文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Declare to the world that fascism is not needed in the 21st century.

2024年07月24日 11時08分30秒 | 全般

To put it bluntly, you are a celebrity, so you are asked to write on significant pages by Japan's leading newspapers. You proudly write about your various intellectual works around the world,
but as I have mentioned, even 67 years after the war, anti-Japanese education, a fascist form of education, continues to be practiced in our neighboring countries of Korea and China,
It would help if you took out opinion ads in leading newspapers worldwide at your own expense.
It is the role of you who say such admirable things.
As an influential figure, you possess a unique power to effect change. Your influence extends far beyond your intellectual work, and you have the financial means to make a significant impact. It is within your power to raise awareness about the dangers of anti-Japanese education and call for its immediate cessation.
I have no idea whether it is possible for people who grew up in the fascism of anti-Japanese education to change their view of the world.
Therefore, you extraordinarily famous and wealthy professional intellectuals should let the world know how dangerous the patriotic education in the name of anti-Japanese education, that is, fascism, that South Korea and China are conducting is to humanity, and call for worldwide attention to make these two countries stop teaching fascism immediately.
Your role in this matter is crucial. It is not about preaching lofty theories but about using your influence to bring about positive change. By publishing opinion ads in leading newspapers, you can help to end the dangerous practice of anti-Japanese education in our neighboring countries.
Moreover, instead of writing editorials suggesting that only famous people can say lofty things, you should take out full-page opinion ads in the New York Times, the Washington Post, The Times, Le Monde, etc.

Declare to the world that fascism is not needed in the 21st century.

Otherwise, there is no reason for you professional intellectuals to exist.


2024/7/22 in Takamatu


