文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the Asahi Shimbun newspaper ruled Japan until August 2014.

2023年03月16日 16時58分20秒 | 全般

Things would look even more apparent if you consider that most of them (including the genuinely outrageous Kenzaburo Oe and Haruki Murakami) are all in a Chinese and Korean Peninsula honey trap or money trap!
Jul 23, 2019, 9:28:13 PM | General
The following is the chapter I sent out on 7/21.

Dear young people over 18 years old who have the right to vote
Until Prime Minister Abe began his second Abe administration, Japan was amid the longest deflation in the history of developed countries.
A reporter from the Asahi Shimbun newspaper's economics department created Japan's loss of 20 years of deflation, halted the progress of the turntable of civilization that was turning in Japan as providence, and created the dangerous and unstable world we live in today.
It is no exaggeration to say that Atsushi Yamada, a reporter in the Asahi Shimbun's economics department, created the dangerous and unstable world we live in today.
Why could a single reporter of the Asahi Shimbun newspaper do such a thing?
If any of you are my readers, you already know that the Asahi Shimbun newspaper ruled Japan until August 2014.
You can instantly see these facts by referring to my chapters.
What became clear to the whole world five years ago in August is that this newspaper company has continued to write articles with a masochistic view of history and an anti-Japanese ideology.
It was a company that had been making the most significant contribution to the anti-Japanese propaganda of China, a one-party communist dictatorship and the worst oppressor of human rights in human history, and the Korean Peninsula, an ancient tyrannical state.
They are totalitarian states that continue to practice Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education.
Korea has been since Syngman Rhee, 74 years after the war.
China has been since Jiang Zemin started it to distract the public from the Tiananmen Square incident.
They are the only two anti-Japanese nations in the world.
The fact that the Asahi Shimbun is a traitorous newspaper contributing to them is the reality of the situation.
The reality of Asahi Shimbun was revealed in the light of day five years ago in August.
Because of this newspaper's numerous fabricated reports on the Nanking Massacre and the abandonment of poison gas bombs, Japan has had to continue to pay a tremendous amount of money (blood taxes) to China.
The Asahi Shimbun has contributed to China's extraordinary military buildup and exacerbated China's current unrestrained behavior. It is NHK that has blindly believed and followed the Asahi Shimbun.
During the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) administration created by the Asahi Shimbun, your seniors could not find jobs after graduating from universities.
As a result of the deflationary society (Japan's lost 20 years) created by Atsushi Yamada, more than 10 million young people earn less than 2.5 million yen a year. They cannot even find a regular job at the age of 30.
There is no way they can get married.
The declining birthrate and aging population have accelerated the aging of the people.
The advanced nations of Europe and the U.S. loathed the idea of falling into Japanese-style deflation. As soon as the first signs of deflation became visible, they immediately took countermeasures.
It was at this time that the second Abe cabinet was launched.
The results since then are something you know firsthand and by feeling.
This election for the House of Councillors is critical.
In other words, Prime Minister Abe, the greatest politician of the postwar era, is risking his life to revitalize Japan. In this country, the turntable of civilization is turning, and to make it a government that will be able to survive for another 170 years alongside the United States.
Japan is a country that will lead the world for the next 170 years, along with the United States.
You know it from your cell phones and PCs, and you realize it.
This election must be a landslide victory for Prime Minister Abe, a rare politician and a true patriot who has risked his life to accomplish the good work needed.
They are paid a high salary of over 45 million yen yearly with the public's blood tax. Yet, they have taken 18 consecutive days off from Diet deliberations to go to the UN with people who make their living through anti-Japanese activities.
It is no exaggeration to say that the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, which is no longer a traitorous group of lawmakers undermining Japan and degrading Japan's national strength, honor, and credibility, must be dealt a devastating blow by striking an iron blow at them. 
It is an election in which we must deal a crushing blow to the traitorous members of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and others.
I would like to know if I can reach you in time, as it is only today that I am telling you this.
But, young people, all of you must go to the polls.
Never again let traitors like Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc. rule Japan and urge them to leave by making them pay for Japan's astronomical losses because of their false reports.
It is no exaggeration to say that GHQ intended to make Japan like Carthage, i.e., to destroy Japan as a permanent weakling...by revising the ridiculous Constitution...it took 74 years after the war...to get rid of the yoke of GHQ's War Guilt Information Program.
It is the election for the exit of the Asahi Shimbun and those who have been sympathetic to it and for the complete elimination of the Communist Party elements and Chongryon elements from NHK to make it a genuinely Japanese state-run broadcasting station.
We will not tolerate their viciousness anymore, and this election is for that purpose.
The Communist Party, Asahi, and others have always said that they should learn from Germany, but in Germany, the Communist Party is banned by law because it is not for the nation's good.
This article continues.

2023/3/15, in Osaka


