文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Repost!It was in the top 50 searches for the past week of 2021/8/27.

2024年08月27日 21時31分06秒 | 全般




TBSが反日的報道をする理由を知っていますか? 元TBS社員の独り言 「うちの局がこんなになってしまった経緯をお話しましょう」


It is understandable when you see how they still violate international rules and agreements






Top 50 searches for the past week 2021/8/20


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/8/24, 17:15


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Top 10 real-time searches 2021/8/24, 15:53


Revoir le plan directeur national de l'énergie des ruines


Top 50 searches for the past week 2021/8/21


Die Natur der Deflation als Schuldigen ignorieren.


#杉尾秀哉…オウム真理教を批判する坂本弁護士との取材映像を放送前にオウム幹部に見せた事で、数日後の坂本弁護士一家殺害事件の発端となった このクズは #exile だけじゃなくて、雑誌をソースにバカ質問


Top 50 searches for the past week




Top 10 real-time searches 2021/8/23, 12:15


A lie that spread to the international community 


Una bugia che si è diffusa nella comunità internazionale


Wirtschaftliche Belastung und Abhängigkeit von China


ODA and advanced technology from Japan. China wanted them desperately.


the Asahi Shimbun has been the instigator and spreader of fake news for a long time


In my view, history and sociology in this country are hotbeds of lies.


Ignoring the Nature of Deflation as the Culprit. Is Japan's impoverishment a "fate"?




D'ailleurs, と題して、フランス国民に向けて「文明のターンテーブル」英文用公式ホームページで発信しました。


It is a popular page yesterday


The Japanese Cannot Tolerate Korea's Attitude.




La Chine, cependant, n'a pas accepté de fixer un nouvel objectif de réduction.


Monumentale Arbeit von Fake News


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/8/24, 20:45


Top 50 searches for the past week


It emits about 9.8 billion tons of C02 per year (2019), about 30% of the world's total.


No permita que la expansión de China se use indebidamente como un "país en desarrollo


Revise el plan maestro nacional de energía en ruinas


Revise o plano mestre de energia de ruína nacional


Por cierto,と題して、スペイン語圏の国民に向けて「文明のターンテーブル」英文用公式ホームページで発信しました。


Top 50 searches for the past week 2021/8/24


The Beatles - A Day In The Life


Una mentira que se extendió a la comunidad internacional




Top 10 real-time searches on goo 8/20, 17:40


Japan, as the leader of democratic states along with the United States, cannot lose this battle.


Ou vous pouvez faire un don via Patreon.


Eine Lüge, die sich in der internationalen Gemeinschaft verbreitete


Review the national ruin energy masterplan


La persistance de la "théorie de la dichotomie


May 2021 in Nara

Repost!It was a popular page yesterday, 2021/8/27.

2024年08月27日 21時28分15秒 | 全般


Die Natur der Deflation als Schuldigen ignorieren.


Ignoring the Nature of Deflation as the Culprit. Is Japan's impoverishment a "fate"?




Top 50 searches for the past week


However, the majority chorused that the tax should be raised as planned.


It is a popular page yesterday 2021/8/26








If you are so sure, you should take the foreigner into your home, be his guarantor,


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/8/26, 11:30










Top 10 real-time searches 2021/8/26, 7:30


In the first place, experts on infectious diseases are treated as second-rate people


It is understandable when you see how they still violate international rules and agreements


There can be no friendship between Japan and Korea except based on the truth.


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/8/26, 20:30


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/8/26, 22:10


The Japanese Cannot Tolerate Korea's Attitude.






Top 10 real-time searches on goo 8/25, 23:32


A prime minister who is crushed by the newspapers cannot be a man of power.






Una bugia che si è diffusa nella comunità internazionale


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Eine Lüge, die sich in der internationalen Gemeinschaft verbreitete


Natsuho Murata - Récital Mini Violini


Il principale colpevole dietro il deterioramento delle relazioni Giappone-Corea と題して


A lie that spread to the international community 


TBSが反日的報道をする理由を知っていますか? 元TBS社員の独り言 「うちの局がこんなになってしまった経緯をお話しましょう」


El principal culpable del deterioro de las relaciones entre Japón y Corea と題して、


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/8/25, 16:57


Una mentira que se extendió a la comunidad internacional


組員Cは、 「シノギの最新トレンドは詐欺。太陽光発電やFXあたりが熱いな。正業を持つヤクザがとにかく増えた。…」


#杉尾秀哉…オウム真理教を批判する坂本弁護士との取材映像を放送前にオウム幹部に見せた事で、数日後の坂本弁護士一家殺害事件の発端となった このクズは #exile だけじゃなくて、雑誌をソースにバカ質問


Würden Sie bitte an das dort aufgeführte Patreon spenden?


Ou vous pouvez faire un don via Patreon.


Le principal coupable de la détérioration des relations Japon-Corée と題して、フランス国民に


The main culprit behind the deterioration of Japan-Korea relations.と題して、






22024/8/26 in Onomichi

Repost!It was a popular page yesterday, 2022/8/27.

2024年08月27日 21時25分37秒 | 全般

22024/8/26 in Onomichi

Repost!It was in the top 50 searches for the past week of 2023/8/27.

2024年08月27日 21時22分21秒 | 全般












Non è esagerato dire che Nobunaga era Gengis Khan, Alessandro Magno, nato in Giappone.




But the next song, like Smashing Pumpkins, was also perfect.








White House Down - Chevy Knights (Mickey & Mallory)




Another belief of the Asahi Newspaper is GHQ, 'the past which colonized Korea by the slaves.




Another belief of the Asahi Newspaper is GHQ, 'the past which colonized Korea by the slaves.'










Still, President Xi Jinping, unrepentant, is stepping up his aggressive offensive. 












Top 10 real-time searches 2023/8/24, 12:20




I hope Enma will be able to catch every single one who sang in a big chorus in August 1992


Репост!Они хотят скрыть это и правдоподобно распространять ложь, которая подрывает Японию


凄いでしょ朝日新聞って。中国の方が圧倒的に原発処理水で海汚してるのに、その事は一切書かないんだぜ  ホント早く潰れちまえ。


Resend! The Japanese suffered many disadvantages from Asahi Shimbun's report.


It is a popular page yesterday, 2023/8/21.


China. You better not take advantage of us.


Confront Korean lies. Why does Korea continue 'anti-Japan'?




Resend! It was the Japanese who played a leading role in this process.


Top 10 real-time searches 2023/8/24, 0:28




違うでしょ。だから舐められる。 外交は相互主義。なぜ対抗措置の発表ではないのか。信じ難い






Top 10 real-time searches 2023/8/25, 22:12


This newspaper seemed to be a mass of self-righteousness that they were just,




I know of no other man with such a lack of morals. 








22024/8/26 in Onomichi

Repost!It was a popular page yesterday, 2023/8/27.

2024年08月27日 21時19分49秒 | 全般












岸田!! 外交能力、先見の明 ゼロ以下…河野太郎…さすが“親中&移民促進派”の代表。こんな人物を「次期総理候補」と世論形成してきたメディア


How stupid can these people be! Don't come to Japan either.








Another belief of the Asahi Newspaper is GHQ, 'the past which colonized Korea by the slaves.'


文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2023/8/26


文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事,2023,8/26.


Another belief of the Asahi Newspaper is GHQ, 'the past which colonized Korea by the slaves.




岸田は 日本国民をバカにしていないか…日本政府奨学金留学生募集要項…日本国民全員が唖然とするはず


It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/8/26.


Top 10 real-time searches 2023/8/26, 12:54.


This newspaper seemed to be a mass of self-righteousness that they were just,




It is a popular page yesterday, 2023/8/26.




Confront Korean lies. Why does Korea continue 'anti-Japan'?
















It was a popular page yesterday, 2023/2/12.












Top 50 searches for the past week 2021/ 12/8




目的が手段を浄化する→手段を選ぶ必要はない→どんな手段でも目的のためなら正当化される…知能が低すぎる クズだな


To The Good Readers In Tottori.








To The Good Readers In Shimane.


Top 50 searches for the past week 2021/12/15


Jag hoppas att Enma kommer att kunna fånga varenda en som sjöng i en stor refräng i augusti 1992


To The Good Readers In United States.


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/12/7, 15:08 with my shot on 11/25


It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/1/8.



22024/8/26 in Onomichi

It is Biden who is dividing the society, but they don't see that either. 

2024年08月27日 21時10分29秒 | 全般
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Destroying the DS 
Trump, however, is different.
He thought that a government that forced wars on the people and sent young people into battle was wrong, so he took the fight to the D.S. forces and created a government that would not engage in war.
He doesn't even bother with the media, which is the core of the D.S., and appeals directly to the people on social media. 
They don't even take on the organizations working with China to regulate CO2 emissions.
What's wrong with fossil fuels?
They were going to bring back shale gas and stop electric vehicles (E.V.s), but now that Elon Musk, who owns Tesla, is in the Trump camp, the banning of E.V.sE.V.s will be delayed.
In any case, he even made it clear that he would destroy D.SD.S.
That is why the media, which hates to see their vested interests violated, will criticize Trump thoroughly because they do not want him to be reelected.
Following the American media's lead, the Japanese press wrote, "Trump will divide society."
It is Biden who is dividing the society, but they don't see that either. 
The D.S. has even got the judiciary involved, so they will assassinate someone if they don't like it.
It has been proven in the past.
That is why no severe opinions were expressed during Biden's four years. 
Japan is not under a U.S. administration or anything.
It would be best to examine Trump's claims fairly without fear.
A different side of the story is sure to emerge.
In this sense, the U.S. presidential election will be an excellent opportunity to learn the truth about the United States.

2024/8/26 in Onomkichi, Hiroshima

It is commonly referred to as the "kitchen cabinet."

2024年08月27日 20時50分23秒 | 全般
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The Government Behind the Scenes 
However, Japan has yet to receive such a frown-inducing picture of reality from the United States.
Japanese people have too much trust in Americans.
Americans have deceived us since the time of Perry and Harris.
Eiichi Shibusawa and Kanzo Uchimura, both members of the nondenominational Uchimura Faction, were uniquely pro-American.
However, they were shocked by the enactment of the U.S. Exclusion Law.
Shibusawa felt penitent, saying, "I wish we had remained a Sonnō jōi." 
Americans are very cheating and skilled at deceiving others.
It continues to this day, and newspapers and television remain deceived. 
Even Biden plagiarized someone else's paper for his law school graduation thesis.
He copied five pages of a 15-page thesis, even though some plagiarism would not have gone unnoticed.
He cheated and graduated, even though he would have been expelled.
Biden played halfback in American football through college.
But "my asthma was so bad," he evaded the draft five years in a row.
It's an improbable story, but he's not afraid to tell it. 
Trump also evaded the draft because of a "heel bone abnormality," and Clinton fled to the U.K. after receiving a Rhodes scholarship.
Almost all U.S. presidents have evaded the draft. 
The Japanese people should once again become aware of such cheating by Americans.
They should also realize that the U.S. is still a young country.
As mentioned earlier, the existence of the "Deep State (D.S.)" symbolizes the infantile nature of the United States. 
What is D.S.?
Jason Morgan pointed out the existence of the D.S. infesting the FBI and CIA in the September 2012 issue of this magazine. More specifically, the media is part of it. 
Alexis de Tocqueville, former French foreign minister, pointed out in "Democracy in America" that the downside of democracy is "the oppressive power of the majority."
Who is in charge of such a tyranny, he extolled, is the newspaper.
The seventh president, Andrew Jackson, wielded power because, separate from the Congress in the open, Jackson's trusted henchmen, the newspaper executives who entered through the back door of the White House, discussed and decided on policies in their kitchens.
It is commonly referred to as the "kitchen cabinet."
This is the prototype of the D.S. 
In the Spanish-American War (1898), the power of the media was also significant.
William Hearst, nicknamed the "King of Newspapers," exaggerated the misery of Spanish slave farms in Cuba.
When the U.S. battleship Maine sank in Havana harbor after a suspicious explosion, killing 266 people, Hearst-affiliated newspapers wrote that it was the result of mines planted by Spain with malicious intent, spurring public opinion that war with Spain was necessary. 
Theodore Roosevelt and others in D.S.'s circle manipulated Congress to declare war on Spain, driven by the public opinion created.
The fact that the sinking of the Maine was also engineered is evidenced by the fact that soon after the declaration of war, the U.S. fleet raided Manila Bay and sank a Spanish ship by surprise.
Before the explosion of Maine, the U.S. fleet had already crossed the Pacific and was waiting in Hong Kong for the declaration of war to storm Manila Bay. 
As a result, they built a strategic line across the Pacific with Guam and the Philippines, connecting them to the Kingdom of Hawaii, which had already been pillaged.
In this way, forces separate from the U.S. government have used the media to stimulate public sentiment and send many young people to the battlefield to form a sense of unity through that war. 
Even an incompetent politician with dementia, like Biden, can serve as president because these behind-the-scenes governments exist and implement policies on behalf of the front government.
The circle includes the FBI, the CIA, and the media, such as the "New York Times.
This article continues.

2024/8/26 in Onomichi

The Biden administration's overly liberal policies are destroying the United States.

2024年08月27日 18時07分11秒 | 全般
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Liberal Policies Destroying the U.S. 
Americans are arrogant.
In addition, they are ignorant.
However, the Japanese do not like to point out such Americans.
Instead, they protect them. 
When they arrived in the Americas aboard the Mayflower in 1620, Europe was in the midst of a religious war, and those who would have been stoned and thrown into the river if caught fled to the United States.
So many Americans feel as they did in the Middle Ages.
They buy slaves dating back to Roman times and abuse them.
Native Indians are slaughtered because they are in the way.
We have achieved affluence and prosperity while still feeling like uncivilized medieval people.  
Moreover, they have always created a common enemy and instilled patriotism in them.
It is because the U.S., from its very beginnings, did not have the foundation to unify the nation, bring its people together, and foster moral values.
Therefore, war was used as the best way to unify the nation.  
First, they conquered the North American continent in the Indian Wars, then went to sea, making Spain their enemy and meddling in Spanish Mexico, then Cuba, and finally Guam and the Philippines in the Pacific. 
Then, with its ultimate goal (Manifest Destiny) in China, it set out to crush the annoying Japan before it could do so.
Remember the Alamo, Remember Maine and Remember Pearl Harbor. 
After World War II, the U.S. continued to use war as a sign of national unity and fought the Korean War and Vietnam War, with the Cold War against the Soviet Union as its main axis.
When the Cold War ended and unipolar rule came to power, there was no enemy to unite the American people.
The U.S. had looked to Iraq's Saddam Hussein and Islamic terrorism as enemies, but they became too small or religiously motivated, and to put it bluntly, the U.S. had no more enemies.
Now, the U.S. has lost its target and is adrift, and that is where the liberals are skillfully putting their beaks in. 
In the August issue of Choices for Tomorrow, Kevin M. Tork, a professor at Georgetown University, is interviewed on the subject of "America, Where 'Freedom' Without Religion and Morality Destroys Order.
Even in Washington, D.C., there have been many carjackings, and even a congressman's car was jacked.
Moreover, violent crimes of beating and shooting people are also on the rise. 
Even in Los Angeles around 1992, the places where people were carjacked were almost always fixed.
If it was in a dangerous area, it could be bypassed.
Japanese women were particularly vulnerable to carjackings.
They drove nice cars, were instantly recognizable as Japanese, and would not resist if you pulled a gun on them.
However, in the case of a Korean woman who looked very similar, if I attacked her, she would shoot back at them (laughs).
I hear that carjackers had a hard time distinguishing between Japanese and Koreans. 
Jimmy Sakoda, who led the joint Japan-U.S. investigation of the Los Angeles shooting (the Los Angeles scandal and the Miura case), said, "Put eyeliner under the eyes as well. If you put dark eyeshadow on, you will look like a Korean, and carjackers will not touch you."
Koreans have narrow eyes, and their eye makeup is heavy.
Carjackers were also distinguished by their makeup. 
Thirty years later, however, California's public safety continues to deteriorate.
The "BLM" political movement, which is close to the Democratic Party, has made blacks less hesitant to commit crimes.
At the same time, the police have stopped dealing with black crime since the George Floyd case, which contributed to the origin of the BLM. 
As California became more dangerous, Elon Musk fled to Texas.
Plants of Toyota and other Japanese companies are moving out of the state. 
As Kevin M. Tork points out, security is deteriorating even in the capital city of Washington, D.C.
The Biden administration's overly liberal policies are destroying the United States.
This article continues.

2024/8/26 in Onomichi, Hiroshima

Estes saloios internacionais são americanos.

2024年08月27日 18時01分58秒 | 全般
O seguinte é uma continuação do capítulo anterior.
Os EUA odeiam o Japão
Para começar, os EUA odeiam o Japão.
Desde a chegada de Perry, os EUA não têm demonstrado favoritismos em relação ao Japão.
Para ser franco, os EUA têm uma mentalidade racista e odeiam o Japão de baixo para cima.
No entanto, os correspondentes que deveriam reportar isto nunca relatam a má vontade em relação ao Japão.
Nunca reportam nada de estranho para os EUA, como as tretas acima das práticas legais.
Eles tomam silenciosamente o lado dos EUA e cobrem as suas feridas.
O mesmo acontece com os diplomatas do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros à direita.
Sei que provavelmente não compreende isto, por isso vou partilhar a minha experiência como correspondente em Los Angeles.
Cheguei a Los Angeles em 1992.
Fiquei surpreendido com a cobertura do Japão nos jornais dos EUA, especialmente no “New York Times” e no “Los Angeles Times”, que são respeitados pelos correspondentes japoneses como se fossem deuses.
Por exemplo, quando li o artigo “A Coreia do Norte está a morrer de fome”, a palavra “Coreia” foi seguida pela frase “uma vez governada como uma colónia pelo Japão”, como se fosse uma palavra de almofada.
Até a descrição do Sudeste Asiático inclui a frase: "O Japão invadiu e governou impiedosamente esta região."
Era a notação na altura do 50º aniversário do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Se fosse verdade, seria um completo disparate.
Parece ser uma forma de minar o Japão e bloquear o seu direito de se manifestar.
Fiquei tão zangado que liguei para o editor do editorial do "New York Times" na redação.
A senhora da recepção recusou-se a atender a minha chamada e disse: "Deixe uma mensagem".
Assim, o Japão não colonizou a Coreia, um país sem nada para explorar, e gastou 20% do seu orçamento nacional todos os anos para desenvolver as infra-estruturas do país. Foi o Japão que construiu 5.000 escolas naquela península. Disse-lhe para estudar História e que era diferente das Filipinas, onde os EUA mataram um milhão de pessoas e governaram como colónia.
Pedi-lhe também, se possível, que aproveitasse o facto de os EUA terem enganado as Filipinas para se tornarem uma colónia, dizendo: "Os EUA dar-vos-ão a independência", e depois mataram todos os 100.000 ilhéus em Leyte e Samar como conversa de almofada no dia seguinte.
O "New York Times" não usou uma palavra de almofada para as Filipinas depois disso.
Após a guerra, os EUA tomaram a liberdade de desvalorizar o iene para cento e oitenta avos do iene.
Quando a economia do Japão ainda crescia, desvalorizou unilateralmente o iene de 360 ienes para 120 ienes por dólar.
Qualquer país normal teria caído no logro.
Quando o Japão tivesse sucesso nos semicondutores, retiravam-nos do Japão, alteravam as tarifas e faziam todo o tipo de coisas loucas.
Esta imprudência era, na verdade, a mesma para os cidadãos dos EUA.
Em 1994, foi publicado um livro intitulado "Perspectivas das Mulheres de Carreira Ocidental sobre a Sexualidade Japonesa" (escrito por Kristalin Brannen e Tracy Wyllen e publicado pela Soshisha), e foi realizada uma festa nos subúrbios de São Francisco para comemorar a sua publicação.
Brannen disse: “Os japoneses perguntam-me algo sob a forma de uma pergunta.
Tem marido?Tem filhos?" É um insulto perguntar......, e os japoneses não têm medo do sek(la).
Mas os japoneses não são bons em inglês.
Os bons adultos vão para uma escola estúpida de conversação em inglês qualquer e depois fazem negócios com os EUA.
When they need to talk to someone over a coffee break, they are too quick to ask questions such as, "Where do you live? When you have to speak with someone during a coffee break, it is natural to ask a question like, " Onde vives?
Os americanos não têm esse tipo de consideração.
Brannen rejeita o povo japonês que está perplexo desta forma, dizendo: “O povo japonês não tem sensibilidade internacional.
O que é uma mentalidade internacional?” Ela disse que é o conhecimento da comunidade global e a capacidade de falar inglês.
Ela disse que os americanos que falam inglês nascem cosmopolitas, enquanto os japoneses não são cosmopolitas porque nem sequer sabem falar inglês.
Há tanta arrogância.
Precisam de aprender que é preciso esforço para compreender a língua do outro país para ser cosmopolita.
Se Brannen vai escrever um livro sobre os japoneses, faria sentido que aprendesse um pouco de japonês.
Estes saloios internacionais são americanos.
Este artigo continua.

2024/8/26 in Onomichi, Hiroshima

Ces ploucs internationaux sont des Américains.

2024年08月27日 18時00分09秒 | 全般
Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.
Les États-Unis détestent le Japon

Pour commencer, les États-Unis détestent le Japon.
Depuis l'arrivée de Perry, les États-Unis n'ont montré aucun favoritisme envers le Japon.
Pour le dire franchement, les États-Unis ont un état d'esprit raciste et détestent le Japon de fond en comble.
Pourtant, les correspondants qui sont censés rapporter ces informations ne font jamais état de mauvaises intentions envers le Japon.
Ils ne rapportent jamais rien de gênant pour les États-Unis, comme les conneries au-dessus des pratiques juridiques.
Ils prennent silencieusement le parti des États-Unis et cachent leurs blessures.
Il en va de même pour les diplomates du ministère des Affaires étrangères à droite.
Je sais que vous ne comprenez probablement pas cela, alors je vais partager mon expérience en tant que correspondant à Los Angeles.
Je suis arrivé à Los Angeles en 1992.
J'ai été surpris par la couverture du Japon dans les journaux américains, en particulier dans le « New York Times » et le « Los Angeles Times », qui sont respectés par les correspondants japonais comme s'ils étaient des dieux.
Par exemple, lorsque j'ai lu l'article « La Corée du Nord meurt de faim », le mot « Corée » était suivi de la phrase « autrefois dirigée par le Japon comme une colonie », comme s'il s'agissait d'un mot d'oreiller.
Même la description de l'Asie du Sud-Est comprend la phrase « Le Japon a autrefois envahi et gouverné impitoyablement cette région ».
C'était la notation à l'époque du 50e anniversaire de la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Si c'était vrai, ce serait un non-sens complet.
Cela semble être une façon de saper le Japon et de bloquer son droit de s'exprimer.
J'étais tellement en colère que j'ai appelé l'éditorialiste du « New York Times » à la rédaction.
La dame à la réception a refusé de prendre mon appel et a dit : « Laissez un message ».
Le Japon n'a donc pas colonisé la Corée, un pays qui n'avait rien à exploiter, et a dépensé 20 % de son budget national chaque année pour développer les infrastructures du pays. C'est le Japon qui a construit 5 000 écoles sur cette péninsule. Je lui ai dit d'étudier l'histoire et que c'était différent des Philippines, où les États-Unis ont tué un million de personnes et ont gouverné comme une colonie.
Je lui ai également demandé, si possible, d'utiliser le fait que les États-Unis ont trompé les Philippines pour qu'elles deviennent une colonie en disant : « Les États-Unis vous donneront l'indépendance », puis ont tué les 100 000 habitants des îles de Leyte et de Samar comme un argument de faveur la prochaine fois qu'il mentionnerait les Philippines.
Le « New York Times » n'a plus utilisé de mot d'excuse pour les Philippines après cela.
Après la guerre, les États-Unis ont pris la liberté de dévaluer le yen à un cent quatre-vingtième du yen.
Lorsque l'économie japonaise était encore en croissance, elle a dévalué unilatéralement le yen de 360 à 120 yens pour un dollar.
Tout pays normal aurait été victime de ce piège.
Lorsque le Japon a réussi dans le domaine des semi-conducteurs, il les a retirés du Japon, a modifié les tarifs douaniers et a fait toutes sortes de choses folles.
Cette imprudence était en fait la même pour les citoyens américains.
En 1994, un livre intitulé « Perspectives des femmes de carrière occidentales sur la sexualité japonaise » (écrit par Kristalin Brannen et Tracy Wyllen et publié par Soshisha) a été publié, et une fête a été organisée dans la banlieue de San Francisco pour commémorer sa publication.
Brannen a déclaré : « Les Japonais me posent des questions sous forme de questions.
Avez-vous un mari ?
Avez-vous des enfants ? C'est insultant de demander ......, et les Japonais n'ont pas peur de sek (la).
Mais les Japonais ne sont pas bons en anglais.
Les bons adultes vont dans une stupide école de conversation anglaise et vont ensuite faire des affaires avec les États-Unis.
Lorsqu'ils ont besoin de parler à quelqu'un pendant une pause-café, ils sont trop prompts à poser des questions telles que : « Où habitez-vous ? » Lorsque vous devez parler à quelqu'un pendant une pause-café, il est naturel de poser une question comme : « Où habitez-vous ? »
Les Américains n'ont pas ce genre de considération.

Brannen rejette les Japonais qui sont perplexes de cette façon, en disant : « Les Japonais n'ont pas de sensibilité internationale.
Qu'est-ce qu'un état d'esprit international ? » Elle a dit que c'est la connaissance de la communauté mondiale et la capacité de parler anglais.
Elle a dit que les Américains anglophones sont nés cosmopolites, alors que les Japonais ne le sont pas parce qu'ils ne peuvent même pas parler anglais.
Il y a une telle arrogance.
Ils doivent apprendre qu'il faut des efforts pour comprendre la langue de l'autre pays pour être cosmopolite.
Si Brannen veut écrire un livre sur les Japonais, il serait logique qu'il apprenne un peu de japonais.
De tels ploucs internationaux sont des Américains.
Cet article continue.

2024/8/26 in Onomichi, Hiroshima

Solche internationalen Hinterwäldler sind Amerikaner.

2024年08月27日 17時58分25秒 | 全般
Das Folgende ist eine Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.
Die USA hassen Japan
Zunächst einmal hassen die USA Japan.
Seit Perrys Ankunft haben die USA keine Bevorzugung Japans gezeigt.
Um es ganz deutlich zu sagen: Die USA haben eine rassistische Einstellung und hassen Japan aus tiefstem Herzen.
Doch die Korrespondenten, die darüber berichten sollen, berichten nie über die Feindseligkeit gegenüber Japan.
Sie berichten nie über Dinge, die den USA unangenehm sind, wie den Schwachsinn über Rechtspraktiken.
Sie stellen sich stillschweigend auf die Seite der USA und bedecken ihre Wunden.
Dasselbe gilt für Diplomaten im Außenministerium auf der rechten Seite.
Ich weiß, dass Sie das wahrscheinlich nicht verstehen, deshalb werde ich meine Erfahrungen als Korrespondent in Los Angeles mit Ihnen teilen.
Ich kam 1992 in Los Angeles an.
Ich war überrascht von der Berichterstattung über Japan in den US-Zeitungen, insbesondere in der „New York Times“ und der „Los Angeles Times“, die von japanischen Korrespondenten wie Götter verehrt werden.
Als ich beispielsweise den Artikel „Nordkorea hungert“ las, folgte auf das Wort „Korea“ der Satz „einst als Kolonie von Japan beherrscht“, als wäre es ein Schoßwort.
Selbst die Beschreibung Südostasiens enthält den Satz „Japan hat diese Region einst überfallen und unbarmherzig beherrscht.“
Das war die Notiz zum 50. Jahrestag des Endes des Zweiten Weltkriegs.
Wenn das wahr wäre, wäre es völliger Unsinn.
Es scheint eine Möglichkeit zu sein, Japan zu untergraben und sein Recht auf Meinungsäußerung zu blockieren.
Ich war so wütend, dass ich den Leitartikler der „New York Times“ in der Redaktion anrief.
Die Dame an der Rezeption lehnte meinen Anruf ab und sagte: „Hinterlassen Sie eine Nachricht.“
Japan kolonisierte also nicht Korea, ein Land, das nichts auszubeuten hatte, und gab jedes Jahr 20 % seines Staatshaushalts für die Entwicklung der Infrastruktur des Landes aus. Es war Japan, das auf dieser Halbinsel 5.000 Schulen baute. Ich sagte ihm, er solle Geschichte studieren und dass es anders sei als auf den Philippinen, wo die USA eine Million Menschen töteten und als Kolonie regierten. Ich bat ihn auch, wenn möglich, die Tatsache, dass die USA die Philippinen mit den Worten „Die USA werden euch die Unabhängigkeit geben“ dazu brachten, eine Kolonie zu werden, und dann alle 100.000 Inselbewohner in Leyte und Samar töteten, als Anspielung auf die Philippinen zu verwenden, wenn er das nächste Mal die Philippinen erwähnt. Die „New York Times“ benutzte danach kein Anspielung auf die Philippinen mehr. Nach dem Krieg nahmen sich die USA die Freiheit, den Yen auf ein Hundertachtzigstel des Yen abzuwerten. Als Japans Wirtschaft noch wuchs, wertete es den Yen einseitig von 360 auf 120 Yen pro Dollar ab.
Jedes normale Land wäre darauf hereingefallen.
Als Japan im Halbleiterbereich Erfolg hatte, zogen sie diese aus Japan ab, manipulierten die Zölle und taten alle möglichen verrückten Dinge.
Diese Rücksichtslosigkeit galt eigentlich auch für US-Bürger.
1994 wurde ein Buch mit dem Titel „Western Career Women's Perspectives on Japanese Sexuality“ (geschrieben von Kristalin Brannen und Tracy Wyllen und veröffentlicht von Soshisha) veröffentlicht und in den Vororten von San Francisco wurde eine Party zur Feier seiner Veröffentlichung abgehalten.
Brannen sagte: „Die Japaner stellen mir etwas in Form einer Frage.
Haben Sie einen Ehemann?
Haben Sie Kinder?“ Es ist beleidigend zu fragen …, und die Japaner haben keine Angst vor Sek (la).
Aber Japaner können nicht gut Englisch.
Gute Erwachsene gehen auf irgendeine dumme Konversationsschule für Englisch und machen dann Geschäfte mit den USA.
Wenn sie in einer Kaffeepause mit jemandem reden müssen, stellen sie zu schnell Fragen wie: „Wo wohnen Sie?“ Wenn man in einer Kaffeepause mit jemandem reden muss, ist es ganz natürlich, eine Frage wie „Wo wohnen Sie?“ zu stellen.
Amerikaner haben diese Art der Rücksichtnahme nicht.
Brannen weist Japaner, die so verwirrt sind, mit den Worten zurück: „Japaner haben kein internationales Gespür.
Was ist eine internationale Denkweise?“ Sie sagte, es sei das Wissen über die globale Gemeinschaft und die Fähigkeit, Englisch zu sprechen.
Sie sagte, englischsprachige Amerikaner seien geborene Kosmopoliten, während Japaner keine Kosmopoliten seien, weil sie nicht einmal Englisch sprechen könnten.
Das ist eine solche Überheblichkeit.
Sie müssen lernen, dass es Anstrengung erfordert, die Sprache des anderen Landes zu verstehen, um ein Kosmopolit zu sein. Wenn Brannen ein Buch über die Japaner schreiben will, wäre es sinnvoll, wenn er ein wenig Japanisch lernen würde.
Solche internationalen Hinterwäldler sind Amerikaner.
Dieser Artikel geht weiter.

2024/8/26 in Onomichi, Hiroshima

Esos paletos internacionales son los estadounidenses.

2024年08月27日 17時57分10秒 | 全般
Lo que sigue es una continuación del capítulo anterior.
Estados Unidos odia a Japón
Para empezar, Estados Unidos odia a Japón.
Desde la llegada de Perry, Estados Unidos no ha mostrado ningún favoritismo hacia Japón.
Para decirlo sin rodeos, Estados Unidos tiene una mentalidad racista y odia a Japón desde la base.
Sin embargo, los corresponsales que se supone que deben informar sobre esto nunca informan sobre la mala voluntad hacia Japón.
Nunca informan sobre nada incómodo para Estados Unidos, como las tonterías sobre las prácticas legales.
Se ponen en silencio del lado de Estados Unidos y cubren sus heridas.
Lo mismo ocurre con los diplomáticos del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, a la derecha.
Sé que probablemente no entiendas esto, así que compartiré mi experiencia como corresponsal en Los Ángeles. Llegué a Los Ángeles en 1992.
Me sorprendió la cobertura que los periódicos estadounidenses hicieron sobre Japón, especialmente el New York Times y Los Angeles Times, que son respetados por los corresponsales japoneses como si fueran dioses.

Por ejemplo, cuando leí el artículo “Corea del Norte se está muriendo de hambre”, la palabra “Corea” fue seguida por la frase “antiguamente gobernada como colonia por Japón”, como si fuera una palabra de almohada.

Incluso la descripción del sudeste asiático incluye la frase “Japón invadió y gobernó sin piedad esta región”.
Era la anotación que se hacía en el momento del 50 aniversario del fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Si fuera verdad, sería una completa tontería.
Parece ser una manera de socavar a Japón y bloquear su derecho a hablar.

Me enojé tanto que llamé a la editorialista del New York Times en la oficina editorial.
La señora de la recepción se negó a atender mi llamada y me dijo: “Deje un mensaje”.
Así pues, Japón no colonizó Corea, un país que no tenía nada que explotar, y gastó el 20% de su presupuesto nacional cada año en desarrollar la infraestructura del país. Fue Japón el que construyó 5.000 escuelas en esa península. Le dije que estudiara historia y que era diferente de Filipinas, donde Estados Unidos mató a un millón de personas y gobernó como una colonia.
También le pedí que, si era posible, utilizara el hecho de que Estados Unidos engañó a Filipinas para que se convirtiera en una colonia diciendo: "Estados Unidos les dará la independencia", y luego mató a los 100.000 isleños de Leyte y Samar como una charla de almohada la próxima vez que mencionara a Filipinas.
El "New York Times" no volvió a utilizar una palabra de almohada para referirse a Filipinas después de eso.
Después de la guerra, Estados Unidos se tomó la libertad de devaluar el yen a ciento ochentavos de yen. Cuando la economía japonesa todavía estaba en crecimiento, devaluó unilateralmente el yen de 360 a 120 yenes por dólar.
Cualquier país normal habría caído en esta trampa.
Cuando Japón tuvo éxito en el campo de los semiconductores, los sacó del país, alteró los aranceles y cometió todo tipo de locuras.
En realidad, esa imprudencia era la misma para los ciudadanos estadounidenses.
En 1994, se publicó un libro titulado "Perspectivas de las mujeres profesionales occidentales sobre la sexualidad japonesa" (escrito por Kristalin Brannen y Tracy Wyllen y publicado por Soshisha), y se celebró una fiesta en los suburbios de San Francisco para conmemorar su publicación.
Brannen dijo: "Los japoneses me preguntan algo en forma de pregunta.
¿Tienes marido? ¿Tienes hijos?" Es insultante preguntar......, y los japoneses no tienen miedo de sek (la).
Pero los japoneses no son buenos en inglés.
Los adultos buenos van a alguna estúpida escuela de conversación en inglés y luego se van a hacer negocios con los EE. UU.
Cuando necesitan hablar con alguien durante una pausa para el café, son demasiado rápidos para hacer preguntas como, "¿Dónde vives?" Cuando tienes que hablar con alguien durante una pausa para el café, es natural hacer una pregunta como, "¿Dónde vives?"
Los estadounidenses no tienen ese tipo de consideración.
Brannen descarta a los japoneses que están perplejos de esta manera, diciendo: "Los japoneses no tienen una sensibilidad internacional.
¿Qué es una mentalidad internacional?" Dijo que es el conocimiento de la comunidad global y la capacidad de hablar inglés.
Dijo que los estadounidenses angloparlantes nacen cosmopolitas, mientras que los japoneses no son cosmopolitas porque ni siquiera pueden hablar inglés.
Hay tanta arrogancia.
Necesitan aprender que se requiere esfuerzo para entender el idioma del otro país para ser cosmopolita. Si Brannen va a escribir un libro sobre los japoneses, sería lógico que aprendiera un poco de japonés.
Esos paletos internacionales son los estadounidenses.
Este artículo continúa.

2024/8/26 in Onomichi, Hiroshima

Questi contadini internazionali sono americani.

2024年08月27日 17時55分47秒 | 全般
Quanto segue è la continuazione del capitolo precedente.
Gli Stati Uniti odiano il Giappone

Per cominciare, gli Stati Uniti odiano il Giappone.
Dall'arrivo di Perry, gli Stati Uniti non hanno mostrato alcun favoritismo nei confronti del Giappone.
Per dirla senza mezzi termini, gli Stati Uniti hanno una mentalità razzista e odiano il Giappone dal basso verso l'alto.
Tuttavia, i corrispondenti che dovrebbero riferire questo non riferiscono mai la cattiva volontà verso il Giappone.
Non riferiscono mai di nulla di imbarazzante per gli Stati Uniti, come le stronzate sulle pratiche legali.
Si schierano silenziosamente dalla parte degli Stati Uniti e coprono le loro ferite.
Lo stesso vale per i diplomatici del Ministero degli Esteri a destra.

So che probabilmente non lo capisci, quindi condividerò la mia esperienza come corrispondente a Los Angeles. Sono arrivato a Los Angeles nel 1992.
Sono rimasto sorpreso dalla copertura del Giappone nei giornali statunitensi, in particolare nel "New York Times" e nel "Los Angeles Times", che sono rispettati dai corrispondenti giapponesi come se fossero dei.
Ad esempio, quando ho letto l'articolo "La Corea del Nord sta morendo di fame", la parola "Corea" era seguita dalla frase "una volta governata come colonia dal Giappone" come se fosse una parola di accompagnamento.
Perfino la descrizione del Sud-est asiatico include la frase "Un tempo il Giappone invase e governò spietatamente questa regione".
Era la notazione al momento del 50° anniversario della fine della seconda guerra mondiale.
Se fosse vero, sarebbe una totale assurdità.
Sembra essere un modo per indebolire il Giappone e bloccare il suo diritto di parlare.
Ero così arrabbiato che ho chiamato l'editorialista del "New York Times" presso la redazione.
La signora alla reception si è rifiutata di rispondere alla mia chiamata e ha detto: "Lascia un messaggio". Quindi, il Giappone non ha colonizzato la Corea, un paese che non aveva nulla da sfruttare, e ha speso il 20% del suo bilancio nazionale ogni anno per sviluppare le infrastrutture del paese. È stato il Giappone a costruire 5.000 scuole su quella penisola. Gli ho detto di studiare la storia e che era diverso dalle Filippine, dove gli Stati Uniti hanno ucciso un milione di persone e governato come una colonia. Gli ho anche chiesto, se possibile, di usare il fatto che gli Stati Uniti hanno ingannato le Filippine per farle diventare una colonia dicendo "Gli Stati Uniti ti daranno l'indipendenza", e poi hanno ucciso tutti i 100.000 isolani di Leyte e Samar come un discorso da cuscino la prossima volta che menzionerà le Filippine. Il "New York Times" non ha usato una parola da cuscino per le Filippine dopo di allora. Dopo la guerra, gli Stati Uniti si sono presi la libertà di svalutare lo yen a centottantesimi dello yen. Quando l'economia giapponese era ancora in crescita, svalutò unilateralmente lo yen da 360 yen a 120 yen per dollaro.
Qualsiasi paese normale ci sarebbe cascato.
Quando il Giappone ebbe successo nei semiconduttori, li ritirò dal Giappone, manomise le tariffe e fece ogni genere di follia.
Tale sconsideratezza era in realtà la stessa per i cittadini statunitensi.
Nel 1994, fu pubblicato un libro intitolato "Western Career Women's Perspectives on Japanese Sexuality" (scritto da Kristalin Brannen e Tracy Wyllen e pubblicato da Soshisha) e si tenne una festa nella periferia di San Francisco per commemorarne la pubblicazione.
Brannen disse: "I giapponesi mi chiedono qualcosa sotto forma di domanda.
Hai un marito? Hai figli?" È offensivo chiedere ......, e i giapponesi non hanno paura di sek (la).
Ma i giapponesi non sono bravi con l'inglese.
I buoni adulti vanno in qualche stupida scuola di conversazione in inglese e poi vanno a fare affari con gli Stati Uniti.
Quando hanno bisogno di parlare con qualcuno durante una pausa caffè, sono troppo veloci a fare domande come "Dove vivi?". Quando devi parlare con qualcuno durante una pausa caffè, è naturale fare una domanda come "Dove vivi?".
Gli americani non hanno questo tipo di considerazione.

Brannen liquida i giapponesi che sono perplessi in questo modo, dicendo: "I giapponesi non hanno una sensibilità internazionale.
Cos'è una mentalità internazionale?". Ha detto che è la conoscenza della comunità globale e la capacità di parlare inglese.
Ha detto che gli americani che parlano inglese nascono cosmopoliti, mentre i giapponesi non sono cosmopoliti perché non sanno nemmeno parlare inglese.
C'è tanta arroganza.
Devono imparare che ci vuole impegno per capire la lingua dell'altro paese per essere cosmopoliti. Se Brannen dovesse scrivere un libro sui giapponesi, avrebbe senso che imparasse un po' di giapponese.
Questi bifolchi internazionali sono americani.
Questo articolo continua.

2024/8/26 in Onomichi, Hiroshima

Such international hicks are Americans.

2024年08月27日 17時52分51秒 | 全般
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The U.S. Hates Japan 
To begin with, the U.S. hates Japan.
Since Perry's arrival, the U.S. has shown no favoritism toward Japan.
To put it bluntly, the U.S. has a racist mindset and hates Japan from the bottom up.
Yet, the correspondents who are supposed to report this never report the ill will toward Japan.
They never report on anything awkward for the U.S., such as the bullshit above legal practices.
They silently take the U.S. side and cover their wounds.
It is the same for diplomats in the Foreign Ministry to the right. 
I know you probably don't understand this, so I will share my experience as a correspondent in Los Angeles.
I arrived in Los Angeles in 1992.
I was surprised by the coverage of Japan in the U.S. newspapers, especially in the "New York Times" and "Los Angeles Times," which are respected by Japanese correspondents as if they were gods. 
For example, when I read the article "North Korea is starving," the word "Korea" was followed by the phrase "once ruled as a colony by Japan" as if it were a pillow word.
Even the description of Southeast Asia includes the phrase, "Japan once invaded and ruthlessly ruled this region."
It was the notation at the time of the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II.
If it were true, it would be complete nonsense.
It seems to be a way of undermining Japan and blocking its right to speak out. 
I was so angry that I called the "New York Times" editorial writer at the editorial office.
The lady at the reception refused to take my call and said, "Leave a message."
So, Japan did not colonize Korea, a country with nothing to exploit, and spent 20% of its national budget every year to develop the country's infrastructure. It was Japan that built 5,000 schools on that peninsula. I told him to study history and that it was different from the Philippines, where the U.S. killed a million people and ruled as a colony. 
I also asked him, if possible, to use the fact that the U.S. tricked the Philippines into becoming a colony by saying, "The U.S. will give you independence," and then killed all 100,000 islanders in Leyte and Samar as a pillow talk the next time he mentions the Philippines.
The "New York Times" did not use a pillow word for the Philippines after that. 
After the war, the U.S. took the liberty of devaluing the yen to one-hundred-eightieths of the yen.
When Japan's economy still grew, it unilaterally devalued the yen from 360 yen to 120 yen to the dollar.
Any normal country would have fallen for this. 
When Japan succeeded in semiconductors, they would pull them out of Japan, tamper with tariffs, and do all kinds of crazy things.
Such recklessness was actually the same for U.S. citizens. 
In 1994, a book titled "Western Career Women's Perspectives on Japanese Sexuality" (written by Kristalin Brannen and Tracy Wyllen and published by Soshisha) was published, and a party was held in the suburbs of San Francisco to commemorate its publication.
Brannen said, "Japanese people ask me something in the form of a question. 
Do you have a husband? Do you have children?" It is insulting to ask ......, and the Japanese are not afraid to sek (la). 
But Japanese people are not good at English.
Good adults go to some stupid English conversation school and then go to do business with the U.S.
When they need to talk to someone over a coffee break, they are too quick to ask questions such as, "Where do you live? When you have to speak with someone during a coffee break, it is natural to ask a question like, "Where do you live?
Americans do not have that kind of consideration. 
Brannen dismisses Japanese people who are perplexed in this way, saying, "Japanese people do not have an international sensibility.
What is an international mindset?" She said it is knowledge of the global community and the ability to speak English.
She said that English-speaking Americans are born cosmopolitans, while Japanese are not cosmopolitans because they cannot even speak English. 
There is such hubris.
They need to learn that it takes effort to understand the other country's language to be a cosmopolitan.
If Brannen is going to write a book about the Japanese, it would make sense for him to learn a little Japanese.
Such international hicks are Americans.
This article continues.

2024/8/26 in Onomichi, Hiroshima

Det är avskyvärt, men samma sak händer med Trump-attackerna.

2024年08月27日 17時46分50秒 | 全般
Följande är en fortsättning på föregående kapitel.
Inget rättvist spel, inget ingenting.
Varför rapporterar inte japanska medier den faktiska situationen i USA?
Det var den första frågan som kom att tänka på när jag besökte USA som korrespondent.
USA är varken en demokratisk eller modern nation att vara stolt över.
Det föreföll mig vara en förvånansvärt barbarisk, till och med omoralisk, medeltida despotism.
Jag blev Los Angeles-korrespondent 1992.
Rodney King-incidenten, som utlöste upploppen i L.A., hade inträffat året innan.
Rodney King, en ung svart man, körde på en motorväg i en koreansk Hyundai 1500-cylindrig personbil på ett stimulerande medel som vanligtvis kallas Popeye och jagades av en polisbil.
King svängde, delvis på grund av stimulansen, bort från polisbilen på 5 000㏄ och flydde.
Polisbilen var också arg.
Slutligen blir han fångad på Lakeview Terrace men är hårig på grund av Popeye.
Han blir slagen med en batong och känner ingen smärta.
Fyra vita poliser misshandlade honom till en massa och till slut betvingade honom.
Någon filmade händelsen och sände den till världen.
Videon användes som "fasta bevis på övergrepp mot svarta av vita."
Den vita polisen anklagades för överdrivet våld.
Ändå var domen året därpå inte skyldig, delvis på grund av Kings vittnesmål om överdriven inlydnad och användning av stimulantia.
De svarta, rasande över domen, gjorde upplopp.
Det var de så kallade Los Angeles Riots.
Men eftersom upploppen och plundringarna var begränsade till de koreanska stadsdelarna, där de svarta och koreanerna inte var på god fot, avstod polisen från tillslag och lät de svarta bränna ner de koreanska stadsdelarna så mycket de ville.
Det var upploppen i L.A. som varade i fyra dagar och tre nätter.
Polisen ingrep till slut för att kväva upploppen när de svarta befriades från sitt elände, men detta var året för presidentvalet mellan George W. Bush och Bill Clinton.
Bush, som insåg att han kunde förlora den svarta rösten om saker och ting fortsatte som de var, lät de vita poliserna, som hade friats enligt delstatslagstiftningen, ställas inför rätta enligt den federala Civil Rights Act.
Han konspirerade för att döma den vita officeren till varje pris, och den federala domstolen svarade med att fälla den vita officeren.
Rättsstatens princip är att en person inte kan ställas inför rätta två gånger för samma brott. USA bröt öppet mot denna princip genom att fälla den vita polisen.
Förutom de fruktansvärda åtgärderna ingrep presidenten i den rättsliga makten och tvingade fram en otillbörlig rättegång.
Det skulle vara förståeligt i ett ociviliserat land utan maktdelning.
Ändå var det en stor överraskning att det gjordes så öppet i USA, en demokrati under solen.
Det fanns dock inga japanska tidningar som kritiserade sådana odemokratiska amerikanska handlingar.
Låt mig nämna ett annat exempel.
1995 var Alisa Flato, en 20-årig skolflicka från New Jersey, på en sightseeingresa i Israel när en bil lastad med sprängämnen plöjde in i bussen hon åkte i och dödade henne och sju israeliska soldater.
Självmordsbombaren var en ung palestinsk man som tillhörde den hårdföra palestinska Hamas-gruppen.
Som svar på denna incident antog den amerikanska kongressen "State Sponsor of Terrorism Prosecution Act" (en federal lag) 1997, två år efter händelsen.
Denna lag tillåter amerikaner som är måltavla eller inblandade i terroristhandlingar att lämna in ett skadeståndsanspråk mot staten som sponsrade dådet.
Lagen, även känd som "Alisa Flatow-lagen" för att hedra den kvinnliga studenten som utlöste den, uppgav att den var effektiv "retroaktivt före datumet för dess antagande."
Det är med andra ord den mest beundransvärda efterhandslag som är förbjuden av rättsstatsprincipen.
1997, två år efter händelsen, lämnade familjen Plateau in en stämningsansökan i federal distriktsdomstol mot "Iran, som utrikesdepartementet hade utsett till en statlig sponsor av terrorism", och hävdade att Iran var en statlig sponsor av terrorism som hade dödat deras dotter .
Domstolen utfärdade en stämningsansökan till Irans FN-ambassadörskontor i enlighet med lagen, oavsett om det var en efterhandslagstiftning eller inte.
Den iranska sidan sa: "Iran har ingenting med fallet att göra, och det finns inga bevis. Den iranska sidan vägrade att inställa sig i domstolen och sa: "Iran har ingenting med fallet att göra, och det finns inga bevis. Metoden att utse Iran som en tilltalad utan tillstånd strider mot den rätta processen som USA, en nation som styrs av lag, insisterar på.
Det var en naturlig reaktion.
Tingsrätten höll dock en förhandling i de tilltalades frånvaro eftersom "vitemålet hade delgivits den iranska sidan enligt förfarandet".
Den 13 mars 1998 beordrade domaren Royce Lamberth Iran att betala 247 miljoner dollar i skadestånd.
Detta är verkligheten i USA.
Rättsväsendet missbrukar sin dömande makt på uppdrag av den lagstiftande och verkställande makten.
Så är det än idag.
Att hindra Trumps ehar åklagare i demokratiskt anslutna stater lämnat in så många som 90 stämningar, inklusive en om en sju år gammal affär med en kvinna och en annan om borttagande av hemligstämplade handlingar, och domstolarna har godtagit.
De är genuint lagliga banditer.
Det finns inget som heter fair play.
Jag såg en gång en match med Los Angeles Lakers i National Basketball Association (NBA), och närhelst motståndarlaget gjorde ett frikast, blev de utbuade rasande.
Det är avskyvärt, men samma sak händer med Trump-attackerna.
Den här artikeln fortsätter.

2024/8/26 in Onomichi, Hiroshima