文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Ich schöpfte und trank das Blut mit meinen Händen und brachte das japanische Blut auf mein Gesicht

2019年02月28日 12時32分46秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.
"Die Angelegenheit von Tsuchida Joryos Ermordung der Vernehmungsakte"
Tsuchida Joryo, ein gewöhnlicher Präfektur der Präfektur Nagasaki, mietete ein koreanisches Schiff aus Huangzhou Xiura auf dem Weg nach Nampo, um nach einem koreanischen (1 Einwohner von Rin Sueji, Einwohner des Kreises Pyongan Ryonggang County) aus dem Bezirk Huangzhou zurückzukehren am 8. März fertig und bereitete sich darauf vor, am nächsten Tag gegen 3 Uhr morgens auszugehen.
Bei der Ankunft in Lee Kao, der ein Gasthaus zum Essen betreibt und wieder zum Schiff zurückkehrt, wurde es im Garten des Gasthauses getötet, bevor es von 4 oder 5 Koreanern, die im Gasthaus geblieben waren, zurückkehrte.
- Asiatisches historisches Rechenzentrum-Referenzcode: A04010024500, "Vom Incheon-Konsulatsbüro Moriichi Hagiwara, Bericht über die Lage des Incheon-Hafens"
Der koreanische Angestellte Rin befand sich ebenfalls mitten im Mord, entkam aber kaum der Gefahr. Er kam am 12. nach Pyongyang und verklagte die Geschichte des Falles dem in Pjöngjang stationierten Polizeiinspektor von Hirahara fünf Joseon-Polizisten versuchten am 15. des 15. Jahrhunderts, eine Prospektion durchzuführen, aber der Manager des Gasthauses rannte weg, als die Polizei ankam, und die Leichen der Mörder waren bereits in den Fluss geworfen worden, und es war unmöglich, eine Autopsie zu finden.
- Referenz-Code für das historische Asien-Rechenzentrum: A04010024500, "Administrator des Incheon-Konsulats Moriichi Hagiwara Yori Incheon - Bericht über den Hafenvorfall"
Ich schneide den Japaner von seinem Kopf bis zu seinen Fußspitzen.
(Wörter, die Koreanisch verwenden, wenn sie die Japaner herabsetzen)
Am frühen kalten Morgen im Februar floss Blut wie ein Brunnen, der mit Eis bedeckt war.
Ich schöpfte und trank das Blut mit meinen Händen und brachte das japanische Blut auf mein Gesicht ... (Wörter werden von Koreanern verwendet, wenn sie die Japaner herabsetzen)
- Kim Koo, "白 凡 逸 志", japanische Version Heibonsha (1973)

Recogí y bebí la sangre con mis manos y apliqué la sangre japonesa a mi cara

2019年02月28日 12時31分18秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la continuación del capítulo anterior.
"El asunto de Tsuchida Joryo matando el registro de interrogación"
La prefectura de Nagasaki, Tsuchida Joryo, contrató un barco coreano de Huangzhou Xiura en el camino a Nampo para regresar del distrito de Huangzhou después de un coreano (1 persona Rin Sueji residente de la provincia de Pyongan, condado de Ryonggang), bajó por el río Taedong y se quedó en Hogura esa noche. del 8 de marzo y terminé de prepararnos para beber alrededor de las 3 am del siguiente día 9,
Al llegar a Lee Kao, que dirige la posada para las comidas y nuevamente regresó al barco, fue asesinado en el jardín de la posada antes de regresar por 4 o 5 coreanos que se quedaron en la posada.
- Código de referencia del centro de datos históricos asiáticos: A04010024500, "Del administrador Moriichi Hagiwara de la Oficina Consular de Incheon, cuestión de informe de seguimiento sobre la situación del puerto de Incheon"
El empleado coreano, Rin, también estaba en medio del asesinato, pero apenas escapó del peligro, llegó a Pyongyang la noche del 12 y demandó la historia del caso al inspector de policía de Hirahara estacionado en Pyongyang, por lo que el inspector de policía dirigió a los dos policías y Cinco policías de Joseon intentaron hacer una prospección en la escena del 15, pero el gerente de la posada huyó cuando llegó la policía, y los cadáveres de los asesinos ya se habían arrojado al río, era imposible encontrar la autopsia.
- Centro de datos históricos asiáticos Código de referencia: A04010024500, "Informe de incidentes en el puerto de Incheon Consular Moriichi Hagiwara Yori Incheon"
Corté al japonés desde su cabeza hasta la punta de sus pies.
(Se escriben palabras que el coreano usa cuando desacreditan a los japoneses)
A principios de la fría mañana de febrero, la sangre fluía como una fuente en el suelo cubierta de hielo.
Recogí y bebí la sangre con mis manos, y apliqué la sangre japonesa a mi cara ... (Las palabras están escritas que coreanas usan cuando desacreditan a los japoneses)
- Kim Koo, "白 凡 逸 志" versión japonesa Heibonsha (1973) Página 79

Ho raccolto e bevuto il sangue con le mie mani e ho applicato il sangue giapponese sulla mia faccia

2019年02月28日 12時30分39秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è la continuazione del capitolo precedente.
'La questione di Tsuchida Joryo che uccide il verbale degli interrogatori'
La prefettura della prefettura di Nagasaki Tsuchida Joryo ha ingaggiato una nave coreana da Huangzhou Xiura sulla strada per Nampo per tornare dal distretto di Huangzhou a seguito di un coreano (1 residente di Rin Sueji della provincia di Pyongan nella contea di Ryonggang), è sceso lungo il fiume Taedong e si è fermato a Hogura la sera dell'8 marzo e ha finito di prepararsi per sorseggiare verso le 3 del mattino del giorno successivo 9,
Quando arriva a Lee Kao che gestisce locanda per i pasti e torna di nuovo a imbarcarsi, è stato ucciso nel giardino della locanda prima di tornare da 4 o 5 coreani che hanno soggiornato in locanda.
- Codice di riferimento del centro dati asiatico: A04010024500, "Dall'amministratore del consolato di Incheon Moriichi Hagiwara, questione di rapporto di follow-up sulla situazione del porto di Incheon"
L'impiegato coreano, Rin, era anche nel mezzo dell'uccisione, ma a malapena sfuggito al pericolo, è venuto a Pyongyang la 12a notte e ha citato la storia del caso all'ispettore della polizia di Hirahara di stanza a Pyongyang, così l'ispettore della polizia ha guidato i due poliziotti e cinque poliziotti di Joseon, cercarono di fare una prospezione sulla scena del 15, ma il direttore di inn corse via mentre arrivava la polizia, e i cadaveri degli assassini sono già stati gettati nel fiume, era impossibile trovare l'autopsia.
- Codice di riferimento del centro dati asiatico: A04010024500, "Incheon Consular Office Administrator, Moriichi Hagiwara Yori Incheon Port Incident Report"
Ho tagliato il giapponese dalla sua testa alla punta dei suoi piedi.
(Le parole sono scritte che il coreano usa quando denigrano i giapponesi)
All'inizio della fredda mattina di febbraio, il sangue scorreva come una fontana sul terreno coperto di ghiaccio.
Ho raccolto e bevuto il sangue con le mie mani e ho applicato il sangue giapponese sulla mia faccia ... (Le parole sono scritte che il coreano usa quando denigrano i giapponesi)
- Kim Koo, "白 凡 逸 志" versione giapponese Heibonsha (1973) Pagina 79

I scooped and drunk the blood with my hands, and applied the Japanese blood to my face

2019年02月28日 11時39分53秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
’The matter of Tsuchida Joryo killing interrogation record’
Nagasaki prefecture commoner Tsuchida Joryo hired a Korean ship from Huangzhou Xiura on the way to Nampo to return from Huangzhou District following a Korean (1 person Rin Sueji resident of Pyongan Province Ryonggang County), he went down Taedong River and stayed at Hogura on the evening of March 8 and finished preparing for sipping out at around 3 am on the next day 9,
When arriving at Lee Kao who runs inn for meals and again return to ship, it was killed at the garden of inn before returning by 4 or 5 Koreans who stayed inn.
- Asian Historical Data Center Reference Code: A04010024500, "From Incheon Consular Office Administrator Moriichi Hagiwara, matter of follow-up report about Incheon Port situation"
The employee Korean, Rin, was also in the midst of killing, but barely escaped the danger, he came to Pyongyang 12th night and sued the story of the case to Hirahara police inspector stationed in Pyongyang, so the police inspector led the two policemen and five Joseon policeman, tried to do a prospecting at the scene of the 15th, but inn's manager ran away as the police came to arrive, and the dead bodies of the murderers have already dumped in the river, it was impossible to find autopsy.
- Asian Historical Data Center Reference Code: A04010024500, "Incheon Consular Office Administrator Moriichi Hagiwara Yori Incheon Port Incident Report"
I cut the Japanese from his head to the tip of his feet.
(Words are written that Korean use when they disparage the Japanese)
Early in the cold morning of February, blood flowed like a fountain on the ground covered with ice.
I scooped and drunk the blood with my hands, and applied the Japanese blood to my face ... (Words are written that Korean use when they disparage the Japanese)
- Kim Koo, "白凡逸志" Japanese version Heibonsha (1973) Page 79

in the cold morning of February, blood flowed like a fountain on the ground covered with ice

2019年02月28日 11時39分01秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
’The matter of Tsuchida Joryo killing interrogation record’
Nagasaki prefecture commoner Tsuchida Joryo hired a Korean ship from Huangzhou Xiura on the way to Nampo to return from Huangzhou District following a Korean (1 person Rin Sueji resident of Pyongan Province Ryonggang County), he went down Taedong River and stayed at Hogura on the evening of March 8 and finished preparing for sipping out at around 3 am on the next day 9,
When arriving at Lee Kao who runs inn for meals and again return to ship, it was killed at the garden of inn before returning by 4 or 5 Koreans who stayed inn.
- Asian Historical Data Center Reference Code: A04010024500, "From Incheon Consular Office Administrator Moriichi Hagiwara, matter of follow-up report about Incheon Port situation"
The employee Korean, Rin, was also in the midst of killing, but barely escaped the danger, he came to Pyongyang 12th night and sued the story of the case to Hirahara police inspector stationed in Pyongyang, so the police inspector led the two policemen and five Joseon policeman, tried to do a prospecting at the scene of the 15th, but inn's manager ran away as the police came to arrive, and the dead bodies of the murderers have already dumped in the river, it was impossible to find autopsy.
- Asian Historical Data Center Reference Code: A04010024500, "Incheon Consular Office Administrator Moriichi Hagiwara Yori Incheon Port Incident Report"
I cut the Japanese from his head to the tip of his feet.
(Words are written that Korean use when they disparage the Japanese)
Early in the cold morning of February, blood flowed like a fountain on the ground covered with ice.
I scooped and drunk the blood with my hands, and applied the Japanese blood to my face ... (Words are written that Korean use when they disparage the Japanese)
- Kim Koo, "白凡逸志" Japanese version Heibonsha (1973) Page 79

The employee Korean, Rin, was also in the midst of killing, but barely escaped the danger

2019年02月28日 11時37分20秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
’The matter of Tsuchida Joryo killing interrogation record’
Nagasaki prefecture commoner Tsuchida Joryo hired a Korean ship from Huangzhou Xiura on the way to Nampo to return from Huangzhou District following a Korean (1 person Rin Sueji resident of Pyongan Province Ryonggang County), he went down Taedong River and stayed at Hogura on the evening of March 8 and finished preparing for sipping out at around 3 am on the next day 9,
When arriving at Lee Kao who runs inn for meals and again return to ship, it was killed at the garden of inn before returning by 4 or 5 Koreans who stayed inn.
- Asian Historical Data Center Reference Code: A04010024500, "From Incheon Consular Office Administrator Moriichi Hagiwara, matter of follow-up report about Incheon Port situation"
The employee Korean, Rin, was also in the midst of killing, but barely escaped the danger, he came to Pyongyang 12th night and sued the story of the case to Hirahara police inspector stationed in Pyongyang, so the police inspector led the two policemen and five Joseon policeman, tried to do a prospecting at the scene of the 15th, but inn's manager ran away as the police came to arrive, and the dead bodies of the murderers have already dumped in the river, it was impossible to find autopsy.
- Asian Historical Data Center Reference Code: A04010024500, "Incheon Consular Office Administrator Moriichi Hagiwara Yori Incheon Port Incident Report"
I cut the Japanese from his head to the tip of his feet.
(Words are written that Korean use when they disparage the Japanese)
Early in the cold morning of February, blood flowed like a fountain on the ground covered with ice.
I scooped and drunk the blood with my hands, and applied the Japanese blood to my face ... ((Words are written that Korean use when they disparage the Japanese)
- Kim Koo, "白凡逸志" Japanese version Heibonsha (1973) Page 79

The matter of Tsuchida Joryo killing interrogation record

2019年02月28日 11時34分06秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
’The matter of Tsuchida Joryo killing interrogation record’
Nagasaki prefecture commoner Tsuchida Joryo hired a Korean ship from Huangzhou Xiura on the way to Nampo to return from Huangzhou District following a Korean (1 person Rin Sueji resident of Pyongan Province Ryonggang County), he went down Taedong River and stayed at Hogura on the evening of March 8 and finished preparing for sipping out at around 3 am on the next day 9,
When arriving at Lee Kao who runs inn for meals and again return to ship, it was killed at the garden of inn before returning by 4 or 5 Koreans who stayed inn.
- Asian Historical Data Center Reference Code: A04010024500, "From Incheon Consular Office Administrator Moriichi Hagiwara, matter of follow-up report about Incheon Port situation"
The employee Korean, Rin, was also in the midst of killing, but barely escaped the danger, he came to Pyongyang 12th night and sued the story of the case to Hirahara police inspector stationed in Pyongyang, so the police inspector led the two policemen and five Joseon policeman, tried to do a prospecting at the scene of the 15th, but inn's manager ran away as the police came to arrive, and the dead bodies of the murderers have already dumped in the river, it was impossible to find autopsy.
- Asian Historical Data Center Reference Code: A04010024500, "Incheon Consular Office Administrator Moriichi Hagiwara Yori Incheon Port Incident Report"
I cut the Japanese from his head to the tip of his feet.
(Words are written that Korean use when they disparage the Japanese)
Early in the cold morning of February, blood flowed like a fountain on the ground covered with ice.
I scooped and drunk the blood with my hands, and applied the Japanese blood to my face ... ((Words are written that Korean use when they disparage the Japanese)
- Kim Koo, "白凡逸志" Japanese version Heibonsha (1973) Page 79

disloyal retainer human beings themselves and agents of China and the Korean Peninsula

2019年02月28日 11時18分54秒 | 日記

Various problems that can not be compared with Japan ... the country where class discrimination is still left, the country where the gap between rich and poor is intense, the country where security is bad, etc. etc...About UN is an aggregate of problematic countries is there. .
Capturing that a man died of her daughter in Noda City in Chiba Prefecture, it seems that Japan is such a country ... that UN promptly issues a human rights recommendation to Japan ... why ... Instead of immediately imposing, there is a United Nations saying nothing to the vast abuses of human rights against Chinese Uighurs and Tibetans.
It is one of the reasons why television stations concentrating on Tokyo are the biggest incidents in the world, as well as a major report at all stations.
But one of the truths ... the brainwashing policy of the Chinese Communist Party that even affected GHQ ... splitting against Japan maneuvering...the country is bad, the people are right...
The people were born as a result of the brainwashing and the division maneuvering, insulting and slandering our Japan, letting the UN issue human rights recommendations.
The way that the people who are planning the division of Japan make an organization called IMADR etc., so to speak, they are resident in the UN.
It is a treasonist and it is a traitor and the lowest foolish people in the history of Japan ... disloyal retainer human beings themselves and agents of China and the Korean Peninsula.
IMADR Officers
Nimalka Fernando Lawyer
Kinhide Mushakoji International politics scholar
Mario Jorge Yutzis Former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
Bernadette Hétier Co-President, The Movement Against Racism and for Friendship
between Peoples (MRAP)
Shigeyuki Kumisaka President, Buraku Liberation League
Managing Director / Secretary-General
Fujihiko Nishijima Secretary-General, Buraku Liberation League
Romani Rose Chairman, Central Council of German Sinti and Roma
Theo van Boven Professor, University of Maastricht
Burnad Fatima Natesan Advisor, Society for Rural Education and Development (SRED)
Durga Sob Founder President, Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO)
Michael O. Sharpe Associate Professor of Political Science, York College of the City University of New York
Nanako Inaba Professor, Sophia University, Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan
Hitoshi Okuda Director, The Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Tadashi Kato Executive Director, Ainu Association of Hokkaido
Suil Kim Secretary-General, Kanagawa Mintouren
Shin Hae Bong Professor, Faculty of Law, Aoyama Gakuin University
 Iwane Takahisa Industrial Federation for Human Rights, Tokyo
Masaki Okajima President, Japan Teachers Union
Ryuko Kusano Chairperson, Joint Conference of Religious Sects on Dowa Issues
Atsuko Miwa Director, Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center
Advisory Panel
Yoko Hayashi Lawyer, former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Kenzo Tomonaga Honorary Director, Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Helene Sackstein Child, Gender, Information and Press Freedom Specialist
Penda Mbow Professor, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar
Takashi Akai Finance President, Buraku Liberation League
Makoto Kubo Professor, Osaka Sangyo University
Megumi Komori Acting Secretary-General
Catherine Cadou Under-Secretary-General
Masahiro Terada Secretary-General, Solidarity Conference of Religious Community on Dowa Issues
Koichi Nakahigashi National Industrial Federation on Dowa and Human Rights Issues
Kenichi Wada Central Council Member, Buraku Liberation League
Martin Kaneko Under-Secretary-General, Japan Women's University professor
Taisuke Komatsu Under-Secretary-General
Tokyo Office
Megumi Komori
Ai Abe
Ayako Kannari
Geneva Office
Taisuke Komatsu

It is a treasonist and it is a traitor and the lowest foolish people in the history of Japan

2019年02月28日 11時17分27秒 | 日記

Various problems that can not be compared with Japan ... the country where class discrimination is still left, the country where the gap between rich and poor is intense, the country where security is bad, etc. etc...About UN is an aggregate of problematic countries is there. .
Capturing that a man died of her daughter in Noda City in Chiba Prefecture, it seems that Japan is such a country ... that UN promptly issues a human rights recommendation to Japan ... why ... Instead of immediately imposing, there is a United Nations saying nothing to the vast abuses of human rights against Chinese Uighurs and Tibetans.
It is one of the reasons why television stations concentrating on Tokyo are the biggest incidents in the world, as well as a major report at all stations.
But one of the truths ... the brainwashing policy of the Chinese Communist Party that even affected GHQ ... splitting against Japan maneuvering...the country is bad, the people are right...
The people were born as a result of the brainwashing and the division maneuvering, insulting and slandering our Japan, letting the UN issue human rights recommendations.
The way that the people who are planning the division of Japan make an organization called IMADR etc., so to speak, they are resident in the UN.
It is a treasonist and it is a traitor and the lowest foolish people in the history of Japan ... disloyal retainer human beings themselves and agents of China and the Korean Peninsula.
IMADR Officers
Nimalka Fernando Lawyer
Kinhide Mushakoji International politics scholar
Mario Jorge Yutzis Former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
Bernadette Hétier Co-President, The Movement Against Racism and for Friendship
between Peoples (MRAP)
Shigeyuki Kumisaka President, Buraku Liberation League
Managing Director / Secretary-General
Fujihiko Nishijima Secretary-General, Buraku Liberation League
Romani Rose Chairman, Central Council of German Sinti and Roma
Theo van Boven Professor, University of Maastricht
Burnad Fatima Natesan Advisor, Society for Rural Education and Development (SRED)
Durga Sob Founder President, Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO)
Michael O. Sharpe Associate Professor of Political Science, York College of the City University of New York
Nanako Inaba Professor, Sophia University, Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan
Hitoshi Okuda Director, The Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Tadashi Kato Executive Director, Ainu Association of Hokkaido
Suil Kim Secretary-General, Kanagawa Mintouren
Shin Hae Bong Professor, Faculty of Law, Aoyama Gakuin University
 Iwane Takahisa Industrial Federation for Human Rights, Tokyo
Masaki Okajima President, Japan Teachers Union
Ryuko Kusano Chairperson, Joint Conference of Religious Sects on Dowa Issues
Atsuko Miwa Director, Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center
Advisory Panel
Yoko Hayashi Lawyer, former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Kenzo Tomonaga Honorary Director, Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Helene Sackstein Child, Gender, Information and Press Freedom Specialist
Penda Mbow Professor, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar
Takashi Akai Finance President, Buraku Liberation League
Makoto Kubo Professor, Osaka Sangyo University
Megumi Komori Acting Secretary-General
Catherine Cadou Under-Secretary-General
Masahiro Terada Secretary-General, Solidarity Conference of Religious Community on Dowa Issues
Koichi Nakahigashi National Industrial Federation on Dowa and Human Rights Issues
Kenichi Wada Central Council Member, Buraku Liberation League
Martin Kaneko Under-Secretary-General, Japan Women's University professor
Taisuke Komatsu Under-Secretary-General
Tokyo Office
Megumi Komori
Ai Abe
Ayako Kannari
Geneva Office
Taisuke Komatsu

The way that the people who are planning the division of Japan make an organization called

2019年02月28日 11時15分30秒 | 日記

Various problems that can not be compared with Japan ... the country where class discrimination is still left, the country where the gap between rich and poor is intense, the country where security is bad, etc. etc...About UN is an aggregate of problematic countries is there. .
Capturing that a man died of her daughter in Noda City in Chiba Prefecture, it seems that Japan is such a country ... that UN promptly issues a human rights recommendation to Japan ... why ... Instead of immediately imposing, there is a United Nations saying nothing to the vast abuses of human rights against Chinese Uighurs and Tibetans.
It is one of the reasons why television stations concentrating on Tokyo are the biggest incidents in the world, as well as a major report at all stations.
But one of the truths ... the brainwashing policy of the Chinese Communist Party that even affected GHQ ... splitting against Japan maneuvering...the country is bad, the people are right...
The people were born as a result of the brainwashing and the division maneuvering, insulting and slandering our Japan, letting the UN issue human rights recommendations.
The way that the people who are planning the division of Japan make an organization called IMADR etc., so to speak, they are resident in the UN.
It is a treasonist and it is a traitor and the lowest foolish people in the history of Japan ... disloyal retainer human beings themselves and agents in China and the Korean Peninsula.
IMADR Officers
Nimalka Fernando Lawyer
Kinhide Mushakoji International politics scholar
Mario Jorge Yutzis Former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
Bernadette Hétier Co-President, The Movement Against Racism and for Friendship
between Peoples (MRAP)
Shigeyuki Kumisaka President, Buraku Liberation League
Managing Director / Secretary-General
Fujihiko Nishijima Secretary-General, Buraku Liberation League
Romani Rose Chairman, Central Council of German Sinti and Roma
Theo van Boven Professor, University of Maastricht
Burnad Fatima Natesan Advisor, Society for Rural Education and Development (SRED)
Durga Sob Founder President, Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO)
Michael O. Sharpe Associate Professor of Political Science, York College of the City University of New York
Nanako Inaba Professor, Sophia University, Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan
Hitoshi Okuda Director, The Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Tadashi Kato Executive Director, Ainu Association of Hokkaido
Suil Kim Secretary-General, Kanagawa Mintouren
Shin Hae Bong Professor, Faculty of Law, Aoyama Gakuin University
 Iwane Takahisa Industrial Federation for Human Rights, Tokyo
Masaki Okajima President, Japan Teachers Union
Ryuko Kusano Chairperson, Joint Conference of Religious Sects on Dowa Issues
Atsuko Miwa Director, Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center
Advisory Panel
Yoko Hayashi Lawyer, former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Kenzo Tomonaga Honorary Director, Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Helene Sackstein Child, Gender, Information and Press Freedom Specialist
Penda Mbow Professor, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar
Takashi Akai Finance President, Buraku Liberation League
Makoto Kubo Professor, Osaka Sangyo University
Megumi Komori Acting Secretary-General
Catherine Cadou Under-Secretary-General
Masahiro Terada Secretary-General, Solidarity Conference of Religious Community on Dowa Issues
Koichi Nakahigashi National Industrial Federation on Dowa and Human Rights Issues
Kenichi Wada Central Council Member, Buraku Liberation League
Martin Kaneko Under-Secretary-General, Japan Women's University professor
Taisuke Komatsu Under-Secretary-General
Tokyo Office
Megumi Komori
Ai Abe
Ayako Kannari
Geneva Office
Taisuke Komatsu

splitting against Japan maneuvering...the country is bad, the people are right...

2019年02月28日 11時12分50秒 | 日記

Various problems that can not be compared with Japan ... the country where class discrimination is still left, the country where the gap between rich and poor is intense, the country where security is bad, etc. etc...About UN is an aggregate of problematic countries is there. .
Capturing that a man died of her daughter in Noda City in Chiba Prefecture, it seems that Japan is such a country ... that UN promptly issues a human rights recommendation to Japan ... why ... Instead of immediately imposing, there is a United Nations saying nothing to the vast abuses of human rights against Chinese Uighurs and Tibetans.
It is one of the reasons why television stations concentrating on Tokyo are the biggest incidents in the world, as well as a major report at all stations.
But one of the truths ... the brainwashing policy of the Chinese Communist Party that even affected GHQ ... splitting against Japan maneuvering...the country is bad, the people are right...
The people were born as a result of the brainwashing and the division maneuvering, insulting and slandering our Japan, letting the UN issue human rights recommendations.
The way that the people who are planning the division of Japan make an organization called IMADR etc., so to speak, they are resident in the UN.
It is a treasonist and it is a traitor and the lowest foolish people in the history of Japan ... disloyal retainer human beings themselves and agents in China and the Korean Peninsula.
IMADR Officers
Nimalka Fernando Lawyer
Kinhide Mushakoji International politics scholar
Mario Jorge Yutzis Former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
Bernadette Hétier Co-President, The Movement Against Racism and for Friendship
between Peoples (MRAP)
Shigeyuki Kumisaka President, Buraku Liberation League
Managing Director / Secretary-General
Fujihiko Nishijima Secretary-General, Buraku Liberation League
Romani Rose Chairman, Central Council of German Sinti and Roma
Theo van Boven Professor, University of Maastricht
Burnad Fatima Natesan Advisor, Society for Rural Education and Development (SRED)
Durga Sob Founder President, Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO)
Michael O. Sharpe Associate Professor of Political Science, York College of the City University of New York
Nanako Inaba Professor, Sophia University, Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan
Hitoshi Okuda Director, The Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Tadashi Kato Executive Director, Ainu Association of Hokkaido
Suil Kim Secretary-General, Kanagawa Mintouren
Shin Hae Bong Professor, Faculty of Law, Aoyama Gakuin University
 Iwane Takahisa Industrial Federation for Human Rights, Tokyo
Masaki Okajima President, Japan Teachers Union
Ryuko Kusano Chairperson, Joint Conference of Religious Sects on Dowa Issues
Atsuko Miwa Director, Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center
Advisory Panel
Yoko Hayashi Lawyer, former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Kenzo Tomonaga Honorary Director, Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Helene Sackstein Child, Gender, Information and Press Freedom Specialist
Penda Mbow Professor, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar
Takashi Akai Finance President, Buraku Liberation League
Makoto Kubo Professor, Osaka Sangyo University
Megumi Komori Acting Secretary-General
Catherine Cadou Under-Secretary-General
Masahiro Terada Secretary-General, Solidarity Conference of Religious Community on Dowa Issues
Koichi Nakahigashi National Industrial Federation on Dowa and Human Rights Issues
Kenichi Wada Central Council Member, Buraku Liberation League
Martin Kaneko Under-Secretary-General, Japan Women's University professor
Taisuke Komatsu Under-Secretary-General
Tokyo Office
Megumi Komori
Ai Abe
Ayako Kannari
Geneva Office
Taisuke Komatsu

Instead of immediately imposing, there is a United Nations saying nothing to the vast abuses

2019年02月28日 11時10分58秒 | 日記

Various problems that can not be compared with Japan ... the country where class discrimination is still left, the country where the gap between rich and poor is intense, the country where security is bad, etc. etc...About UN is an aggregate of problematic countries is there. .
Capturing that a man died of her daughter in Noda City in Chiba Prefecture, it seems that Japan is such a country ... that UN promptly issues a human rights recommendation to Japan ... why ... Instead of immediately imposing, there is a United Nations saying nothing to the vast abuses of human rights against Chinese Uighurs and Tibetans.
It is one of the reasons why television stations concentrating on Tokyo are the biggest incidents in the world, as well as a major report at all stations.
But one of the truths ... the brainwashing policy of the Chinese Communist Party that even affected GHQ ... splitting against Japan maneuvering ... the country is bad, the people are right ...
The people were born as a result of the brainwashing and the division maneuvering, insulting and slandering our Japan, letting the UN issue human rights recommendations.
The way that the people who are planning the division of Japan make an organization called IMADR etc., so to speak, they are resident in the UN.
It is a treasonist and it is a traitor and the lowest foolish people in the history of Japan ... disloyal retainer human beings themselves and agents in China and the Korean Peninsula.
IMADR Officers
Nimalka Fernando Lawyer
Kinhide Mushakoji International politics scholar
Mario Jorge Yutzis Former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
Bernadette Hétier Co-President, The Movement Against Racism and for Friendship
between Peoples (MRAP)
Shigeyuki Kumisaka President, Buraku Liberation League
Managing Director / Secretary-General
Fujihiko Nishijima Secretary-General, Buraku Liberation League
Romani Rose Chairman, Central Council of German Sinti and Roma
Theo van Boven Professor, University of Maastricht
Burnad Fatima Natesan Advisor, Society for Rural Education and Development (SRED)
Durga Sob Founder President, Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO)
Michael O. Sharpe Associate Professor of Political Science, York College of the City University of New York
Nanako Inaba Professor, Sophia University, Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan
Hitoshi Okuda Director, The Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Tadashi Kato Executive Director, Ainu Association of Hokkaido
Suil Kim Secretary-General, Kanagawa Mintouren
Shin Hae Bong Professor, Faculty of Law, Aoyama Gakuin University
 Iwane Takahisa Industrial Federation for Human Rights, Tokyo
Masaki Okajima President, Japan Teachers Union
Ryuko Kusano Chairperson, Joint Conference of Religious Sects on Dowa Issues
Atsuko Miwa Director, Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center
Advisory Panel
Yoko Hayashi Lawyer, former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Kenzo Tomonaga Honorary Director, Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Helene Sackstein Child, Gender, Information and Press Freedom Specialist
Penda Mbow Professor, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar
Takashi Akai Finance President, Buraku Liberation League
Makoto Kubo Professor, Osaka Sangyo University
Megumi Komori Acting Secretary-General
Catherine Cadou Under-Secretary-General
Masahiro Terada Secretary-General, Solidarity Conference of Religious Community on Dowa Issues
Koichi Nakahigashi National Industrial Federation on Dowa and Human Rights Issues
Kenichi Wada Central Council Member, Buraku Liberation League
Martin Kaneko Under-Secretary-General, Japan Women's University professor
Taisuke Komatsu Under-Secretary-General
Tokyo Office
Megumi Komori
Ai Abe
Ayako Kannari
Geneva Office
Taisuke Komatsu

can not be compared with Japan...The UN is a collection of countries full of problems

2019年02月28日 11時07分30秒 | 日記

Various problems that can not be compared with Japan ... the country where class discrimination is still left, the country where the gap between rich and poor is intense, the country where security is bad, etc. etc...The UN is a collection of countries full of problems .
Capturing that a man died of her daughter in Noda City in Chiba Prefecture, it seems that Japan is such a country ... that UN promptly issues a human rights recommendation to Japan ... why ... Instead of immediately imposing, there is a United Nations saying nothing to the vast abuses of human rights against Chinese Uighurs and Tibetans.
It is one of the reasons why television stations concentrating on Tokyo are the biggest incidents in the world, as well as a major report at all stations.
But one of the truths ... the brainwashing policy of the Chinese Communist Party that even affected GHQ ... splitting against Japan maneuvering ... the country is bad, the people are right ...
The people were born as a result of the brainwashing and the division maneuvering, insulting and slandering our Japan, letting the UN issue human rights recommendations.
The way that the people who are planning the division of Japan make an organization called IMADR etc., so to speak, they are resident in the UN.
It is a treasonist and it is a traitor and the lowest foolish people in the history of Japan ... disloyal retainer human beings themselves and agents in China and the Korean Peninsula.
IMADR Officers
Nimalka Fernando Lawyer
Kinhide Mushakoji International politics scholar
Mario Jorge Yutzis Former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
Bernadette Hétier Co-President, The Movement Against Racism and for Friendship
between Peoples (MRAP)
Shigeyuki Kumisaka President, Buraku Liberation League
Managing Director / Secretary-General
Fujihiko Nishijima Secretary-General, Buraku Liberation League
Romani Rose Chairman, Central Council of German Sinti and Roma
Theo van Boven Professor, University of Maastricht
Burnad Fatima Natesan Advisor, Society for Rural Education and Development (SRED)
Durga Sob Founder President, Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO)
Michael O. Sharpe Associate Professor of Political Science, York College of the City University of New York
Nanako Inaba Professor, Sophia University, Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan
Hitoshi Okuda Director, The Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Tadashi Kato Executive Director, Ainu Association of Hokkaido
Suil Kim Secretary-General, Kanagawa Mintouren
Shin Hae Bong Professor, Faculty of Law, Aoyama Gakuin University
 Iwane Takahisa Industrial Federation for Human Rights, Tokyo
Masaki Okajima President, Japan Teachers Union
Ryuko Kusano Chairperson, Joint Conference of Religious Sects on Dowa Issues
Atsuko Miwa Director, Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center
Advisory Panel
Yoko Hayashi Lawyer, former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Kenzo Tomonaga Honorary Director, Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Helene Sackstein Child, Gender, Information and Press Freedom Specialist
Penda Mbow Professor, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar
Takashi Akai Finance President, Buraku Liberation League
Makoto Kubo Professor, Osaka Sangyo University
Megumi Komori Acting Secretary-General
Catherine Cadou Under-Secretary-General
Masahiro Terada Secretary-General, Solidarity Conference of Religious Community on Dowa Issues
Koichi Nakahigashi National Industrial Federation on Dowa and Human Rights Issues
Kenichi Wada Central Council Member, Buraku Liberation League
Martin Kaneko Under-Secretary-General, Japan Women's University professor
Taisuke Komatsu Under-Secretary-General
Tokyo Office
Megumi Komori
Ai Abe
Ayako Kannari
Geneva Office
Taisuke Komatsu


2019年02月27日 23時47分03秒 | 日記


Îmi îngrijorez serios faptul că în țară există informații despre Coreea.

2019年02月27日 13時34分41秒 | 日記

Următoarele sunt de la Kim Koo ... Wikipedia. Acesta este un capitol care a fost prezentat în data de 2012-08-28.
Luna coreeană Jae-in ieri, sala memorială a acestui tip! La acea vreme ... cu excepția războiului (va fi vorba de războiul coreean), el a făcut prima întâlnire a cabinetului în afara clădirii guvernului (din ziarul Sankei în această dimineață) ... Moon Jae-in este extrem de periculos și malign pentru Japonia și lumea În loc să spună că este o ființă umană, cea mai joasă activistă din stânga printre președinții coreeni, următorul Juche din Coreea de Nord este președintele Coreei de Sud ... spunând că este un agent nord-coreean Este o ființă umană care nu este exagerare deloc.
Activiști precum lupta totală, Fracțiunea marxistă revoluționară, Liga comunistă revoluționară, Comitetul național, Liga Democratică a Tineretului din Japonia și alții domină țara și joacă politicieni cu poziționarea revoluționară ... Aceasta este situația actuală a Coreei ...,
Constituția presată de GHQ pentru a slăbi permanent Japonia
Acum că compoziția Coreei absorbită de Coreea de Nord este evidentă, când trebuie să grăbim urgent sistemul japonez de apărare ca o problemă urgentă, trebuie să grăbim restructurarea sistemului de securitate al Japoniei ... în acest scop este urgent că trebuie să modificăm Constituția presată de GHQ pentru a slăbi permanent Japonia ...
Nu este exagerat să spunem că este sub manevrarea Peninsulei Coreene și a Chinei deloc, iar Asahi Shimbun este aceeași situație reală ... în special ceasul lui NHK 9, pentru a distrage ochii publicului de asta,
Cea mai mare persoană în picioare în calea lor pentru China și Peninsula Coreeană ...
Aceasta este dovada că Abe este politicianul real și politicianul care are cea mai mare influență în lumea liberală ...
Pentru a învinge PLDM conduse de premierul Abe în alegerile din Casa Superioară și slăbește influența ...
Va fi, de asemenea, o intenție de a întrerupe afacerile naționale cu sabotaj care este perfect potrivit pentru comuniști
Cu alte cuvinte, acționează ca un trădător - trădător ca agent al Chinei și al Peninsulei Coreene ... oficialul mic al Ministerului Sănătății, Muncii și Bunăstării (Se pare că ei sunt cei mai disprețuiți oficiali din Kasumigaseki ... Inutil să spun că unul dintre sindicatele care sprijină opoziția All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union ... Este un membru al marilor membri care se luptă împotriva bazei din Okinawa ... Acei parteneri sunt intenționați așa cum erau ... , Va exista și intenția de a întrerupe afacerile naționale cu sabotaj care este perfect potrivit pentru comuniști)
Anti-Japonia sa gândit singură
De a fi nedreptatea muncii lor statistice si a fiintei
Ca o sarcină urgentă în Japonia, manipularea mass-media,
Politicienii din partidul de opoziție și ziarele Asahi, mainichi, Tokyo și chunich, NHk și alții care servesc China și Peninsula Coreeană.
Două companii de ziare care controlează Okinawa ... Nu există loc de discuție, deoarece este o companie de ziare complet sub manevră China sau Peninsula Coreeană sau sub manevrarea Partidului Comunist.
Ei bine, următorul este capitolul trimis la 2012-08-28.
Când am întrebat Internetul, cea mai mare bibliotecă din istorie, de-a lungul paralelei evenimentelor legate în locul ei cel mai minunat, a fost auzit numele lui Kim Koo pentru prima dată,
Este tratat ca un erou în Coreea.
Îmi îngrijorez serios faptul că în țară există informații despre Coreea.
Următoarele sunt de la Wikipedia.
Kim Koo ... a servit ca șef al sediului poliției din Republica Coreea, ministru al ministrului de interne, viceprim-ministru, secretar de stat (prim-ministru). Din 1940 până în 1947 este președintele guvernului temporar al Coreei.
1896 incidentul Chihapo Euigeo. Când Kim Koo a ordonat o masă, el a fost indignat când a văzut o chelneriță care a dat o masă altor clienți mai devreme decât el, japonezul Tsuchida Joryo, care nu are legătură cu împărăția lui Myeongseong, ucigând deloc Kim Koo ucis ca pedeapsă pentru împăratul japonez și japonez.
Kim Koo a scris ulterior Tsuchida ca armata japoneză locotenent, dar victima Tsuchida a fost un comerciant din prefectura Nagasaki (comerciant · Okubo Kiichi angajat).
El scapă, jefuind banii și obiectele de valoare, după ucidere.
El a fost capturat și a primit o sentință de moarte ca un criminal de crimă de jaf.
Mai târziu, fiind comutat de iertare specială, după aceea, jailbreak.
* Tsuchida Joryo, care a fost zdrobită de o astfel de persoană, nu este cu adevărat goală, nu mai este o cale de moarte disperată, dar va fi doar de ajutor doar ca Kim Koo să se confrunte cu tortura lui Enma Daiou în acest timp, hellishly sau Tsuchida - o răzbunare.

Chiar și așa, Moon Jae-in spune că respectă cel mai mult cel mai rău ucigaș.
Pentru prima dată în acest capitol lumea va ști despre ce fel de țară este Coreea, cât de mult este cu nivelul de inteligență al acestei țări, prin faptele ei dintr-o privire. *