12月28日に防衛省が公開した13分7秒にわたる動画は、確認作業を挟みながら、都合6回も英語で呼びかける自衛隊の声が出ている。 「Korean Naval Ship。Korean Naval Ship(韓国海軍艦艇、韓国海軍艦艇)」「Hull Number 97I。Hull Number 971(艦番号971、艦番号971)」「This is Japan Navy。This is Japan Navy。(こちらは日本海上自衛隊、こちらは日本海上自衛隊)」「We observed that your FC antenna is directed to us(貴艦のFCアンテナが我々を指向した事を確認した)」
「What is the purpose of your act? over(貴艦の行動の目的は何ですか?)」
自衛隊の実際の音声を流しているのは、十秒ほどで、「This is Japan Navy(こちら日本海上自衛隊)」「Korean Naval Ship(韓国海軍艦艇)」「Hull Number 971「艦番号97占」という音声を二回くり返し、あとは不必要なBGMを流しているだけなのである。
12月28日に防衛省が公開した13分7秒にわたる動画は、確認作業を挟みながら、都合6回も英語で呼びかける自衛隊の声が出ている。 「Korean Naval Ship。Korean Naval Ship(韓国海軍艦艇、韓国海軍艦艇)」「Hull Number 97I。Hull Number 971(艦番号971、艦番号971)」「This is Japan Navy。This is Japan Navy。(こちらは日本海上自衛隊、こちらは日本海上自衛隊)」「We observed that your FC antenna is directed to us(貴艦のFCアンテナが我々を指向した事を確認した)」
「What is the purpose of your act? over(貴艦の行動の目的は何ですか?)」
自衛隊の実際の音声を流しているのは、十秒ほどで、「This is Japan Navy(こちら日本海上自衛隊)」「Korean Naval Ship(韓国海軍艦艇)」「Hull Number 971「艦番号97占」という音声を二回くり返し、あとは不必要なBGMを流しているだけなのである。
12月28日に防衛省が公開した13分7秒にわたる動画は、確認作業を挟みながら、都合6回も英語で呼びかける自衛隊の声が出ている。 「Korean Naval Ship。Korean Naval Ship(韓国海軍艦艇、韓国海軍艦艇)」「Hull Number 97I。Hull Number 971(艦番号971、艦番号971)」「This is Japan Navy。This is Japan Navy。(こちらは日本海上自衛隊、こちらは日本海上自衛隊)」「We observed that your FC antenna is directed to us(貴艦のFCアンテナが我々を指向した事を確認した)」
「What is the purpose of your act? over(貴艦の行動の目的は何ですか?)」
自衛隊の実際の音声を流しているのは、十秒ほどで、「This is Japan Navy(こちら日本海上自衛隊)」「Korean Naval Ship(韓国海軍艦艇)」「Hull Number 971「艦番号97占」という音声を二回くり返し、あとは不必要なBGMを流しているだけなのである。
12月28日に防衛省が公開した13分7秒にわたる動画は、確認作業を挟みながら、都合6回も英語で呼びかける自衛隊の声が出ている。 「Korean Naval Ship。Korean Naval Ship(韓国海軍艦艇、韓国海軍艦艇)」「Hull Number 97I。Hull Number 971(艦番号971、艦番号971)」「This is Japan Navy。This is Japan Navy。(こちらは日本海上自衛隊、こちらは日本海上自衛隊)」「We observed that your FC antenna is directed to us(貴艦のFCアンテナが我々を指向した事を確認した)」
「What is the purpose of your act? over(貴艦の行動の目的は何ですか?)」
自衛隊の実際の音声を流しているのは、十秒ほどで、「This is Japan Navy(こちら日本海上自衛隊)」「Korean Naval Ship(韓国海軍艦艇)」「Hull Number 971「艦番号97占」という音声を二回くり返し、あとは不必要なBGMを流しているだけなのである。
Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.
Signification des promesses entre les nations
Le bon sens international veut qu’il ne soit pas permis de rompre les traités et les conventions échangés entre États.
Comme stipulé à l'article 27 de la Convention du Traité de Vienne adoptée par les Nations Unies, les États ne peuvent pas invoquer les lois nationales de leur pays pour justifier la violation du traité (article 27). Il est strictement interdit de passer outre à l'obligation de se conformer. traités, etc., par la loi, c’est-à-dire dans les circonstances de leur propre pays.
À la suite de la guerre de l'opium, le bail de 99 ans signé par Hong Kong entre le Royaume-Uni et la dynastie Qing affirmait également qu '«il est inefficace parce qu'il était lié en perdant la guerre», ensuite la République de Chine et la République populaire de Chine. Jamais, jamais.
Le Japon n’a jamais prétendu que le gouvernement Meiji avait signé le traité sur l’inégalité «C’est invalide», etc., renforcé les forces nationales, négocié à maintes reprises, et l’a finalement amené à la révision à la fin.
En outre, l'archipel japonais a été pris comme une terre brûlée, les Japonais n'ont jamais dit ce qu'il se passe, ce que la déclaration de Potsdam a accepté au terme de la chute de deux bombes atomiques "Cela est invalide car il a été accepté dans un état désastreux".
C'est parce que le Japon sait que la promesse nationale est si lourde.
Ce sens commun international n'existe pas en Corée.
Cependant, il s'agit avant tout d'un parti politique au Japon ...,
En décembre dernier, Kazuo Shii, président du Parti communiste japonais, a rendu visite au président de Moon Jae-in en tant que membre de la Fédération Corée-Japon. «Le gouvernement japonais a également annoncé officiellement qu’il ne mettrait pas fin aux droits des victimes. Les deux gouvernements sont d'accord sur ce point. Afin de trouver une solution positive au rétablissement de l'honneur et de la dignité des victimes, il est important que les discussions se déroulent bien, a-t-il déclaré. (Par le rapport de ‘Shimbun Akahata’).
Il est incroyable que les partis politiques japonais soutiennent la Corée, qui tente de renverser les conventions entre nations, un accord de revendication Japon-Corée qui était à la base du traité fondamental Japon-Corée.
Ce sera une chose que les citoyens japonais devront garder à l’esprit comme étant stricte.
Au Japon, rares sont ceux qui croient en l'absence de preuves «d'être déplacé de force», ce qui n'est pas du tout un fait et qui ont soutenu la question du confort des femmes qui cherchent toujours des excuses.
En outre, les jeunes qui rêvaient du Japan Dream et qui réagissaient au «recrutement gratuit» de la société en prétendant être un «ouvrier», qui n’a gagné que six mois depuis septembre 1944 devant les tribunaux,
Certains partis politiques le soutiennent comme mentionné ci-dessus.
Il est étrange pour moi qu’il y ait des politiciens japonais et des personnalités de la parole qui suivent la Corée, accusant le Japon de dire noir comme blanc, blanc comme noir, parce qu’il n’est pas fondé sur des faits.
Tout en étant japonais, pour soutenir la Corée du Sud qui renverse les promesses et les traités nationaux indépendamment des faits ...,
Qu'est-ce que les gens avec un fond sont sur terre?
Et pourquoi les partis d'opposition développent-ils des critiques du régime de manière à ne jamais parler plus haut devant la tyrannie coréenne?
Les Japonais devraient y réfléchir attentivement.
Ce projet continue.
Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.
Bedeutung von Versprechen unter Nationen
Internationaler Menschenverstand ist, dass es nicht zulässig ist, zwischen Staaten ausgetauschte Verträge und Abkommen zu brechen.
Wie in Artikel 27 des von den Vereinten Nationen angenommenen Wiener Übereinkommens vorgesehen, können sich Staaten nicht auf die innerstaatlichen Gesetze ihres Landes berufen, um den Verstoß gegen den Vertrag zu rechtfertigen (Artikel 27). Es ist strengstens verboten, über die Verpflichtung zur Einhaltung zu verstoßen Verträge usw. durch das Gesetz, dh unter den Umständen des eigenen Landes.
Als Folge des Opiumkrieges behauptete Hongkongs 99-jähriger Pachtvertrag, der zwischen dem Vereinigten Königreich und der Qing-Dynastie gebunden war. Er behauptete auch, dass dies unwirksam sei, weil er durch den Verlust des Krieges verbunden gewesen sei. Danach seien es die Republik China und die Volksrepublik China Niemals, niemals.
Japan hat nie gesagt, dass die Meiji-Regierung den Vertrag über die Ungleichheit unterzeichnet habe („Das ist ungültig“ usw.), die nationale Stärke gesteigert, wiederholt verhandelt und schließlich am Ende von Schweißblut zur Revision gebracht.
Auch das japanische Archipel wurde als versengtes Land angesehen, die Japaner sagten nie, was auch immer passiert, was die Potsdamer Erklärung am Ende des Abwurfs zweier Atombomben akzeptierte: "Das ist ungültig, weil es in einem katastrophalen Zustand akzeptiert wurde".
Weil Japan weiß, dass das nationale Versprechen so schwer ist.
Dieser internationale gesunde Menschenverstand existiert in Korea nicht.
Von allen Dingen ist es jedoch eine politische Partei in Japan ...
Der Vorsitzende der Kommunistischen Partei Japans, Kazuo Shii, besuchte im Dezember letzten Jahres als Mitglied der koreanisch-japanischen Föderation den Präsidenten von Moon Jae-in: „Die japanische Regierung hat auch offiziell angekündigt, dass sie die individuellen Anspruchsrechte der Opfer nicht auslöschen wird. Beide Regierungen sind sich in diesem Punkt einig. Um eine positive Lösung für die Wiedererlangung der Ehre und Würde der Opfer zu finden, ist eine coole Diskussion wichtig “, sagte er. (Durch den Bericht von "Shimbun Akahata").
Es ist kaum zu glauben, dass japanische politische Parteien Korea unterstützen werden, das versucht, die Konventionen zwischen den Nationen rückgängig zu machen, ein japanisch-koreanisches Anspruchsabkommen, das die Grundlage des Basisvertrags zwischen Japan und Korea war.
Dies wird eine Sache sein, die japanische Bürger als streng beachten müssen.
Es gibt nicht wenige in Japan, die ohne Beweise für „gewaltsames Bewegen“ glaubten, was überhaupt keine Tatsache ist, und hatte die Frage unterstützt, dass Frauen immer noch Entschuldigungen suchen.
Darüber hinaus traten junge Menschen, die von dem Japan Dream träumten und auf die "freie Einstellung" des Unternehmens reagierten, die sich als "Streithelfer" ausgab, die seit September 1944 nur sechs Monate vor Gericht herrschte,
Einige politische Parteien unterstützen es, wie oben erwähnt.
Es ist seltsam für mich, dass es japanische Politiker und Personen in der Sprachgemeinschaft gibt, die Korea folgen und Japan beschuldigen, Schwarz als Weiß zu sagen, Weiß als Schwarz, das nicht auf Fakten basiert.
Japaner zu sein, Südkorea zu unterstützen, das nationale Versprechen und Verträge ungeachtet der Tatsachen aufhebt ...,
Was sind Menschen mit Hintergrund?
Und warum entwickeln die Oppositionsparteien Kritik an dem Regime, so dass sie sich niemals der koreanischen Tyrannei stellen?
Die Japaner sollten sorgfältig darüber nachdenken.
Dieser Entwurf geht weiter.
The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Meaning of promises among nations
International common sense is that it is not permissible to break treaties and conventions exchanged between states.
As stipulated in Article 27 of the Vienna Treaty Convention adopted by the United Nations that states cannot invoke domestic laws of their country as a basis for justifying the breach of the treaty (Article 27) It is strictly forbidden to tread over the obligation to comply with treaties, etc., by the law, that is, in the circumstances of their own country.
As a result of the Opium War, Hong Kong's 99-year lease tied between the UK and Qing Dynasty also claimed that ‘It is ineffective because it was connected by losing the war’, afterwards both the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China Never, never did.
Japan never said that the Meiji government had signed the treaty of inequality, ‘That is invalid’, etc., raised national strength, negotiated repeatedly, and finally brought it to the revision at the end of sweat blood.
Also, the Japanese archipelago was taken as a scorched land, the Japanese never said not whatever happens, which the Potsdam Declaration accepted at the end of dropping two atomic bombs 'That is invalid because it was accepted in a disastrous state'.
It is because Japan knows that the national promise is so heavy.
That international common sense does not exist in Korea.
However, of all things, it is a political party in Japan ...,
Japan Communist Party's Chairman Kazuo Shii in December last year as a member of the Korea-Japan Federation, visited the president of Moon Jae-in, ‘The Japanese government has also officially announced that it will not extinguish individual claim rights of victims. Both governments agree on this point. In order to obtain a positive solution toward the recovery of the honor and dignity of the victims, cool discussion is important', he said. (By the report of ‘Shimbun Akahata’).
It is unbelievable that Japanese political parties will support Korea, which is trying to reverse the conventions between nations, a Japan-Korea Claim Agreement that was the basis of Japan-Korea Basic Treaty.
This will be a thing that Japanese citizens must keep in mind as strict.
It is not a few in Japan that believed in without evidence 'being moved forcibly', which is not a fact at all and had supported the issue of comfort women still seeking apologies.
In addition, young people who dreamed of the Japan Dream and responded to the company's ‘free recruitment’ pretending to be 'drafting worker', which have only six months since September 1944 prevailed in court,
Some political parties support it as mentioned above.
It is strange for me that there are Japanese politicians and person in the speech community that follow Korea, accusing Japan by saying black as white, white as black as not based on facts.
While being a Japanese, to support South Korea that overturn national promises and treaties regardless of facts ...,
What on earth are people with background?
And why are the opposition parties developing criticism of the regime so never speaking up to Korean tyranny?
The Japanese should carefully think about that.
This draft continues.
The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Meaning of promises among nations
International common sense is that it is not permissible to break treaties and conventions exchanged between states.
As stipulated in Article 27 of the Vienna Treaty Convention adopted by the United Nations that states cannot invoke domestic laws of their country as a basis for justifying the breach of the treaty (Article 27) It is strictly forbidden to tread over the obligation to comply with treaties, etc., by the law, that is, in the circumstances of their own country.
As a result of the Opium War, Hong Kong's 99-year lease tied between the UK and Qing Dynasty also claimed that ‘It is ineffective because it was connected by losing the war’, afterwards both the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China Never, never did.
Japan never said that the Meiji government had signed the treaty of inequality, ‘That is invalid’, etc., raised national strength, negotiated repeatedly, and finally brought it to the revision at the end of sweat blood.
Also, the Japanese archipelago was taken as a scorched land, the Japanese never said not whatever happens, which the Potsdam Declaration accepted at the end of dropping two atomic bombs 'That is invalid because it was accepted in a disastrous state'.
It is because Japan knows that the national promise is so heavy.
That international common sense does not exist in Korea.
However, of all things, it is a political party in Japan ...,
Japan Communist Party's Chairman Kazuo Shii in December last year as a member of the Korea-Japan Federation, visited the president of Moon Jae-in, ‘The Japanese government has also officially announced that it will not extinguish individual claim rights of victims. Both governments agree on this point. In order to obtain a positive solution toward the recovery of the honor and dignity of the victims, cool discussion is important', he said. (By the report of ‘Shimbun Akahata’).
It is unbelievable that Japanese political parties will support Korea, which is trying to reverse the conventions between nations, a Japan-Korea Claim Agreement that was the basis of Japan-Korea Basic Treaty.
This will be a thing that Japanese citizens must keep in mind as strict.
It is not a few in Japan that believed in without evidence 'being moved forcibly', which is not a fact at all and had supported the issue of comfort women still seeking apologies.
In addition, young people who dreamed of the Japan Dream and responded to the company's ‘free recruitment’ pretending to be 'drafting worker', which have only six months since September 1944 prevailed in court,
Some political parties support it as mentioned above.
It is strange for me that there are Japanese politicians and person in the speech community that follow Korea, accusing Japan by saying black as white, white as black as not based on facts.
While being a Japanese, to support South Korea that overturn national promises and treaties regardless of facts ...,
What on earth are people with background?
And why are the opposition parties developing criticism of the regime so never speaking up to Korean tyranny?
The Japanese should carefully think about that.
This draft continues.
The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Meaning of promises among nations
International common sense is that it is not permissible to break treaties and conventions exchanged between states.
As stipulated in Article 27 of the Vienna Treaty Convention adopted by the United Nations that states cannot invoke domestic laws of their country as a basis for justifying the breach of the treaty (Article 27) It is strictly forbidden to tread over the obligation to comply with treaties, etc., by the law, that is, in the circumstances of their own country.
As a result of the Opium War, Hong Kong's 99-year lease tied between the UK and Qing Dynasty also claimed that ‘It is ineffective because it was connected by losing the war’, afterwards both the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China Never, never did.
Japan never said that the Meiji government had signed the treaty of inequality, ‘That is invalid’, etc., raised national strength, negotiated repeatedly, and finally brought it to the revision at the end of sweat blood.
Also, the Japanese archipelago was taken as a scorched land, the Japanese never said not whatever happens, which the Potsdam Declaration accepted at the end of dropping two atomic bombs 'That is invalid because it was accepted in a disastrous state'.
It is because Japan knows that the national promise is so heavy.
That international common sense does not exist in Korea.
However, of all things, it is a political party in Japan ...,
Japan Communist Party's Chairman Kazuo Shii in December last year as a member of the Korea-Japan Federation, visited the president of Moon Jae-in, ‘The Japanese government has also officially announced that it will not extinguish individual claim rights of victims. Both governments agree on this point. In order to obtain a positive solution toward the recovery of the honor and dignity of the victims, cool discussion is important', he said. (By the report of ‘Shimbun Akahata’).
It is unbelievable that Japanese political parties will support Korea, which is trying to reverse the conventions between nations, a Japan-Korea Claim Agreement that was the basis of Japan-Korea Basic Treaty.
This will be a thing that Japanese citizens must keep in mind as strict.
It is not a few in Japan that believed in without evidence 'being moved forcibly', which is not a fact at all and had supported the issue of comfort women still seeking apologies.
In addition, young people who dreamed of the Japan Dream and responded to the company's ‘free recruitment’ pretending to be 'drafting worker', which have only six months since September 1944 prevailed in court,
Some political parties support it as mentioned above.
It is strange for me that there are Japanese politicians and person in the speech community that follow Korea, accusing Japan by saying black as white, white as black as not based on facts.
While being a Japanese, to support South Korea that overturn national promises and treaties regardless of facts ...,
What on earth are people with background?
And why are the opposition parties developing criticism of the regime so never speaking up to Korean tyranny?
The Japanese should carefully think about that.
This draft continues.
The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Meaning of promises among nations
International common sense is that it is not permissible to break treaties and conventions exchanged between states.
As stipulated in Article 27 of the Vienna Treaty Convention adopted by the United Nations that states cannot invoke domestic laws of their country as a basis for justifying the breach of the treaty (Article 27) It is strictly forbidden to tread over the obligation to comply with treaties, etc., by the law, that is, in the circumstances of their own country.
As a result of the Opium War, Hong Kong's 99-year lease tied between the UK and Qing Dynasty also claimed that ‘It is ineffective because it was connected by losing the war’, afterwards both the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China Never, never did.
Japan never said that the Meiji government had signed the treaty of inequality, ‘That is invalid’, etc., raised national strength, negotiated repeatedly, and finally brought it to the revision at the end of sweat blood.
Also, the Japanese archipelago was taken as a scorched land, the Japanese never said not whatever happens, which the Potsdam Declaration accepted at the end of dropping two atomic bombs 'That is invalid because it was accepted in a disastrous state'.
It is because Japan knows that the national promise is so heavy.
That international common sense does not exist in Korea.
However, of all things, it is a political party in Japan ...,
Japan Communist Party's Chairman Kazuo Shii in December last year as a member of the Korea-Japan Federation, visited the president of Moon Jae-in, ‘The Japanese government has also officially announced that it will not extinguish individual claim rights of victims. Both governments agree on this point. In order to obtain a positive solution toward the recovery of the honor and dignity of the victims, cool discussion is important', he said. (By the report of ‘Shimbun Akahata’).
It is unbelievable that Japanese political parties will support Korea, which is trying to reverse the conventions between nations, a Japan-Korea Claim Agreement that was the basis of Japan-Korea Basic Treaty.
This will be a thing that Japanese citizens must keep in mind as strict.
It is not a few in Japan that believed in without evidence 'being moved forcibly', which is not a fact at all and had supported the issue of comfort women still seeking apologies.
In addition, young people who dreamed of the Japan Dream and responded to the company's ‘free recruitment’ pretending to be 'drafting worker', which have only six months since September 1944 prevailed in court,
Some political parties support it as mentioned above.
It is strange for me that there are Japanese politicians and person in the speech community that follow Korea, accusing Japan by saying black as white, white as black as not based on facts.
While being a Japanese, to support South Korea that overturn national promises and treaties regardless of facts ...,
What on earth are people with background?
And why are the opposition parties developing criticism of the regime so never speaking up to Korean tyranny?
The Japanese should carefully think about that.
This draft continues.
The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Meaning of promises among nations
International common sense is that it is not permissible to break treaties and conventions exchanged between states.
As stipulated in Article 27 of the Vienna Treaty Convention adopted by the United Nations that states cannot invoke domestic laws of their country as a basis for justifying the breach of the treaty (Article 27) It is strictly forbidden to tread over the obligation to comply with treaties, etc., by the law, that is, in the circumstances of their own country.
As a result of the Opium War, Hong Kong's 99-year lease tied between the UK and Qing Dynasty also claimed that ‘It is ineffective because it was connected by losing the war’, afterwards both the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China Never, never did.
Japan never said that the Meiji government had signed the treaty of inequality, ‘That is invalid’, etc., raised national strength, negotiated repeatedly, and finally brought it to the revision at the end of sweat blood.
Also, the Japanese archipelago was taken as a scorched land, the Japanese never said not whatever happens, which the Potsdam Declaration accepted at the end of dropping two atomic bombs 'That is invalid because it was accepted in a disastrous state'.
It is because Japan knows that the national promise is so heavy.
That international common sense does not exist in Korea.
However, of all things, it is a political party in Japan ...,
Japan Communist Party's Chairman Kazuo Shii in December last year as a member of the Korea-Japan Federation, visited the president of Moon Jae-in, ‘The Japanese government has also officially announced that it will not extinguish individual claim rights of victims. Both governments agree on this point. In order to obtain a positive solution toward the recovery of the honor and dignity of the victims, cool discussion is important', he said. (By the report of ‘Shimbun Akahata’).
It is unbelievable that Japanese political parties will support Korea, which is trying to reverse the conventions between nations, a Japan-Korea Claim Agreement that was the basis of Japan-Korea Basic Treaty.
This will be a thing that Japanese citizens must keep in mind as strict.
It is not a few in Japan that believed in without evidence 'being moved forcibly', which is not a fact at all and had supported the issue of comfort women still seeking apologies.
In addition, young people who dreamed of the Japan Dream and responded to the company's ‘free recruitment’ pretending to be 'drafting worker', which have only six months since September 1944 prevailed in court,
Some political parties support it as mentioned above.
It is strange for me that there are Japanese politicians and person in the speech community that follow Korea, accusing Japan by saying black as white, white as black as not based on facts.
While being a Japanese, to support South Korea that overturn national promises and treaties regardless of facts ...,
What on earth are people with background?
And why are the opposition parties developing criticism of the regime so never speaking up to Korean tyranny?
The Japanese should carefully think about that.
This draft continues.
The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Meaning of promises among nations
International common sense is that it is not permissible to break treaties and conventions exchanged between states.
As stipulated in Article 27 of the Vienna Treaty Convention adopted by the United Nations that states cannot invoke domestic laws of their country as a basis for justifying the breach of the treaty (Article 27) It is strictly forbidden to tread over the obligation to comply with treaties, etc., by the law, that is, in the circumstances of their own country.
As a result of the Opium War, Hong Kong's 99-year lease tied between the UK and Qing Dynasty also claimed that ‘It is ineffective because it was connected by losing the war’, afterwards both the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China Never, never did.
Japan never said that the Meiji government had signed the treaty of inequality, ‘That is invalid’, etc., raised national strength, negotiated repeatedly, and finally brought it to the revision at the end of sweat blood.
Also, the Japanese archipelago was taken as a scorched land, the Japanese never said not whatever happens, which the Potsdam Declaration accepted at the end of dropping two atomic bombs 'That is invalid because it was accepted in a disastrous state'.
It is because Japan knows that the national promise is so heavy.
That international common sense does not exist in Korea.
However, of all things, it is a political party in Japan ...,
Japan Communist Party's Chairman Kazuo Shii in December last year as a member of the Korea-Japan Federation, visited the president of Moon Jae-in, ‘The Japanese government has also officially announced that it will not extinguish individual claim rights of victims. Both governments agree on this point. In order to obtain a positive solution toward the recovery of the honor and dignity of the victims, cool discussion is important', he said. (By the report of ‘Shimbun Akahata’).
It is unbelievable that Japanese political parties will support Korea, which is trying to reverse the conventions between nations, a Japan-Korea Claim Agreement that was the basis of Japan-Korea Basic Treaty.
This will be a thing that Japanese citizens must keep in mind as strict.
It is not a few in Japan that believed in without evidence 'being moved forcibly', which is not a fact at all and had supported the issue of comfort women still seeking apologies.
In addition, young people who dreamed of the Japan Dream and responded to the company's ‘free recruitment’ pretending to be 'drafting worker', which have only six months since September 1944 prevailed in court,
Some political parties support it as mentioned above.
It is strange for me that there are Japanese politicians and person in the speech community that follow Korea, accusing Japan by saying black as white, white as black as not based on facts.
While being a Japanese, to support South Korea that overturn national promises and treaties regardless of facts ...,
What on earth are people with background?
And why are the opposition parties developing criticism of the regime so never speaking up to Korean tyranny?
The Japanese should carefully think about that.
This draft continues.
The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Meaning of promises among nations
International common sense is that it is not permissible to break treaties and conventions exchanged between states.
As stipulated in Article 27 of the Vienna Treaty Convention adopted by the United Nations that states cannot invoke domestic laws of their country as a basis for justifying the breach of the treaty (Article 27) It is strictly forbidden to tread over the obligation to comply with treaties, etc., by the law, that is, in the circumstances of their own country.
As a result of the Opium War, Hong Kong's 99-year lease tied between the UK and Qing Dynasty also claimed that ‘It is ineffective because it was connected by losing the war’, afterwards both the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China Never, never did.
Japan never said that the Meiji government had signed the treaty of inequality, ‘That is invalid’, etc., raised national strength, negotiated repeatedly, and finally brought it to the revision at the end of sweat blood.
Also, the Japanese archipelago was taken as a scorched land, the Japanese never said not whatever happens, which the Potsdam Declaration accepted at the end of dropping two atomic bombs 'That is invalid because it was accepted in a disastrous state'.
It is because Japan knows that the national promise is so heavy.
That international common sense does not exist in Korea.
However, of all things, it is a political party in Japan ...,
Japan Communist Party's Chairman Kazuo Shii in December last year as a member of the Korea-Japan Federation, visited the president of Moon Jae-in, ‘The Japanese government has also officially announced that it will not extinguish individual claim rights of victims. Both governments agree on this point. In order to obtain a positive solution toward the recovery of the honor and dignity of the victims, cool discussion is important', he said. (By the report of ‘Shimbun Akahata’).
It is unbelievable that Japanese political parties will support Korea, which is trying to reverse the conventions between nations, a Japan-Korea Claim Agreement that was the basis of Japan-Korea Basic Treaty.
This will be a thing that Japanese citizens must keep in mind as strict.
It is not a few in Japan that believed in without evidence 'being moved forcibly', which is not a fact at all and had supported the issue of comfort women still seeking apologies.
In addition, young people who dreamed of the Japan Dream and responded to the company's ‘free recruitment’ pretending to be 'drafting worker', which have only six months since September 1944 prevailed in court,
Some political parties support it as mentioned above.
It is strange for me that there are Japanese politicians and person in the speech community that follow Korea, accusing Japan by saying black as white, white as black as not based on facts.
While being a Japanese, to support South Korea that overturn national promises and treaties regardless of facts ...,
What on earth are people with background?
And why are the opposition parties developing criticism of the regime so never speaking up to Korean tyranny?
The Japanese should carefully think about that.
This draft continues.
The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Meaning of promises among nations
International common sense is that it is not permissible to break treaties and conventions exchanged between states.
As stipulated in Article 27 of the Vienna Treaty Convention adopted by the United Nations that states cannot invoke domestic laws of their country as a basis for justifying the breach of the treaty (Article 27) It is strictly forbidden to tread over the obligation to comply with treaties, etc., by the law, that is, in the circumstances of their own country.
As a result of the Opium War, Hong Kong's 99-year lease tied between the UK and Qing Dynasty also claimed that ‘It is ineffective because it was connected by losing the war’, afterwards both the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China Never, never did.
Japan never said that the Meiji government had signed the treaty of inequality, ‘That is invalid’, etc., raised national strength, negotiated repeatedly, and finally brought it to the revision at the end of sweat blood.
Also, the Japanese archipelago was taken as a scorched land, the Japanese never said not whatever happens, which the Potsdam Declaration accepted at the end of dropping two atomic bombs 'That is invalid because it was accepted in a disastrous state'.
It is because Japan knows that the national promise is so heavy.
That international common sense does not exist in Korea.
However, of all things, it is a political party in Japan ...,
Japan Communist Party's Chairman Kazuo Shii in December last year as a member of the Korea-Japan Federation, visited the president of Moon Jae-in, ‘The Japanese government has also officially announced that it will not extinguish individual claim rights of victims. Both governments agree on this point. In order to obtain a positive solution toward the recovery of the honor and dignity of the victims, cool discussion is important', he said. (By the report of ‘Shimbun Akahata’).
It is unbelievable that Japanese political parties will support Korea, which is trying to reverse the conventions between nations, a Japan-Korea Claim Agreement that was the basis of Japan-Korea Basic Treaty.
This will be a thing that Japanese citizens must keep in mind as strict.
It is not a few in Japan that believed in without evidence 'being moved forcibly', which is not a fact at all and had supported the issue of comfort women still seeking apologies.
In addition, young people who dreamed of the Japan Dream and responded to the company's ‘free recruitment’ pretending to be 'drafting worker', which have only six months since September 1944 prevailed in court,
Some political parties support it as mentioned above.
It is strange for me that there are Japanese politicians and person in the speech community that follow Korea, accusing Japan by saying black as white, white as black as not based on facts.
While being a Japanese, to support South Korea that overturn national promises and treaties regardless of facts ...,
What on earth are people with background?
And why are the opposition parties developing criticism of the regime so never speaking up to Korean tyranny?
The Japanese should carefully think about that.
This draft continues.
The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Meaning of promises among nations
International common sense is that it is not permissible to break treaties and conventions exchanged between states.
As stipulated in Article 27 of the Vienna Treaty Convention adopted by the United Nations that states cannot invoke domestic laws of their country as a basis for justifying the breach of the treaty (Article 27) It is strictly forbidden to tread over the obligation to comply with treaties, etc., by the law, that is, in the circumstances of their own country.
As a result of the Opium War, Hong Kong's 99-year lease tied between the UK and Qing Dynasty also claimed that ‘It is ineffective because it was connected by losing the war’, afterwards both the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China Never, never did.
Japan never said that the Meiji government had signed the treaty of inequality, ‘That is invalid’, etc., raised national strength, negotiated repeatedly, and finally brought it to the revision at the end of sweat blood.
Also, the Japanese archipelago was taken as a scorched land, the Japanese never said not whatever happens, which the Potsdam Declaration accepted at the end of dropping two atomic bombs 'That is invalid because it was accepted in a disastrous state'.
It is because Japan knows that the national promise is so heavy.
That international common sense does not exist in Korea.
However, of all things, it is a political party in Japan ...,
Japan Communist Party's Chairman Kazuo Shii in December last year as a member of the Korea-Japan Federation, visited the president of Moon Jae-in, ‘The Japanese government has also officially announced that it will not extinguish individual claim rights of victims. Both governments agree on this point. In order to obtain a positive solution toward the recovery of the honor and dignity of the victims, cool discussion is important', he said. (By the report of ‘Shimbun Akahata’).
It is unbelievable that Japanese political parties will support Korea, which is trying to reverse the conventions between nations, a Japan-Korea Claim Agreement that was the basis of Japan-Korea Basic Treaty.
This will be a thing that Japanese citizens must keep in mind as strict.
It is not a few in Japan that believed in without evidence 'being moved forcibly', which is not a fact at all and had supported the issue of comfort women still seeking apologies.
In addition, young people who dreamed of the Japan Dream and responded to the company's ‘free recruitment’ pretending to be 'drafting worker', which have only six months since September 1944 prevailed in court,
Some political parties support it as mentioned above.
It is strange for me that there are Japanese politicians and person in the speech community that follow Korea, accusing Japan by saying black as white, white as black as not based on facts.
While being a Japanese, to support South Korea that overturn national promises and treaties regardless of facts ...,
What on earth are people with background?
And why are the opposition parties developing criticism of the regime so never speaking up to Korean tyranny?
The Japanese should carefully think about that.
This draft continues.