The following is an article by Mr. Nobukatsu Fujioka, which has been attracting many people's attention and will be published in the monthly magazine "WiLL" on the 26th.
I have a three-year subscription to this excellent monthly magazine.
So when there are consecutive holidays like this one, they arrive at my house before going anywhere else.
An open letter to the Conservative Party of Japan
The Conservative Party of Japan is the enemy of a "free society."
Expectations for the Conservative Party of Japan
"Oh dear! I talked for 30 minutes for free!" (Naoki Hyakuta)
The problem with the Conservative Party of Japan is that you can't see the whole picture unless you look at it in relation to the "left-wing partyization" of the Liberal Democratic Party, which is both a conservative political party and a ruling party.
At the "instructions" of the then-US Ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel, the LDP Kishida administration passed the LGBT Understanding Promotion Act in June 2023.
The outrage of the bedrock supporters of the LDP, who had long supported the LDP, was intense.
This outrage could destroy the order of Japanese society from the ground up, and the Conservative Party of Japan, which was founded to become a receptacle for this group with nowhere to go, was established with Mr. Hyakuta Naoki as its leader.
It was a perfect timing.
I admired Hyakuta's initiative in setting up a political party despite being a political novice, and I hoped that together with Sanseitō, they would demonstrate the individuality of their respective parties, compete as rivals, and become a bulwark that would erode the LDP's leftward shift from the right.
I also appreciated Secretary-General Kaoru Arimoto's political acumen.
Here's what happened: in the July 2022 Upper House election, the Sanseito Party caused a sensation.
Although they only won one seat, the result showed that they had the potential to become a powerful alternative for conservative voters dissatisfied with the LDP.
After that, a plot to destroy the Sanseito Party was hatched.
When the movement to take over the Sanseitō party began, which was called the "Takeda (Kunihiko) Rebellion," Hyakuta tried to invite Takeda to his YouTube program for fun.
Still, I happened to see a scene on the Internet where Arimoto criticized him for this.
Sanseitō is a party that may cooperate with the Conservative Party of Japan in the future in single-member constituencies.
It should not rashly turn against them.
I interpreted Ms. Arimoto's actions in this context, and Ms. Arimoto was far more careful and accurate in his political judgment than Mr. Hyakuta.
Eager for Mr. Iiyama's election
In the Tokyo 15th District by-election held in April last year (2024), the Conservative Party of Japan officially nominated Ms. Akari Iiyama, an Islamic studies scholar.
At the press conference announcing her candidacy, Ms. Iiyama used the Allied Forces' "Normandy Invasion" example in World War II, saying, "Someone has to take the lead. I have decided to take on that role."
As I listened to him, I was reminded of a story I had read as a child rather than the image of a battlefield from World War II.
It was about what happens when a large group of ants cross a river.
First, several ants dive into the river to form a bridge that links them to the other side.
The ants then cross the bridge and move to the other side.
When you look at what happens to the ants that formed the bridge, you will see that they have not moved at all.
They have already died.
Ants, social insects, expand their living area in this way.
I also liked the motivation behind Ms. Iiyama's candidacy.
She said that she had been allowed to study abroad at government expense and that she had decided to run for office to repay the country for this.
It is a very healthy attitude.
It is a big decision to leave her position as a researcher and enter the world of politics.
I was impressed that she had made this decision.
I wanted Ms. Iiyama to be elected, and even if she wasn't, I hoped she would come in second or something and build a foundation to enable her to be elected in the next general election.
Ms. Iiyama's expertise in the Middle East would eventually help rebuild Japanese diplomacy.
I was also amazed at Ms. Arimoto's skill in finding a brilliant person and persuading her to stand as a candidate.
I never dreamed that behind the scenes of this election campaign, there was a campaign of extreme bullying against the candidate, Ms. Iiyama.
Childish bullying of Ms. Iiyama
The election results were fourth place with 24,264 votes.
How do you see these results?
I was impressed that Ms. Iiyama could get so many votes in an electoral district where she was completely unknown, had no connections, and could run without any preparation.
At the same time, however, I also had the honest thought that she could have gotten a few more votes and perhaps even been elected.
2024 was an election year.
After the April 15th District by-election, there was the July gubernatorial election, the September LDP presidential election, and the October House of Representatives election.
Naturally, I paid close attention to Ms. Iiyama's movements during the House of Representatives election.
I would like to know whether Ms. Iiyama will run in Tokyo's 15th district or the Tokyo proportional representation block.
Naturally, I thought she would be running as a candidate for the Conservative Party of Japan.
However, Ms. Iiyama's name was not on the list of candidates.
I'm sure I wasn't the only one who had doubts.
I'm sure Ms. Iiyama received many inquiries.
From October 8th, Ms. Iiyama gradually revealed the inside story of the by-election on his YouTube channel.
It was all quite shocking.
For example, the night before the by-election was due to start, Ms. Hyakuta asked Mr. Iiyamaa to appear on the live broadcast of the Hyakuta Naoki Channel.
Before the live broadcast started, Ms. Iiyama returned to the election office, but Ms. Arimoto strongly advised her to go to a hotel and rest, so she did so, rested briefly, and then returned to the election office.
The live broadcast began at 8 p.m., and Ms. Arimoto said, "We all had curry and held a pre-election party."
It happened while Ms. Iiyama was back at the hotel, and it was the first time she realized she had been left out.
She must have been shocked.
Furthermore, when Ms. Iiyama returned to the hotel, she was told that dinner would be prepared for her, but when she returned to the office before the live broadcast, dinner had not been prepared, so she was forced to eat cookies and rice crackers.
When I heard this, I was stunned at how childish and immature the Conservative Party of Japan was.
Hyakuta, who did not campaign
Ms. Iiyama has also revealed many other inside stories, and as a third-party observer, I can only think that they are all true.
Both Hyakuta and Arimoto have not given any factual rebuttals because they are unable to.
Ms. Iiyama provided evidence and explanations, but Hyakuta and Arimoto gave almost no clear rebuttals, which surprised me.
Mr. Hyakuta blamed his failure to refute the accusations on the fact that he was in the middle of an election campaign.
He tried to make people feel uneasy by saying things like "I'll tell you everything I didn't say out of samurai compassion," but even after the election was over, up until today, he has still not given any specific or effective refutation.
Therefore, it is safe to assume that all of the accusations made by Ms. Iiyama are true.
What surprised me was that there was no election campaign headquarters.
The candidate was thrown into the midst of the electorate with no support system, so to speak, with no security personnel.
Dangerous situations arose, such as when an older man came close to Ms. Iiyama's face.
The Tsubasa Party has announced that it will attack.
In response to Ms. Iiyama's request for security, Mr. Hyakuta said, "If the Tsubasa Party comes, I'll deal with them, so don't worry."
Still, when it actually happened, he said, "Kurokawa from the Tsubasa Party said he'd leave if Iiyama answers the questions, so you deal with them," and he didn't come out of the car.
The actual state of campaigning for the by-election in the 15th district of the Conservative Party of Japan was even more astonishing.
To everyone's surprise, Mr. Hyakuta grabbed the microphone on the campaign car and started singing popular songs like 'Otomi-san.'
There was no way that people would vote for the candidate unless he called out his name, so no matter how much Ms. Iiyama asked him to stop singing, he wouldn't.
The cronies in the campaign car praised him, saying things like 'Mr. Hyakuta, you're good!' and other such things, and they were delighted.
It's genuinely hell.
Ms. Iiyama has endured well.
I can only marvel at her incredible tenacity.
Even in her street speeches, Mr. Hyakuta spews obscene words, scattering votes.
It is election interference.
It is a profound betrayal of the people enthusiastically supporting the Conservative Party of Japan.
The reason I started criticizing the Conservative Party of Japan
Mr. Hyakuta's words and actions gradually escalated, and he finally made the "hysterectomy" comment.
While discussing how to stop the declining birthrate in Japan, Mr. Hyakuta came up with the "policy" of (1) not sending women to university, (2) not allowing women over the age of 25 to get married, and (3) removing the wombs of women over the age of 30.
He justified this by saying that he prefaced it three times with "this is science fiction," but such a comment is absolutely not acceptable in the context of a policy discussion.
In fact, this news has traveled around the world and been printed in more than 40 countries. "Nihon Hoshuto" is translated as "Conservetive Party of Japan," and the misunderstanding that this is what the conservative political party of Japan is saying has already caused serious damage to the national interest.
It is based on the idea that women are tools for having children, and that they can be made to obey if they are coerced.
The Conservative Party of Japan, which was established to criticize the LDP over the LGBT bill, has far surpassed the LDP in terms of harmfulness.
The closest parallel is the actions of the Chinese Communist Party, which is performing sterilization operations on Uyghur women.
However, I did not start speaking out on Facebook out of righteous indignation.
It was triggered by coming across some information.
It was a story from a person who distributes audio-only content on a YouTube channel called "Yume Radio," which is about 10 minutes long each time.
It seems that Yume Radio has some experience teaching people, and he compared Mr. Iiyama's situation to a "classroom collapse."
He asked what a teacher should do when there is only one serious student in the class, but the other students are running wild and doing whatever they want.
He said that the teacher must resolutely stand by this one decent student (often a female student).
This story struck a chord with me.
At the time, journalist Yukihiro Hasegawa was the only person publicly defending Ms. Iiyama by revealing his name on the Internet.
So, I also felt I had to say something to defend Ms. Iiyama, and I began to speak out against the Conservative Party of Japan.
Therefore, I included a link to Yume Radio in my first broadcast as a sign of my gratitude.
The Hyakuta Method of Making Liars
The kind of society we want is a "free society."
We can now say that the Conservative Party of Japan is an enemy of a 'free society."
I want to use a few examples to highlight some of the issues involved and provide a clue for future systematic analysis.
The first of these is the 'Hyakuta Method' of mass-producing liars.
A false rumor was spread on X (the old Twitter) that Ms. Iiyama had applied for a position in the LDP.
Mr. Hyakuta retweeted this and wrote the following
"I heard that after last year's House of Representatives election, she applied to the Tokyo branch of the LDP for official approval for the House of Councillors election (the truth of this is unknown). When I heard this, I was surprised, but while I was skeptical if it was true, everything made sense, and I thought, 'Oh, that's what happened' (lol)."
Several LDP officials have denied that the LDP Tokyo branch was conducting a public recruitment in the first place.
It is a wholly fabricated false rumor.
Even so, how Hyakuta writes is highly despicable and unforgivable, and his argument is dangerous.
That's why I call it the Hyakuta Method.
This method can be used as a template like this.
"I've heard that... (the truth of the matter is unknown). When I heard that story, I was surprised, but while I was only half-convinced if it was true, everything made sense, and I thought, 'Oh, that's what happened' (lol).
All you have to do is write in the part in brackets here what the other person hates the most.
For example, "I've heard that the Conservative Party of Japan is being funded by the Liberal Democratic Party to destroy the Sanseitō (the truth of this is unknown). When I heard this, I was surprised, but even though I was only half-convinced if it were true, I thought, 'Oh, that's what they were doing,' and everything made,' sense (lol)."
If the Conservative Party of Japan were to post something like this in response, how would they react?
In short, Hyakuta's argument is an anti-social discourse that can produce many lying people.
We must not let Japan become such a society.
This article continues.
I have a three-year subscription to this excellent monthly magazine.
So when there are consecutive holidays like this one, they arrive at my house before going anywhere else.
An open letter to the Conservative Party of Japan
The Conservative Party of Japan is the enemy of a "free society."
Expectations for the Conservative Party of Japan
"Oh dear! I talked for 30 minutes for free!" (Naoki Hyakuta)
The problem with the Conservative Party of Japan is that you can't see the whole picture unless you look at it in relation to the "left-wing partyization" of the Liberal Democratic Party, which is both a conservative political party and a ruling party.
At the "instructions" of the then-US Ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel, the LDP Kishida administration passed the LGBT Understanding Promotion Act in June 2023.
The outrage of the bedrock supporters of the LDP, who had long supported the LDP, was intense.
This outrage could destroy the order of Japanese society from the ground up, and the Conservative Party of Japan, which was founded to become a receptacle for this group with nowhere to go, was established with Mr. Hyakuta Naoki as its leader.
It was a perfect timing.
I admired Hyakuta's initiative in setting up a political party despite being a political novice, and I hoped that together with Sanseitō, they would demonstrate the individuality of their respective parties, compete as rivals, and become a bulwark that would erode the LDP's leftward shift from the right.
I also appreciated Secretary-General Kaoru Arimoto's political acumen.
Here's what happened: in the July 2022 Upper House election, the Sanseito Party caused a sensation.
Although they only won one seat, the result showed that they had the potential to become a powerful alternative for conservative voters dissatisfied with the LDP.
After that, a plot to destroy the Sanseito Party was hatched.
When the movement to take over the Sanseitō party began, which was called the "Takeda (Kunihiko) Rebellion," Hyakuta tried to invite Takeda to his YouTube program for fun.
Still, I happened to see a scene on the Internet where Arimoto criticized him for this.
Sanseitō is a party that may cooperate with the Conservative Party of Japan in the future in single-member constituencies.
It should not rashly turn against them.
I interpreted Ms. Arimoto's actions in this context, and Ms. Arimoto was far more careful and accurate in his political judgment than Mr. Hyakuta.
Eager for Mr. Iiyama's election
In the Tokyo 15th District by-election held in April last year (2024), the Conservative Party of Japan officially nominated Ms. Akari Iiyama, an Islamic studies scholar.
At the press conference announcing her candidacy, Ms. Iiyama used the Allied Forces' "Normandy Invasion" example in World War II, saying, "Someone has to take the lead. I have decided to take on that role."
As I listened to him, I was reminded of a story I had read as a child rather than the image of a battlefield from World War II.
It was about what happens when a large group of ants cross a river.
First, several ants dive into the river to form a bridge that links them to the other side.
The ants then cross the bridge and move to the other side.
When you look at what happens to the ants that formed the bridge, you will see that they have not moved at all.
They have already died.
Ants, social insects, expand their living area in this way.
I also liked the motivation behind Ms. Iiyama's candidacy.
She said that she had been allowed to study abroad at government expense and that she had decided to run for office to repay the country for this.
It is a very healthy attitude.
It is a big decision to leave her position as a researcher and enter the world of politics.
I was impressed that she had made this decision.
I wanted Ms. Iiyama to be elected, and even if she wasn't, I hoped she would come in second or something and build a foundation to enable her to be elected in the next general election.
Ms. Iiyama's expertise in the Middle East would eventually help rebuild Japanese diplomacy.
I was also amazed at Ms. Arimoto's skill in finding a brilliant person and persuading her to stand as a candidate.
I never dreamed that behind the scenes of this election campaign, there was a campaign of extreme bullying against the candidate, Ms. Iiyama.
Childish bullying of Ms. Iiyama
The election results were fourth place with 24,264 votes.
How do you see these results?
I was impressed that Ms. Iiyama could get so many votes in an electoral district where she was completely unknown, had no connections, and could run without any preparation.
At the same time, however, I also had the honest thought that she could have gotten a few more votes and perhaps even been elected.
2024 was an election year.
After the April 15th District by-election, there was the July gubernatorial election, the September LDP presidential election, and the October House of Representatives election.
Naturally, I paid close attention to Ms. Iiyama's movements during the House of Representatives election.
I would like to know whether Ms. Iiyama will run in Tokyo's 15th district or the Tokyo proportional representation block.
Naturally, I thought she would be running as a candidate for the Conservative Party of Japan.
However, Ms. Iiyama's name was not on the list of candidates.
I'm sure I wasn't the only one who had doubts.
I'm sure Ms. Iiyama received many inquiries.
From October 8th, Ms. Iiyama gradually revealed the inside story of the by-election on his YouTube channel.
It was all quite shocking.
For example, the night before the by-election was due to start, Ms. Hyakuta asked Mr. Iiyamaa to appear on the live broadcast of the Hyakuta Naoki Channel.
Before the live broadcast started, Ms. Iiyama returned to the election office, but Ms. Arimoto strongly advised her to go to a hotel and rest, so she did so, rested briefly, and then returned to the election office.
The live broadcast began at 8 p.m., and Ms. Arimoto said, "We all had curry and held a pre-election party."
It happened while Ms. Iiyama was back at the hotel, and it was the first time she realized she had been left out.
She must have been shocked.
Furthermore, when Ms. Iiyama returned to the hotel, she was told that dinner would be prepared for her, but when she returned to the office before the live broadcast, dinner had not been prepared, so she was forced to eat cookies and rice crackers.
When I heard this, I was stunned at how childish and immature the Conservative Party of Japan was.
Hyakuta, who did not campaign
Ms. Iiyama has also revealed many other inside stories, and as a third-party observer, I can only think that they are all true.
Both Hyakuta and Arimoto have not given any factual rebuttals because they are unable to.
Ms. Iiyama provided evidence and explanations, but Hyakuta and Arimoto gave almost no clear rebuttals, which surprised me.
Mr. Hyakuta blamed his failure to refute the accusations on the fact that he was in the middle of an election campaign.
He tried to make people feel uneasy by saying things like "I'll tell you everything I didn't say out of samurai compassion," but even after the election was over, up until today, he has still not given any specific or effective refutation.
Therefore, it is safe to assume that all of the accusations made by Ms. Iiyama are true.
What surprised me was that there was no election campaign headquarters.
The candidate was thrown into the midst of the electorate with no support system, so to speak, with no security personnel.
Dangerous situations arose, such as when an older man came close to Ms. Iiyama's face.
The Tsubasa Party has announced that it will attack.
In response to Ms. Iiyama's request for security, Mr. Hyakuta said, "If the Tsubasa Party comes, I'll deal with them, so don't worry."
Still, when it actually happened, he said, "Kurokawa from the Tsubasa Party said he'd leave if Iiyama answers the questions, so you deal with them," and he didn't come out of the car.
The actual state of campaigning for the by-election in the 15th district of the Conservative Party of Japan was even more astonishing.
To everyone's surprise, Mr. Hyakuta grabbed the microphone on the campaign car and started singing popular songs like 'Otomi-san.'
There was no way that people would vote for the candidate unless he called out his name, so no matter how much Ms. Iiyama asked him to stop singing, he wouldn't.
The cronies in the campaign car praised him, saying things like 'Mr. Hyakuta, you're good!' and other such things, and they were delighted.
It's genuinely hell.
Ms. Iiyama has endured well.
I can only marvel at her incredible tenacity.
Even in her street speeches, Mr. Hyakuta spews obscene words, scattering votes.
It is election interference.
It is a profound betrayal of the people enthusiastically supporting the Conservative Party of Japan.
The reason I started criticizing the Conservative Party of Japan
Mr. Hyakuta's words and actions gradually escalated, and he finally made the "hysterectomy" comment.
While discussing how to stop the declining birthrate in Japan, Mr. Hyakuta came up with the "policy" of (1) not sending women to university, (2) not allowing women over the age of 25 to get married, and (3) removing the wombs of women over the age of 30.
He justified this by saying that he prefaced it three times with "this is science fiction," but such a comment is absolutely not acceptable in the context of a policy discussion.
In fact, this news has traveled around the world and been printed in more than 40 countries. "Nihon Hoshuto" is translated as "Conservetive Party of Japan," and the misunderstanding that this is what the conservative political party of Japan is saying has already caused serious damage to the national interest.
It is based on the idea that women are tools for having children, and that they can be made to obey if they are coerced.
The Conservative Party of Japan, which was established to criticize the LDP over the LGBT bill, has far surpassed the LDP in terms of harmfulness.
The closest parallel is the actions of the Chinese Communist Party, which is performing sterilization operations on Uyghur women.
However, I did not start speaking out on Facebook out of righteous indignation.
It was triggered by coming across some information.
It was a story from a person who distributes audio-only content on a YouTube channel called "Yume Radio," which is about 10 minutes long each time.
It seems that Yume Radio has some experience teaching people, and he compared Mr. Iiyama's situation to a "classroom collapse."
He asked what a teacher should do when there is only one serious student in the class, but the other students are running wild and doing whatever they want.
He said that the teacher must resolutely stand by this one decent student (often a female student).
This story struck a chord with me.
At the time, journalist Yukihiro Hasegawa was the only person publicly defending Ms. Iiyama by revealing his name on the Internet.
So, I also felt I had to say something to defend Ms. Iiyama, and I began to speak out against the Conservative Party of Japan.
Therefore, I included a link to Yume Radio in my first broadcast as a sign of my gratitude.
The Hyakuta Method of Making Liars
The kind of society we want is a "free society."
We can now say that the Conservative Party of Japan is an enemy of a 'free society."
I want to use a few examples to highlight some of the issues involved and provide a clue for future systematic analysis.
The first of these is the 'Hyakuta Method' of mass-producing liars.
A false rumor was spread on X (the old Twitter) that Ms. Iiyama had applied for a position in the LDP.
Mr. Hyakuta retweeted this and wrote the following
"I heard that after last year's House of Representatives election, she applied to the Tokyo branch of the LDP for official approval for the House of Councillors election (the truth of this is unknown). When I heard this, I was surprised, but while I was skeptical if it was true, everything made sense, and I thought, 'Oh, that's what happened' (lol)."
Several LDP officials have denied that the LDP Tokyo branch was conducting a public recruitment in the first place.
It is a wholly fabricated false rumor.
Even so, how Hyakuta writes is highly despicable and unforgivable, and his argument is dangerous.
That's why I call it the Hyakuta Method.
This method can be used as a template like this.
"I've heard that... (the truth of the matter is unknown). When I heard that story, I was surprised, but while I was only half-convinced if it was true, everything made sense, and I thought, 'Oh, that's what happened' (lol).
All you have to do is write in the part in brackets here what the other person hates the most.
For example, "I've heard that the Conservative Party of Japan is being funded by the Liberal Democratic Party to destroy the Sanseitō (the truth of this is unknown). When I heard this, I was surprised, but even though I was only half-convinced if it were true, I thought, 'Oh, that's what they were doing,' and everything made,' sense (lol)."
If the Conservative Party of Japan were to post something like this in response, how would they react?
In short, Hyakuta's argument is an anti-social discourse that can produce many lying people.
We must not let Japan become such a society.
This article continues.