文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Die unsichtbare Invasion von China und Südkorea

2022年05月11日 15時54分28秒 | 全般
Ich reiche das Kapitel, das ich am 27. Oktober 2010 verschickt habe, erneut ein.
Das Folgende stammt aus der Monatszeitschrift „WiLL“, die am 26. Oktober 2010 veröffentlicht wurde.
Ein dreispaltiger Artikel mit dem Titel „Die unsichtbare Invasion Chinas und Südkoreas“ von Frau Reisfeld Masami.
Die Dezember-Sonderausgabe des Monatsmagazins, die voll von diesen echten Artikeln ist, kostet 950 Yen.
Es ist voll von authentischen Artikeln, die Leute, die monatlich 5.000 bis mehrere tausend Yen Abonnementgebühren für die Zeitungen Asahi, Mainichi und Tokio zahlen, niemals für 950 Yen lesen können.
Die Abonnenten der Asahi Shimbun und anderer Zeitungen sollten ernsthaft über den Wert ihrer Produkte nachdenken.
Es ist ein Muss für die Menschen in Japan und Menschen auf der ganzen Welt.
NHK oder irgendein japanischer Fernsehsender hat nie über die Tatsachen berichtet, die dieses Papier klarstellt.
Konfuzius-Institut und die Aufstellung von Trostfrauen-Statuen:
Die Invasion in Deutschland war für die Japaner unvorstellbar entsetzlich.
Unsichtbare Aggression in Deutschland
In Deutschland schreitet die "unsichtbare Invasion" Chinas mit unvorstellbarer Wildheit voran.
Dabei sind dem Gymnasium in Deutschland bis zu 18 Konfuzius-Institute und dem Konfuzius-Institut angeschlossene „Chinesische Sprachschulen“ angeschlossen.
Japan hat 15, aber wenn man bedenkt, dass Deutschland eine so große Zahl hat, mit einer Bevölkerung von etwa 80 Millionen, ist das Verhältnis der Konfuzius-Institute in Deutschland ziemlich dicht.
Die meisten Konfuzius-Institute sind an Universitäten angegliedert und übernehmen „Gesellschaften des öffentlichen Dienstes“ (Verein). Nach wie vor werden unter anderem die Städte Badgerhorn und Düsseldorf (seit 2020) von der AG (AG) verwaltet.
Interessanterweise wurde in der Stadt Stuttgart, dem Mekka von Mercedes-Benz und BMW, die Rede von der Gründung eines Konfuzius-Instituts zerschlagen, obwohl zwei staatliche Universitäten, eine in Informatik und die andere in Technologie, sich bereit erklärt hatten, mit dem Konfuzius-Institut zusammenzuarbeiten .
Laut der elektronischen Stuttgarter Zeitung (3.6.2015) war der Zusammenbruch auf "finanzielle Probleme" zurückzuführen.
Was bedeutete es, dass die Chinesen den Bau des Konfuzius-Instituts finanzieren sollten?
Stuttgart ist das Zentrum der deutschen Automobilindustrie und auch eine finanziell prosperierende Stadt, daher wäre es seltsam, wenn der Grund "Geld" wäre.
Es wäre seltsam, wenn der Grund "Geld" wäre, denn Stuttgart ist auch eine wirtschaftlich prosperierende Stadt im Herzen der deutschen Automobilindustrie.
Die schwäbischen Stuttgarter sind in Deutschland notorisch „sparsam“, vielleicht wollten sie nur ungern spenden.
Wie es in dem Artikel heißt, waren die beiden Universitäten, die sich gemeldet hatten, „eifrig“, ein Konfuzius-Institut zu gründen.
Denkbar ist, dass auf nachrichtendienstlicher Ebene gestoppt wurde, es wäre eine Schande, wenn in der Automobilindustrie „Industriespionage“ betrieben würde.
Deutschland wusste bereits seit mehr als 20 Jahren, dass China anderen Ländern geistiges Eigentum stehlen würde.
Ich habe damals in Teilzeit bei einem namhaften deutschen internationalen Unternehmen auf einer renommierten Messe gearbeitet.
Ein Chinese versuchte, das neueste Modell dieser Firma zu fotografieren.
Der deutsche Manager entdeckte ihn und sagte: „Keine Bilder! Er rief: „So kopieren sie alles“, spie er aus.
In der Vergangenheit lagen die Handys des Herstellers auf dem deutschen und europäischen Markt im Trend.
Es verlor jedoch nach und nach seine internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und war 2005 gezwungen, seinen Geschäftsbereich für Mobiltelefone an ein taiwanesisches Unternehmen zu verkaufen.
Die einzig verbliebene Produktionsstätte in Deutschland ging 2014 in Konkurs, und das „deutsche Ende des Es“ wurde als „Tod des Endes“ bezeichnet (Stern, elektronische Ausgabe / 25.12.2016).
Die Stadt Düsseldorf ist bei der Einführung von 5G aktiv, denn der Telekom-Riese Deutsche Telekom testet 5G seit dem 16. Juni 2020. Infolgedessen schwelt die Debatte, ob Huawei ausgeschlossen werden soll oder nicht.
Das „Nein zur Eliminierung von Huawei“ aus dem Geschäftslager, einschließlich des Telekom-CEO Tim Hedges, wurde von dem CDU-Politiker und Anti-Spionage-Zar Christophe Bernstiel und chinaskeptischen Politikern der Sozialdemokratischen Partei vehement abgelehnt.
Bundeskanzlerin Merkel sieht sich den Beschwerden ihrer Kollegen gegenüber, wenn sie zu China neigt und Führungskräfte globaler Unternehmen China verlassen.
Die Realitäten des Konfuzius-Instituts
Was ist los im Konfuzius-Institut in Deutschland?
Natürlich gibt es Chinesischkurse, aber auch viele andere Veranstaltungen.
Viele der Projekte des Konfuzius-Instituts richten sich an Kinder und Jugendliche.
Unter ihnen scheint das Kurzzeitstudium im Ausland das Highlight des Programms zu sein.
Die Konfuzius-Institute in ganz Deutschland organisieren diese Veranstaltungen in den Frühjahrs-, Sommer- und Herbstferien.
Das Konfuzius-Institut in Freiburg, das diese Veranstaltung seit 2011 plant, plante für das diesjährige Osterfest ein „China-Camp“.
Ziel ist es, dass junge Menschen bis 19 in China bleiben und die „empFeuer in der Mitte."
Sie müssen ihre Reisekosten, ihr Taschengeld und ihre Versicherung bezahlen, aber China übernimmt alle Kosten für ihren Aufenthalt in China, einschließlich Hotels, Verpflegung und Transport, was ziemlich großzügig ist.
Ich frage mich, wie beeindruckt die Eltern, die an der Beratung vor der Abreise teilgenommen haben, von Chinas Wirtschaftskraft sein werden, dass „China alle Ausgaben für den Aufenthalt in China übernimmt.
Die Hauptziele sind Shanghai, Peking und Nanjing.
Sie werden den Hühner-Ming-Tempel, das Zhongshan-Grab von Sun Yat-sen und die Stadt Nanjing in Nanjing besuchen.
Auch das Heidelberger Konfuzius-Institut veranstaltet im Januar 2018 eine Ausstellung mit dem Titel „80 Jahre nach dem Massaker von Nanjing“, zu der John Labes Enkel Thomas Labe eingeladen ist.
Das Museum wird während seines Aufenthalts verschiedene Aktivitäten anbieten, darunter chinesische Sprachkurse, Kalligrafie, Qigong, das Betrachten chinesischer Kampfkünste und chinesische Musik.
Ein Junge, der 2019 am „China Camp“ des Konfuzius-Instituts Nürnberg-Erlangen teilnahm, schrieb in seinem Bericht: „Was für eine großartige Gelegenheit, uigurisches Essen zu probieren“ und „Mein Aufenthalt in China war die beste Zeit meines Lebens.
Ein anderes Mädchen schrieb: „Tolle Erinnerungen, neue Freunde und Begegnungen mit dem Unbekannten. Du solltest ins China-Camp gehen“.
Ein anderes Mädchen schrieb: „Chinesisch ist eine Sprache, die mich sehr interessiert“ und „Ich werde meine wunderbare Erfahrung in China nie vergessen“.
Das Konfuzius-Institut breitete sich schnell in Deutschland aus, aber die Bewegung, es auszuschließen, ist nach und nach in den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada, Schweden, Frankreich und zuletzt in Deutschland als Reaktion auf die Schließung des Konfuzius-Instituts an der Freien Universität Brüssel entstanden.
Laut der elektronischen Ausgabe des General Anzeigers (15.01.2020) hielt die nordrhein-westfälische Ministerin für Bildung und Wissenschaft, Isabelle Pfeiffer-Ponsgen, eine Rede zu deren Wirkung sollte das Konfuzius-Institut eingestellt werden.
Als Antwort fügte die Universität Düsseldorf hinzu: „Es gibt keinen konkreten Grund für die Beendigung unserer Zusammenarbeit, aber wir können nicht sagen, dass das CPC überhaupt keinen Einfluss hat.
Jens Brandenburg, Mitglied der liberalen Partei FDP, die zu Arbeitergruppen neigt, fragte das Parlament, ob das Konfuzius-Institut eine politische Organisation ist, die direkt der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas untersteht.
In ihrer Antwort sagte die Regierung, dass Hanban, das Konfuzius-Institut (die Regierungsbehörde, die das Konfuzius-Institut weltweit betreibt), direkt dem Propagandabüro der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas untersteht.
Brandenburg fügte hinzu: „Im Konfuzius-Institut gibt es keine akademische Freiheit, und es gibt Zensur. Was es tut, ist politische Aktivität. Dass Themen wie Menschenrechte in Tibet, Taiwan, Uiguren und China am Konfuzius-Institut tabu sind ist ein Beweis dafür. Wir sind uns dessen bewusst", antwortete er.
Auch die Stadt Hamburg, die vom One Belt One Road profitierte und das erste Konfuzius-Institut Deutschlands gründete, hat sich entschieden, ihre Universitätszugehörigkeit in diesem Jahr zu beenden.
Der Grund sei "eine Änderung in Chinas akademischer Politik".
Laut Wetterkurier (12.02.2020) hat das Konfuzius-Institut in Bremen beschlossen, die atemberaubenden Lehrer in China zu eliminieren.
Auf der anderen Seite gibt es immer noch Menschen, die immer wieder pro-chinesische Äußerungen machen.
Professor Thomas Heberle, Direktor des Konfuzius-Instituts an der Universität Duisburg-Essen, hat die "Propaganda-Vorwürfe" des Konfuzius-Instituts verteidigt.
Professor Heberle arbeitete von 1977 bis 1981 für einen Pekinger Verlag, wo er die Kulturrevolution und die nachfolgenden politischen Entwicklungen in China in Echtzeit miterlebte.
Obwohl er 2013 von der Universität Duisburg-Essen emeritierte, bleibt er seit 2010 Direktor des Konfuzius-Instituts und ist Gastprofessor an der Zhejiang University, der Renmin University of China und der Nankai University.
Das Papier, das er kürzlich geschrieben hat, ist „Von oben nach unten: eine Studie der chinesischen Sozialdisziplin“.
Es sollte zeigen, wie gut es dem Xi-Regime gelungen ist, die Gesellschaft zu „disziplinieren“.
Das Buch konzentriert sich auf die „moralische Politik“ der „sozialen Disziplin“ der Xi-Regierung, um das Problem der Bestechung in der Partei voranzutreiben, die sie seit 2014 umsetzt.
Zu den Fallstudien gehört ein Überwachungssystem für Kreditkartendaten, das "vom Westen als ein vollständiges digitales Überwachungssystem angeführt wurde,
Außerdem ist im Hinblick auf Corona im Jahr 2020 die Schaffung eines Bewertungssystems für „Internet und Zivilisation ethnischer Minderheiten“ für Regierungspersonal auch ein Beispiel für „soziale Disziplin“.
Es ist ein „Propagandapapier“, das den Eindruck einer Überlegenheit Chinas gegenüber Deutschland erwecke, wo Digitalisierungspolitiken wie die „Corona-App“ und das „Notrufsystem“ nicht so weit gegangen seien, wie man es sich erhofft habe, „von ihnen zu lernen“.
Deutschland hat ein Anti-Spionage-Gesetz.
Wer gegen das Gesetz verstößt, wird nach § 99 StGB mit einer Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder einer Geldstrafe bestraft.
Verbrechen wird mit Freiheitsstrafe mit Arbeit für nicht weniger t bestraft
han ein Jahr und nicht mehr als zehn Jahre.
Laut der elektronischen Version der „Frankwalter Allgemeinen Zeitung“ (30.01.2020) wurden der vom Auswärtigen Amt abgeordnete und bis 2017 im Europäischen Parlament tätige Gehardt Sabatil und zwei weitere Personen „der Spionage durch China verdächtigt ."
In der elektronischen Ausgabe von „Tageshau“ (26.5.2020) heißt es weiter, dass das Bundeskriminalamt im Januar 2020 ein Zwangsermittlungsverfahren gegen Sabatil wegen des Vorwurfs der „Spionage“ eingeleitet und auf Ersuchen des Generalbundesanwalts a Durchsuchung seiner Wohnung und seines Büros.
Herr Sabatil sei ein „Informant, Berater und Rekrutierer“ des chinesischen Außenministeriums gewesen, der Informationen weitergegeben und Geld an eine Person mit dem Decknamen „Jimmy“ erhalten habe, die für die Shanghai European Society in Shanghai zur Tarnung gearbeitet habe, hieß es.
Herr Sabatil ist der Leiter einer in Brüssel ansässigen Lobbying-Firma namens Utop, nachdem er 2017 sein Amt im Europäischen Parlament beendet hatte “, erklärt Chen Yonglin, ehemaliger Erster Sekretär Chinas (German Epoch Times, elektronische Ausgabe / 21.02.2020).
Er scheint übrigens die doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft und einen ungarischen Pass zu besitzen.
Er kommt aus einem kosmopolitischen Umfeld, was ihn zu einem guten Spion macht.
Dieser Artikel wird fortgesetzt.

La invasión invisible de China y Corea del Sur

2022年05月11日 15時51分12秒 | 全般
Vuelvo a enviar el capítulo que envié el 27 de octubre de 2010.
Lo siguiente es de la revista mensual "WiLL", publicada el 26 de octubre de 2010.
Un artículo de tres columnas titulado "La invasión invisible de China y Corea del Sur" por la Sra. Reisfeld Masami.
El número especial de diciembre de la revista mensual, que está lleno de estos artículos genuinos, tiene un precio de 950 yenes.
Está lleno de artículos genuinos que las personas que pagan cuotas de suscripción de 5.000 a varios miles de yenes por mes a los periódicos de Asahi, Mainichi y Tokio nunca pueden leer por 950 yenes.
Los suscriptores del Asahi Shimbun y otros periódicos deben considerar seriamente el valor de sus productos.
Es una lectura obligada para la gente de Japón y de todo el mundo.
NHK o cualquier estación de televisión japonesa nunca ha informado de los hechos que este documento aclara.
Instituto Confucio y la instalación de estatuas de mujeres de solaz:
La invasión de Alemania fue inimaginablemente horrible para los japoneses.
Agresión invisible en Alemania
En Alemania, la "invasión invisible" de China avanza con una ferocidad inimaginable.
Como parte de esto, hay hasta 18 Institutos Confucio y "escuelas de idioma chino" afiliadas al Instituto Confucio en Alemania adjuntas al Gimnasio.
Japón tiene 15, pero cuando consideras que Alemania tiene un número tan grande, con una población de alrededor de 80 millones, la proporción de Institutos Confucio en Alemania es bastante densa.
La mayoría de los Institutos Confucio están afiliados a universidades y aceptan "corporaciones de servicios públicos" (Verein). Aún así, las ciudades de Badgerhorn y Dusseldorf (desde entonces 2020), entre otras, han sido administradas por AG (AG).
Curiosamente, en la ciudad de Stuttgart, la meca de Mercedes-Benz y BMW, se aplastó la idea de crear un Instituto Confucio, a pesar de que dos universidades estatales, una de informática y otra de tecnología, se habían presentado para colaborar con el Instituto Confucio. .
Según el diario electrónico de Stuttgart (3 de junio de 2015), el colapso se debió a "problemas financieros".
¿Qué significaba que se suponía que los chinos proporcionarían fondos para la construcción del Instituto Confucio?
Stuttgart es el centro de la industria automotriz de Alemania y también es una ciudad financieramente próspera, por lo que sería extraño que la razón fuera "dinero".
Sería extraño que la razón fuera "dinero", ya que Stuttgart también es una ciudad económicamente próspera en el corazón de la industria automotriz alemana.
La gente de la región de Suabia, donde se encuentra Stuttgart, es notoriamente "ahorrativa" en Alemania, por lo que tal vez solo eran reacios a dar.
Sin embargo, como dice el artículo, las dos universidades que se presentaron estaban "ansiosas" por establecer un Instituto Confucio.
Es concebible que se hiciera un alto a nivel de inteligencia, diciendo que sería una vergüenza que se hiciera "espionaje industrial" en la industria del automóvil.
Alemania ya sabía desde hacía más de 20 años que China robaría propiedad intelectual de otros países.
En ese momento, trabajaba a tiempo parcial en una importante empresa internacional alemana en una famosa feria comercial.
Un chino intentó tomar una foto del último modelo de esta empresa.
El gerente alemán lo vio y dijo: "¡No hay fotos! Exclamó: "Así es exactamente como copian todo", escupió.
En el pasado, los teléfonos del fabricante estaban de moda en los mercados alemán y europeo.
Sin embargo, perdió gradualmente su competitividad internacional y, en 2005, se vio obligada a vender su unidad de negocio de teléfonos móviles a una empresa taiwanesa.
El único sitio de producción que quedaba en Alemania quebró en 2014, y el "final alemán de It" ha sido llamado la "muerte del final" (Stern, edición electrónica / 25 de diciembre de 2016).
La ciudad de Düsseldorf se ha mostrado activa en la introducción de 5G, ya que el gigante de las telecomunicaciones Deutsche Telekom ha estado probando 5G desde el 16 de junio de 2020. Como resultado, el debate sobre si excluir o no a Huawei sigue latente.
El "no a la eliminación de Huawei" del campo empresarial, incluido el CEO de Telecom, Tim Hedges, ha sido rechazado con vehemencia por el político de la Unión Demócrata Cristiana y zar antiespionaje, Christophe Bernstiel, y los políticos escépticos de China en el Partido Socialdemócrata.
La canciller Merkel se enfrenta a las quejas de sus colegas si se inclina por China y los ejecutivos de las empresas globales para salir de China.
Las Realidades del Instituto Confucio
¿Qué está pasando en el Instituto Confucio en Alemania?
Hay, por supuesto, cursos de chino, pero también hay muchos otros eventos.
Muchos de los proyectos del Instituto Confucio estaban dirigidos a niños y adolescentes.
Entre ellos, el programa de estudios a corto plazo en el extranjero parece ser lo más destacado del programa.
Los Institutos Confucio de toda Alemania organizan estos eventos durante las vacaciones escolares de primavera, verano y otoño.
El Instituto Confucio de Friburgo, que organiza este evento desde 2011, planeó realizar un "campamento de China" para coincidir con la Pascua de este año.
El propósito es que los jóvenes de hasta 19 años se queden en China y experimenten el "empire en el medio."
Tendrán que pagar sus gastos de viaje, dinero de bolsillo y seguro, pero China se hará cargo de todos los costos de su estadía en China, incluidos los hoteles, la comida y el transporte, lo cual es bastante generoso.
Me pregunto qué tan impresionados estarán los padres que asistieron a la orientación previa a la partida con el poder económico de China de que "China cubre todos los gastos de estadía en China.
Los principales destinos son Shanghai, Beijing y Nanjing.
Visitarán el Templo Chicken Ming, la Tumba Zhongshan de Sun Yat-sen y la ciudad de Nanjing en Nanjing.
El Instituto Confucio de Heidelberg también albergará una exposición llamada "80 años después de la masacre de Nanjing" en enero de 2018, invitando al nieto de John Labe, Thomas Labe.
El museo ofrecerá diversas actividades durante su estadía, incluidas clases de idioma chino, caligrafía, Qigong, visualización de artes marciales chinas y música china.
Un niño que asistió al "Campamento de China" del Instituto Confucio de Nuremberg-Erlangen en 2019 escribió en su informe: "Qué gran oportunidad para probar la comida uigur" y "Mi estadía en China fue el mejor momento de mi vida".
Otra niña escribió: "Grandes recuerdos, nuevos amigos y encuentros con lo desconocido. Deberías ir al campamento de China".
Otra niña escribió: "El chino es un idioma que me interesa mucho" y "nunca olvidaré mi maravillosa experiencia en China".
El Instituto Confucio se difundió rápidamente en Alemania, pero el movimiento para excluirlo ha surgido gradualmente en los Estados Unidos, Canadá, Suecia, Francia y, más recientemente, en Alemania en respuesta al cierre del Instituto Confucio en la Universidad Libre de Bruselas.
Según la edición electrónica de General Anzeiger (15 de enero de 2020), la ministra de Educación y Ciencia de Renania del Norte-Westfalia, Isabelle Pfeiffer-Ponsgen, pronunció un discurso sobre su efecto en caso de discontinuar el Instituto Confucio.
En respuesta, la Universidad de Düsseldorf agregó: "No hay una causa específica para la finalización de nuestra cooperación, pero no podemos decir que el PCCh no influya en absoluto".
Jens Brandenburg, miembro del partido liberal FDP, que se inclina hacia los grupos de trabajadores, preguntó al parlamento si el Instituto Confucio es una organización política directamente bajo el control del Partido Comunista Chino.
En su respuesta, el gobierno dijo que Hanban, el Instituto Confucio (la agencia gubernamental que dirige el Instituto Confucio en todo el mundo), depende directamente de la oficina de propaganda del Partido Comunista Chino.
Brandenburg agregó: "En el Instituto Confucio, no hay libertad académica y hay censura. Lo que hace es actividad política. El hecho de que temas como los derechos humanos en el Tíbet, Taiwán, los uigures y China sean tabú en el Instituto Confucio es prueba de ello. Somos conscientes de ello”, respondió.
Incluso la ciudad de Hamburgo, que se benefició de One Belt One Road y estableció el primer Instituto Confucio de Alemania, decidió finalizar su afiliación universitaria este año.
La razón es "un cambio en la política académica de China".
Según Weather Courier (12 de febrero de 2020), el Instituto Confucio de Bremen ha decidido eliminar a los impresionantes maestros de China.
Por otro lado, todavía hay personas que repetidamente hacen declaraciones a favor de China.
El profesor Thomas Heberle, director del Instituto Confucio de la Universidad de Duisburg-Essen, ha defendido las "acusaciones de propaganda" del Instituto Confucio.
El profesor Heberle trabajó para una editorial con sede en Beijing desde 1977 hasta 1981, donde experimentó la Revolución Cultural y los desarrollos políticos posteriores en China en tiempo real.
Aunque se jubiló de la Universidad de Duisburg-Essen en 2013, sigue siendo el director del Instituto Confucio, cargo que ocupa desde 2010, y es profesor invitado en la Universidad de Zhejiang, la Universidad Renmin de China y la Universidad de Nankai.
El artículo que escribió recientemente es "De arriba a abajo: un estudio de la disciplina social china".
Tenía la intención de mostrar qué tan bien el régimen de Xi ha sido capaz de "disciplinar" a la sociedad.
El libro se centra en la "política moral" de la "disciplina social" de la administración Xi para promover el problema del soborno en el Partido, que ha estado implementando desde 2014.
Los estudios de casos incluyen un sistema de monitoreo de datos de tarjetas de crédito que ha sido "encabezado por Occidente como un sistema de vigilancia digital total,
Además, con respecto a Corona en 2020, la creación de un sistema de evaluación de "Internet y civilización de las minorías étnicas" para el personal del gobierno también es un ejemplo de "disciplina social".
Es un "documento de propaganda" que da la impresión de la superioridad de China sobre Alemania, donde las políticas de digitalización como la "Corona App" y el "Sistema de alarma de emergencia" no han ido tan lejos como se esperaba como una forma de "aprender de ellos".
Alemania tiene una ley contra el espionaje.
De acuerdo con el artículo 99 del Código Penal alemán, una persona que viola la ley es sentenciada a prisión con trabajo por no más de cinco años o una multa.
El delito grave se castiga con prisión con trabajo por no menos de than de un año y no más de diez años.
Según la versión electrónica del "periódico Frankwalter Allgemeine" (30 de enero de 2020), Gehardt Sabatil, quien fue adscrito del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Alemania y trabajó en el Parlamento Europeo hasta 2017, y otras dos personas eran "sospechosas de espiar a través de China". ."
La edición electrónica de "Tageshau" (26 de mayo de 2020) también afirma que en enero de 2020, la Oficina Federal de Policía Criminal inició una investigación obligatoria de Sabatil por cargos de "espionaje" y, a pedido del Fiscal General Federal, realizó un allanamiento de su domicilio y oficina.
Sabatil era un "informante, asesor y reclutador" del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de China, que pasó información y recibió dinero a una persona con el nombre en clave "Jimmy", que trabajaba para la Sociedad Europea de Shanghái en Shanghái para camuflarse, dijo.
El Sr. Sabatil es el jefe de una firma de cabildeo con sede en Bruselas llamada Utop después de que terminó sus funciones en el Parlamento Europeo en 2017. "Al mismo tiempo, pudo recibir dinero 'legalmente' de China al tomar una cátedra visitante en la Universidad de Sichuan. ”, explica Chen Yonglin, ex primer secretario de China (La Gran Época en Alemania, edición electrónica / 21 de febrero de 2020).
Por cierto, parece tener doble ciudadanía y un pase húngaro.
Proviene de un ambiente cosmopolita, lo que le convierte en un buen espía.
Este artículo continúa.

L'invasione invisibile di Cina e Corea del Sud

2022年05月11日 15時48分04秒 | 全般
Ripropongo il capitolo che ho inviato il 27 ottobre 2010.
Quanto segue è tratto dalla rivista mensile "WiLL", pubblicata il 26 ottobre 2010.
Un articolo a tre colonne intitolato "L'invasione invisibile della Cina e della Corea del Sud" della signora Reisfeld Masami.
Il numero speciale di dicembre della rivista mensile, che è piena di questi articoli genuini, ha un prezzo di 950 yen.
È pieno di articoli autentici che le persone che pagano abbonamenti da 5.000 a diverse migliaia di yen al mese ai giornali Asahi, Mainichi e Tokyo non possono mai leggere per 950 yen.
Gli abbonati all'Asahi Shimbun e ad altri giornali dovrebbero considerare seriamente il valore dei loro prodotti.
È una lettura obbligata per il popolo giapponese e per le persone di tutto il mondo.
NHK o qualsiasi stazione televisiva giapponese non ha mai riportato i fatti che questo documento chiarisce.
Istituto Confucio e l'installazione di statue di donne di conforto:
L'invasione in Germania fu inimmaginabilmente orribile per i giapponesi.
Aggressione invisibile in Germania
In Germania, l'"invasione invisibile" della Cina procede con una ferocia inimmaginabile.
Come parte di questo, ci sono ben 18 "scuole di lingua cinese" affiliate al Confucio Institutes e all'Istituto Confucio in Germania annesse al Gymnasium.
Il Giappone ne ha 15, ma se si considera che la Germania ne ha un numero così grande, con una popolazione di circa 80 milioni, il rapporto degli Istituti Confucio in Germania è piuttosto denso.
La maggior parte degli Istituti Confucio sono affiliati alle università e prendono "società di servizio pubblico" (Verein). Tuttavia, le città di Badgerhorn e Dusseldorf (da allora 2020), tra le altre, sono state gestite dall'AG (AG).
È interessante notare che nella città di Stoccarda, la mecca di Mercedes-Benz e BMW, il discorso sulla creazione di un Istituto Confucio è stato represso, anche se due università statali, una in informatica e l'altra in tecnologia, si erano fatte avanti per collaborare con l'Istituto Confucio .
Secondo il quotidiano elettronico di Stoccarda (3 giugno 2015), il crollo sarebbe dovuto a "problemi finanziari".
Cosa significava che i cinesi avrebbero dovuto fornire finanziamenti per la costruzione dell'Istituto Confucio?
Stoccarda è il centro dell'industria automobilistica tedesca ed è anche una città finanziariamente prospera, quindi sarebbe strano se il motivo fosse "il denaro".
Sarebbe strano se il motivo fosse "soldi" poiché Stoccarda è anche una città economicamente prospera nel cuore dell'industria automobilistica tedesca.
Gli abitanti della regione sveva dove si trova Stoccarda sono notoriamente "parsimoniosi" in Germania, quindi forse erano solo riluttanti a dare.
Tuttavia, come si legge nell'articolo, le due università che si sono fatte avanti erano "desiderate" di fondare un Istituto Confucio.
È ipotizzabile che si sia fermato a livello di intelligence, dicendo che sarebbe un peccato se nell'industria automobilistica si attuasse "spionaggio industriale".
La Germania sapeva già da più di 20 anni che la Cina avrebbe rubato la proprietà intellettuale da altri paesi.
A quel tempo, lavoravo part-time presso un'importante azienda internazionale tedesca in una famosa fiera.
Un uomo cinese ha cercato di scattare una foto dell'ultimo modello di questa azienda.
Il manager tedesco lo ha notato e ha detto: "Niente foto! Ha esclamato:" È esattamente così che copiano tutto", ha sputato fuori.
In passato, i telefoni del produttore erano alla moda nei mercati tedesco ed europeo.
Tuttavia, ha gradualmente perso la sua competitività internazionale e, nel 2005, è stata costretta a vendere la sua unità aziendale di telefoni a un'azienda taiwanese.
L'unico sito di produzione rimasto in Germania è fallito nel 2014 e la "fine tedesca di It è stata chiamata la" morte della fine" (Stern, edizione elettronica / 25 dicembre 2016).
La città di Dusseldorf è stata attiva nell'introduzione del 5G, poiché il gigante delle telecomunicazioni Deutsche Telekom ha testato il 5G dal 16 giugno 2020. Di conseguenza, il dibattito sull'esclusione o meno di Huawei è ancora acceso.
Il "no all'eliminazione di Huawei" dal campo degli affari, incluso il CEO di Telecom Tim Hedges, è stato contrastato con veemenza dal politico dell'Unione Cristiano Democratica e dallo zar anti-spionaggio Christophe Bernstiel e dai politici scettici sulla Cina del Partito socialdemocratico.
La cancelliera Merkel affronta le lamentele dei suoi colleghi se si rivolge alla Cina e ai dirigenti di aziende globali per lasciare la Cina.
Le realtà dell'Istituto Confucio
Cosa sta succedendo all'Istituto Confucio in Germania?
Ci sono, ovviamente, corsi di lingua cinese, ma ci sono anche molti altri eventi.
Molti dei progetti dell'Istituto Confucio erano rivolti a bambini e adolescenti.
Tra questi, il programma di studio all'estero a breve termine sembra essere il momento clou del programma.
Gli Istituti Confucio di tutta la Germania organizzano questi eventi durante le vacanze scolastiche primaverili, estive e autunnali.
L'Istituto Confucio di Friburgo, che organizza questo evento dal 2011, ha programmato di organizzare un "campo cinese" in concomitanza con la Pasqua di quest'anno.
Lo scopo è far sì che i giovani fino a 19 anni rimangano in Cina e vivano l'"emp
sono nel mezzo."
Dovranno pagare le spese di viaggio, la paghetta e l'assicurazione, ma la Cina sosterrà tutti i costi per il loro soggiorno in Cina, inclusi hotel, cibo e trasporti, il che è piuttosto generoso.
Mi chiedo quanto saranno colpiti i genitori che hanno assistito alla guida prima della partenza dal potere economico cinese che "la Cina copre tutte le spese per rimanere in Cina.
Le destinazioni principali sono Shanghai, Pechino e Nanchino.
Visiteranno il tempio Chicken Ming, la tomba Zhongshan di Sun Yat-sen e la città di Nanchino a Nanchino.
L'Heidelberg Confucio Institute ospita anche una mostra intitolata "80 anni dopo il massacro di Nanchino" nel gennaio 2018, invitando il nipote di John Labe, Thomas Labe.
Il museo offrirà varie attività durante il suo soggiorno, tra cui lezioni di lingua cinese, calligrafia, Qigong, osservazione di arti marziali cinesi e musica cinese.
Un ragazzo che ha frequentato il "China Camp" dell'Istituto Confucio di Norimberga-Erlangen nel 2019 ha scritto nel suo rapporto: "Che grande opportunità per provare il cibo uiguro" e "Il mio soggiorno in Cina è stato il periodo migliore della mia vita.
Un'altra ragazza ha scritto: "Grandi ricordi, nuovi amici e incontri con l'ignoto. Dovresti andare al campo in Cina".
Un'altra ragazza ha scritto: "Il cinese è una lingua che mi interessa molto" e "Non dimenticherò mai la mia meravigliosa esperienza in Cina".
L'Istituto Confucio si è diffuso rapidamente in Germania, ma il movimento per escluderlo è gradualmente emerso negli Stati Uniti, Canada, Svezia, Francia e, più recentemente, in Germania in risposta alla chiusura dell'Istituto Confucio presso la Libera Università di Bruxelles.
Secondo l'edizione elettronica del generale Anzeiger (15 gennaio 2020), il ministro dell'Istruzione e della scienza della Renania settentrionale-Vestfalia, Isabelle Pfeiffer-Ponsgen, ha pronunciato un discorso sul suo effetto dovrebbe interrompere l'Istituto Confucio.
In risposta, l'Università di Dusseldorf ha aggiunto: "Non esiste una causa specifica per la cessazione della nostra cooperazione, ma non possiamo dire che il PCC non influenzi affatto.
Jens Brandenburg, membro del partito liberale FDP, che tende ai gruppi operai, ha chiesto al parlamento se l'Istituto Confucio sia un'organizzazione politica direttamente sotto il controllo del Partito Comunista Cinese.
Nella sua risposta, il governo ha affermato che Hanban, l'Istituto Confucio (l'agenzia governativa che gestisce l'Istituto Confucio in tutto il mondo), è direttamente sotto l'ufficio di propaganda del Partito Comunista Cinese.
Brandeburgo ha aggiunto: "Nell'Istituto Confucio non c'è libertà accademica e c'è censura. Quello che fa è attività politica. Il fatto che questioni come i diritti umani in Tibet, Taiwan, uigura e Cina siano tabù all'Istituto Confucio ne è la prova. Ne siamo consapevoli", ha risposto.
Anche la città di Amburgo, che ha beneficiato della One Belt One Road e ha fondato il primo Istituto Confucio della Germania, ha deciso di porre fine alla sua affiliazione universitaria quest'anno.
Il motivo è "un cambiamento nella politica accademica cinese".
Secondo il Weather Courier (12 febbraio 2020), l'Istituto Confucio di Brema ha deciso di eliminare gli insegnanti mozzafiato in Cina.
D'altra parte, ci sono ancora persone che fanno ripetutamente dichiarazioni pro-Cina.
Il professor Thomas Heberle, direttore dell'Istituto Confucio dell'Università di Duisburg-Essen, ha difeso le "accuse di propaganda" dell'Istituto Confucio.
Il professor Heberle ha lavorato per una casa editrice con sede a Pechino dal 1977 al 1981, dove ha vissuto in tempo reale la Rivoluzione Culturale e i successivi sviluppi politici in Cina.
Sebbene si sia ritirato dall'Università di Duisburg-Essen nel 2013, rimane direttore dell'Istituto Confucio, posizione che ricopre dal 2010, ed è professore in visita presso la Zhejiang University, la Renmin University of China e la Nankai University.
Il documento che ha scritto di recente è "Da cima a fondo: uno studio sulla disciplina sociale cinese".
Intende mostrare quanto bene il regime di Xi sia stato in grado di "disciplinare" la società.
Il libro si concentra sulla "politica morale" della "disciplina sociale" dell'amministrazione Xi per promuovere il problema della corruzione nel Partito, che sta attuando dal 2014.
I casi di studio includono un sistema di monitoraggio dei dati delle carte di credito che è stato "guidato dall'Occidente come un sistema di sorveglianza digitale totale,
Inoltre, per quanto riguarda Corona nel 2020, la creazione di un sistema di valutazione per "Internet e civiltà delle minoranze etniche" per il personale governativo è anche un esempio di "disciplina sociale".
È un "carta di propaganda" che dà l'impressione della superiorità della Cina sulla Germania, dove le politiche di digitalizzazione come la "Corona App" e il "Sistema di allarme di emergenza" non sono andate così lontano come un modo per "imparare da loro".
La Germania ha una legge anti-spia.
Secondo l'articolo 99 del codice penale tedesco, una persona che viola la legge è condannata alla reclusione per lavoro per non più di cinque anni o alla multa.
Il delitto è punito con la reclusione con lavoro per non meno di tHan un anno e non più di dieci anni.
Secondo la versione elettronica del "Giornale Frankwalter Allgemeine" (30 gennaio 2020), Gehardt Sabatil, che è stato distaccato dal ministero degli Esteri tedesco e ha lavorato al Parlamento europeo fino al 2017, e altre due persone sono stati "sospettati di spionaggio attraverso la Cina ."
L'edizione elettronica di "Tageshau" (26 maggio 2020) afferma inoltre che nel gennaio 2020 l'Ufficio federale di polizia criminale ha avviato un'indagine obbligatoria su Sabatil con l'accusa di "spionaggio" e, su richiesta del procuratore generale federale, ha condotto un perquisizione della sua casa e del suo ufficio.
Il signor Sabatil era un "informatore, consulente e reclutatore" per il ministero degli Esteri cinese, che ha passato informazioni e ricevuto denaro a una persona con il nome in codice "Jimmy", che ha lavorato per la Shanghai European Society a Shanghai per mimetizzarsi, ha affermato.
Il Sig. Sabatil è a capo di una società di lobbying con sede a Bruxelles chiamata Utop dopo aver terminato i suoi doveri al Parlamento europeo nel 2017. "Allo stesso tempo, è stato in grado di ricevere 'legalmente' denaro dalla Cina prendendo una cattedra in visita presso l'Università di Sichuan ”, spiega Chen Yonglin, ex primo segretario della Cina (tedesco Epoch Times, edizione elettronica / 21 febbraio 2020).
Per inciso, sembra avere la doppia cittadinanza e un lasciapassare ungherese.
Proviene da un ambiente cosmopolita, il che lo rende una buona spia.
Questo articolo continua.

The Invisible Invasion of China and South Korea

2022年05月11日 15時33分40秒 | 全般
I am re-submitting the chapter I sent out on October 27, 2010.
The following is from the monthly magazine "WiLL," published on October 26, 2010.
A three-column article titled "The Invisible Invasion of China and South Korea" by Ms. Reisfeld Masami.
The December special issue of the monthly magazine, which is full of these genuine articles, is priced at 950 yen.
It is full of genuine articles that people who pay subscription fees of 5,000 to several thousand yen per month to Asahi, Mainichi, and Tokyo newspapers can never read for 950 yen.
The subscribers to the Asahi Shimbun and other newspapers should seriously consider the value of their products.
It is a must-read for the people of Japan and people around the world.
NHK or any Japanese TV station has never reported the facts that this paper clarifies.
Confucius Institute and the installation of comfort women statues:
The invasion in Germany was unimaginably horrific for the Japanese.
Invisible Aggression in Germany
In Germany, China's "invisible invasion" is progressing with an unimaginable ferocity.

As part of this, there are as many as 18 Confucius Institutes and Confucius Institute-affiliated "Chinese language schools" in Germany attached to the Gymnasium.
Japan has 15, but when you consider that Germany has such a large number, with a population of about 80 million, the ratio of Confucius Institutes in Germany is quite dense.
Most of the Confucius Institutes are affiliated with universities and take "public service corporations" (Verein). Still, the cities of Badgerhorn and Dusseldorf (since then 2020), among others, have been managed by the AG (AG).
Interestingly, in the city of Stuttgart, the mecca of Mercedes-Benz and BMW, talk of creating a Confucius Institute was squashed, even though two state universities, one in informatics and the other in technology, had come forward to collaborate with the Confucius Institute.
According to the electronic Stuttgart newspaper (June 3, 2015), the collapse was due to "financial problems."
What did it mean that the Chinese were supposed to provide funding for the Confucius Institute's construction?
Stuttgart is the center of Germany's automobile industry and is also a financially prosperous city, so it would be strange if the reason were "money."
It would be odd if the reason were "money" since Stuttgart is also an economically prosperous city in the German automobile industry's heart.
The people of the Swabian region where Stuttgart is located are notoriously "thrifty" in Germany, so perhaps they were only reluctant to give.
However, as the article reads, the two universities that came forward were "eager" to establish a Confucius Institute.
It is conceivable that a stop was made at the intelligence level, saying that it would be a shame if "industrial espionage" were carried out in the automobile industry.
Germany had already known for more than 20 years that China would steal intellectual property from other countries.
At the time, I worked part-time at a prominent German international company at a famous trade fair.
A Chinese man tried to take a picture of the latest model of this company.
The German manager spotted him and said, "No pictures! He exclaimed, "This is exactly how they copy everything," he spat out.
In the past, the manufacturer's handsets were trendy in the German and European markets.
However, it gradually lost its international competitiveness and, in 2005, was forced to sell its handset business unit to a Taiwanese company.
The only remaining production site in Germany went bankrupt in 2014, and the "German end of It has been called the "death of the end" (Stern, electronic edition / December 25, 2016).
Dusseldorf's city has been active in introducing 5G, as the telecoms giant Deutsche Telekom has been testing 5G since June 16, 2020. As a result, the debate on whether to exclude Huawei or not is still smoldering.
The "no to eliminating Huawei" from the business camp, including Telecom CEO Tim Hedges, has been vehemently opposed by Christian Democratic Union politician and anti-spying czar Christophe Bernstiel and China-skeptic politicians in the Social Democratic Party.
Chancellor Merkel faces her colleagues' complaints if she leans toward China and executives at global companies to leave China.
The Realities of the Confucius Institute
What is going on at the Confucius Institute in Germany?
There are, of course, Chinese language courses, but there are many other events as well.
Many of the projects at the Confucius Institute targeted children and adolescents.
Among them, the short-term study abroad program seems to be the program's highlight.
The Confucius Institutes all over Germany organize these events during the spring, summer, and autumn school holidays.
The Confucius Institute in Freiburg, which has been planning this event since 2011, planned to hold a "China camp" to coincide with this year's Easter.
The purpose is to have young people up to 19 stay in China and experience the "empire in the middle."
They will have to pay for their travel expenses, pocket money, and insurance, but China will bear all the costs for their stay in China, including hotels, food, and transportation, which is quite generous.
I wonder how impressed the parents who attended the pre-departure guidance will be with China's economic power that "China covers all the expenses for staying in China.
The main destinations are Shanghai, Beijing, and Nanjing.
They will visit the Chicken Ming Temple, the Zhongshan Tomb of Sun Yat-sen, and Nanjing City in Nanjing.
The Heidelberg Confucius Institute is also hosting an exhibition called "80 Years After the Nanjing Massacre" in January 2018, inviting John Labe's grandson, Thomas Labe.
The museum will offer various activities during his stay, including Chinese language classes, calligraphy, Qigong, Chinese martial arts viewing, and Chinese music.
One boy who attended the Confucius Institute of Nuremberg-Erlangen's 2019 "China Camp" wrote in his report, "What a great opportunity to try Uyghur food" and "My stay in China was the best time of my life.
Another girl wrote, "Great memories, new friends, and encounters with the unknown. You should go to the China camp".
Another girl wrote, "Chinese is a language I am very interested in" and "I will never forget my wonderful experience in China."
The Confucius Institute spread quickly in Germany, but the movement to exclude it has gradually emerged in the United States, Canada, Sweden, France, and most recently in Germany in response to the closure of the Confucius Institute at the Free University Brussels.
According to the electronic edition of General Anzeiger (January 15, 2020), the Minister of Education and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia, Isabelle Pfeiffer-Ponsgen, gave a speech on its effect should discontinue the Confucius Institute.
In response, the University of Dusseldorf added: "There is no specific cause for the termination of our cooperation, but we cannot say that the CPC does not influence at all.
Jens Brandenburg, a member of the liberal party FDP, which leans toward workers' groups, asked parliament whether the Confucius Institute is a political organization directly under the Chinese Communist Party's control.
In its reply, the government said that Hanban, the Confucius Institute (the government agency that runs the Confucius Institute worldwide), is directly under the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda bureau.
Brandenburg added: "In the Confucius Institute, there is no academic freedom, and there is censorship. What it does is political activity. The fact that issues such as human rights in Tibet, Taiwan, Uyghur, and China are taboo at the Confucius Institute is proof of this. We are aware of this," he replied.
Even the city of Hamburg, which benefited from the One Belt One Road and established Germany's first Confucius Institute, has decided to end its university affiliation this year.
The reason is "a change in China's academic policy."
According to the Weather Courier (February 12, 2020), the Confucius Institute in Bremen has decided to eliminate the breathtaking teachers in China.
On the other hand, there are still people who repeatedly make pro-China statements.
Professor Thomas Heberle, director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Duisburg-Essen, has defended the "propaganda allegations" of the Confucius Institute.
Professor Heberle worked for a Beijing-based publishing house from 1977 to 81, where he experienced the Cultural Revolution and subsequent political developments in China in real-time.
Although he retired from the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2013, he remains the director of the Confucius Institute, a position he has held since 2010, and is a visiting professor at Zhejiang University, Renmin University of China, and Nankai University.
The paper he recently wrote is "From top to bottom: a study of Chinese social discipline."
It intended to show how well the Xi regime has been able to "discipline" society.
The book focuses on the "moral policy" of the Xi administration's "social discipline" to further the problem of bribery in the Party, which it has been implementing since 2014.
Case studies include a credit card data monitoring system that has been "spearheaded by the West as a total digital surveillance system,
Besides, regarding Corona in 2020, creating an assessment system for "Internet and civilization of ethnic minorities" for government personnel is also an example of "social discipline."
It's a "propaganda paper" that gives the impression of China's superiority over Germany, where digitalization policies such as the "Corona App" and the "Emergency Alarm System" have not gone as far as expected as a way to "learn from them.
Germany has an anti-spy law.
According to Article 99 of the German Criminal Code, a person who violates the law is sentenced to imprisonment with work for not more than five years or a fine.
Felony is punishable by imprisonment with work for not less than one year and not over ten years.
According to the electronic version of the "Frankwalter Allgemeine newspaper" (January 30, 2020), Gehardt Sabatil, who was seconded from the German Foreign Ministry and worked in the European Parliament until 2017, and two other individuals were "suspected of spying through China."
The electronic edition of "Tageshau" (May 26, 2020) also states that in January 2020, the Federal Criminal Police Office launched a mandatory investigation of Sabatil on charges of "espionage" and, at the request of the Federal Prosecutor General, conducted a search of his home and office.
Mr. Sabatil was an "informant, adviser and recruiter" for China's foreign ministry, who passed information and received money to a person with the code name "Jimmy," who worked for the Shanghai European Society in Shanghai for camouflage, it said.
Mr. Sabatil is the head of a Brussels-based lobbying firm called Utop after he finished his European Parliament duties in 2017. "At the same time, he was able to 'legally' receive money from China by taking a visiting professorship at Sichuan University," explains Chen Yonglin, a former first secretary of China (German Epoch Times, electronic edition / February 21, 2020).
Incidentally, he appears to have dual citizenship and a Hungarian pass.
He comes from a cosmopolitan environment, which makes him a good spy.
This article continues.


2022年05月11日 13時54分49秒 | 全般



7日付産経新聞の宮本雅史編集委員による「国境がなくなる日〈洋上風力に触手 日本を丸裸〉」は、中国が日本の洋上風力発電事業を受注し、日本の電力供給の元を押さえる動きに出ていると警告する。



2022年05月11日 13時50分14秒 | 全般



7日付産経新聞の宮本雅史編集委員による「国境がなくなる日〈洋上風力に触手 日本を丸裸〉」は、中国が日本の洋上風力発電事業を受注し、日本の電力供給の元を押さえる動きに出ていると警告する。



2022年05月11日 13時44分02秒 | 全般


7日付産経新聞の宮本雅史編集委員による「国境がなくなる日〈洋上風力に触手 日本を丸裸〉」は、中国が日本の洋上風力発電事業を受注し、日本の電力供給の元を押さえる動きに出ていると警告する。


2022年05月11日 13時37分02秒 | 全般

7日付産経新聞の宮本雅史編集委員による「国境がなくなる日〈洋上風力に触手 日本を丸裸〉」は、中国が日本の洋上風力発電事業を受注し、日本の電力供給の元を押さえる動きに出ていると警告する。


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The invasion of Germany was unimaginably horrific for the Japanese.


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The invasion in Germany was unimaginably horrific for the Japanese.

2022年05月11日 10時00分30秒 | 全般
I am re-submitting the chapter I sent out on October 27, 2010.
The following is from the monthly magazine "WiLL," published on October 26, 2010.
A three-column article titled "The Invisible Invasion of China and South Korea" by Ms. Reisfeld Masami.
The December special issue of the monthly magazine, which is full of these genuine articles, is priced at 950 yen.
It is full of genuine articles that people who pay subscription fees of 5,000 to several thousand yen per month to Asahi, Mainichi, and Tokyo newspapers can never read for 950 yen.
The subscribers to the Asahi Shimbun and other newspapers should seriously consider the value of their products.
It is a must-read for the people of Japan and people around the world.
NHK or any Japanese TV station has never reported the facts that this paper clarifies.
Confucius Institute and the installation of comfort women statues:
The invasion in Germany was unimaginably horrific for the Japanese.
Invisible Aggression in Germany
In Germany, China's "invisible invasion" is progressing with an unimaginable ferocity.

As part of this, there are as many as 18 Confucius Institutes and Confucius Institute-affiliated "Chinese language schools" in Germany attached to the Gymnasium.
Japan has 15, but when you consider that Germany has such a large number, with a population of about 80 million, the ratio of Confucius Institutes in Germany is quite dense.
Most of the Confucius Institutes are affiliated with universities and take "public service corporations" (Verein). Still, the cities of Badgerhorn and Dusseldorf (since then 2020), among others, have been managed by the AG (AG).
Interestingly, in the city of Stuttgart, the mecca of Mercedes-Benz and BMW, talk of creating a Confucius Institute was squashed, even though two state universities, one in informatics and the other in technology, had come forward to collaborate with the Confucius Institute.
According to the electronic Stuttgart newspaper (June 3, 2015), the collapse was due to "financial problems."
What did it mean that the Chinese were supposed to provide funding for the Confucius Institute's construction?
Stuttgart is the center of Germany's automobile industry and is also a financially prosperous city, so it would be strange if the reason were "money."
It would be odd if the reason were "money" since Stuttgart is also an economically prosperous city in the German automobile industry's heart.
The people of the Swabian region where Stuttgart is located are notoriously "thrifty" in Germany, so perhaps they were only reluctant to give.
However, as the article reads, the two universities that came forward were "eager" to establish a Confucius Institute.
It is conceivable that a stop was made at the intelligence level, saying that it would be a shame if "industrial espionage" were carried out in the automobile industry.
Germany had already known for more than 20 years that China would steal intellectual property from other countries.
At the time, I worked part-time at a prominent German international company at a famous trade fair.
A Chinese man tried to take a picture of the latest model of this company.
The German manager spotted him and said, "No pictures! He exclaimed, "This is exactly how they copy everything," he spat out.
In the past, the manufacturer's handsets were trendy in the German and European markets.
However, it gradually lost its international competitiveness and, in 2005, was forced to sell its handset business unit to a Taiwanese company.
The only remaining production site in Germany went bankrupt in 2014, and the "German end of It has been called the "death of the end" (Stern, electronic edition / December 25, 2016).
Dusseldorf's city has been active in introducing 5G, as the telecoms giant Deutsche Telekom has been testing 5G since June 16, 2020. As a result, the debate on whether to exclude Huawei or not is still smoldering.
The "no to eliminating Huawei" from the business camp, including Telecom CEO Tim Hedges, has been vehemently opposed by Christian Democratic Union politician and anti-spying czar Christophe Bernstiel and China-skeptic politicians in the Social Democratic Party.
Chancellor Merkel faces her colleagues' complaints if she leans toward China and executives at global companies to leave China.
The Realities of the Confucius Institute
What is going on at the Confucius Institute in Germany?
There are, of course, Chinese language courses, but there are many other events as well.
Many of the projects at the Confucius Institute targeted children and adolescents.
Among them, the short-term study abroad program seems to be the program's highlight.
The Confucius Institutes all over Germany organize these events during the spring, summer, and autumn school holidays.
The Confucius Institute in Freiburg, which has been planning this event since 2011, planned to hold a "China camp" to coincide with this year's Easter.
The purpose is to have young people up to 19 stay in China and experience the "empire in the middle."
They will have to pay for their travel expenses, pocket money, and insurance, but China will bear all the costs for their stay in China, including hotels, food, and transportation, which is quite generous.
I wonder how impressed the parents who attended the pre-departure guidance will be with China's economic power that "China covers all the expenses for staying in China.
The main destinations are Shanghai, Beijing, and Nanjing.
They will visit the Chicken Ming Temple, the Zhongshan Tomb of Sun Yat-sen, and Nanjing City in Nanjing.
The Heidelberg Confucius Institute is also hosting an exhibition called "80 Years After the Nanjing Massacre" in January 2018, inviting John Labe's grandson, Thomas Labe.
The museum will offer various activities during his stay, including Chinese language classes, calligraphy, Qigong, Chinese martial arts viewing, and Chinese music.
One boy who attended the Confucius Institute of Nuremberg-Erlangen's 2019 "China Camp" wrote in his report, "What a great opportunity to try Uyghur food" and "My stay in China was the best time of my life.
Another girl wrote, "Great memories, new friends, and encounters with the unknown. You should go to the China camp".
Another girl wrote, "Chinese is a language I am very interested in" and "I will never forget my wonderful experience in China."
The Confucius Institute spread quickly in Germany, but the movement to exclude it has gradually emerged in the United States, Canada, Sweden, France, and most recently in Germany in response to the closure of the Confucius Institute at the Free University Brussels.
According to the electronic edition of General Anzeiger (January 15, 2020), the Minister of Education and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia, Isabelle Pfeiffer-Ponsgen, gave a speech on its effect should discontinue the Confucius Institute.
In response, the University of Dusseldorf added: "There is no specific cause for the termination of our cooperation, but we cannot say that the CPC does not influence at all.
Jens Brandenburg, a member of the liberal party FDP, which leans toward workers' groups, asked parliament whether the Confucius Institute is a political organization directly under the Chinese Communist Party's control.
In its reply, the government said that Hanban, the Confucius Institute (the government agency that runs the Confucius Institute worldwide), is directly under the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda bureau.
Brandenburg added: "In the Confucius Institute, there is no academic freedom, and there is censorship. What it does is political activity. The fact that issues such as human rights in Tibet, Taiwan, Uyghur, and China are taboo at the Confucius Institute is proof of this. We are aware of this," he replied.
Even the city of Hamburg, which benefited from the One Belt One Road and established Germany's first Confucius Institute, has decided to end its university affiliation this year.
The reason is "a change in China's academic policy."
According to the Weather Courier (February 12, 2020), the Confucius Institute in Bremen has decided to eliminate the breathtaking teachers in China.
On the other hand, there are still people who repeatedly make pro-China statements.
Professor Thomas Heberle, director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Duisburg-Essen, has defended the "propaganda allegations" of the Confucius Institute.
Professor Heberle worked for a Beijing-based publishing house from 1977 to 81, where he experienced the Cultural Revolution and subsequent political developments in China in real-time.
Although he retired from the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2013, he remains the director of the Confucius Institute, a position he has held since 2010, and is a visiting professor at Zhejiang University, Renmin University of China, and Nankai University.
The paper he recently wrote is "From top to bottom: a study of Chinese social discipline."
It intended to show how well the Xi regime has been able to "discipline" society.
The book focuses on the "moral policy" of the Xi administration's "social discipline" to further the problem of bribery in the Party, which it has been implementing since 2014.
Case studies include a credit card data monitoring system that has been "spearheaded by the West as a total digital surveillance system,
Besides, regarding Corona in 2020, creating an assessment system for "Internet and civilization of ethnic minorities" for government personnel is also an example of "social discipline."
It's a "propaganda paper" that gives the impression of China's superiority over Germany, where digitalization policies such as the "Corona App" and the "Emergency Alarm System" have not gone as far as expected as a way to "learn from them.
Germany has an anti-spy law.
According to Article 99 of the German Criminal Code, a person who violates the law is sentenced to imprisonment with work for not more than five years or a fine.
Felony is punishable by imprisonment with work for not less than one year and not over ten years.
According to the electronic version of the "Frankwalter Allgemeine newspaper" (January 30, 2020), Gehardt Sabatil, who was seconded from the German Foreign Ministry and worked in the European Parliament until 2017, and two other individuals were "suspected of spying through China."
The electronic edition of "Tageshau" (May 26, 2020) also states that in January 2020, the Federal Criminal Police Office launched a mandatory investigation of Sabatil on charges of "espionage" and, at the request of the Federal Prosecutor General, conducted a search of his home and office.
Mr. Sabatil was an "informant, adviser and recruiter" for China's foreign ministry, who passed information and received money to a person with the code name "Jimmy," who worked for the Shanghai European Society in Shanghai for camouflage, it said.
Mr. Sabatil is the head of a Brussels-based lobbying firm called Utop after he finished his European Parliament duties in 2017. "At the same time, he was able to 'legally' receive money from China by taking a visiting professorship at Sichuan University," explains Chen Yonglin, a former first secretary of China (German Epoch Times, electronic edition / February 21, 2020).
Incidentally, he appears to have dual citizenship and a Hungarian pass.
He comes from a cosmopolitan environment, which makes him a good spy.
This article continues.

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