文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It was a hidden secret of the Kennedy family, but its dangers were also deliberated thoroughly. 

2024年07月25日 10時18分53秒 | 全般

The following is from Masayuki Takayama's column in the latter part of the Weekly Shincho, released today.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
This article also demonstrates that he deserves the Nobel Prize for Literature or the Nobel Prize for Peace today.
It is a must-read, not only for the people of Japan but for people all over the world.

The Sin of Shizue
In the past, it wasn't easy to have a funny child.
Their sister's marriage proposal was broken, and they lost their usual social contacts.
They were ostracized in their village.
I was told in a mountain village where I went to a seminar that, in the past, that is how bad seeds were eradicated. 
Charles Darwin and his cousin Francis Gorton gave the scientific basis for it. 
Gorton launched "eugenics," claiming that genius is inherited. 
He believed that superior offspring could be produced by devising heredity and crossbreeding, while bad seeds could be artificially eliminated. 
The medical community was excited. 
In particular, the U.S., which had similar ideas to those of Hitler's Germany, where the Aryan race was considered to be the best, worked hard to "create a wonderful race" on a national scale. 
In Japan, too, the theory of racial conversion became popular, stimulated by eugenics, and in 1938, a bill for the protection of ethnic eugenics was submitted to the Diet. 
However, the debate did not proceed. For example, the government's proposal for the sterilization of the mentally deranged was rejected by some, saying, "There is a fine line between a madman and a genius. Is it not possible to eliminate even geniuses?" 
There was also some wrangling over the issue of the mentally deficient. At the same time, Kiyoshi Yamashita's pasteboard drawings attracted attention, and an exhibition was held at Waseda University. 
In the House of Lords, infertility and sterilization to end bad seeds were also examined, "Who will take the child to the surgery?" 
If the parents were forced to do so, "how would they teach their children the way of filial piety?" 
The situation overseas was also conveyed. 
In the United States, the so-called lobotomy, or frontal lobotomy, proposed by Yale University professor John Fulton for the treatment of psychiatric disorders, had already been used in thousands of cases. 
Among them was John F. Kennedy's sister Rosemary.
She was too naughty and was crippled after the operation simply because she was a little too ladylike. 
It was a hidden secret of the Kennedy family, but its dangers were also deliberated thoroughly. 
The story of the marriage of Michiko Tanaka, an actress who had been the flower of European society, to the German actor Victor de Corvure also reached us. 
A heavy story accompanied the blessed love. When Hitler learned of the couple's marriage, he made sterilization of the bride a condition of marriage, saying that he did not want the blood of an inferior race to be mixed with Aryan blood. 
At that time, the German eugenic protection law was carrying out tens of thousands of sterilizations and euthanasia per year.
It was also used as a means of exterminating Jews. 
In response, the Japanese Diet deliberations eliminated the Hitlerian elements, and the name of the bill was changed from "race sterilization law" to "National Eugenic Law." 
The bill was also passed in June 1941 by excluding "compulsory application" (Article 6 of the bill), which is the same as the practice in Germany and the U.S. of "abortion or sterilization at the discretion of the director of a mental hospital or prison" (Article 7). It took three years of deliberation. 
After the war, MacArthur silenced the newspapers by laying down censorship and press codes harsher than Orwell's "1984" and imposed a constitution of his own writing. 
This dictator also enforced the U.S. version of the Eugenics Protection Act, which replaced the National Eugenics Act. 
GHQ's agent was Shizue Kato of the Socialist Party.
Before the war, he went to the U.S. to study under Margaret Sanger, who preached "freedom of contraception and abortion." After returning to Japan, he advocated "freedom of abortion" and "cutting bad seeds," just like Hitler. 
It was in line with MacArthur's aim to "reduce the population of Japan."
Shidue was elected to the Diet on the recommendation of GHQ and became a promoter of the U.S. version of the Eugenics Protection Act. 
Unlike the National Eugenics Law, the bill contained no restrictions on abortion or sterilization. 
Article 6, which allows prison wardens to decide on abortion and sterilization as they see fit, has also been lifted.
In other words, abortions can now be performed without the approval of the individual or their relatives. 
Cibue explained the purpose of the law to the Diet, but the Asahi Shimbun newspaper recently reported, "There was no critical discussion. 
That is true. 
Can the people who MacArthur appointed as members of parliament object?
Thus, under the new U.S. version of the law, surgeries that disregarded human rights became rampant, and the population shrank. 
Kishida apologized, but the blame lies with MacArthur and the newspapers, which continued to withhold the truth. 
Wasn't it time to expose the darkness of the occupation?

2024/7/22 in Takamatsu



