Resend! in the cold morning of February, blood flowed like a fountain on the ground covered with ice
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The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
’The matter of Tsuchida Joryo killing interrogation record’
Nagasaki prefecture commoner Tsuchida Joryo hired a Korean ship from Huangzhou Xiura on the way to Nampo to return from Huangzhou District following a Korean (1 person Rin Sueji resident of Pyongan Province Ryonggang County), he went down Taedong River and stayed at Hogura on the evening of March 8 and finished preparing for sipping out at around 3 am on the next day 9,
When arriving at Lee Kao who runs inn for meals and again return to ship, it was killed at the garden of inn before returning by 4 or 5 Koreans who stayed inn.
- Asian Historical Data Center Reference Code: A04010024500, "From Incheon Consular Office Administrator Moriichi Hagiwara, matter of follow-up report about Incheon Port situation"
The employee Korean, Rin, was also in the midst of killing, but barely escaped the danger, he came to Pyongyang 12th night and sued the story of the case to Hirahara police inspector stationed in Pyongyang, so the police inspector led the two policemen and five Joseon policeman, tried to do a prospecting at the scene of the 15th, but inn's manager ran away as the police came to arrive, and the dead bodies of the murderers have already dumped in the river, it was impossible to find autopsy.
- Asian Historical Data Center Reference Code: A04010024500, "Incheon Consular Office Administrator Moriichi Hagiwara Yori Incheon Port Incident Report"
I cut the Japanese from his head to the tip of his feet.
(Words are written that Korean use when they disparage the Japanese)
Early in the cold morning of February, blood flowed like a fountain on the ground covered with ice.
I scooped and drunk the blood with my hands, and applied the Japanese blood to my face ... (Words are written that Korean use when they disparage the Japanese)
- Kim Koo, "白凡逸志" Japanese version Heibonsha (1973) Page 79