文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

당신은 실로 눈먼 나치입니다.

2021年01月10日 13時29分34秒 | 全般
한국, 반일 교육을 계속하는 한 당신의 성격이 세계에서 가장 낮은 악독이라는 것을 결코 깨닫지 못할 것입니다. 그래도 2018-12-30에 보낸 장을 추가, 오타 및 단락 수정과 함께 다시 전송하고 있습니다.
내 친구가 마이니치 신문사를 우연히 샀다는 기사를 보냈다.
나는 말했다.
"마이니치는 이상한 신문이야 ... 예전부터 금융 위기를 보도 해 왔지만 무너지지 않았다. 돈은 어디서 구할까?
Komeito의 신문 인쇄에서 나는 추측합니다.
"아, 그래, 그들은 또한 믿을만한 전단지를 인쇄합니다 ...
우리는 그런 대화를했습니다.
2020 년에 떠오르는 한 여성 기자가 마이니치 신문은 미국의 다른 주요 신문과 마찬가지로 중국 공산당에 대한 선전 신문을 정기적으로 삽입한다고 말했습니다.
오늘의 마이니치 신문은 다음 한국 신문에 실린 자신들이 악과 그럴듯한 거짓말의 나라 국민임을 보여 주었다.
동시에,이 기사는 상대방이 자신과 동일하게 생각할 것이라고 가정하는 판단 적 뇌 구조가 특징임을 보여주었습니다.
이 나라가 민주주의가 아니라 전체주의 국가라는 증거입니다.
아니요,이 신문 기사는 한반도의 세계 최고 전문가이자 우리 시대 최고의 학자 중 한 명인 후루타 히로시 교수의 결론에 따라 이것이 "고대 폭군 국가"임을 증명합니다.
이 기사를 읽는 대부분의 일본인은 한국이 그 나라에서 완전히 추문을 받아야한다고 생각할 것입니다.
동시에 아베 정권을 공격하는 어조도 아사히 신문과 츠지 모토 기 요미 등 야당 정치가가 아베 정권을 공격하는 어조와 같다는 사실도 알아 차릴 것이다.
조사 영상으로 한국 신문 '수렁'.
일부는 Abe gov가 그것을 사용하지 않는다고 말합니다.
4 월 29 일 한국의 한 신문은 한국 해군 구축함이 해상 자위대 P1 초계기에 사격 통제 레이더를 조사하는 문제를 보도하면서이를 "한일 관계의 수렁"과 '감정적 대결'이라며 국방부의 영상 공개에 대한 국방부의 반응을 보도했다.
일부는 일본의 반응을 분석하면서 아베 정권이이 문제를 사용하여 인기를 되 찾을 수 있다고 말했다.
* 한국, 일본인은 전쟁 70 년 만에 이승만 정권을 정당화하기 시작한 반일 교육의 나치즘 아래 자란 전체 주의자가 아니다.
일본이 합병 된 지 36 년이 될 때까지 여성은 성을 가질 수 없었으며 대부분은 양반의 재산이었습니다.
일본이 역사상 한반도에서 여성을 해방시킨 최초의 나라라는 것은 분명한 사실이기 때문입니다.
일본은 항상 세계 최악의 신분 차별 제도를 가진 세계 최빈국 중 하나였던 자국에 학교를 건립하고, 처음으로 자국에 의무 교육 시스템을 구축 한 국가입니다.
당신을 현대 국가로 만든 것은 일본인이었습니다.
일본이 당신을 일본과 동등한 국가로 만들어 온 36 년 동안 일본은 당신을 현대 국가로 만들고 당신을 부자로 만들기 위해 매년 국가 예산의 20 % 이상을 당신에게 투자했습니다.
이것의 증거는 지난 36 년 동안 당신 나라의 인구가 폭발적으로 증가했다는 것입니다.
차별없는 계급 제도가없는 자유롭고 현대적인 국가가 되었기 때문입니다.
당신의 할아버지와 할머니가 아는 것은 역사의 진실입니다.
역사의 진실을 바꾸고 국민들에게 거짓말을 계속하는 나라.
그것이 바로 사악한 제국이고 그것이 여러분의 나라 인 한국입니다.
그렇기 때문에 여러분, 특히 여성들은 당시 일본 이름을 따 왔습니다.
일본 시민이 되었기 때문입니다.
그들은 성이없고 신분 제도가 노예 제도와 같은 한국으로 돌아가고 싶지 않았습니다.
태초부터 자신을 괴롭혔던 만성 질환에서 갑자기 해방 된이 여성들이 모두 일본인 이름을 갖고 싶어하는 것은 당연하다.
이 역사를 본능적으로 알고 있기 때문에 자신을 해외에서 일본인이라고 부르는 한국인의 숫자는 끝이 없다고 확신합니다.
노조 이전에, 당신은 나머지 세계에서 2 등 또는 3 등 국가로 취급 받았습니다.
선진국에서 기차를 탔을 때 일등석이 주어지지 않았습니다.
당시 아시아에서는 선진국에서 일류 시민으로 1 등석에 탈 수있는 사람은 일본인뿐이었습니다.
그래서 그들 모두가 일본 이름을 원했던 것은 당연한 일이었습니다.
1910 년 갑자기 특별한 대우를받으며 일본 시민이 되었기 때문에 일본 이름을 취하는 것은 당연한 일이었습니다.
그리고 이것은 사라지지 않은 유일한 것입니다.
36 년의 일본 합병을 제외하고는 태초부터 심연의 악과 그럴듯한 거짓말의 나라의 속국 이었지만.
한국인과의 실제 우정에서 중국인은 당신만큼 반일 정서에 집착하지 않습니다.
대신 그들은 그들의 나라를 부정하고 있습니다.
그들은 그들의 통치자가 거짓말 쟁이 고 악하다고 깊이 믿는 사람들입니다.
그들은 21 세기를 살아가는 나치 인 여러분들과는 다르며, 반일 교육을 바탕으로 길러졌습니다.
일본 대사관 앞에 모여 반일 구호를 외치는 중, 고등학생의 모습은 생각과는 정반대입니다.
당신은 너무 눈이 멀어서 당신이 생각하는 것과는 달리 당신의 나라가 비정상적이며 당신의 나라가 나치즘의 나라라는 것을 세상에 말하고 있다는 사실조차 깨닫지 못합니다.
당신은 실로 눈먼 나치입니다.
공산주의라는 모자 일뿐입니다. 거의 모든 중국인들이 그렇게 생각합니다.
한반도는 태초부터 중국의 속국이었다.
전쟁이 끝나고 70 년 동안 계속 된 반일 교육으로 인해 원래의 중국보다 심연 한 악과 그럴듯한 거짓말이 당신의 뇌를 지배하고 있다는 사실을 깨닫는 날은 결코 오지 않을 것입니다.
한국 신문 기사를 번역하는 것만으로도 손이 썩을 수 있으니 독자들에게 번역을 맡기겠습니다.
번역은 독자에게 맡기겠습니다. 구글을 이용하여 일본어에서 영어로 한국어로 이동하면 글의 요지를 그대로 알 수 있습니다. (한글에주의하세요. 불편한 사실은 역순으로 번역되기도합니다.)
마이니치 신문 기사로 돌아 가기.
한국은 화재 통제 레이더 조사를 거부합니다.
동아 일보는 한국 대법원의 전통 군 위안부 판결과 징집 노동 소송에 따른 대결이 심화되면서 한일 관계가 수렁에 빠졌다는 우려가 제기됐다고 지적했다.
영상 공개라는 강경 한 행동의 배경은 위안부 문제 등으로 인한 '축적 된 좌절'을 반영한 것으로 분석됐다.
중앙 일보는 군 관계관에 따르면 구축함이 P1 순찰 기의 무선 호출에 응답하지 않았다고 보도했다. "통신 상태가 좋지 않고 영어의 일본어 발음이 좋지 않았기 때문"이라고한다.
이야기의이 부분에서는 분노와 경멸을 느낄 수밖에 없었습니다.
아사히 신문사, NHK 등 언론 매체는 한국이 우수한 영어 발음에 대해 그런 일을 신문에 보도하고 있다고 대중에게 알리지 못했다.
일본 국민도 그들에게 똑같이 화를 낼 것입니다.
한국에서는 반일 교육을 계속하는 한 자신의 성격이 세계에서 가장 낮다는 것을 결코 깨닫지 못할 것입니다.

以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。am 11:45

2021年01月10日 11時43分20秒 | 全般


your character is the lowest in the world as long as you continue your anti-Japanese education


There is no obligation to apologize or pay money to Korea.


Es besteht keine Verpflichtung, sich zu entschuldigen oder Geld an Korea zu zahlen


Il n'y a aucune obligation de s'excuser ou de payer de l'argent à la Corée




以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。2021/1/10, am 5:20








TBSが反日的報道をする理由を知っていますか? 元TBS社員の独り言 「うちの局がこんなになってしまった経緯をお話しましょう」



your character is the lowest in the world as long as you continue your anti-Japanese education

2021年01月10日 05時30分13秒 | 全般

Korea, you will never realize that your character is the world's lowest vileness as long as you continue your anti-Japanese education. Still, I am re-sending the chapter I sent out on 2018-12-30 with additions, typos, and paragraph corrections.
A friend of mine sent me the following article, saying he happened to buy the Mainichi Shimbun.
I said.
I said, "The Mainichi is a strange newspaper... It had always reported on its financial crisis a long time ago, yet it hasn't collapsed. Where does it get its money from?
From the printing of Komeito's newspaper, I suppose.
"Oh, yeah, they also print some reliable flyers...
We had such a conversation.
In 2020, an up-and-coming female journalist had told me that the Mainichi Shimbun, like other leading newspapers in the U.S., regularly inserts propaganda papers for the Chinese Communist Party.
Today's Mainichi newspaper report on the following Korean newspaper also demonstrated that they are citizens of a country of abysmal evil and plausible lies.
Simultaneously, the article also demonstrated that they are characterized by a judgmental brain structure that assumes that the other side will think the same as they do.
It is proof that this country is not a democracy but a totalitarian state.
No, this newspaper article proves that this is an "ancient tyrannical state," as concluded by Professor Hiroshi Furuta, one of the world's top experts on the Korean Peninsula and one of the best scholars of our time.
Most Japanese who read this article would think that South Korea should be utterly scandalized at the country.
At the same time, they will also notice that the tone in which they attack the Abe administration is the same as the tone in which the Asahi Shimbun and opposition politicians such as Kiyomi Tsujimoto attack the Abe administration.
South Korean newspaper 'bogged down' by irradiation video.
Some say Abe gov't is using it.
A South Korean newspaper on April 29 reported on the issue of a South Korean navy destroyer irradiating a Maritime Self-Defense Force P1 patrol plane with a fire-control radar, calling it "a quagmire in Japan-South Korea relations" and "widening into an emotional confrontation," while reporting on the South Korean Defense Ministry's reaction to the Defense Ministry's release of the video.
Some analyzed Japan's response, saying that the Abe administration may be using the issue to regain its popularity. 
*Korea, the Japanese people, are not totalitarians who grew up under the Nazism of anti-Japanese education that Syngman Rhee started to justify his regime 70 years after the war.
Until the 36 years of Japan's annexation, women were not even allowed to have surnames, and most of them were the property of Yangban.
You should know that Japan was the first country in history to liberate women from the Korean peninsula because that is an obvious fact.
Japan was the first country to build schools in your country, which had always been one of the world's poorest countries with the worst status discrimination system in the world, and to establish a compulsory education system in your country for the first time.
It was the Japanese people who made you a modern nation.
In the 36 years that Japan has had you as a nation equal to Japan, Japan has invested over 20% of its national budget in you every year to make you a modern country and make you rich.
The proof of this is the explosive growth of your country's population over the past 36 years.
It is because you have become a free and modern nation with no discriminatory class system.
It is the truth of history that your grandfathers and grandmothers knew.
A country that changes the truth of its history and continues to force its people to lie.
That is the Evil Empire, and that is your country, Korea.
That is why all of you, especially women, took Japanese names back then.
It is because they became Japanese citizens.
They didn't want to go back to Korea, where they didn't have a surname and where the status system was the same as slavery.
It is only natural that these women, suddenly freed from the chronic disease that has plagued them since the beginning of time, all wanted to take on Japanese names.
I am convinced that there is no end to the number of Koreans who call themselves Japanese overseas because they instinctively know this history.
Before the union, you were treated as a second or third-class country by the rest of the world.
You were never given a first-class seat when you boarded a train in a developed country.
In those days, the Japanese were the only people in Asia who could ride in the first class as first-class citizens in developed countries.
So it was only natural that they all wanted to take Japanese names.
Since you suddenly became Japanese citizens in 1910 with exceptional treatment, it was natural for you to take Japanese names.
And this was the only thing that did not go away.
It is even though you had been a vassal state of a country of abysmal evil and plausible lies since the beginning of time, except for the 36 years of Japanese annexation.
In my few actual friendships with Koreans, Chinese people are not as obsessed with the anti-Japanese sentiment as you are.
Instead, they are in denial of their country.
They are people who believe deep down that their rulers are liars and evil.
They are not like you Koreans, who are Nazis living in the 21st century, raised and built on anti-Japanese education.
The sight of junior and senior high school girls gathered in front of the Japanese embassy and made to shout anti-Japanese slogans is the opposite of what you think.
You are so blind that you don't even realize that, contrary to what you think, you are telling the world that your country is abnormal, that your country is a country of Nazism.
You are, indeed, blind Nazis.
It's just a hat called communism; that's what almost all Chinese think.
The Korean Peninsula has been a vassal state of China since the beginning of time.
The day will never come when you realize that the abysmal evil and plausible lies are dominating your brain more than original China due to the anti-Japanese education that has continued for 70 years after the war.
I'll leave the translation to the readers because translating the sections of Korean newspaper articles would rot my hands just by itself.
I'll leave the translation to the readers. If you use google and go from Japanese to English to Korean, you can get the article's gist as it is (be careful with Korean, facts inconvenient to them are sometimes translated in the opposite order).
Back to the Mainichi Shimbun article.
South Korea denies irradiating fire-control radar.
The Dong-a Ilbo pointed out that the intensifying confrontation following the South Korean Supreme Court's ruling on the issue of traditional military comfort women and the former conscript labor lawsuit has "raised concerns that Japan-South Korea relations have become mired in a quagmire.
It analyzed that the background of the hard-line action of releasing the video "reflects the accumulated frustration" caused by the comfort women issue and other factors.
The JoongAng Ilbo reported that the destroyer did not respond to the P1 patrol plane's radio call because "the communication conditions were not good and the Japanese pronunciation of English was poor," according to a military official.
In this part of the story, one could not help but feel anger and disdain.
The Asahi Shimbun, NHK, and other media outlets have so far failed to inform the public that South Korea is reporting such a thing in the newspaper against the excellent pronunciation of English.
The Japanese people will be equally angry with them.
In Korea, you will never realize that your character is the lowest in the world as long as you continue your anti-Japanese education.

以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。2021/1/10, am 5:20

2021年01月10日 05時20分11秒 | 全般


There is no obligation to apologize or pay money to Korea.


Il n'y a aucune obligation de s'excuser ou de payer de l'argent à la Corée




Es besteht keine Verpflichtung, sich zu entschuldigen oder Geld an Korea zu zahlen




TBSが反日的報道をする理由を知っていますか? 元TBS社員の独り言 「うちの局がこんなになってしまった経緯をお話しましょう」


Sie sind in der Tat blinde Nazis.


Vous êtes, en effet, des nazis aveugles.


It is proof that this country is not a democracy but a totalitarian state





2021年01月10日 05時10分14秒 | 全般



2021年01月10日 05時07分00秒 | 全般


Il n'y a aucune obligation de s'excuser ou de payer de l'argent à la Corée

2021年01月10日 05時01分19秒 | 全般
C'est un chapitre que j'ai envoyé le 25/07/2018.
L'accent mis dans le texte est le mien.
Ce qui suit est une continuation du chapitre précédent.
Il n'y a aucune obligation de s'excuser ou de payer de l'argent à la Corée.
La Corée n'est pas une victime mais un auteur de la guerre au Japon.
Le Traité fondamental Japon-Corée est une exception à la règle de l'arène internationale et a été entièrement et définitivement réglé, des réparations de l'État à l'indemnisation individuelle. (Article 2.1 de l'accord)
Traité fondamental Japon-Corée
Dans le Traité fondamental de 1965 entre le Japon et la Corée, le Japon a versé 300 millions de dollars en libre-échange, 200 millions de dollars en contacts onéreux et 300 millions de dollars en prêts privés.
Le montant total était de 800 millions de dollars.
Puisque ce montant est celui de l'époque, convertissons la valeur monétaire à l'époque actuelle.
D'ailleurs, concentrons-nous uniquement sur les 300 millions de dollars sur les 800 millions de dollars de prêts gratuits.
(Conversion du yen) 300 millions de dollars x 360 yens (1 dollar = 360 yens à l'époque) = 108 milliards de dollars
(converti en prix) 108 milliards de yens x 10 (le salaire de départ des diplômés universitaires à l'époque était d'environ 20000 yens) = 1,08 billion de yens
En divisant ce chiffre par le total de 900000 personnes éligibles à une indemnisation, dont 700000 étaient des travailleurs forcés et 200000 étaient des femmes de réconfort, comme le prétend la Corée du Sud (bien qu'il y ait naturellement un argument selon lequel il n'y avait pas de travailleurs forcés ou de femmes de réconfort, pour ce calcul, nous utiliserons le chiffre basé sur 100% des réclamations de la Corée du Sud)
(En termes d'une victime de conscription forcée) 1,8 billion de yens / 900 000 personnes = 1,2 million de yens par personne
Maintenant, nous avons un montant comparable.
Maintenant, la question suivante est de savoir si c'est élevé ou non.
Les gens disent souvent que l'Allemagne a fourni une compensation suffisante après la guerre.
Certaines personnes et certains journaux disent que nous devrions apprendre de l'Allemagne, alors parlons de l'Allemagne.
L'indemnisation de l'Allemagne pour les travailleurs forcés est de 300 000 à 800 000 yens en valeur actuelle.
Même pour l'esclave juif le plus cher, c'était 800 000 yens.
Cela montre objectivement que la compensation du Japon à la Corée d'après-guerre était à un niveau trop élevé.
Le montant total de 800 millions de dollars, à la fois gratuits et payants, représentait 2,3 fois le budget national de la Corée du Sud à l'époque, ce qui montre à quel point il était.
Incidemment, ce montant de réparations couvrait toute la péninsule coréenne. Ils ont été pris par le gouvernement sud-coréen, qui a déclaré: «Nous paierons les gens du Nord lorsque nous réunifierons la Corée du Nord, alors donnez-nous aussi la part du Nord.
De plus, le Japon a abandonné les actifs qu'il avait laissés en Corée avant la guerre.
C'est un bon acte de réparation d'après-guerre. Il existe un précédent selon lequel, lorsque l'Inde a obtenu son indépendance de la Grande-Bretagne, elle a restitué aux particuliers les biens personnels que les Britanniques possédaient en Inde.
Selon une enquête du Bureau de la gestion des biens civils du quartier général, le montant total était de 5,3 milliards de dollars, hors ressources militaires.
(Ministère des finances, Bureau de l’histoire fiscale, Showa Fiscal History. De la fin de la guerre à la paix, "Toyo Keizai Inc.
En d'autres termes, le Japon a versé un montant considérable de compensation à la Corée, y compris 5,3 milliards de dollars en actifs d'avant-guerre et 800 millions de dollars en compensation d'après-guerre.
Le Traité fondamental Japon-Corée contient les mots suivants.
"Nous affirmons que le règlement d'après-guerre a été complètement et finalement résolu.
(Article II, Section 1)
Cependant, après avoir signé le traité, la Corée a utilisé l'argent de la liquidation du Japon pour le développement national sans verser aux bénéficiaires d'indemnisation individuels.
Il ne fait aucun doute que la croissance économique de la Corée, connue sous le nom de "Miracle du fleuve Han", a été tirée par les efforts du peuple coréen et les paiements de liquidation versés à la Corée du Nord et du Sud.
Étonnamment, le gouvernement sud-coréen n'a pas informé le public de ce traité.
Est-ce pour cacher le fait que l'argent n'a pas été versé à des particuliers mais détourné vers le développement national ou alimenté à jamais le sentiment anti-japonais? Ou les deux.
C'est pourquoi les Coréens croient toujours que le Japon n'a pas rempli sa responsabilité en matière de réparations, sont contrariés et intentent des poursuites pour des réparations qui ont été achevées au Japon.
C'est l'un des écarts importants entre le Japon et la Corée.
Le peuple coréen, ainsi que le peuple japonais, doivent être bien conscients de cela.

Cet article continue.

Es besteht keine Verpflichtung, sich zu entschuldigen oder Geld an Korea zu zahlen

2021年01月10日 04時56分32秒 | 全般
Es ist ein Kapitel, das ich am 25.07.2018 verschickt habe.
Der Schwerpunkt im Text liegt bei mir.
Das Folgende ist eine Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.
Es besteht keine Verpflichtung, sich zu entschuldigen oder Geld an Korea zu zahlen.
Korea ist kein Opfer, sondern ein Täter des japanischen Krieges.
Der japanisch-koreanische Grundvertrag ist eine Ausnahme von der internationalen Arena-Regel und wurde vollständig und endgültig geregelt, von staatlichen Reparationen bis hin zu individuellen Entschädigungen. (Artikel 2.1 der Vereinbarung)
Grundvertrag Japan-Korea
Im Grundvertrag von 1965 zwischen Japan und Korea zahlte Japan 300 Millionen US-Dollar an Freihandel, 200 Millionen US-Dollar an belastenden Kontakten und 300 Millionen US-Dollar an privaten Darlehen.
Der Gesamtbetrag betrug 800 Millionen US-Dollar.
Da dieser Betrag der damalige ist, konvertieren wir den Geldwert in die heutige Zeit.
Konzentrieren wir uns außerdem nur auf die 300 Millionen US-Dollar der 800 Millionen US-Dollar an kostenlosen Darlehen.
(Yen-Umrechnung) 300 Millionen x 360 Yen (1 = 360 Yen zu der Zeit) = 108 Milliarden US-Dollar
(umgerechnet in Preise) 108 Milliarden Yen x 10 (das Anfangsgehalt für Hochschulabsolventen betrug zu dieser Zeit etwa 20.000 Yen) = 1,08 Billionen Yen
Teilen Sie diese Zahl durch die Summe von 900.000 entschädigungsberechtigten Personen, von denen 700.000 Zwangsarbeiter und 200.000 Trostfrauen waren, wie von Südkorea behauptet (obwohl es natürlich ein Argument gibt, dass es keine Zwangsarbeiter oder Trostfrauen gab). Für diese Berechnung verwenden wir die Zahl, die auf 100% der Forderungen Südkoreas basiert.
(Bezogen auf ein Opfer der Zwangsrekrutierung) 1,8 Billionen Yen / 900.000 Menschen = 1,2 Millionen Yen pro Person
Jetzt haben wir eine vergleichbare Menge.
Die nächste Frage ist nun, ob dies hoch ist oder nicht.
Man sagt oft, dass Deutschland nach dem Krieg eine ausreichende Entschädigung geleistet hat.
Einige Leute und Zeitungen sagen, wir sollten von Deutschland lernen, also beziehen wir uns auf Deutschland.
Die deutsche Entschädigung für Zwangsarbeiter beträgt derzeit 300.000 bis 800.000 Yen.
Selbst für den teuersten jüdischen Sklavenarbeiter waren es 800.000 Yen.
Es zeigt objektiv, dass Japans Nachkriegsentschädigung für Korea zu hoch war.
Der Gesamtbetrag von 800 Millionen US-Dollar, sowohl kostenlos als auch bezahlt, betrug das 2,3-fache des damaligen Staatshaushalts Südkoreas, was zeigt, wie hoch er war.
Übrigens umfasste diese Höhe der Wiedergutmachung die gesamte koreanische Halbinsel. Sie wurden von der südkoreanischen Regierung übernommen, die sagte: "Wir werden die Menschen im Norden bezahlen, wenn wir Nordkorea wiedervereinigen, also geben Sie uns auch den Anteil des Nordens.
Darüber hinaus hat Japan die Vermögenswerte, die es vor dem Krieg in Korea hinterlassen hat, aufgegeben.
Es ist ein guter Akt der Wiedergutmachung nach dem Krieg. Es gibt einen Präzedenzfall, dass Indien, als es die Unabhängigkeit von Großbritannien erlangte, das persönliche Vermögen, das die Briten in Indien hatten, an die Einzelpersonen zurückgab.
Laut einer Umfrage des Civil Property Management Bureau des General Headquarters betrug der Gesamtbetrag 5,3 Milliarden US-Dollar ohne militärische Vermögenswerte.
(Finanzministerium, Fiscal History Office, Showa Fiscal History. Vom Kriegsende bis zum Frieden ", Toyo Keizai Inc.
Mit anderen Worten, Japan zahlte Korea eine enorme Entschädigung, darunter 5,3 Milliarden US-Dollar an Vorkriegsvermögen und 800 Millionen US-Dollar an Nachkriegsentschädigung.
Der Grundvertrag Japan-Korea enthält die folgenden Wörter.
"Wir bestätigen, dass die Nachkriegsregelung vollständig und endgültig gelöst wurde.
(Artikel II Absatz 1)
Nach der Unterzeichnung des Vertrags verwendete Korea das Liquidationsgeld aus Japan für die nationale Entwicklung, ohne einzelne Entschädigungsempfänger zu bezahlen.
Es besteht kein Zweifel, dass Koreas Wirtschaftswachstum, bekannt als "Wunder des Han-Flusses", von den Bemühungen des koreanischen Volkes und den an Nord- und Südkorea geleisteten Liquidationszahlungen getrieben wurde.
Überraschenderweise hat die südkoreanische Regierung die Öffentlichkeit nicht über diesen Vertrag informiert.
Soll es die Tatsache verbergen, dass das Geld nicht an Einzelpersonen gezahlt, sondern für die nationale Entwicklung umgeleitet wurde oder die antijapanische Stimmung für immer anheizt? Oder beides.
Aus diesem Grund glauben die Koreaner immer noch, dass Japan seiner Verantwortung für Wiedergutmachungen nicht nachgekommen ist, verärgert sind und Klagen wegen Wiedergutmachungen einreichen, die in Japan abgeschlossen wurden.
Es ist eine der bedeutenden Lücken zwischen Japan und Korea.
Sowohl das koreanische als auch das japanische Volk müssen sich dessen bewusst sein.

Dieser Artikel wird fortgesetzt.

There is no obligation to apologize or pay money to Korea.

2021年01月10日 04時49分03秒 | 全般
It is a chapter that I sent out on 2018-07-25.
The emphasis in the text is mine.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
There is no obligation to apologize or pay money to Korea.
Korea is not a victim but a perpetrator of Japan's war.
The Japan-Korea Basic Treaty is an exception to the international arena rule and has been wholly and finally settled, from state reparations to individual compensation. (Article 2.1 of the agreement)
Japan-Korea Basic Treaty
In the 1965 Basic Treaty between Japan and Korea, Japan paid $300 million in free trade, $200 million in onerous contact, and $300 million in private loans.
The total amount was $800 million.
Since this amount is the one at that time, let's convert the monetary value to the present era.
Besides, let's focus only on the $300 million of the $800 million in free loans.
(Yen conversion) $300 million x 360 yen ($1 = 360 yen at the time) = $108 billion
(converted to prices) 108 billion yen x 10 (starting salary for college graduates at the time was about 20,000 yen) = 1.08 trillion yen
Dividing this figure by the total of 900,000 people eligible for compensation, 700,000 of whom were forced laborers, and 200,000 of whom were comfort women, as claimed by South Korea (although there is naturally an argument that there were no forced laborers or comfort women, for this calculation, we will use the figure based on 100% of South Korea's claims)
(In terms of one victim of forced conscription) 1.8 trillion yen / 900,000 people = 1.2 million yen per person
Now we have a comparable amount.
Now the next question is whether this is high or not.
People often say that Germany has provided sufficient compensation after the war.
Some people and newspapers say that we should learn from Germany, so let's refer to Germany.
Germany's compensation for forced laborers is 300,000 to 800,000 yen in current value.
Even for the most expensive Jewish slave laborer, it was 800,000 yen.
It objectively shows that Japan's postwar compensation to Korea was at a too high level.
The total amount of $800 million, both free and paid, was 2.3 times the national budget of South Korea at that time, which shows how high it was.
Incidentally, this amount of reparations covered the entire Korean peninsula. They were taken by the South Korean government, which said, "We will pay the people of the North when we reunify North Korea, so give us the North's portion as well.
Furthermore, Japan has abandoned the assets it left in Korea before the war.
It is a good act of postwar reparation. There is a precedent that when India gained independence from Britain, it returned the personal assets that the British had in India to the individuals.
According to a Civil Property Management Bureau of the General Headquarters survey, the total amount was $5.3 billion, excluding military assets.
(Ministry of Finance, Fiscal History Office, Showa Fiscal History. From the End of the War to Peace," Toyo Keizai Inc.
In other words, Japan paid a tremendous amount of compensation to Korea, including $5.3 billion in prewar assets and $800 million in postwar compensation.
The Japan-Korea Basic Treaty contains the following words.
"We affirm that the postwar settlement has been completely and finally resolved.
(Article II, Section 1)
However, after signing the treaty, Korea used the liquidation money from Japan for national development without paying individual compensation recipients.
There is no doubt that Korea's economic growth, known as the "Miracle of the Han River," was driven by the efforts of the Korean people and the liquidation payments made to North and South Korea.
Surprisingly, the South Korean government has not informed the public about this treaty.
Is it to hide the fact that the money was not paid to individuals but diverted to national development or fuel anti-Japanese sentiment forever? Or both.
It is why Koreans still believe that Japan has not fulfilled its responsibility for reparations, are upset, and are filing lawsuits for reparations that have been completed in Japan.
It is one of the significant gaps between Japan and Korea.
The Korean people, as well as the Japanese people, need to be well aware of this.

This article continues.