文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2023年02月06日 23時41分23秒 | 全般








2023年02月06日 23時21分19秒 | 全般








There is no more incredible irony than that such a person is a religious official.

2023年02月06日 23時09分14秒 | 全般

Anyone who read Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai's regular column in the Sankei Shimbun this morning must have been convinced that I had hit the nail on the head with my assessment of her.
Today's article also proved that she is a national treasure, a supreme national treasure, as defined by Saicho.
On the other hand, the article on the same front page by Komeito representative Yamaguchi was nothing short of hypocrisy itself.
Yamaguchi should take a lesson from Ms. Sakurai.
Unless he does so, it is no exaggeration to say that he is a traitor to Japan.
His attitude of not only not criticizing China's actual situation but also continuing to be discerning about it is a manner that is not even worthy of a person involved in the religious community.
The article on the right below is the ultimate in pseudo-moralism, or the ultimate in stupidity and hypocrisy = the ultimate traitor to the country.
Many people now angrily realize what this fool has done to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT) in their interest.
Indeed, he has been leading the way in a manner that is the ultimate stupidity.
They are the nation that continues to practice Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education, the country that is one of only two nations in the world that is anti-Japanese.
Yamaguchi is the mastermind behind the relentless use of the languages of China and the Korean peninsula, the only two anti-Japanese nations in the world, in announcements and postings on Japan's public transportation system.
It is no exaggeration to say that Yamaguchi allowed the Chinese to purchase land in Japan freely.
There is no more incredible irony than that such a person is a religious official.
The article on the left is the ultimate in truth, the utmost in sincerity, the supreme in true patriotism, and the ultimate in true religion.
It is the gem of truth that the national treasure, the supreme national treasure, as defined by Saicho, informs us.
She is the one who constantly sheds light on the hidden truth, the hidden truth, and expresses it, and makes it known to the people of Japan.

China is the worst country in the history of the world, a land of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies" combined with the evil of the Communist Party's one-party dictatorship.
The article on the right is a statement for those who have continued to hide the truth and reality of the situation at every turn.
It is the statement of a representative of an organization that wants Japan to become a vassal state of China happily.







2023年02月06日 20時06分34秒 | 全般









2023年02月06日 19時59分56秒 | 全般









2023年02月06日 19時51分48秒 | 全般

アノニマス ポスト NEWS|時事ニュースYouTube動画とネットの反応


米軍が撃墜の「中国の気球」 3年前の2020年宮城県上空でも目撃 
 米軍が撃墜した気球との類似性について、専門家「構造がほぼ一緒」 - アノニマス...
まずは、クリックのご協力をお願いします ↓↓↓m(__)m 米軍が撃墜の中国「謎の気球」過去に日本上空にも“




2023年02月06日 19時42分42秒 | 全般

(画像2/3)静岡県・川勝知事「空港新駅はリニアの後」発言で、JR切り札を失う…SNS憤慨「また寝言」「中国に負ける」 | Smart FLASH/スマフラ[光文社週刊誌] (smart-flash.jp)








2023年02月06日 19時39分55秒 | 全般

(画像2/3)静岡県・川勝知事「空港新駅はリニアの後」発言で、JR切り札を失う…SNS憤慨「また寝言」「中国に負ける」 | Smart FLASH/スマフラ[光文社週刊誌] (smart-flash.jp)







文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2023/2/6

2023年02月06日 16時08分09秒 | 全般

文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事

  1. 習氏が権力基盤の浮沈をかけて台湾攻略に出てこようとするのに対し、抑止を確実にするには日米台の覚悟が必要で、日本は日本の国益のためにこそ、
  2. 中国人女性が無人島購入…最悪の事態…日本政府!公明党!手前ら責任取れんのか!?
  3. 反日無罪…“生理的に嫌”という個人の見解が、LGBTに対してはダメだが、皇室に対してはいいという事? 理解不能
  4. 山口県…小島の一部が中国人に買われ、建物建設のため造成中…上空は、米軍岩国基地に配備されている航空機の飛行ルート
  5. Top 10 real-time searches 2023/2/5, 19:25
  6. 杉田議員の発言は前後の文脈も読めばけっして差別発言ではない。それより菅直人氏のこの発言こそ差別発言!!
  7. BONDプロジェクトのあのペラッペラにこんだけ金使ってるなんて、俺がかわりにやって2倍の成果だしたらこの金もらえないかな(そういうことではない)
  8. あっち系でサンモニ等で知名度のある親中派の女性を知事候補に担ごうとする自民党幹部に強い不信感を感じざるを得ません
  9. 他国にスパイ気球を飛ばしておいて、撃墜されて文句を言う。 理解できない…中国政府「強烈な不満と抗議」
  10. わざわざ韓国に保護されてる女の子を連れて行ったり、83-1委員会こと支える会にも何故か正義連系の韓国在住韓国人が入ってたり



2023年02月06日 16時02分48秒 | 全般













2023年02月06日 15時24分26秒 | 全般


Google Inc. must identify this criminal, file criminal charges against him, and punish him


11-20 件 (228,000,000 件中) の検索結果時間指定なし
  1. https://blog.goo.ne.jp/sunsetrubdown21_2010/d/20220117

    ウェブ2022年1月17日 · 2010年7月16日に、仕方なく、文明のターンテーブル、として登場した事は御存知の通り。本来は実名で登場したかったのだが、実名では登場したくない事情があった事も御存知の通り。ならば作家としてのペンネームが必要。

  2. https://blog.goo.ne.jp/sunsetrubdown21_2010/d/20220304

    ウェブ2022年3月4日 · 今しがた発見した飯山陽さんのツイートからである。飯山陽 Dr. Akari IIYAMA 初のエッセイ『エジプトの空の下』3刷決定!毎日新聞は英語版で「日本にあるロシアレストランがオンラインで嫌がらせされてるんですよ〜。日本ってほんと、嫌な国ですよね〜、日本人サイテーですよね〜」という ...

  3. https://blog.goo.ne.jp/sunsetrubdown21_2010/d/20211113

    ウェブ2021年11月13日 · 2021年11月13日のブログ記事一覧です。日本の時間、世界の時間。The time of Japan, the time of the world 【文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization】

  4. https://blog.goo.ne.jp/sunsetrubdown21_2010/e/00a4a00cf8...

    ウェブ2022年10月9日 · Google社へ本日も、以下の章に対して検索妨害の犯罪行為が行われています。その手口は、全く関係の無い章を参照させて、本章を検索にかからないにようにするという、極めて悪質なもの。一体、貴社は、いつまで、こんな悪党をインターネットという人類史上最大の図書館に、放置しておく ...

  5. https://ameblo.jp/sunsetrubdown21/entry-12752701955.html

    ウェブ2022年7月10日 · と題して、先ほど発信した章が、全く正鵠を射ている事を証明する、とても重要な報告(論文)を、当代最高の学者の一人である福井県立大学教授島田洋一が今日の産経新聞に掲載している。. 国連人権理事会の下で実態調査や報告にあたる特別報告 …

  6. https://blog.goo.ne.jp/sunsetrubdown21_2010/e/da1e172f40...

    ウェブ2023年2月6日 · I searched for such crimes against search obstruction because they were so relentlessly vicious, the DNA of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies. "It would be a crime against search results. https://business-benkyou-do

  7. https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/oshirase

    ウェブ2022年11月7日 · 統計調査実施のお知らせ. 2022年12月1日掲載. 令和4年下半期雇用動向調査 ご協力のお願い NEW. 2022年11月29日掲載. 令和5年就労条件総合調査にご協力をお願いします NEW. 2022年11月7日掲載. 令和4年度消費生活協同組合(連合会)実態調査へのご協力をお願いします ...

  8. https://www.e-stat.go.jp/stat-search


  9. https://www.e-stat.go.jp/stat-search/database


  10. https://nuro.jp/mypage

    ウェブ「NURO 光 for マンション」および「NURO 光 10G」のご利用者様向けページです。 ログインID・パスワードは「契約内容通知書」に記載しています。 本マイぺージ対象のお客さまは、以下のサービスをご契約中の方となります。



2023年02月06日 14時50分21秒 | 全般

以下は今しがた発見した坂東 忠信さんのツイートからである。


EXCLUSIVE: Bill Gates Poured Millions into Dark Money Fund Attacking Elon Musk
Research exclusively shared with Breitbart News identifies hundreds of millions of dollars flowing from Bill Gates' foundation to ten of the 26 organizations that signed an open letter last month...



辻元が当時の皇太子殿下と仲良しであることは、 will 2016 年10月号、河添恵子氏の記事…赤で傍線がひかれたところ

2023年02月06日 14時43分39秒 | 全般

will 2016 年10月号、河添恵子氏の記事によります。





By the way, the English translation of this chapter is rated on par with the New York Times.

2023年02月06日 14時31分04秒 | 全般

This chapter, which I sent out last night, was the victim of a search obstruction crime that referred me to the following two completely unrelated chapters.

By the way, the English translation of this chapter is rated on par with the New York Times.

The following is from an article by Rui Abiru in the now on-sale monthly magazine "Sound Arguments"
He is a rare authenticity for a working journalist.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.
Preamble omitted.
A senior Ministry of Foreign Affairs official visited the United States around this time to explain the historical issues between Japan, China, and South Korea to U.S. government officials and think tanks, and the media, complained, "The U.S. government does not understand that Japan has never been at war with South Korea and that South Korea has nothing to do with the Yasukuni Shrine issue. They also underestimate the significance of the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan and the fact that it is a central facility for commemorating the war dead."

Expressing "Disappointment" without Strategy 
When Mr. Abe actually visited Yasukuni Shrine, the U.S. Embassy in Japan expressed "disappointment," claiming that it was an order from the White House. 
It was Mr. Biden's insistence that the U.S., which until then had never publicly criticized any Japanese prime minister for visiting Yasukuni Shrine, including Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's six visits to the shrine, dare to express its "disappointment. 
Biden, who had been informed of Abe's intention to visit the Yasukuni Shrine but had ignored it because of his assumptions, was furious that he had lost his credibility after brokering a rapprochement with South Korea and expressed his "disappointment" in an unprecedented manner. 
As one might expect, the White House refrained from expressing its disappointment, but from the Japanese point of view, it was a great inconvenience. 
Mr. Abe's anger was tremendous at the time. 
"The U.S. is not strategic at all," he said. (At a time when China and South Korea are blaming Japan for the historical issue) a statement like that by the U.S. will only increase the momentum of anti-Japanese sentiment in China and South Korea, heightening tensions in East Asia. It makes no sense at all as a U.S. global strategy."
The fierce reaction on the part of Abe and others in Japan was immediately conveyed to the U.S. side. 
As the year progressed into 2014, the U.S. side turned around and positioned the Yasukuni Shrine visit as a done deal and began to play up the reconciliation between the U.S. and Japan. 
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs soon began to hear such words of remorse from the U.S. State Department.
"The U.S. Embassy in Japan translated the word "disappointed" as "disappointment," which is too strong an expression. At least it should have been "discouragement" or "regret."
On January 4, I received a phone call from Mr. Abe. 
"Today, U.S. Secretary of Defense Hagel said he wanted to call me to thank me for approving Okinawa Prefecture's landfill in Henoko, Nago City, for the relocation of the Futenma Air Station. The U.S. must be in quite a panic. The website of the U.S. Embassy in Japan is in a terrible mess (with comments in reaction to the disappointment expressed). It's interesting, so you should take a look at it." 
He then added the following to the end.
I was so angry that I thought about not accepting the U.S. request for a telephone conference call, but I received it on the condition that the U.S. would not criticize the visit to Yasukuni Shrine." 
Then I said, "The reaction on the U.S. side is that it's too late for anything," Mr. Abe responded. 
"Yes, it's a little too late for that. Moreover, it was an intense pleasure after the Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Yoshitaka Shindo visited Yasukuni Shrine on New Year's Day. I am considering not accepting any offers from the U.S. Embassy to meet with him for a while."
When the Sankei Shimbun wrote an inside story about this exchange between Abe and Biden at the end of January, Abe called me with a chuckle. 
He said, "The Yasukuni article, good for you. I heard that made Mr. Biden angry. He complained to Kenichiro Sasae, the ambassador to the United States. But Mr. Biden is actually saying that. They don't try and tell me that! "Was disappointed"
Around this time, Abe sometimes referred to a memoir published in the United States by Gates, who served as Secretary of Defense in the Obama administration for two and a half years. 
"In his book, Gates also writes that he has never had one good thing to say about Biden's decisions."  
In fact, in his book, Gates describes Biden, whose knowledge and experience in international politics he claims is second to none, as "a man of integrity" but dismisses him as follows: "Mr. Biden has made mistakes in almost every significant foreign policy and security decision he has made in the past forty years."
In February of this year, Abe's close aide, Seiichi Eto, made headlines when he said on the Internet.
 "The United States has expressed its disappointment, but it seems more like we are the ones who are disappointed. So why doesn't the U.S. take care of its ally Japan?" 
The Japanese media criticized this as a "terrible gaffe," There was a fuss about whether it would anger the U.S., but the U.S. no longer reacted in any particular way.  
At the time, Mr. Abe spoke coldly about the media's flattering attitude toward the United States.
"Don't they think they're being sneaky and self-deprecating? It's a laughable story."
At the time, Koichi Hagiuda, special assistant to the president of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), also commented, "The U.S. never fried itself like this during the Republican administration. It is saying this because it is President Obama's administration." he said. 
In other words, the anger at the "disappointment" statement was the consensus of the Abe administration. 

Who Created the Divide? 
The opposition parties and leftist media often criticized Mr. Abe and his foreign policy as if he were following the U.S. path. 
However, I never had such an impression when actually covering Mr. Abe. Rather, he took a tough stance against U.S. ignorance, arrogance, and selfish imposition of good intentions. 
In particular, I have heard him say the following about the U.S. meddling in the issue of Japan's perception of history.  
"I don't want the United States, which dropped two atomic bombs on Japan and conducted the air raid on Tokyo (deliberately targeting innocent civilians), to talk to me about historical issues. Does the U.S. have the right to say that?" 
He used to be on friendly terms with American experts on Japan, who were said to be knowledgeable about Japan, but that was not the case regarding historical issues.
When former Deputy Secretary of State Armitage, a Republican, asked Abe to make concessions to South Korea on the comfort women issue and other issues, Abe responded as follows.
 "Many Japanese conservatives are pro-U.S. but have not forgotten the U.S. atomic bombings and the Tokyo Air Raid. If the U.S. side raises the comfort women issue and other issues too much, they too will bring up those past issues." 
In response to Mr. Abe's vigor, Mr. Armitage silently backed down, saying, "Is that so?" 
Returning to Mr. Biden, I had the following conversation with Mr. Abe on October 13, 2020, before Mr. Biden assumed the presidency. 
During my visit to Mr. Abe's office in the House of Representatives building, the topic of conversation turned to the U.S. presidential election and the state of U.S. society. 
In Japan, it is often said that U.S. society has become more divided under the Republican administration of President Trump, but Mr. Abe expressed a different view.
"Mr. Trump did not create the division, but the division of U.S. society created President Trump. And it was liberals who created that division during the eight years of former Democratic President Barack Obama's administration. A Biden administration would only further divide the country."
Under the Obama administration, liberals have continued to overplay political correctness as if they were the righteous ones. As a result, conservatives hid their true feelings and felt alienated, and they welcomed the emergence of Trump, who is free from hypocrisy. 
Obama initially feared Abe as a historical revisionist and a dangerous nationalist. Still, Mr. Abe gradually melted his guard and eventually took him to Hiroshima, the site of the atomic bombing.
Mr. Abe approached Mr. Trump even before his inauguration to create a honeymoon relationship, but it was not because of a personal liking for Mr. Trump.
Even if the other party was Mr. Biden, there is no doubt that he would have made efforts to build a good relationship if he were the U.S. president. 
Prime Minister Kishida should take advantage of the legacy of Mr. Abe's historic "rapprochement" with the U.S., including his speech to a joint session of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives and the rails he laid to strengthen the U.S.-Japan alliance. 
It's OK to get along well with Mr. Biden, but please refrain from following in his footsteps of him, who has made almost every critical diplomatic and security decision wrong.

I re-send Expressing "Disappointment" without Strategy 

2023年02月06日 14時29分04秒 | 全般

This chapter, which I sent out last night, was the victim of a search obstruction crime that referred me to the following two completely unrelated chapters.

By the way, the English translation of this chapter is rated on par with the New York Times.

The following is from an article by Rui Abiru in the now on-sale monthly magazine "Sound Arguments"
He is a rare authenticity for a working journalist.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.
Preamble omitted.
A senior Ministry of Foreign Affairs official visited the United States around this time to explain the historical issues between Japan, China, and South Korea to U.S. government officials and think tanks, and the media, complained, "The U.S. government does not understand that Japan has never been at war with South Korea and that South Korea has nothing to do with the Yasukuni Shrine issue. They also underestimate the significance of the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan and the fact that it is a central facility for commemorating the war dead."

Expressing "Disappointment" without Strategy 
When Mr. Abe actually visited Yasukuni Shrine, the U.S. Embassy in Japan expressed "disappointment," claiming that it was an order from the White House. 
It was Mr. Biden's insistence that the U.S., which until then had never publicly criticized any Japanese prime minister for visiting Yasukuni Shrine, including Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's six visits to the shrine, dare to express its "disappointment. 
Biden, who had been informed of Abe's intention to visit the Yasukuni Shrine but had ignored it because of his assumptions, was furious that he had lost his credibility after brokering a rapprochement with South Korea and expressed his "disappointment" in an unprecedented manner. 
As one might expect, the White House refrained from expressing its disappointment, but from the Japanese point of view, it was a great inconvenience. 
Mr. Abe's anger was tremendous at the time. 
"The U.S. is not strategic at all," he said. (At a time when China and South Korea are blaming Japan for the historical issue) a statement like that by the U.S. will only increase the momentum of anti-Japanese sentiment in China and South Korea, heightening tensions in East Asia. It makes no sense at all as a U.S. global strategy."
The fierce reaction on the part of Abe and others in Japan was immediately conveyed to the U.S. side. 
As the year progressed into 2014, the U.S. side turned around and positioned the Yasukuni Shrine visit as a done deal and began to play up the reconciliation between the U.S. and Japan. 
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs soon began to hear such words of remorse from the U.S. State Department.
"The U.S. Embassy in Japan translated the word "disappointed" as "disappointment," which is too strong an expression. At least it should have been "discouragement" or "regret."
On January 4, I received a phone call from Mr. Abe. 
"Today, U.S. Secretary of Defense Hagel said he wanted to call me to thank me for approving Okinawa Prefecture's landfill in Henoko, Nago City, for the relocation of the Futenma Air Station. The U.S. must be in quite a panic. The website of the U.S. Embassy in Japan is in a terrible mess (with comments in reaction to the disappointment expressed). It's interesting, so you should take a look at it." 
He then added the following to the end.
I was so angry that I thought about not accepting the U.S. request for a telephone conference call, but I received it on the condition that the U.S. would not criticize the visit to Yasukuni Shrine." 
Then I said, "The reaction on the U.S. side is that it's too late for anything," Mr. Abe responded. 
"Yes, it's a little too late for that. Moreover, it was an intense pleasure after the Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Yoshitaka Shindo visited Yasukuni Shrine on New Year's Day. I am considering not accepting any offers from the U.S. Embassy to meet with him for a while."
When the Sankei Shimbun wrote an inside story about this exchange between Abe and Biden at the end of January, Abe called me with a chuckle. 
He said, "The Yasukuni article, good for you. I heard that made Mr. Biden angry. He complained to Kenichiro Sasae, the ambassador to the United States. But Mr. Biden is actually saying that. They don't try and tell me that! "Was disappointed"
Around this time, Abe sometimes referred to a memoir published in the United States by Gates, who served as Secretary of Defense in the Obama administration for two and a half years. 
"In his book, Gates also writes that he has never had one good thing to say about Biden's decisions."  
In fact, in his book, Gates describes Biden, whose knowledge and experience in international politics he claims is second to none, as "a man of integrity" but dismisses him as follows: "Mr. Biden has made mistakes in almost every significant foreign policy and security decision he has made in the past forty years."
In February of this year, Abe's close aide, Seiichi Eto, made headlines when he said on the Internet.
 "The United States has expressed its disappointment, but it seems more like we are the ones who are disappointed. So why doesn't the U.S. take care of its ally Japan?" 
The Japanese media criticized this as a "terrible gaffe," There was a fuss about whether it would anger the U.S., but the U.S. no longer reacted in any particular way.  
At the time, Mr. Abe spoke coldly about the media's flattering attitude toward the United States.
"Don't they think they're being sneaky and self-deprecating? It's a laughable story."
At the time, Koichi Hagiuda, special assistant to the president of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), also commented, "The U.S. never fried itself like this during the Republican administration. It is saying this because it is President Obama's administration." he said. 
In other words, the anger at the "disappointment" statement was the consensus of the Abe administration. 

Who Created the Divide? 
The opposition parties and leftist media often criticized Mr. Abe and his foreign policy as if he were following the U.S. path. 
However, I never had such an impression when actually covering Mr. Abe. Rather, he took a tough stance against U.S. ignorance, arrogance, and selfish imposition of good intentions. 
In particular, I have heard him say the following about the U.S. meddling in the issue of Japan's perception of history.  
"I don't want the United States, which dropped two atomic bombs on Japan and conducted the air raid on Tokyo (deliberately targeting innocent civilians), to talk to me about historical issues. Does the U.S. have the right to say that?" 
He used to be on friendly terms with American experts on Japan, who were said to be knowledgeable about Japan, but that was not the case regarding historical issues.
When former Deputy Secretary of State Armitage, a Republican, asked Abe to make concessions to South Korea on the comfort women issue and other issues, Abe responded as follows.
 "Many Japanese conservatives are pro-U.S. but have not forgotten the U.S. atomic bombings and the Tokyo Air Raid. If the U.S. side raises the comfort women issue and other issues too much, they too will bring up those past issues." 
In response to Mr. Abe's vigor, Mr. Armitage silently backed down, saying, "Is that so?" 
Returning to Mr. Biden, I had the following conversation with Mr. Abe on October 13, 2020, before Mr. Biden assumed the presidency. 
During my visit to Mr. Abe's office in the House of Representatives building, the topic of conversation turned to the U.S. presidential election and the state of U.S. society. 
In Japan, it is often said that U.S. society has become more divided under the Republican administration of President Trump, but Mr. Abe expressed a different view.
"Mr. Trump did not create the division, but the division of U.S. society created President Trump. And it was liberals who created that division during the eight years of former Democratic President Barack Obama's administration. A Biden administration would only further divide the country."
Under the Obama administration, liberals have continued to overplay political correctness as if they were the righteous ones. As a result, conservatives hid their true feelings and felt alienated, and they welcomed the emergence of Trump, who is free from hypocrisy. 
Obama initially feared Abe as a historical revisionist and a dangerous nationalist. Still, Mr. Abe gradually melted his guard and eventually took him to Hiroshima, the site of the atomic bombing.
Mr. Abe approached Mr. Trump even before his inauguration to create a honeymoon relationship, but it was not because of a personal liking for Mr. Trump.
Even if the other party was Mr. Biden, there is no doubt that he would have made efforts to build a good relationship if he were the U.S. president. 
Prime Minister Kishida should take advantage of the legacy of Mr. Abe's historic "rapprochement" with the U.S., including his speech to a joint session of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives and the rails he laid to strengthen the U.S.-Japan alliance. 
It's OK to get along well with Mr. Biden, but please refrain from following in his footsteps of him, who has made almost every critical diplomatic and security decision wrong.