Korea, you will never realize that your character is the world's lowest vileness as long as you continue your anti-Japanese education. Still, I am re-sending the chapter I sent out on 2018-12-30 with additions, typos, and paragraph corrections.
A friend of mine sent me the following article, saying he happened to buy the Mainichi Shimbun.
I said.
I said, "The Mainichi is a strange newspaper... It had always reported on its financial crisis a long time ago, yet it hasn't collapsed. Where does it get its money from?
From the printing of Komeito's newspaper, I suppose.
"Oh, yeah, they also print some reliable flyers...
We had such a conversation.
In 2020, an up-and-coming female journalist had told me that the Mainichi Shimbun, like other leading newspapers in the U.S., regularly inserts propaganda papers for the Chinese Communist Party.
Today's Mainichi newspaper report on the following Korean newspaper also demonstrated that they are citizens of a country of abysmal evil and plausible lies.
Simultaneously, the article also demonstrated that they are characterized by a judgmental brain structure that assumes that the other side will think the same as they do.
It is proof that this country is not a democracy but a totalitarian state.
No, this newspaper article proves that this is an "ancient tyrannical state," as concluded by Professor Hiroshi Furuta, one of the world's top experts on the Korean Peninsula and one of the best scholars of our time.
Most Japanese who read this article would think that South Korea should be utterly scandalized at the country.
At the same time, they will also notice that the tone in which they attack the Abe administration is the same as the tone in which the Asahi Shimbun and opposition politicians such as Kiyomi Tsujimoto attack the Abe administration.
South Korean newspaper 'bogged down' by irradiation video.
Some say Abe gov't is using it.
A South Korean newspaper on April 29 reported on the issue of a South Korean navy destroyer irradiating a Maritime Self-Defense Force P1 patrol plane with a fire-control radar, calling it "a quagmire in Japan-South Korea relations" and "widening into an emotional confrontation," while reporting on the South Korean Defense Ministry's reaction to the Defense Ministry's release of the video.
Some analyzed Japan's response, saying that the Abe administration may be using the issue to regain its popularity.
*Korea, the Japanese people, are not totalitarians who grew up under the Nazism of anti-Japanese education that Syngman Rhee started to justify his regime 70 years after the war.
Until the 36 years of Japan's annexation, women were not even allowed to have surnames, and most of them were the property of Yangban.
You should know that Japan was the first country in history to liberate women from the Korean peninsula because that is an obvious fact.
Japan was the first country to build schools in your country, which had always been one of the world's poorest countries with the worst status discrimination system in the world, and to establish a compulsory education system in your country for the first time.
It was the Japanese people who made you a modern nation.
In the 36 years that Japan has had you as a nation equal to Japan, Japan has invested over 20% of its national budget in you every year to make you a modern country and make you rich.
The proof of this is the explosive growth of your country's population over the past 36 years.
It is because you have become a free and modern nation with no discriminatory class system.
It is the truth of history that your grandfathers and grandmothers knew.
A country that changes the truth of its history and continues to force its people to lie.
That is the Evil Empire, and that is your country, Korea.
That is why all of you, especially women, took Japanese names back then.
It is because they became Japanese citizens.
They didn't want to go back to Korea, where they didn't have a surname and where the status system was the same as slavery.
It is only natural that these women, suddenly freed from the chronic disease that has plagued them since the beginning of time, all wanted to take on Japanese names.
I am convinced that there is no end to the number of Koreans who call themselves Japanese overseas because they instinctively know this history.
Before the union, you were treated as a second or third-class country by the rest of the world.
You were never given a first-class seat when you boarded a train in a developed country.
In those days, the Japanese were the only people in Asia who could ride in the first class as first-class citizens in developed countries.
So it was only natural that they all wanted to take Japanese names.
Since you suddenly became Japanese citizens in 1910 with exceptional treatment, it was natural for you to take Japanese names.
And this was the only thing that did not go away.
It is even though you had been a vassal state of a country of abysmal evil and plausible lies since the beginning of time, except for the 36 years of Japanese annexation.
In my few actual friendships with Koreans, Chinese people are not as obsessed with the anti-Japanese sentiment as you are.
Instead, they are in denial of their country.
They are people who believe deep down that their rulers are liars and evil.
They are not like you Koreans, who are Nazis living in the 21st century, raised and built on anti-Japanese education.
The sight of junior and senior high school girls gathered in front of the Japanese embassy and made to shout anti-Japanese slogans is the opposite of what you think.
You are so blind that you don't even realize that, contrary to what you think, you are telling the world that your country is abnormal, that your country is a country of Nazism.
You are, indeed, blind Nazis.
It's just a hat called communism; that's what almost all Chinese think.
The Korean Peninsula has been a vassal state of China since the beginning of time.
The day will never come when you realize that the abysmal evil and plausible lies are dominating your brain more than original China due to the anti-Japanese education that has continued for 70 years after the war.
I'll leave the translation to the readers because translating the sections of Korean newspaper articles would rot my hands just by itself.
I'll leave the translation to the readers. If you use google and go from Japanese to English to Korean, you can get the article's gist as it is (be careful with Korean, facts inconvenient to them are sometimes translated in the opposite order).
Back to the Mainichi Shimbun article.
South Korea denies irradiating fire-control radar.
The Dong-a Ilbo pointed out that the intensifying confrontation following the South Korean Supreme Court's ruling on the issue of traditional military comfort women and the former conscript labor lawsuit has "raised concerns that Japan-South Korea relations have become mired in a quagmire.
It analyzed that the background of the hard-line action of releasing the video "reflects the accumulated frustration" caused by the comfort women issue and other factors.
The JoongAng Ilbo reported that the destroyer did not respond to the P1 patrol plane's radio call because "the communication conditions were not good and the Japanese pronunciation of English was poor," according to a military official.
In this part of the story, one could not help but feel anger and disdain.
The Asahi Shimbun, NHK, and other media outlets have so far failed to inform the public that South Korea is reporting such a thing in the newspaper against the excellent pronunciation of English.
The Japanese people will be equally angry with them.
In Korea, you will never realize that your character is the lowest in the world as long as you continue your anti-Japanese education.