文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2024年04月08日 23時47分25秒 | 全般



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2024年04月08日 23時44分12秒 | 全般





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2024年04月08日 23時36分21秒 | 全般



2024/4/7 in Kyoto


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It is big special news. But for some reason, it was not made into an article.

2024年04月08日 23時30分11秒 | 全般

The following is Masayuki Takayama's treatise, which brings the weekly Shincho on sale to a successful conclusion.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
This article should be read with great attention by the UN Human Rights Council officials, who have been using the Buraku Liberation League heavily.

Strange paraphrase
During the Edo period (1603-1868), when Kirishitan was forbidden, people still secretly worshipped Mary.
I learned in school that this was called "hidden Kirishitan.
However, when Pope Francis visited Japan, the newspapers began to change the term "hidden Christians" to "hiding Christians.
Hiding" is a word used for fugitive murderers or Communists who have gone underground.
It may sound unfamiliar to Christians, but pagans are burned at the stake and kill each other over minor doctrinal differences when you think about it. It's not so different from the Communist Party.
I wondered if they changed their name to the Hidden Kirishitan, but I was wrong.
When the prohibition was lifted in the Meiji era (1868-1912), the followers of the Hidden Kirishitan were divided into two groups: those who returned to the church to worship and those who worshipped quietly at home, as in the old days.
The latter was unacceptable to the Pope.
The Pope does not tolerate the latter because the Vatican can only make money when believers go to church, make donations, and pay for baptism.
It was the Catholic way to kill non-denominational groups like the Amish.
That's why, even though they were hidden Christians, the believers who came back to the church were daringly referred to as "hiding Christians" and praised greatly.
On the last night of his visit to Japan, the Pope held a mass at the Tokyo Dome, blessed the 50,000 believers who had donated a large amount of money, and preached, "Stop discriminating.
Some people thought, "Well said," but that's beside the point.
Sometimes, deep speculation is put into the "paraphrase" that will likely be inadvertently overlooked.
A while ago, the Asahi Shimbun ran a series of articles titled "Nuclear Power and Kanden Money.
The main character was Eiji Moriyama, the assistant director of Takahama town.
The company was supposed to reward Moriyama for his hard work. Still, for some reason, Moriyama presented the company's executives with gold bars and other money and goods worth about 300 million yen.
The articles deal with this mystery, and the answer is that Moriyama was a "nasty old man.
For example, there is a scene where he rides into the banquet of the governor of Fukui Prefecture with an empty backpack in his hand.
He told the governor, who was in awe of him, to "fill up the backpack with cash.
After quitting his post as deputy director, Moriyama became a construction company director affiliated with Koreans living in Japan and got Kepco to order construction work.
In just a few years, the construction company, which had annual sales of 300 million yen, grew to handle 2.1 billion yen in sales.
He also became an advisor to a security company and received a mountain of orders.
It looks like overkill.
Therefore, executives of KEPCO refused to place an order, but some were threatened with "We're going to destroy the nuclear power plant rising flags of the straw mat," and some were relegated.
Moriyama's case sends gold bars and other gifts to Kepco executives on Obon holiday and year-end.
"You don't care what happens to your family?" "I'll let you thrust a truck into your house," Moriyama says to the executives who refuse to accept the gifts.
The gifts were stored in a safe, but none of them seemed to be "nasty" enough.
Why didn't the executives file a complaint with the police?
The series writer also writes that he learned of this threat several years ago.
It is big special news. But for some reason, it was not made into an article.
Isn't another title that Moriyama has, "Buraku Liberation League Takahama branch secretary-general," likely to become the answer to that question?
It would convince most people if they heard that.
There were many such stories in the past.
So Kepco and its executives were victims, too.
So, why did Asahi's series of articles go to the trouble of "paraphrasing" the keywords as "nasty old man"?
It may have been because they didn't want to be accused, but they tried to turn the whole story into an anti-nuclear account.
In fact, Asahi later wrote that the Kepco incident was a "fraudulent return of nuclear power money.
In other words, the executives of KEPCO conspired with Moriyama to place illegal orders and received rewards for doing so.
Nuclear power plants are not only dangerous but also dirty.
That is clearly a lie.
One of Asahi's most famous reporters was Takagi Masayuki.
He was in direct conflict with the Buraku Liberation League and was often denounced, but he never bent his pen.
A junior who writes lies with poor paraphrasing, how does he see it in the grave?

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In my essay, I will focus on the limitations of China's unique monetary and financial system

2024年04月08日 23時12分59秒 | 全般

Hideo Tamura, a Sankei Shimbun editorial board member, regularly publishes economic articles under the title "Economic Correctness.
He is one of the few who writes genuine articles, while most of the media's economics reporters, economists, and economic pundits merely present the Ministry of Finance's views.

A new coronavirus pandemic in Wuhan, China, has raised the prospect that China's nominal gross domestic product (GDP) will surpass that of the United States to become the world's largest by 2028.
Should we take it seriously? 
The Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER) in Japan and the Center for Economic and Business Research (CEBR), a British think tank, have predicted that China will be number one in 2028. 
The average annual growth rate of nominal GDP in China from the ten years after the Lehman Shock to the 19 years before the Coronation was 10.9%, while the U.S. growth rate was just over 4%.
Considering recent trends, the future growth rate of the United States and China is set at 8% for China and 4% for the United States. The preliminary GDP of China in 20 years is $15.54 trillion (about 1700 trillion yen). Based on the US GDP initial figure of 20.93 trillion dollars, China's GDP in 2016 will be 28.7 trillion dollars, and the U.S. will be 28.6 trillion dollars.
But wait a minute.
Isn't that too rough for an economic forecast?
Since the GDP estimates are converted into dollars, they vary greatly depending on the exchange rate.
In Japan's case, 1995 was amid the bursting of the Heisei bubble, but the dollar-denominated GDP scale reached 71% of that of the United States because the yen was so strong that it was less than 80 yen per dollar.
In 2019, by contrast, it will be only 24%. 
It also depends on the inflation rate. 
If prices rise, it will boost nominal GDP, but if there is chronic deflation, as in Japan, it will shrink. 
The economic growth rate is also affected by the increase or decrease in the working-age population from 15 to under 65 and the growth rate of labor productivity.
In the U.K., Capital Economics, an economic research firm, analyzed in February this year that China's economy will have difficulty surpassing that of the U.S. even in 50 years.
China's age structure is getting older, and its productivity growth is much lower than that of the U.S.
It is understandable since China is a command economy run by the Communist Party central government and is dominated by state-owned enterprises that ignore productivity. 
In my essay, I will focus on the limitations of China's unique monetary and financial system.
The People's Bank of China, controlled by the Party, provides yuan funds in response to the influx of dollars.
When foreign exchange reserves expand due to trade surpluses and increased foreign companies' investment in China, quantitative monetary expansion becomes possible, and rapid growth becomes more accessible. 
Still, if foreign reserves do not increase, issuing additional yuan becomes impossible, and the economy's growth rate declines. 
The graph shows the year-on-year rate of change in China's nominal GDP, foreign exchange reserves, yuan fund issuance by the People's Bank of China, and its outstanding external financial debt. 
The slowing nominal growth rate trend started in 2013 when the Xi Jinping administration started.
The rate of change in yuan fund issuance and the rate of change in external debt are highly linked. 
Both were negative in 2015 and remained at deficient levels from 2018.
The central bank's issuance of funds is essential to supporting nominal economic growth, including inflation, in any country. 
Still, fund issuance's growth rate in China has been below the nominal growth rate since 2017. 
Without the supply of growth capital, economic growth will be constrained. 
In this light, the prediction that China's GDP growth rate will remain about twice that of the United States and surpass the United States in terms of GDP size by 2028 is too optimistic.
More than anything else, foreign currency constraints will come into play. 
The foreign exchange level is picking up recently, but there is a trick to it.
It is the increase in foreign financial debt.
Compared to the end of 2013, when the Xi administration took office, the foreign exchange level at the end of 2020 has decreased by $600 billion, but financial debt has increased by more than $1.5 trillion.
Since the People's Bank of China buys up all foreign currency that comes in through foreign borrowing and counts it as foreign exchange, the foreign exchange level's maintenance is the reverse of a sharp increase in foreign debt.
Against this backdrop, the Xi administration is scrambling to attract foreign investment. The main instruments are stocks and government bonds.
With Hong Kong, the international financial center, under its sway, it has listed a series of emerging Chinese growth companies on the stock market to attract financial capital from Japan, the United States, and Europe.
The Hong Kong market is directly linked to Shanghai and Shenzhen's stock markets, so the foreign currency flows into the mainland. 
Besides, interest rates on Chinese government bonds are set much higher than in Japan, the United States, and Europe to attract Western institutional investors.
Japan's largest institutional investor, the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), is also in the condition of considering investing in Chinese government bonds. 
The U.S. administration of President Biden is working to form a Western encirclement network against China.
Still, without financial sanctions, it would have been impossible to suppress the Xi administration's growing impudence. 

2024/4/7 in Kyoto

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日本国民全員が必視聴!! 中国経済頭打ち!経済音痴の習近平

2024年04月08日 22時31分32秒 | 全般

日本国民全員が必視聴!!1001回 中国経済頭打ち!経済音痴の習近平

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文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2024/4/8

2024年04月08日 22時16分58秒 | 全般

文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事

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10 real-time searches 2024/4/8, 20:22

2024年04月08日 20時22分48秒 | 全般


È la realtà di un Paese che, fino a ieri, ha blandito le povere Africa e Asia



Es ist die Realität eines Landes, das bis gestern das arme Afrika und Asien umschmeichelte



Es la realidad de un país que, hasta ayer, había estado engatusando a los pobres de África y Asia.



Det er virkeligheten til et land som inntil i går hadde overtalt fattige Afrika og Asia






É a realidade de um país que, até ontem, vinha bajulando a África e a Ásia pobres



어제까지만 해도 가난한 아프리카와 아시아를 회유하던 나라의 현실이다.



C’est la réalité d’un pays qui, jusqu’à hier, cajolait les pauvres d’Afrique et d’Asie.



In other words, Korea is a country where there is no such thing as sincerity.



10 real-time searches 2024/4/8, 15:03



2024/4/7 in Kyoto

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In other words, Korea is a country where there is no such thing as sincerity.

2024年04月08日 19時02分58秒 | 全般

I have been subscribing to the monthly magazine Themis, which is not sold in bookstores but is published by subscription only.
I read an article by Masayuki Takayama.
He is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
His article, which arrives today in this month's issue, is an eye-opener and a genuine treatise in its own right.
I am proud to say that I do the work of 120 million people, or 6.5 billion people, and Masayuki Takayama has the same pride and commitment as I do.

Korea is a country that returns evil in return for good kindness.
In other words, Korea is a country where there is no such thing as sincerity.

Think of the Olympics without the Koreans if you want to impose a grudge
Independence Day to stir up a grudge
The United States gave Korea its independence.
MacArthur went out of his way to make Korea independent on August 15, 1948, when it could have been any day of Japan's surrender.
Everything this man did was insidious, and he never tried to hide his racial prejudice and vengeance.
The prosecution of Class A war criminals on Emperor Showa's birthday and the Crown Prince's birthday's execution are good examples.
He also intended to overlap Korea's Independence Day with Japan's National Memorial Service for War Dead to remind Koreans of Japan's yearly domination, stimulating national resentment and arousing resentment against Japan.
Koreans fell right into the scheme and are still making noise with fresh hatred.
The first Korean to be driven mad with resentment was the first president of Korea, Syngman Rhee.
Before he came back, Japan took care of the peninsula.
We built the roads and railroads, and the sanitary environment they now boast of, such as the K-quarantine, was created by Japan.
However, after Japan's defeat, no one gave them money anymore.
Up to 80% of the nation's wealth was public and private property left by Japan.
He should have worked like the Japanese taught Korea, but in the same way before the war, Syngman Rhee only thought of extorting to Japan.
He came up with the idea of participating in the peace conference about Japan as a member of the Allies and taking money in the name of wartime reparations.
But MacArthur said, "You are neither a victor nor a vanquished nation. You are just a third-world nation," he prodded.
So Rhee decided to extort Japan on his own.
That was the setting up of the Rhee line on February 8, 1952, which pushed South Korea's territorial waters out of its own accord.
They took Takeshima Island and began to capture Japanese fishing boats that came to fish and detained their crews.
Using this as an excuse to extort, on January 6 of the following year, Rhee visited Japan and demanded Shigeru Yoshida pay a ransom for the fishermen and compensation for colonial rule.
Yoshida chastised Lee for his outrageousness, turned him away, and refused to visit Korea to reply to the president's visit.
Angered, Lee seized 233 fishing boats and detained 2,791 people in total.

It released 474 Korean criminals in Japan.
The detention facilities were so poor that five of the detained fishermen died.
When Yoshida learned of this, he was furious.
He told the South Koreans that the first step toward severing diplomatic relations was to close the Korean legation in Japan, arrest illegal Korean residents in retaliation, and use force to remove Korean vessels that had come to capture Japanese fishing boats.
Seung-man Lee was so horrified that he cried out to the U.S. and hurriedly drafted the Japan-U.S.-Korea Friendship and Security Treaty to force the U.S. to keep Japan in check.
The Cabinet of Ichiro Hatoyama, who replaced Yoshida, needed to be more competent and always favored friendship in everything.
Believing that it was essential to be considerate of the other country, he withdrew Yoshida's hard-line policies.
He accepted the mutual prisoner exchange agreement that South Korea had put forth.
The Japanese side was forced to make a one-sided concession: release all Japanese fishermen detained by the South Koreans, and the Japanese side would release all smuggled Koreans currently held at the Omura Detention Center, plus 474 Koreans presently serving time for murder and other crimes, with permission to remain in Japan.
The Japanese side agreed to this and also added the consideration of relinquishing all national and private property left on the peninsula.

The amount of money at the time was 7 trillion yen.
It was enough money to start an entire country, more than the national budget of Israel at the time of its founding.
Korea became a wealthy nation.
Having made so much unjustified money, Korea wanted more.
Park Chung-hee, who became president in the 1960s, had a natural talent for exploiting Japanese goodwill.
He could go from elementary school to teacher's college for free, courtesy of the Japanese.
That was enough for him, but when he was nearly 30 years old, he applied in writing in blood to go to a military academy.
The Japanese are susceptible to such feigned enthusiasm.
They were fooled, and he was admitted to the Manchurian Military Academy.
When he became president after the Korean War, he fully demonstrated his Japanese maneuvering skills. At the time, Japan refused to rearm under the U.S.-made Constitution and did not cooperate in the Vietnam War.
Park then proposed deploying 300,000 South Korean troops "on Japan's behalf" to get aid from the U.S. while extracting a price from Japan.

And welfare and tax-free privileges for the zainichi.
Reischauer then pushed for a Japan-Korea treaty that forced Japan to pay $500 million for the "Miracle on the Han River," which included everything from steel production to shipbuilding and power plants.
Japan continued to be considerate of Korea for a long time after that.
For Roh Tae-woo, Japan gave him Kim Hyon-hui, the Korean jet bomber captured by Japanese embassy staff in Perlen.
She gave a detailed account of the abductions of Megumi and others from North Korea, but Roh Tae-woo was reluctant to give it to Japan, delaying the clarification of the kidnapping for more than ten years.
Japan has been considerate to the zainichi who have settled in Japan independently, giving them everything from welfare to tax-exempt privileges.
However, although Japan had the right to deport murderers from the country, Roh Tae-woo made a promise to Toshiki Kaifu not to allow murderers living in Japan to be deported.
Kiichi Miyazawa also thoughtfully co-hosted the World Cup soccer tournament between Japan and Korea.
The tournament was stigmatized as "the world's dirtiest World Cup" because of Korea's corrupt bribing of referees and rough play.
Taro Aso took pity on South Korea, which the international community ridiculed, and recommended Ban Ki-moon for U.N. Secretary-General.
Ban responded to Aso's sympathies by propagandizing at the U.N. to call the Sea of Japan the "East Sea," of all things.
He also participated in the 2015 China Victory Day Parade in Beijing to express his anti-Japanese attitude.
Junichiro Koizumi gave South Korea the White Country treatment that Japan only gives to clean countries.
The Koreans misused it to resell hydrogen fluoride and other chemicals to North Korea and other terrorist states.
Blamed for the breach of trust, the Abe administration removed the White Country status and shifted its compassionate policy for the first time.
Koreans, who had always taken compassion for granted, were so shocked that their world was upside down.
Messengers are coming from Korea one after another.
In addition to demanding compensation for the false consignees and restoration to the status of a White country, they are also trying to be kind, saying that they will make the Tokyo Olympics a stage for the reunification of the peninsula.
The self-indulgence of the Koreans, with no remorse, is making even the good-natured Japanese weary of the situation.
It is time to think about an Olympics without Koreans.

2024/4/7 in Kyoto

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Det er virkeligheten til et land som inntil i går hadde overtalt fattige Afrika og Asia

2024年04月08日 15時37分26秒 | 全般

Jeg fant følgende "President Online" mens jeg søkte etter informasjon om WHOs erklæring om unntakstilstand.
I denne artikkelen avsløres også Kinas virkelighet.

Et land som prøver å bli en hegemonisk stat under kommunistpartiets ettpartidiktatur, et system som ingen av de utviklede landene aksepterer.
Et land som har brukt enorme mengder penger på militær ekspansjon, inkludert utvikling av atomvåpen, samtidig som det har fortsatt å påføre sitt folk luftforurensning i mer enn 20 år, til det punktet hvor det ikke lenger er et beboelig miljø for mennesker.
Det er realiteten til et land som inntil i går hadde overtalt fattige Afrika og Asia med penger for å få globalt hegemoni, mens de fortsatte å motta store mengder ODA fra Japan hvert år.
Utheving i teksten annet enn overskriften er min.

Ingen grunn til panikk over smittespredningen på fastlands-Kina
Sykdommens sanne natur blir gradvis klar.
Wu Han-koronaviruset, patogenet til den nye typen lungebetennelse, er nå et problem.
Fra 31. januar har antallet smittede på fastlands-Kina, spesielt i Wuhan City, Kina, fortsatt å øke.
Per 31. januar er antallet infiserte mennesker over hele verden i ferd med å overstige 10 000, og overgår antallet personer som ble smittet i SARS-epidemien fra 2002 til 2003 (omtrent 8000). Antall dødsfall har passert 200. Smitten har spredt seg til mer enn 20 land og regioner, og det har også dukket opp smittede personer i Japan.
Det er imidlertid ingen grunn til panikk over denne spredningen av infeksjon. Det har ikke vært dødsfall i andre land eller regioner enn Japan og fastlands-Kina. Det er fordi Kina ikke har tilstrekkelige medisinske fasiliteter og systemer at infeksjonen har spredt seg så vidt, og som et resultat har antallet dødsfall økt.
Faktisk, ifølge SNS-videoer fra Kina, har sykehus i Wuhan ikke engang vært i stand til å utføre «triage», der behandlingsrekkefølgen bestemmes av alvorlighetsgraden av sykdommen.
En medisinsk personell klaget begeistret: "Jeg har feber, men de vil ikke undersøke meg. Sykehuset er i en tilstand av panikk og dysfunksjon.
30. januar erklærte generaldirektør Tedros i Verdens helseorganisasjon (WHO) en «internasjonal folkehelsenød» ved hovedkvarteret i Genève, Sveits.
Spredning av infeksjon i Japan som i Kina er usannsynlig.
I lys av disse fakta er det klart at det ikke er nødvendig å være for redd for det nye koronaviruset.
Det finnes ingen spesifikk kur eller vaksine, men symptomatisk terapi kan behandle sykdommen adekvat.
De fleste japanske medier lager for mye støy.
Det er som om et svært dødelig patogen som ebolaviruset har blitt luftbåren og angriper menneskeheten.
Å få fakta riktig og å håndtere situasjonen rolig er avgjørende.
I et nøtteskall er det usannsynlig at spredning av infeksjon i Japan, med sin utmerkede medisinske behandling, vil skje slik den gjorde i Kina.
Vær imidlertid oppmerksom på følgende to punkter.
Den første er "inkubasjonsperioden".
Det nye koronaviruset antas å ha en inkubasjonsperiode på 1 til 14 dager fra smitte til symptomdebut.
I denne inkubasjonstiden er det fare for å smitte andre.
Subkliniske tilfeller av infeksjon eksisterer der den smittede personen ikke utvikler sykdommen.
I slike tilfeller har den smittede ingen subjektive symptomer, så det er fare for å gå rundt med god helse og spre smitten.
Det andre punktet gjelder "helseutsatte personer. De fleste symptomene på det nye koronaviruset er milde, men det er en risiko for at symptomene kan bli mer alvorlige hos de som har dårlig helse, som eldre og de med underliggende medisinske tilstander som hjertesykdom.
Du må være spesielt forsiktig hvis det er så sårbare mennesker rundt deg.

2024/4/7 in Kyoto

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Det är verkligheten i ett land som fram till igår hade övertalat fattiga Afrika och Asien

2024年04月08日 15時35分15秒 | 全般

Jag hittade följande "President Online" när jag sökte efter information om WHO:s deklaration av undantagstillstånd.
I den här artikeln avslöjas också verkligheten i Kina.

Ett land som försöker bli en hegemonisk stat under kommunistpartiets enpartidiktatur, ett system som inget av de utvecklade länderna accepterar.
Ett land som har spenderat enorma summor pengar på militär expansion, inklusive utveckling av kärnvapen, samtidigt som det har fortsatt att tillfoga sina invånare luftföroreningar i mer än 20 år, till den grad att det inte längre är en beboelig miljö för människor.
Det är verkligheten i ett land som fram till igår hade lockat fattiga Afrika och Asien med pengar för att få global hegemoni samtidigt som det fortsatte att ta emot stora mängder ODA från Japan varje år.
Andra betoningar i texten än rubriken är min.

Inget behov av panik över smittspridningen på det kinesiska fastlandet
Sjukdomens sanna natur blir gradvis klar.
Wu Han-coronaviruset, patogenen för den nya typen av lunginflammation, är nu ett problem.
Från och med den 31 januari har antalet smittade personer på det kinesiska fastlandet, särskilt i staden Wuhan, Kina, fortsatt att öka.
Den 31 januari är antalet smittade människor över hela världen på väg att överstiga 10 000, vilket överstiger antalet personer som smittades i SARS-epidemin 2002 till 2003 (cirka 8 000). Antalet dödsfall har överstigit 200. Smittan har spridit sig till mer än 20 länder och regioner, och infekterade personer har även dykt upp i Japan.
Det finns dock ingen anledning att få panik över denna infektionsspridning. Det har inte inträffat några dödsfall i andra länder eller regioner än Japan och Kina. Det är för att Kina inte har tillräckliga medicinska faciliteter och system som infektionen har spridit sig så brett, och som ett resultat har antalet dödsfall ökat.
Enligt SNS-videor från Kina har sjukhus i Wuhan faktiskt inte ens kunnat utföra "triage", där behandlingsordningen bestäms av sjukdomens svårighetsgrad.
En medicinsk personalmedlem klagade upphetsat, "Jag har feber, men de kommer inte att undersöka mig. Sjukhuset är i ett tillstånd av panik och dysfunktion.
Den 30 januari utlyste generaldirektör Tedros för Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) en "internationell folkhälsokris" vid dess högkvarter i Genève, Schweiz.
Spridning av infektioner i Japan som i Kina är osannolik.
Mot bakgrund av dessa fakta är det tydligt att det inte finns någon anledning att vara alltför rädd för det nya coronaviruset.
Det finns inget specifikt botemedel eller vaccin, men symtomatisk terapi kan behandla sjukdomen adekvat.
De flesta japanska medier bullrar för mycket.
Det är som om en mycket dödlig patogen som ebolaviruset har blivit luftburen och angriper mänskligheten.
Att få fakta rätt och hantera situationen lugnt är viktigt.
I ett nötskal är det osannolikt att spridningen av infektioner i Japan, med dess utmärkta medicinska vård, kommer att inträffa som i Kina.
Observera dock följande två punkter.
Den första är "inkubationsperioden".
Det nya coronaviruset tros ha en inkubationstid på 1 till 14 dagar från infektion tills symtomen börjar.
Under denna inkubationsperiod finns risk att smitta andra.
Subkliniska fall av infektion finns där den smittade personen inte utvecklar sjukdomen.
I sådana fall har den smittade inga subjektiva symtom, så det finns risk att gå runt med god hälsa och sprida smittan.
Den andra punkten gäller "hälsoutsatta personer. De flesta av symtomen på det nya coronaviruset är milda, men det finns en risk att symtomen kan bli allvarligare hos dem som har dålig hälsa, såsom äldre och de med underliggande medicinska tillstånd såsom hjärtsjukdomar.
Du måste vara extra försiktig om det finns så utsatta människor runt omkring dig.

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2024年04月08日 15時33分15秒 | 全般



截至1月31日,全球感染人數即將突破1萬人,超過2002年至2003年非典疫情期間的感染人數(約8,000人)。 死亡人數已超過200人,感染已蔓延至20多個國家和地區,日本也出現了感染者。
不過,無需對這種感染傳播感到恐慌。 除日本和中國大陸以外的國家或地區尚無死亡病例。 正是由於中國沒有足夠的醫療設施和系統,感染如此廣泛傳播,導致死亡人數增加。

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2024年04月08日 15時23分42秒 | 全般



截至1月31日,全球感染人数即将突破1万人,超过2002年至2003年非典疫情期间的感染人数(约8000人)。 死亡人数已超过200人,感染已蔓延至20多个国家和地区,日本也出现了感染者。
不过,无需对这种感染传播感到恐慌。 除日本和中国大陆以外的国家或地区尚无死亡病例。 正是由于中国没有足够的医疗设施和系统,感染才如此广泛传播,导致死亡人数增加。
第二点是“健康弱势群体”。新型冠状病毒的症状大多较轻微,但对于老年人、有基础疾病的人等健康状况不佳的人来说,症状可能会变得更严重。 例如心脏病。

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어제까지만 해도 가난한 아프리카와 아시아를 회유하던 나라의 현실이다.

2024年04月08日 15時21分36秒 | 全般

WHO의 비상사태 선포에 관한 정보를 검색하던 중 다음과 같은 '대통령 온라인'을 발견했습니다.
이 글에서는 중국의 현실도 드러난다.

선진국 어느 나라도 인정하지 않는 공산당 일당 독재 체제 하에서 패권국가가 되려고 하는 나라.
핵무기 개발을 비롯한 군사력 확장에 막대한 돈을 쏟아부으면서도 20년 넘게 대기오염을 계속해서 인류가 살기에 더 이상 살기 힘든 환경이 될 정도로 국민에게 가하는 나라.
어제까지만 해도 일본으로부터 매년 막대한 규모의 ODA를 계속 받아오면서 가난한 아프리카와 아시아를 돈으로 회유해 글로벌 패권을 쥐고 있던 나라의 현실이다.
헤드라인 이외의 텍스트에서 강조한 부분은 제가 쓴 것입니다.

중국 본토 감염 확산에 당황할 필요 없다
질병의 본질은 점차 명확해지고 있습니다.
새로운 유형의 폐렴의 병원체인 우한 코로나바이러스가 이제 문제가 되었습니다.
1월 31일 현재 중국 본토, 특히 중국 우한시 지역의 감염자 수가 계속해서 증가하고 있습니다.
1월 31일 현재 전 세계 감염자 수는 1만 명을 넘어설 전망이다. 이는 2002~2003년 사스 유행 당시 감염자 수(약 8,000명)를 넘어선 것이다. 사망자는 200명을 넘어섰다. 감염자는 20여개 국가와 지역으로 확산됐고, 일본에서도 감염자가 나왔다.
그러나 이러한 감염 확산에 대해 당황할 필요는 없습니다. 일본과 중국 본토를 제외한 국가나 지역에서는 사망자가 나오지 않았다. 중국에서 감염병이 이렇게 광범위하게 퍼지고, 이로 인해 사망자가 늘어난 것은 적절한 의료시설과 시스템이 없기 때문이다.
실제로 중국의 SNS 영상에 따르면 우한의 병원들은 질병의 심각도에 따라 치료 순서를 정하는 '중증분류'조차 실시하지 못하고 있다.
한 의료진은 "열이 나는데 진찰을 안 해준다. 병원이 패닉 상태에 빠져 기능이 제대로 작동하지 않는다"며 신이 나서 하소연했다.
1월 30일, 테드로스 세계보건기구(WHO) 사무총장은 스위스 제네바 본부에서 '국제 공중보건 비상사태'를 선포했다.
일본에서도 중국처럼 감염이 확산될 가능성은 낮다.
이러한 사실로 볼 때, 신형 코로나바이러스를 지나치게 두려워할 필요는 없음이 분명합니다.
특별한 치료법이나 백신은 없지만 대증요법으로 질병을 적절하게 치료할 수 있습니다.
일본 언론의 대부분은 너무 큰 소리를 내고 있습니다.
마치 에볼라 바이러스처럼 매우 치명적인 병원체가 공중으로 퍼져 인류를 공격하고 있는 것 같습니다.
사실을 정확하게 파악하고 상황을 침착하게 처리하는 것이 중요합니다.
한마디로 일본의 우수한 의료 환경 덕분에 감염 확산은 중국처럼 일어날 가능성이 낮다.
단, 다음 두 가지 사항에 유의하시기 바랍니다.
첫 번째는 '잠복기'입니다.
신형 코로나바이러스는 감염 후 증상 발현까지 1~14일의 잠복기를 갖는 것으로 추정된다.
이 잠복기 동안 다른 사람을 감염시킬 위험이 있습니다.
감염된 사람이 질병을 발병하지 않는 무증상 감염 사례가 존재합니다.
이런 경우 감염자 본인의 자각 증상이 없기 때문에 건강하게 돌아다니다가 감염이 퍼질 위험이 있다.
두 번째는 '건강취약자'에 관한 사항입니다. 신형 코로나바이러스의 증상은 대부분 경미하지만, 고령자, 기저질환자 등 건강이 좋지 않은 사람에서는 증상이 더욱 심해질 위험이 있습니다. 심장병과 같은.
주변에 이렇게 취약한 사람이 있다면 특히 조심해야 합니다.

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É a realidade de um país que, até ontem, vinha bajulando a África e a Ásia pobres

2024年04月08日 15時19分26秒 | 全般

Encontrei o seguinte "Presidente Online" enquanto procurava informações sobre a declaração de estado de emergência da OMS.
Neste artigo também é revelada a realidade da China.

Um país que tenta tornar-se um Estado hegemónico sob a ditadura de partido único do Partido Comunista, um sistema que nenhum dos países desenvolvidos aceita.
Um país que gastou enormes quantias de dinheiro na expansão militar, incluindo o desenvolvimento de armas nucleares, ao mesmo tempo que continua a infligir poluição atmosférica à sua população há mais de 20 anos, ao ponto de já não ser um ambiente habitável para os seres humanos.
É a realidade de um país que, até ontem, vinha bajulando a África e a Ásia pobres com dinheiro para ganhar hegemonia global, ao mesmo tempo que continuava a receber grandes quantidades de APD do Japão todos os anos.
A ênfase no texto além do título é minha.

Não há necessidade de entrar em pânico com a propagação da infecção na China continental
A verdadeira natureza da doença está gradualmente a tornar-se clara.
O coronavírus Wu Han, o patógeno do novo tipo de pneumonia, é agora um problema.
Em 31 de janeiro, o número de pessoas infectadas na China continental, especialmente na cidade de Wuhan, na China, continuou a aumentar.
Em 31 de Janeiro, o número de pessoas infectadas em todo o mundo estava prestes a ultrapassar os 10.000, ultrapassando o número de pessoas infectadas na epidemia de SARS de 2002 a 2003 (cerca de 8.000). O número de mortes ultrapassou 200. A infecção se espalhou por mais de 20 países e regiões, e pessoas infectadas também apareceram no Japão.
No entanto, não há necessidade de entrar em pânico com a propagação da infecção. Não houve mortes em países ou regiões além do Japão e da China continental. Foi porque a China não dispõe de instalações e sistemas médicos adequados que a infecção se espalhou tão amplamente e, como resultado, o número de mortes aumentou.
Na verdade, segundo vídeos do SNS da China, os hospitais de Wuhan nem sequer conseguiram realizar a “triagem”, em que a ordem do tratamento é determinada pela gravidade da doença.
Um membro da equipe médica reclamou com entusiasmo: "Estou com febre, mas não me examinam. O hospital está em estado de pânico e disfunção.
Em 30 de janeiro, o Diretor-Geral Tedros da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) declarou uma “emergência de saúde pública internacional” na sua sede em Genebra, na Suíça.
A propagação da infecção no Japão como na China é improvável.
À luz destes factos, fica claro que não há necessidade de ter demasiado medo do novo coronavírus.
Não existe cura ou vacina específica, mas a terapia sintomática pode tratar adequadamente a doença.
A maior parte da mídia japonesa está fazendo muito barulho.
É como se um agente patogénico altamente letal como o vírus Ébola se espalhasse pelo ar e atacasse a raça humana.
Acertar os fatos e lidar com a situação com calma é essencial.
Em suma, é improvável que a propagação da infecção no Japão, com os seus excelentes cuidados médicos, ocorra como aconteceu na China.
No entanto, observe os dois pontos a seguir.
O primeiro é o “período de incubação”.
Acredita-se que o novo coronavírus tenha um período de incubação de 1 a 14 dias desde a infecção até o início dos sintomas.
Durante este período de incubação, existe o risco de infectar outras pessoas.
Existem casos subclínicos de infecção em que a pessoa infectada não desenvolve a doença.
Nesses casos, a pessoa infectada não apresenta sintomas subjetivos, portanto existe o risco de andar com boa saúde e espalhar a infecção.
O segundo ponto diz respeito às "pessoas vulneráveis em termos de saúde. A maioria dos sintomas do novo coronavírus são ligeiros, mas existe o risco de os sintomas se tornarem mais graves naqueles que têm problemas de saúde, como os idosos e aqueles com condições médicas subjacentes". como doenças cardíacas.
Você precisa ter um cuidado especial se houver pessoas vulneráveis ​​ao seu redor.

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