文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

è probabile che esponga l'occupazione illegale di Takeshima a tutto il mondo

2019年02月19日 23時26分15秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è la continuazione del capitolo precedente.
La Corea del Sud vicino a Seoul La provincia di Gyeonggi Il consiglio comunale di Uijeongbu, il 22 marzo 2013, ha adottato una risoluzione che chiede l'immediato ritorno di Tsushima al governo giapponese.
Hanno sviluppato un'assurda assurdità affermando che "è ovvio che si tratti di territorio coreano geograficamente, storicamente e scientificamente".
Inoltre, chiedono al governo coreano di coinvolgere la comunità internazionale e negoziare dispute territoriali con il governo giapponese per istituire un comitato speciale per rafforzare la rivendicazione dell'Assemblea nazionale coreana, ... In entrambi i casi il potere persuasivo è zero.
Il governo coreano com'era, non presta attenzione a loro.
Al contrario, come ho sottolineato all'inizio, è probabile che esponga l'occupazione illegale di Takeshima a tutto il mondo.
In risposta a tale mossa, Takarabe Yasunari, sindaco di Tsushima, allora disse, "L'affermazione di Uijeongbu è un fatto che non può essere provato nella storia del mondo, libro di storia storica del 3 ° secolo, Wajinden (As menzionato nel primo importante rapporto cinese sul Giappone), è ovvio che è il Giappone, l'argomento di questo tempo è ridicolo ", ha riso loro.
In Corea, nel marzo 2005, il parlamento masano della provincia meridionale di Gyeongsang ha stabilito il "giorno di Tsushima" nell'ordinanza e Masan si è poi fuso con la città di Changwon, che ora è diventata ordinanza della città di Changwon.
Circa 50 consiglieri comunali della città di Changwon hanno in programma di visitare Tsushima il 26 marzo 2013 e hanno chiesto a Tsushima "Vorremmo parlare con il consiglio comunale perché andiamo a visitare la città", ma come per dire che non può essere ingannato dal schema ovvio di rivendicazioni di diritti territoriali, sono declinati attentamente dal lato di Tsushima City.
D'altra parte, la parte del Congresso di Changwon si è lisciata sui media coreani con una falsa spiegazione: "Ci sono informazioni che le organizzazioni di destra giapponesi protesteranno e non possiamo ospitare strutture ricettive".
Perché la storia del Consiglio Comunale di Changwon in visita a Tsushima è inedita, è una storia che nessuno conosce tranne le parti, perché era una storia prima della destra.
Tuttavia, è la Corea del Sud che non impara una lezione da questo.
Nel marzo 2017, il consiglio comunale di Changwon ha adottato una proposta per chiedere il sostegno del governo per l'evento del "giorno dell'isola di Tsushima".
Non è tutto. Nel frattempo, nel luglio 2008, circa 50 persone nel parlamento della Corea del Sud hanno presentato una risoluzione in cui si chiedeva il ritorno di Tsushima alla Dieta.
Il signor Tatsuya Kato, ex direttore della filiale di Seoul del Sankei Shimbun che ha familiarità con queste circostanze, ha dichiarato: "La richiesta di rinvio di Tsushima da parte coreana è una mossa contro il fatto che la prefettura di Shimane ha promulgato il" Takeshima Day "a febbraio 2005 È potente avere un punto di vista che è "psicologia di rappresaglia" (Sankei Shimbun, 31 marzo 2013, versione elettronica dell'edizione mattutina).
Nel caso di Retaliation Psychology, come sostenuto da Gwanggaeto Stele nella provincia di Jilin, Cina, che è scritta come Miyana, che aveva prefettura giapponese, Wa (Giappone) usò Silla e Baekje come soggetti, e altri, una parte della parte meridionale di la penisola coreana ha affermato di essere un territorio giapponese ... è ancora più persuasivo da fare.
Vorrei che anche i coreani spiegassero perché hanno iniziato a demolire i tipici tumuli giapponesi a forma di buco della serratura nella parte meridionale della penisola coreana.
Non sarà perché ci saranno circostanze peggiori se queste sono presenti?
Questo progetto continua.

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deveria ter vergonha de saber como ignorantes, estúpidos e justos pseudo-moralistas

2019年02月19日 23時21分58秒 | 日記

Este livro é exatamente o livro que repreende a sociedade, mas os políticos japoneses ... Todos os partidos da oposição ... demonstram como políticos e Asahi Shimbun e outros meios de comunicação de massa como a NHK são iguais a traidores, também é uma declaração escrita.
Os pseudo-moralistas da América Européia que realmente receberam propaganda anti-japonesa da Península Coreana e da China,
Ou aqueles que não são exagerados em dizer que são criminosos que atacaram o Japão dando-lhes um alto salário com dinheiro japonês nas Nações Unidas,
Na minha tradução você deveria ter vergonha de saber como ignorantes, estúpidos e justos pseudo-moralistas.
O seguinte é da p255.
Povo coreano diz absurdo, 'Tsushima também território coreano'
Não há evidências científicas como a base da literatura, um absurdo que um coreano diz que até Tsushima é um território sul-coreano.
Takeshima (nome coreano · Dokdo) da prefeitura de Shimane, onde ocupam ilegalmente, também será heres reivindicar direitos territoriais por esse nível de reconhecimento.
Para argumentar que Tsushima é um território coreano, é ridículo parecer que Takeshima é um território japonês, que o coreano admite por si só.
Este rascunho continua.

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avoir honte de savoir à quel point les pseudo-moralistes sont ignorants, stupides et justes.

2019年02月19日 23時19分43秒 | 日記

Ce livre est exactement le livre qui réprouve la société, mais les politiciens japonais ... Tous les partis de l'opposition ... démontrent à quel point les politiciens, Asahi Shimbun et d'autres médias tels que NHK sont à la hauteur du traître, il s'agit également d'une déclaration écrite.
Les pseudo-moralistes de l'Amérique européenne qui ont véritablement reçu de la propagande anti-japonaise de la péninsule coréenne et de la Chine,
Ou ceux qui ne sont pas exagérés de dire que ce sont des criminels qui ont attaqué le Japon en leur donnant un salaire élevé avec de l'argent japonais aux Nations Unies,
Dans ma traduction, vous devriez avoir honte de savoir à quel point les pseudo-moralistes sont ignorants, stupides et justes.
Ce qui suit est de p255.
Les Coréens disent un non-sens, 'Tsushima aussi le territoire coréen'
Il n’existe aucune preuve scientifique comparable à la base de la littérature, ce qui est un non-sens qu’un Coréen dit même que Tsushima soit un territoire sud-coréen.
Takeshima (nom coréen · Dokdo) de la préfecture de Shimane, où ils occupent illégalement, sera également le moyen de revendiquer des droits territoriaux grâce à ce niveau de reconnaissance.
Pour dire que Tsushima est un territoire coréen, il est ridicule de penser que Takeshima est un territoire japonais, ce que le coréen reconnaît lui-même.
Ce projet continue.

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zu wissen, wie unwissend, dumm und nur Pseudo-Moralisten.

2019年02月19日 23時17分07秒 | 日記

Dieses Buch ist genau das Buch, das die Gesellschaft zurückweist, aber japanische Politiker ... Alle Oppositionsparteien ... zeigen, wie Politiker und Asahi Shimbun und andere Massenmedien wie NHK einem Verräter gleichkommen, es ist auch eine schriftliche Erklärung.
Die Pseudo-Moralisten Europas, die von der koreanischen Halbinsel und China wirklich anti-japanische Propaganda erhalten haben,
Oder diejenigen, die nicht übertrieben sind zu sagen, dass sie Kriminelle sind, die Japan angegriffen haben, indem sie ihnen bei den Vereinten Nationen mit japanischem Geld ein hohes Gehalt einbringen,
In meiner Übersetzung sollten Sie sich schämen, zu wissen, wie unwissend, dumm und nur Pseudo-Moralisten.
Das Folgende ist von p255.
Koreaner sagen Unsinn, 'Tsushima auch koreanisches Territorium'
Es gibt keine wissenschaftlichen Beweise wie die Grundlage der Literatur. Unsinn, den ein Koreaner selbst Tsushima als südkoreanisches Territorium bezeichnet.
Takeshima (koreanischer Name · Dokdo) aus der Präfektur Shimane, wo sie illegal besetzt sind, wird auch hier herangezogen, um Territorialrechte in dieser Anerkennungsebene zu beanspruchen.
Um zu behaupten, dass Tsushima ein koreanisches Territorium ist, ist es lächerlich, Takeshima als japanisches Territorium zu betrachten, was die Koreaner selbst zugeben.
Dieser Entwurf geht weiter.

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Este libro es exactamente el libro que reprende a la sociedad,

2019年02月19日 23時14分42秒 | 日記

Este libro es exactamente el libro que reprende a la sociedad, pero los políticos japoneses ... Todos los partidos de la oposición ... demuestran cómo los políticos y Asahi Shimbun y otros medios de comunicación como NHK son iguales a los traidores, también es una declaración escrita.
Los pseudo moralistas de los Estados Unidos europeos que verdaderamente recibieron propaganda antijaponesa de la península coreana y China.
O aquellos que no son exagerados al decir que son criminales que atacaron a Japón dándoles un alto salario con dinero japonés en las Naciones Unidas,
En mi traducción, debería avergonzarse de saber cuán ignorantes, estúpidos y pseudo moralistas.
Lo siguiente es de p255.
Los coreanos dicen sin sentido, 'Tsushima también territorio coreano'
No hay evidencia científica como la base en la literatura, sin sentido que un coreano dice que incluso Tsushima es un territorio de Corea del Sur para.
Takeshima (nombre coreano · Dokdo) de la prefectura de Shimane, donde ocupan ilegalmente, también será aquí para reclamar los derechos territoriales por ese nivel de reconocimiento.
Para argumentar que Tsushima es un territorio coreano, es ridículo parecer que Takeshima es un territorio japonés, que los coreanos admiten por sí mismos.
Este borrador continúa.

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Questo libro è esattamente il libro che rimprovera la società,

2019年02月19日 22時51分35秒 | 日記

Questo libro è esattamente il libro che rimprovera la società, ma i politici giapponesi ... Tutti i partiti di opposizione ... dimostrano come politici e Asahi Shimbun e altri mass media come NHK sono uguali a traditori, è anche una dichiarazione scritta.
Gli pseudo-moralisti americani europei che hanno ricevuto veramente propaganda antigiapponese dalla penisola coreana e dalla Cina,
O quelli che non sono esagerati nel dire che sono criminali che hanno attaccato il Giappone dando loro un alto stipendio con denaro giapponese alle Nazioni Unite,
Nella mia traduzione dovresti vergognarti di sapere quanto sono ignoranti, stupidi e solo pseudo-moralisti.
Quanto segue è da p255.
I coreani dicono sciocchezze, 'Tsushima anche territorio coreano'
Non ci sono prove scientifiche come le basi della letteratura, sciocchezze che un coreano dice che anche Tsushima sia un territorio della Corea del Sud.
Takeshima (nome coreano · Dokdo) della prefettura di Shimane, dove occupano illegalmente, sarà anche lei a rivendicare diritti territoriali con quel livello di riconoscimento.
Per sostenere che Tsushima è un territorio coreano, è ridicolo sembrare che Takeshima sia un territorio giapponese, che il coreano ammette da solo.
Questo progetto continua.

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Will not it be because there will be circumstances worse if these are present?

2019年02月19日 22時41分46秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
South Korea near Seoul Gyeonggi Province Uijeongbu city council March 22, 2013, adopted a resolution statement seeking the 'immediate return of Tsushima' to the Japanese government.
They developed an absurd nonsensical claiming that 'it is obvious that it is Korean territory geographically, historically and scientifically.'
In addition, they are requesting the Korean government to engage the international community and negotiate territorial disputes with the Japanese government to establish a special committee to strengthen the claim of the Korean National Assembly, …In either case the persuasive power is zero.
Korean government as it was, it pays no attention to them.
On the contrary, as I pointed out at the beginning, it is likely to expose illegal occupation of Takeshima to whole world. 
In response to such move, Takarabe Yasunari Mayor of Tsushima, then, said at the time, 'The assertion of Uijeongbu is a fact that can not be proved at all in world history, Historical history book of the 3 rd century, Wajinden (As mentioned in the first important Chinese report on Japan), it goes without saying that it is Japan, the argument of this time is ridiculous', he laughed them down.
In Korea in March 2005, the Masan Parliament of South Gyeongsang Province established the 'day of Tsushima' in the ordinance and Masan later merged with Changwon City, which became ordinance of Changwon City now .
Approximately 50 city councilors in Changwon City plan to visit Tsushima on March 26, 2013 and asked to Tsushima 'We would like to talk with the city council because we go to sightseeing', but as if to say that it can not be deceived by the obvious scheme of claims of territorial rights, they are declined carefully by Tsushima City side.
On the other hand, Changwon Congress side smoothed over to the Korean media with a false explanation, 'There is information that Japanese right-wing organizations are going to protest and we can not accommodate accommodation facilities.'
Because the story of Changwon Municipal Council visiting Tsushima is unpublished, it is a story that nobody knows except the parties, because it was a story before the right wing.
However, it is South Korea that does not learn a lesson by this.
In March 2017, the Changwon City Council adopted a proposal to seek government support for the event of 'Tsushima island day'.
That is not all. Meanwhile, in July 2008, about 50 people in South Korea's parliament have submitted a resolution requesting return of Tsushima to the Diet. 
Mr. Tatsuya Kato former director of Seoul branch office of the Sankei Shimbun that is familiar with these circumstances, said, 'The request for returning Tsushima on the Korean side is a move against the fact that Shimane Prefecture has enacted 'Takeshima Day' in February 2005 It is powerful to have a viewpoint that is 'retaliation psychology' (Sankei Shimbun March 31, 2013 morning edition electronic version). 
In the case of Retaliation Psychology, as claimed by Gwanggaeto Stele in Jilin Province, China, which is written as Miyana, which had Japanese prefecture, Wa(Japan) used Silla and Baekje as subjects, and others, a part of the southern part of the Korean Peninsula claimed to be a Japanese territory…it is still more persuasive to do.
I would like the Koreans also explain why they started breaking down Japanese unique keyhole-shaped tumuli in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.
Will not it be because there will be circumstances worse if these are present?
This draft continues.

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why they started breaking down Japanese unique keyhole-shaped tumuli in the southern part

2019年02月19日 22時40分03秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
South Korea near Seoul Gyeonggi Province Uijeongbu city council March 22, 2013, adopted a resolution statement seeking the 'immediate return of Tsushima' to the Japanese government.
They developed an absurd nonsensical claiming that 'it is obvious that it is Korean territory geographically, historically and scientifically.'
In addition, they are requesting the Korean government to engage the international community and negotiate territorial disputes with the Japanese government to establish a special committee to strengthen the claim of the Korean National Assembly, …In either case the persuasive power is zero.
Korean government as it was, it pays no attention to them.
On the contrary, as I pointed out at the beginning, it is likely to expose illegal occupation of Takeshima to whole world. 
In response to such move, Takarabe Yasunari Mayor of Tsushima, then, said at the time, 'The assertion of Uijeongbu is a fact that can not be proved at all in world history, Historical history book of the 3 rd century, Wajinden (As mentioned in the first important Chinese report on Japan), it goes without saying that it is Japan, the argument of this time is ridiculous', he laughed them down.
In Korea in March 2005, the Masan Parliament of South Gyeongsang Province established the 'day of Tsushima' in the ordinance and Masan later merged with Changwon City, which became ordinance of Changwon City now .
Approximately 50 city councilors in Changwon City plan to visit Tsushima on March 26, 2013 and asked to Tsushima 'We would like to talk with the city council because we go to sightseeing', but as if to say that it can not be deceived by the obvious scheme of claims of territorial rights, they are declined carefully by Tsushima City side.
On the other hand, Changwon Congress side smoothed over to the Korean media with a false explanation, 'There is information that Japanese right-wing organizations are going to protest and we can not accommodate accommodation facilities.'
Because the story of Changwon Municipal Council visiting Tsushima is unpublished, it is a story that nobody knows except the parties, because it was a story before the right wing.
However, it is South Korea that does not learn a lesson by this.
In March 2017, the Changwon City Council adopted a proposal to seek government support for the event of 'Tsushima island day'.
That is not all. Meanwhile, in July 2008, about 50 people in South Korea's parliament have submitted a resolution requesting return of Tsushima to the Diet. 
Mr. Tatsuya Kato former director of Seoul branch office of the Sankei Shimbun that is familiar with these circumstances, said, 'The request for returning Tsushima on the Korean side is a move against the fact that Shimane Prefecture has enacted 'Takeshima Day' in February 2005 It is powerful to have a viewpoint that is 'retaliation psychology' (Sankei Shimbun March 31, 2013 morning edition electronic version). 
In the case of Retaliation Psychology, as claimed by Gwanggaeto Stele in Jilin Province, China, which is written as Miyana, which had Japanese prefecture, Wa(Japan) used Silla and Baekje as subjects, and others, a part of the southern part of the Korean Peninsula claimed to be a Japanese territory…it is still more persuasive to do.
I would like the Koreans also explain why they started breaking down Japanese unique keyhole-shaped tumuli in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.
Will not it be because there will be circumstances worse if these are present?
This draft continues.

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a part of the southern part of the Korean Peninsula claimed to be a Japanese territory…

2019年02月19日 22時38分13秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
South Korea near Seoul Gyeonggi Province Uijeongbu city council March 22, 2013, adopted a resolution statement seeking the 'immediate return of Tsushima' to the Japanese government.
They developed an absurd nonsensical claiming that 'it is obvious that it is Korean territory geographically, historically and scientifically.'
In addition, they are requesting the Korean government to engage the international community and negotiate territorial disputes with the Japanese government to establish a special committee to strengthen the claim of the Korean National Assembly, …In either case the persuasive power is zero.
Korean government as it was, it pays no attention to them.
On the contrary, as I pointed out at the beginning, it is likely to expose illegal occupation of Takeshima to whole world. 
In response to such move, Takarabe Yasunari Mayor of Tsushima, then, said at the time, 'The assertion of Uijeongbu is a fact that can not be proved at all in world history, Historical history book of the 3 rd century, Wajinden (As mentioned in the first important Chinese report on Japan), it goes without saying that it is Japan, the argument of this time is ridiculous', he laughed them down.
In Korea in March 2005, the Masan Parliament of South Gyeongsang Province established the 'day of Tsushima' in the ordinance and Masan later merged with Changwon City, which became ordinance of Changwon City now .
Approximately 50 city councilors in Changwon City plan to visit Tsushima on March 26, 2013 and asked to Tsushima 'We would like to talk with the city council because we go to sightseeing', but as if to say that it can not be deceived by the obvious scheme of claims of territorial rights, they are declined carefully by Tsushima City side.
On the other hand, Changwon Congress side smoothed over to the Korean media with a false explanation, 'There is information that Japanese right-wing organizations are going to protest and we can not accommodate accommodation facilities.'
Because the story of Changwon Municipal Council visiting Tsushima is unpublished, it is a story that nobody knows except the parties, because it was a story before the right wing.
However, it is South Korea that does not learn a lesson by this.
In March 2017, the Changwon City Council adopted a proposal to seek government support for the event of 'Tsushima island day'.
That is not all. Meanwhile, in July 2008, about 50 people in South Korea's parliament have submitted a resolution requesting return of Tsushima to the Diet. 
Mr. Tatsuya Kato former director of Seoul branch office of the Sankei Shimbun that is familiar with these circumstances, said, 'The request for returning Tsushima on the Korean side is a move against the fact that Shimane Prefecture has enacted 'Takeshima Day' in February 2005 It is powerful to have a viewpoint that is 'retaliation psychology' (Sankei Shimbun March 31, 2013 morning edition electronic version). 
In the case of Retaliation Psychology, as claimed by Gwanggaeto Stele in Jilin Province, China, which is written as Miyana, which had Japanese prefecture, Wa(Japan) used Silla and Baekje as subjects, and others, a part of the southern part of the Korean Peninsula claimed to be a Japanese territory…it is still more persuasive to do.
I would like the Koreans also explain why they started breaking down Japanese unique keyhole-shaped tumuli in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.
Will not it be because there will be circumstances worse if these are present?
This draft continues.

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In the case of Retaliation Psychology, as claimed by Gwanggaeto Stele in Jilin Province

2019年02月19日 22時36分16秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
South Korea near Seoul Gyeonggi Province Uijeongbu city council March 22, 2013, adopted a resolution statement seeking the 'immediate return of Tsushima' to the Japanese government.
They developed an absurd nonsensical claiming that 'it is obvious that it is Korean territory geographically, historically and scientifically.'
In addition, they are requesting the Korean government to engage the international community and negotiate territorial disputes with the Japanese government to establish a special committee to strengthen the claim of the Korean National Assembly, …In either case the persuasive power is zero.
Korean government as it was, it pays no attention to them.
On the contrary, as I pointed out at the beginning, it is likely to expose illegal occupation of Takeshima to whole world. 
In response to such move, Takarabe Yasunari Mayor of Tsushima, then, said at the time, 'The assertion of Uijeongbu is a fact that can not be proved at all in world history, Historical history book of the 3 rd century, Wajinden (As mentioned in the first important Chinese report on Japan), it goes without saying that it is Japan, the argument of this time is ridiculous', he laughed them down.
In Korea in March 2005, the Masan Parliament of South Gyeongsang Province established the 'day of Tsushima' in the ordinance and Masan later merged with Changwon City, which became ordinance of Changwon City now .
Approximately 50 city councilors in Changwon City plan to visit Tsushima on March 26, 2013 and asked to Tsushima 'We would like to talk with the city council because we go to sightseeing', but as if to say that it can not be deceived by the obvious scheme of claims of territorial rights, they are declined carefully by Tsushima City side.
On the other hand, Changwon Congress side smoothed over to the Korean media with a false explanation, 'There is information that Japanese right-wing organizations are going to protest and we can not accommodate accommodation facilities.'
Because the story of Changwon Municipal Council visiting Tsushima is unpublished, it is a story that nobody knows except the parties, because it was a story before the right wing.
However, it is South Korea that does not learn a lesson by this.
In March 2017, the Changwon City Council adopted a proposal to seek government support for the event of 'Tsushima island day'.
That is not all. Meanwhile, in July 2008, about 50 people in South Korea's parliament have submitted a resolution requesting return of Tsushima to the Diet. 
Mr. Tatsuya Kato former director of Seoul branch office of the Sankei Shimbun that is familiar with these circumstances, said, 'The request for returning Tsushima on the Korean side is a move against the fact that Shimane Prefecture has enacted 'Takeshima Day' in February 2005 It is powerful to have a viewpoint that is 'retaliation psychology' (Sankei Shimbun March 31, 2013 morning edition electronic version). 
In the case of Retaliation Psychology, as claimed by Gwanggaeto Stele in Jilin Province, China, which is written as Miyana, which had Japanese prefecture, Wa(Japan) used Silla and Baekje as subjects, and others, a part of the southern part of the Korean Peninsula claimed to be a Japanese territory…it is still more persuasive to do.
I would like the Koreans also explain why they started breaking down Japanese unique keyhole-shaped tumuli in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.
Will not it be because there will be circumstances worse if these are present?
This draft continues.

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it is likely to expose illegal occupation of Takeshima to whole world.

2019年02月19日 22時33分50秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
South Korea near Seoul Gyeonggi Province Uijeongbu city council March 22, 2013, adopted a resolution statement seeking the 'immediate return of Tsushima' to the Japanese government.
They developed an absurd nonsensical claiming that 'it is obvious that it is Korean territory geographically, historically and scientifically.'
In addition, they are requesting the Korean government to engage the international community and negotiate territorial disputes with the Japanese government to establish a special committee to strengthen the claim of the Korean National Assembly, …In either case the persuasive power is zero.
Korean government as it was, it pays no attention to them.
On the contrary, as I pointed out at the beginning, it is likely to expose illegal occupation of Takeshima to whole world. 
In response to such move, Takarabe Yasunari Mayor of Tsushima, then, said at the time, 'The assertion of Uijeongbu is a fact that can not be proved at all in world history, Historical history book of the 3 rd century, Wajinden (As mentioned in the first important Chinese report on Japan), it goes without saying that it is Japan, the argument of this time is ridiculous', he laughed them down.
In Korea in March 2005, the Masan Parliament of South Gyeongsang Province established the 'day of Tsushima' in the ordinance and Masan later merged with Changwon City, which became ordinance of Changwon City now .
Approximately 50 city councilors in Changwon City plan to visit Tsushima on March 26, 2013 and asked to Tsushima 'We would like to talk with the city council because we go to sightseeing', but as if to say that it can not be deceived by the obvious scheme of claims of territorial rights, they are declined carefully by Tsushima City side.
On the other hand, Changwon Congress side smoothed over to the Korean media with a false explanation, 'There is information that Japanese right-wing organizations are going to protest and we can not accommodate accommodation facilities.'
Because the story of Changwon Municipal Council visiting Tsushima is unpublished, it is a story that nobody knows except the parties, because it was a story before the right wing.
However, it is South Korea that does not learn a lesson by this.
In March 2017, the Changwon City Council adopted a proposal to seek government support for the event of 'Tsushima island day'.
That is not all. Meanwhile, in July 2008, about 50 people in South Korea's parliament have submitted a resolution requesting return of Tsushima to the Diet. 
Mr. Tatsuya Kato former director of Seoul branch office of the Sankei Shimbun that is familiar with these circumstances, said, 'The request for returning Tsushima on the Korean side is a move against the fact that Shimane Prefecture has enacted 'Takeshima Day' in February 2005 It is powerful to have a viewpoint that is 'retaliation psychology' (Sankei Shimbun March 31, 2013 morning edition electronic version). 
In the case of Retaliation Psychology, as claimed by Gwanggaeto Stele in Jilin Province, China, which is written as Miyana, which had Japanese prefecture, Wa(Japan) used Silla and Baekje as subjects, and others, a part of the southern part of the Korean Peninsula claimed to be a Japanese territory…it is still more persuasive to do.
I would like the Koreans also explain why they started breaking down Japanese unique keyhole-shaped tumuli in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.
Will not it be because there will be circumstances worse if these are present?
This draft continues.

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Korean government as it was, it pays no attention to them.

2019年02月19日 22時31分48秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
South Korea near Seoul Gyeonggi Province Uijeongbu city council March 22, 2013, adopted a resolution statement seeking the 'immediate return of Tsushima' to the Japanese government.
They developed an absurd nonsensical claiming that 'it is obvious that it is Korean territory geographically, historically and scientifically.'
In addition, they are requesting the Korean government to engage the international community and negotiate territorial disputes with the Japanese government to establish a special committee to strengthen the claim of the Korean National Assembly, …In either case the persuasive power is zero.
Korean government as it was, it pays no attention to them.
On the contrary, as I pointed out at the beginning, it is likely to expose illegal occupation of Takeshima to whole world. 
In response to such move, Takarabe Yasunari Mayor of Tsushima, then, said at the time, 'The assertion of Uijeongbu is a fact that can not be proved at all in world history, Historical history book of the 3 rd century, Wajinden (As mentioned in the first important Chinese report on Japan), it goes without saying that it is Japan, the argument of this time is ridiculous', he laughed them down.
In Korea in March 2005, the Masan Parliament of South Gyeongsang Province established the 'day of Tsushima' in the ordinance and Masan later merged with Changwon City, which became ordinance of Changwon City now .
Approximately 50 city councilors in Changwon City plan to visit Tsushima on March 26, 2013 and asked to Tsushima 'We would like to talk with the city council because we go to sightseeing', but as if to say that it can not be deceived by the obvious scheme of claims of territorial rights, they are declined carefully by Tsushima City side.
On the other hand, Changwon Congress side smoothed over to the Korean media with a false explanation, 'There is information that Japanese right-wing organizations are going to protest and we can not accommodate accommodation facilities.'
Because the story of Changwon Municipal Council visiting Tsushima is unpublished, it is a story that nobody knows except the parties, because it was a story before the right wing.
However, it is South Korea that does not learn a lesson by this.
In March 2017, the Changwon City Council adopted a proposal to seek government support for the event of 'Tsushima island day'.
That is not all. Meanwhile, in July 2008, about 50 people in South Korea's parliament have submitted a resolution requesting return of Tsushima to the Diet. 
Mr. Tatsuya Kato former director of Seoul branch office of the Sankei Shimbun that is familiar with these circumstances, said, 'The request for returning Tsushima on the Korean side is a move against the fact that Shimane Prefecture has enacted 'Takeshima Day' in February 2005 It is powerful to have a viewpoint that is 'retaliation psychology' (Sankei Shimbun March 31, 2013 morning edition electronic version). 
In the case of Retaliation Psychology, as claimed by Gwanggaeto Stele in Jilin Province, China, which is written as Miyana, which had Japanese prefecture, Wa(Japan) used Silla and Baekje as subjects, and others, a part of the southern part of the Korean Peninsula claimed to be a Japanese territory…it is still more persuasive to do.
I would like the Koreans also explain why they started breaking down Japanese unique keyhole-shaped tumuli in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.
Will not it be because there will be circumstances worse if these are present?
This draft continues.

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However, it is South Korea that does not learn a lesson by this.

2019年02月19日 22時22分23秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
South Korea near Seoul Gyeonggi Province Uijeongbu city council March 22, 2013, adopted a resolution statement seeking the 'immediate return of Tsushima' to the Japanese government.
They developed an absurd nonsensical claiming that claiming that 'it is obvious that it is Korean territory geographically, historically and scientifically.'
In addition, they are requesting the Korean government to engage the international community and negotiate territorial disputes with the Japanese government to establish a special committee to strengthen the claim of the Korean National Assembly, …In either case the persuasive power is zero.
Korean government as it was, it pays no attention to them.
On the contrary, as I pointed out at the beginning, it is likely to expose illegal occupation of Takeshima to whole world.
In response to such move, Takarabe Yasunari Mayor of Tsushima, then, said at the time, 'The assertion of Uijeongbu is a fact that can not be proved at all in world history, Historical history book of the 3 rd century, Wajinden (As mentioned in the first important Chinese report on Japan), it goes without saying that it is Japan, the argument of this time is ridiculous', he laughed them down.
In Korea in March 2005, the Masan Parliament of South Gyeongsang Province established the 'day of Tsushima' in the ordinance and Masan later merged with Changwon City, which became ordinance of Changwon City now .
Approximately 50 city councilors in Changwon City plan to visit Tsushima on March 26, 2013 and asked to Tsushima 'We would like to talk with the city council because we go to sightseeing', but as if to say that it can not be deceived by the obvious scheme of claims of territorial rights, they are declined carefully by Tsushima City side.
On the other hand, Changwon Congress side smoothed over to the Korean media with a false explanation, 'There is information that Japanese right-wing organizations are going to protest and we can not accommodate accommodation facilities.'
Because the story of Changwon Municipal Council visiting Tsushima is unpublished, it is a story that nobody knows except the parties, because it was a story before the right wing.
However, it is South Korea that does not learn a lesson by this.
In March 2017, the Changwon City Council adopted a proposal to seek government support for the event of 'Tsushima island day'.
That is not all. Meanwhile, in July 2008, about 50 people in South Korea's parliament have submitted a resolution requesting return of Tsushima to the Diet.
Mr. Tatsuya Kato former director of Seoul branch office of the Sankei Shimbun that is familiar with these circumstances, said, 'The request for returning Tsushima on the Korean side is a move against the fact that Shimane Prefecture has enacted 'Takeshima Day' in February 2005 It is powerful to have a viewpoint that is 'retaliation psychology' (Sankei Shimbun March 31, 2013 morning edition electronic version).
In the case of Retaliation Psychology, as claimed by Gwanggaeto Stele in Jilin Province, China, which is written as Miyana, which had Japanese prefecture, Wa(Japan) used Silla and Baekje as subjects, and others, a part of the southern part of the Korean Peninsula claimed to be a Japanese territory…it is still more persuasive to do.
I would like the Koreans also explain why they started breaking down Japanese unique keyhole-shaped tumuli in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.
Will not it be because there will be circumstances worse if these are present?
This draft continues.


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In my translation you should be ashamed to know how ignorant, stupid and just pseudo-moralists

2019年02月19日 16時48分10秒 | 日記

Another third person in the Sankei Shimbun has a real reporter named Sasaki Rui ... last year 10/11 first press, 10/29 second press, this is exertion ... he is publishing a must-read book by all Japanese citizens .
This book is exactly the book which rebukes society, but Japanese politicians ... All of the opposition parties ... demonstrate how politicians and Asahi Shimbun and other mass media such as NHK are equal to traitor, it is also a written statement.
European America's pseudo-moralists who truly received anti-Japanese propaganda from the Korean Peninsula and China,
Or those who are not an exaggeration to say that they are criminals who attacked Japan by giving them a high salary with Japanese money at the United Nations,
In my translation you should be ashamed to know how ignorant, stupid and just pseudo-moralists.
The following is from p255.
Korean people say nonsense, 'Tsushima also Korean territory'
There is no scientific evidence like the basis on the literature, nonsense which a Korean says even Tsushima's being a South Korean territory to.
Takeshima (Korean name · Dokdo) of Shimane prefecture, where they illegally occupy, will also be heres to claim territorial rights by that level of recognition.
To argue that Tsushima is a Korean territory, it is ridiculous to seem that Takeshima is a Japanese territory, which Korean admits by themselves.
This draft continues.


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2019年02月19日 14時41分32秒 | 日記


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