They watch their programs without any doubt, thinking they feel sorry for Okinawa, that the government is terrible, etc., without even realizing that they are just ill-informed people.
This chapter I sent out on 03/06/2019.
I am re-submitting it with corrections to paragraphs, punctuation, etc.
It is always the case that those who do evil will reveal their true character as if they are trying to hide their heads and not their butts.
Watching watch9's biased reporting and manipulation of information on Okinawa the day before yesterday must remember that NHK repeatedly showed images from the sky over Ginowan City.
That footage was the truth about Okinawa that even watch9's biased reporting and manipulation of information could not cover-up.
When the tsunami hit my hometown of Yuriage during the Great Tohoku Earthquake, the only buildings that remained standing that had not collapsed or been washed away were all reinforced concrete structures.
The reality of Ginowan City, as shown in the aerial images of the city repeatedly broadcast by NHK, was a city of orderly rows of solid reinforced concrete buildings, more splendid than those in the mainland countryside.
The U.S. military, which has never forgotten its military strategy, knew that Okinawa was a strategic point for the defense of Japan, not to mention the fierce Battle of Okinawa.
Therefore, GHQ built U.S. military bases in Okinawa at the same time as the occupation of Japan.
At the same time, it was also mainland Japan where 127 cities were burned to the ground by indiscriminate bombing and incendiary bombs.
Furthermore, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki made Japan the poorest country in the world.
Compared to mainland Japan, Okinawa was prospering from particular demand for bases, and the Okinawan people welcomed the U.S. military bases and promoted coexistence and co-prosperity.
The people who control NHK's news department, truly stupid and malicious, do not report this.
It is no exaggeration to say that the Chinese and Korean proxies who have infiltrated NHK and controlled its news department are helping the Chinese and Koreans to divide Japan.
They have introduced a man who claims to be a professor at Okinawa International University.
The fact that he is a professor is appalling.
The Japanese taxpayers are paying for such people!
They had the professor's comment that the U.S. military guided his opinion and that he was speaking at the behest of the U.S. military. They repeated it repeatedly.
Indeed, the Japanese state media used the radio waves of the people to report on the Okinawa fragmentation work.
The ultimate goal was to report on the independence of Okinawa to bring it to the point where the Chinese and Koreans would be able to achieve their intentions.
When I was still a subscriber to the Japanese edition of Newsweek, a unique feature on Okinawa was published.
In it, an Okinawan resident said, "When I watch the mainland countryside on T.V., etc., I see that they are much better off. I feel sorry for the enormous subsidies being thrown at us at the expense of infrastructure development in the mainland provinces."
They are the true villains and real traitors who are nesting inside NHK.
They are the ones who watch their programs without any doubts, thinking that they are just poor people who feel sorry for Okinawa, that the government is terrible, etc. They are just uninformed people.
The people who watch T.V. think they are righteous and respectable citizens, not realizing that they are simply ill-informed people.
They are those who subscribe to Asahi, Mainichi, Tokyo, Chunichi, etc., newspapers and watch only NHK's watch9, etc.
Shame on you!