguridad entre los dos países no cambiaron, incluso si eran inestables debido a problemas como la ocupación ilegal de Takeshima, el reconocimiento de la historia, la construcción de una estatua de la mujer del confort.
Tan pronto como nació Moon Jae - en la administración y se inclinaron hacia adelante para acercarse a Corea del Norte, no era antijaponés como una herramienta política conveniente, sino más bien como un antijaponés como un medio de diplomacia para apelar los lazos entre el sur Y la Corea del Norte y la naturaleza cambiaron.
Por primera vez aquí, surge una grave situación en la que también se pierde la relación militar entre Japón y Corea.
Naturalmente, las opiniones de cada periódico japonés para tratar con el gobierno coreano que profundiza el conflicto entre Japón y Corea son duras.
Además, a pesar del hecho de que el tamaño de Japón y los países de Corea del Sur representados por la población, el PIB, etc. son considerablemente diferentes, no hay una gran diferencia en el gasto de defensa.
En otras palabras, debido a que Corea ha renunciado a las relaciones anteriores con Japón y piensa que no hay una sanción, ha cometido con calma una serie de violaciones.
Visto desde el lado opuesto, es un precio que Japón ha sido lento durante mucho tiempo en Asia y su influencia ha disminuido.
Japón todavía no puede revisar la Constitución y se apegará a la política exclusivamente orientada a la defensa.
No sería sorprendente que Corea subestime totalmente a Japón, que estaba protegido por las tropas de otros países en las operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz de las Naciones Unidas (PKO) y no tomó ninguna medida como las principales potencias en el área de seguridad.
Esto está en común con la actitud hacia Japón, como China y Rusia.
A medida que la influencia de los Estados Unidos disminuya gradualmente, el concepto de poder se utilizará más ampliamente en la política internacional futura que antes.
En Japón, enfrentemos la fría realidad y excluyamos la actitud populista, y me gustaría que continúen la cobertura sobre la base del realismo que es apropiado para el gran país.

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Il Giappone non è ancora in grado di rivedere la Costituzione e aderirà esclusivamente

2019年02月10日 23時29分19秒 | 日記

Quello che segue è un estratto dal lavoro di Toshihiro Minohara, professore della Kobe University Graduate School of Law, pubblicato oggi nel Sankei Shimbun.
Secondo il presidente Moon Jae - in, questi eventi sembrano essere "il risultato di una sfortunata storia", ma se si pensa in genere una serie di problemi derivano dalla mancanza di buon senso in Corea.
Non rispettare la legge internazionale senza compilare l'accordo con il Trattato di base Giappone-Corea del 1965, ecc., Su Radar Irradiation hanno fatto scuse ripetute su scuse ripetute,
non è solo per me stesso che è frustrante per la disonestà coreana trasferire la responsabilità al Giappone.
Fino ad ora le relazioni di sicurezza tra i due paesi non sono cambiate anche se a scatti a causa di problemi come l'occupazione illegale di Takeshima, il riconoscimento della storia, la costruzione di una statua di donna di conforto.
Non appena il Moon Jae - in amministrazione è nato e si è sporto in avanti nell'approccio alla Corea del Nord, non era anti-giapponese come un utile strumento politico, ma piuttosto come anti-giapponese come mezzo di diplomazia che richiama i legami tra il Sud e la Corea del Nord e la natura sono cambiati.
Per la prima volta qui, si verifica una situazione grave che perde anche il rapporto militare tra Giappone e Corea.
Naturalmente, le opinioni di ogni giornale giapponese per affrontare il governo coreano che approfondisce il conflitto tra Giappone e Corea sono dure.
Inoltre, nonostante le dimensioni del Giappone e dei paesi della Corea del Sud rappresentati da popolazione, PIL, ecc. Siano considerevolmente differenti, non vi è una grande differenza nella spesa per la difesa.
In altre parole, poiché la Corea ha rinunciato a precedenti relazioni con il Giappone, e pensa che non ci siano penalità, ha fatto tranquillamente una serie di violazioni.
Visto dal lato opposto, è un prezzo che il Giappone è stato a lungo lento in Asia e la sua influenza è diminuita.
Il Giappone non è ancora in grado di rivedere la Costituzione e aderirà esclusivamente alla politica orientata alla difesa.
Non sarebbe sorprendente se la Corea sottovalutasse totalmente il Giappone, che era protetto dalle truppe di altri paesi nelle operazioni di mantenimento della pace delle Nazioni Unite (PKO) e non ha intrapreso azioni come le grandi potenze nell'area della sicurezza.
Questo è in comune con l'atteggiamento verso il Giappone, come la Cina e la Russia.
Man mano che l'influenza degli Stati Uniti diminuisce gradualmente, il concetto di potere sarà più ampiamente usato nella politica internazionale futura di prima.
In Giappone, affrontiamo la realtà fredda ed escludiamo l'atteggiamento populista, e vorrei che continuaste ad occuparvi sulla base di un realismo appropriato per il grande paese.

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It would not be surprising if Korea totally underestimates Japan, which was protected by other

2019年02月10日 23時23分00秒 | 日記

The following is an excerpt from the paper by Toshihiro Minohara, professor of Kobe University Graduate School of Law, published in the Sankei Shimbun today.
According to President Moon Jae - in, these events seem to be 'a result of unfortunate history', but if thinking ordinarily a series of problems result from the lack of the common sense in Korea.
Do not abide the international law without compiling with the agreement by the 1965 Japan-Korea Basic Treaty etc., on Radar Irradiation them made excuses backtracking repeatedly,
it is not only by myself that it is frustrating to Korean dishonesty to pass responsibility to Japan.
Until now the security relations between the two countries did not change even if it was jerky because of problems such as Illegal occupation of Takeshima, history recognition, construction of a comfort woman statue.
As soon as the Moon Jae - in administration was born and they leaned forward in approaching North Korea, it was not anti - Japanese as a convenient political tool, but rather as an anti - Japanese as a means of diplomacy appealing the ties between the South and the North Korea and the nature changed.
For the first time here, a serious situation arises that the military relations between Japan and Korea are also lost.
Naturally, the views of each Japanese paper to deal with the Korean government deepening the conflict between Japan and Korea are harsh.
In addition, despite the fact that the size of Japan and South Korea's countries represented by population, GDP, etc. are considerably different, there is no big difference in defense spending. 
In other words, because Korea has given up on earlier relations with Japan, and thinks that there is no penalty, it has made calmly for a series of violations.
Viewed from the opposite side, it is a price that Japan has long been sluggish in Asia and its influence has declined.
Japan cannot revise the Constitution yet and will stick to Exclusively Defense-Oriented Policy.
It would not be surprising if Korea totally underestimates Japan, which was protected by other countries' troops in the United Nations peacekeeping operations (PKO) and did not take any actions like major powers in the security area.
This is in common with the attitude toward Japan, such as China and Russia. 
As the influence of the United States gradually declines, the concept of power will become more widely used in future international politics than before.
In Japan, let's face the cold reality and exclude the populistic attitude, and I would like you to continue coverage on the basis of realism that is appropriate for the great country.

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Japan cannot revise the Constitution yet and will stick to Exclusively Defense-Oriented Policy

2019年02月10日 23時18分01秒 | 日記

The following is an excerpt from the paper by Toshihiro Minohara, professor of Kobe University Graduate School of Law, published in the Sankei Shimbun today.
According to President Moon Jae - in, these events seem to be 'a result of unfortunate history', but if thinking ordinarily a series of problems result from the lack of the common sense in Korea.
Do not abide the international law without compiling with the agreement by the 1965 Japan-Korea Basic Treaty etc., on Radar Irradiation them made excuses backtracking repeatedly,
it is not only by myself that it is frustrating to Korean dishonesty to pass responsibility to Japan.
Until now the security relations between the two countries did not change even if it was jerky because of problems such as Illegal occupation of Takeshima, history recognition, construction of a comfort woman statue.
As soon as the Moon Jae - in administration was born and they leaned forward in approaching North Korea, it was not anti - Japanese as a convenient political tool, but rather as an anti - Japanese as a means of diplomacy appealing the ties between the South and the North Korea and the nature changed.
For the first time here, a serious situation arises that the military relations between Japan and Korea are also lost.
Naturally, the views of each Japanese paper to deal with the Korean government deepening the conflict between Japan and Korea are harsh.
In addition, despite the fact that the size of Japan and South Korea's countries represented by population, GDP, etc. are considerably different, there is no big difference in defense spending. 
In other words, because Korea has given up on earlier relations with Japan, and thinks that there is no penalty, it has made calmly for a series of violations.
Viewed from the opposite side, it is a price that Japan has long been sluggish in Asia and its influence has declined.
Japan cannot revise the Constitution yet and will stick to Exclusively Defense-Oriented Policy.
It would not be surprising if Korea totally underestimates Japan, which was protected by other countries' troops in the United Nations peacekeeping operations (PKO) and did not take any actions like major powers in the security area.
This is in common with the attitude toward Japan, such as China and Russia. 
As the influence of the United States gradually declines, the concept of power will become more widely used in future international politics than before.
In Japan, let's face the cold reality and exclude the populistic attitude, and I would like you to continue coverage on the basis of realism that is appropriate for the great country.

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and thinks that there is no penalty, it has made calmly for a series of violations

2019年02月10日 23時17分13秒 | 日記

The following is an excerpt from the paper by Toshihiro Minohara, professor of Kobe University Graduate School of Law, published in the Sankei Shimbun today.
According to President Moon Jae - in, these events seem to be 'a result of unfortunate history', but if thinking ordinarily a series of problems result from the lack of the common sense in Korea.
Do not abide the international law without compiling with the agreement by the 1965 Japan-Korea Basic Treaty etc., on Radar Irradiation them made excuses backtracking repeatedly,
it is not only by myself that it is frustrating to Korean dishonesty to pass responsibility to Japan.
Until now the security relations between the two countries did not change even if it was jerky because of problems such as Illegal occupation of Takeshima, history recognition, construction of a comfort woman statue.
As soon as the Moon Jae - in administration was born and they leaned forward in approaching North Korea, it was not anti - Japanese as a convenient political tool, but rather as an anti - Japanese as a means of diplomacy appealing the ties between the South and the North Korea and the nature changed.
For the first time here, a serious situation arises that the military relations between Japan and Korea are also lost.
Naturally, the views of each Japanese paper to deal with the Korean government deepening the conflict between Japan and Korea are harsh.
In addition, despite the fact that the size of Japan and South Korea's countries represented by population, GDP, etc. are considerably different, there is no big difference in defense spending. 
In other words, because Korea has given up on earlier relations with Japan, and thinks that there is no penalty, it has made calmly for a series of violations.
Viewed from the opposite side, it is a price that Japan has long been sluggish in Asia and its influence has declined.
Japan cannot revise the Constitution yet and will stick to Exclusively Defense-Oriented Policy.
It would not be surprising if Korea totally underestimates Japan, which was protected by other countries' troops in the United Nations peacekeeping operations (PKO) and did not take any actions like major powers in the security area.
This is in common with the attitude toward Japan, such as China and Russia. 
As the influence of the United States gradually declines, the concept of power will become more widely used in future international politics than before.
In Japan, let's face the cold reality and exclude the populistic attitude, and I would like you to continue coverage on the basis of realism that is appropriate for the great country.

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it is not only by myself that it is frustrating to Korean dishonesty to pass responsibility to Japan

2019年02月10日 23時16分08秒 | 日記

The following is an excerpt from the paper by Toshihiro Minohara, professor of Kobe University Graduate School of Law, published in the Sankei Shimbun today.
According to President Moon Jae - in, these events seem to be 'a result of unfortunate history', but if thinking ordinarily a series of problems result from the lack of the common sense in Korea.
Do not abide the international law without compiling with the agreement by the 1965 Japan-Korea Basic Treaty etc., on Radar Irradiation them made excuses backtracking repeatedly,
it is not only by myself that it is frustrating to Korean dishonesty to pass responsibility to Japan.
Until now the security relations between the two countries did not change even if it was jerky because of problems such as Illegal occupation of Takeshima, history recognition, construction of a comfort woman statue.
As soon as the Moon Jae - in administration was born and they leaned forward in approaching North Korea, it was not anti - Japanese as a convenient political tool, but rather as an anti - Japanese as a means of diplomacy appealing the ties between the South and the North Korea and the nature changed.
For the first time here, a serious situation arises that the military relations between Japan and Korea are also lost.
Naturally, the views of each Japanese paper to deal with the Korean government deepening the conflict between Japan and Korea are harsh.
In addition, despite the fact that the size of Japan and South Korea's countries represented by population, GDP, etc. are considerably different, there is no big difference in defense spending. 
In other words, because Korea has given up on earlier relations with Japan, and thinks that there is no penalty, it has made calmly for a series of violations.
Viewed from the opposite side, it is a price that Japan has long been sluggish in Asia and its influence has declined.
Japan cannot revise the Constitution yet and will stick to Exclusively Defense-Oriented Policy.
It would not be surprising if Korea totally underestimates Japan, which was protected by other countries' troops in the United Nations peacekeeping operations (PKO) and did not take any actions like major powers in the security area.
This is in common with the attitude toward Japan, such as China and Russia. 
As the influence of the United States gradually declines, the concept of power will become more widely used in future international politics than before.
In Japan, let's face the cold reality and exclude the populistic attitude, and I would like you to continue coverage on the basis of realism that is appropriate for the great country.

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if thinking ordinarily a series of problems result from the lack of the common sense in Korea

2019年02月10日 23時15分33秒 | 日記

The following is an excerpt from the paper by Toshihiro Minohara, professor of Kobe University Graduate School of Law, published in the Sankei Shimbun today.
According to President Moon Jae - in, these events seem to be 'a result of unfortunate history', but if thinking ordinarily a series of problems result from the lack of the common sense in Korea.
Do not abide the international law without compiling with the agreement by the 1965 Japan-Korea Basic Treaty etc., on Radar Irradiation them made excuses backtracking repeatedly,
it is not only by myself that it is frustrating to Korean dishonesty to pass responsibility to Japan.
Until now the security relations between the two countries did not change even if it was jerky because of problems such as Illegal occupation of Takeshima, history recognition, construction of a comfort woman statue.
As soon as the Moon Jae - in administration was born and they leaned forward in approaching North Korea, it was not anti - Japanese as a convenient political tool, but rather as an anti - Japanese as a means of diplomacy appealing the ties between the South and the North Korea and the nature changed.
For the first time here, a serious situation arises that the military relations between Japan and Korea are also lost.
Naturally, the views of each Japanese paper to deal with the Korean government deepening the conflict between Japan and Korea are harsh.
In addition, despite the fact that the size of Japan and South Korea's countries represented by population, GDP, etc. are considerably different, there is no big difference in defense spending. 
In other words, because Korea has given up on earlier relations with Japan, and thinks that there is no penalty, it has made calmly for a series of violations.
Viewed from the opposite side, it is a price that Japan has long been sluggish in Asia and its influence has declined.
Japan cannot revise the Constitution yet and will stick to Exclusively Defense-Oriented Policy.
It would not be surprising if Korea totally underestimates Japan, which was protected by other countries' troops in the United Nations peacekeeping operations (PKO) and did not take any actions like major powers in the security area.
This is in common with the attitude toward Japan, such as China and Russia. 
As the influence of the United States gradually declines, the concept of power will become more widely used in future international politics than before.
In Japan, let's face the cold reality and exclude the populistic attitude, and I would like you to continue coverage on the basis of realism that is appropriate for the great country.

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to continue coverage on the basis of realism that is appropriate for the great country

2019年02月10日 23時14分29秒 | 日記

The following is an excerpt from the paper by Toshihiro Minohara, professor of Kobe University Graduate School of Law, published in the Sankei Shimbun today.
According to President Moon Jae - in, these events seem to be 'a result of unfortunate history', but if thinking ordinarily a series of problems result from the lack of the common sense in Korea.
Do not abide the international law without compiling with the agreement by the 1965 Japan-Korea Basic Treaty etc., on Radar Irradiation them made excuses backtracking repeatedly,
it is not only by myself that it is frustrating to Korean dishonesty to pass responsibility to Japan.
Until now the security relations between the two countries did not change even if it was jerky because of problems such as Illegal occupation of Takeshima, history recognition, construction of a comfort woman statue.
As soon as the Moon Jae - in administration was born and they leaned forward in approaching North Korea, it was not anti - Japanese as a convenient political tool, but rather as an anti - Japanese as a means of diplomacy appealing the ties between the South and the North Korea and the nature changed.
For the first time here, a serious situation arises that the military relations between Japan and Korea are also lost.
Naturally, the views of each Japanese paper to deal with the Korean government deepening the conflict between Japan and Korea are harsh.
In addition, despite the fact that the size of Japan and South Korea's countries represented by population, GDP, etc. are considerably different, there is no big difference in defense spending. 
In other words, because Korea has given up on earlier relations with Japan, and thinks that there is no penalty, it has made calmly for a series of violations.
Viewed from the opposite side, it is a price that Japan has long been sluggish in Asia and its influence has declined.
Japan cannot revise the Constitution yet and will stick to Exclusively Defense-Oriented Policy.
It would not be surprising if Korea totally underestimates Japan, which was protected by other countries' troops in the United Nations peacekeeping operations (PKO) and did not take any actions like major powers in the security area.
This is in common with the attitude toward Japan, such as China and Russia. 
As the influence of the United States gradually declines, the concept of power will become more widely used in future international politics than before.
In Japan, let's face the cold reality and exclude the populistic attitude, and I would like you to continue coverage on the basis of realism that is appropriate for the great country.

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In Japan, let's face the cold reality and exclude the populistic attitude, and I would like you

2019年02月10日 23時12分20秒 | 日記

The following is an excerpt from the paper by Toshihiro Minohara, professor of Kobe University Graduate School of Law, published in the Sankei Shimbun today.
According to President Moon Jae - in, these events seem to be 'a result of unfortunate history', but if thinking ordinarily a series of problems result from the lack of the common sense in Korea.
Do not abide the international law without compiling with the agreement by the 1965 Japan-Korea Basic Treaty etc., on Radar Irradiation them made excuses backtracking repeatedly,
it is not only by myself that it is frustrating to Korean dishonesty to pass responsibility to Japan.
Until now the security relations between the two countries did not change even if it was jerky because of problems such as Illegal occupation of Takeshima, history recognition, construction of a comfort woman statue.
As soon as the Moon Jae - in administration was born and they leaned forward in approaching North Korea, it was not anti - Japanese as a convenient political tool, but rather as an anti - Japanese as a means of diplomacy appealing the ties between the South and the North Korea and the nature changed.
For the first time here, a serious situation arises that the military relations between Japan and Korea are also lost.
Naturally, the views of each Japanese paper to deal with the Korean government deepening the conflict between Japan and Korea are harsh.
In addition, despite the fact that the size of Japan and South Korea's countries represented by population, GDP, etc. are considerably different, there is no big difference in defense spending. 
In other words, because Korea has given up on earlier relations with Japan, and thinks that there is no penalty, it has made calmly for a series of violations.
Viewed from the opposite side, it is a price that Japan has long been sluggish in Asia and its influence has declined.
Japan cannot revise the Constitution yet and will stick to Exclusively Defense-Oriented Policy.
It would not be surprising if Korea totally underestimates Japan, which was protected by other countries' troops in the United Nations peacekeeping operations (PKO) and did not take any actions like major powers in the security area.
This is in common with the attitude toward Japan, such as China and Russia. 
As the influence of the United States gradually declines, the concept of power will become more widely used in future international politics than before.
In Japan, let's face the cold reality and exclude the populistic attitude, and I would like you to continue coverage on the basis of realism that is appropriate for the great country.

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2019年02月10日 22時10分13秒 | 日記


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2019年02月10日 22時08分48秒 | 日記


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