文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

or the same kind of person as Yokota Kisaburo, who pandered to SCAP?

2024年07月21日 00時39分41秒 | 全般

Is Banno either a very ignorant person, or the same kind of person as Yokota Kisaburo, who pandered to SCAP?
Jul 05, 2018
The following is from an article by Takayama Masayuki, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, published in last week's issue of Weekly Shincho.

How to read Soichiro
The "Hoover Memoirs" (translated title: "Freedom Betrayed") translated by Watanabe Soju is very thick.
Each volume is 700 pages long and costs 8,800 yen.
It's a considerable volume, so I know only a few people who have read it from beginning to end.
One of them is Miyazaki Masahiro.
I also joined him, and we, including Watanabe Soki,  once traveled to "Yoshida Shoin's Shimoda" together.
He is a fan of Soki's books and has reviewed Hamilton Fish's "Roosevelt's Responsibility for Starting the War" and other books. 
Miyazaki read this book and praised it as a first-class resource for understanding how Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) framed Japan.
I have no objection.
However, Hoover's knowledge of Japan is extremely shallow.
It is also a good idea to read Hamilton Fish's book.
If you do that, you will understand why FDR moved the US Pacific Fleet from the West Coast to Pearl Harbor, which was exposed while provoking Japan.
FDR then presented Japan with the Hull Note, which said, "Leave China and Manchuria immediately."
Dr. Pal described this ultimatum as "declaring war even in Luxembourg," but FDR kept it hidden from the American people until the end.
He admitted to cheating.
Another person who said he had read it was Tahara Soichiro.
He grew up looking up to Hikone Castle, a national treasure.
It is a national treasure because it was not burned down in the air raids of the US military and has remained as it was in the past.
It is said that the reason it was spared from air raids was because it was a perfect landmark for US military planes bombing Osaka and Nagoya.
Even so, just before the end of the war, a single B29 bombed Hikone Castle.
It was planning to scatter its remaining bombs over the castle.
When all seemed lost, a fighter plane flew up and rammed it.
A few bombs rolled off the stumbling B29 and landed in a field near the elementary school.
The damage was minimal.
It would have been an emotional scene for a militaristic boy, but 11-year-old Tahara does not remember such a story.
All he remembers are well-worn lines from anti-war intellectuals, such as how values ​​were turned upside down after the war ended.
So he went to a TV station and filmed a wedding where everyone, from the bride and groom to the guests, was completely naked.
He also filmed the bride being so moved that she had sex with everyone in the audience. 
Now, one man who is leading the left-wing forum reads the memoir and says, "It overturns the common sense of the Japanese, namely the view of history that Japan waged an aggressive war and the United States waged a just war."
It is the common sense of the Asahi Shimbun, not the common sense of the Japanese, but let's leave that aside.
So, what did the leftists think when they encountered this fresh perspective?
He declares that it is incorrect.
Because "the trusted Professor Emeritus Junji Banno of the University of Tokyo" says that it was caused by a mistake in China's policy.
I need clarification to hear Sakano, who I don't know, but his reasoning sounds like the US's argument at the Tokyo Trials.
He decided that it was wrong for Japan to invade Chinese territory, Manchuria.
Is that really so?
Chinese territory has been inside the Great Wall since the Qin Dynasty.
The deceiver, Sun Yat-sen, then said that the territory of the Qing dynasty, in other words, Manchuria, Mongolia, Uighurs, and even Tibet, belonged to the Chinese. 
The US recognized that "Manchuria belongs to China" (Stimson Doctrine). It was to encourage China to fight Japan. 
The same method made the Apaches and Cherokees fight each other. The US would finish off Japan by wearing it down. 
There should be only one hegemon in the Pacific. 
So now, even if the Chinese Communist Party invades Tibet and Uyghur, they can't complain because Stimson recognized them as Chinese territory. 
It is what the memoirs suggest, but left-wing commentators don't understand. 
Sakano says that Konoe was wrong to say "Don't bother" Chiang Kai-shek and that the Second Sino-Japanese War became a quagmire and turned into a Japanese-American war, but his memoirs say that this was what FDR had in mind. 
Is Banno either a very ignorant person, or the same kind of person as Yokota Kisaburo, who pandered to SCAP?
It's best to choose a person carefully who you trust.


2024/7/8 in Akashi


