文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Saya serius bimbang bahawa ada kecerdasan di negara yang dipanggil Korea.

2019年02月27日 13時00分32秒 | 日記

Berikut adalah dari Kim Koo ... Wikipedia. Ini adalah bab yang dikemukakan pada 2012-08-28.
Bulan Korea Jae-in semalam, dewan peringatan lelaki ini! Pada masa itu ... kecuali perang (ia akan mengenai perang Korea) dia membuat mesyuarat kabinet pertama di luar bangunan kerajaan (dari akhbar Sankei pagi ini) ... Moon Jae-in sangat berbahaya dan malignan ke Jepun dan dunia Daripada mengatakan bahawa ia adalah seorang manusia, aktivis paling rendah kiri di kalangan presiden Korea, pengikut Juche dari Korea Utara adalah presiden Korea Selatan ... mengatakan bahawa dia seorang agen Korea Utara Ia adalah seorang manusia yang tidak terlalu keterlaluan.
Aktivis seperti perjuangan total, Fraksi Marxis Revolusi, Liga Komunis Revolusioner, Jawatankuasa Kebangsaan, Liga Pemuda Demokratik Jepun dan yang lain menguasai negara dan memainkan politikus dengan postur revolusioner ... Ini adalah keadaan semasa Korea ...,
Perlembagaan ditekan dari GHQ untuk melemahkan Jepun secara kekal
Sekarang bahawa komposisi Korea yang diserap oleh Korea Utara adalah jelas, apabila kita perlu segera tergesa-gesa sistem pertahanan Jepun sebagai isu yang mendesak, kita perlu mempercepat penyusunan semula sistem keselamatan Jepun ... untuk itu tujuannya adalah mendesak bahawa kita mesti meminda Perlembagaan ditekan dari GHQ untuk terus melemahkan Jepun ...
Ia tidak berlebihan untuk mengatakan bahawa ia berada di bawah manuver Semenanjung Korea dan China sama sekali, dan Asahi Shimbun yang merupakan keadaan sebenar yang sama ... terutamanya menonton NHK 9, untuk mengalihkan mata orang ramai daripada itu,
Orang terbesar yang berdiri di jalan mereka untuk China dan Semenanjung Korea ...
Itulah bukti bahawa Abe adalah ahli politik sebenar dan ahli politik yang mempunyai pengaruh terbesar di dunia liberal ...
Untuk mengalahkan LDP yang diketuai oleh Perdana Menteri Abe di pilihan raya Dewan Tertinggi dan melemahkan pengaruh ...
Terdapat juga niat untuk mengganggu urusan negara dengan sabotaj yang sangat sesuai untuk komunis
Dalam erti kata lain, ia bertindak sebagai pengkhianat pengkhianat sebagai agen China dan Semenanjung Korea ... pegawai kecil Kementerian Kesihatan, Buruh dan Kebajikan (Nampaknya mereka adalah pegawai yang paling menghina di Kasumigaseki ... Tidak perlu dikatakan, salah satu kesatuan yang menyokong pembangkang Kesatuan Pekerja Wilayah dan Kesatuan Wilayah All-Japan ... Ia adalah anggota ahli-ahli utama yang berjuang melawan pangkalan di Okinawa ... Itu rakan niat yang disengaja .. Akan ada juga niat untuk mengganggu hal ehwal negara dengan sabotaj yang sangat sesuai untuk komunis)
Anti-Jepun menganggapnya sendiri
Menjadi ketidakadilan terhadap kerja statistik mereka dan apa yang sedang berlaku
Sebagai tugas segera di Jepun, manipulasi media,
Ahli politik dalam parti pembangkang dan Asahi, mainichi, Tokyo, dan akhbar chunich, NHK dan lain-lain yang berkhidmat di China dan Semenanjung Korea.
Dua syarikat akhbar yang mengawal Okinawa ... Tidak ada ruang untuk dibincangkan kerana ia adalah syarikat akhbar sepenuhnya di bawah manuver China atau Semenanjung Korea, atau di bawah manuver Parti Komunis.
Nah berikut adalah bab yang dihantar ke 2012-08-28.
Apabila saya bertanya kepada Internet, perpustakaan terbesar dalam sejarah, sepanjang selari peristiwa yang berkaitan di tempat yang paling indah, terdapat nama Kim Koo yang terdengar buat kali pertama,
Ia dianggap sebagai wira di Korea.
Saya serius bimbang bahawa ada kecerdasan di negara yang dipanggil Korea.
Berikut adalah dari Wikipedia.
Kim Koo ... berkhidmat sebagai ketua ibu pejabat polis Republik Korea, Menteri Menteri Dalam Negeri, Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri (Perdana Menteri). Dari tahun 1940 hingga 1947, beliau adalah pengerusi kerajaan sementara Korea.
1896 kejadian Chihapo Euigeo. Apabila Kim Koo memerintahkan makan, dia marah apabila melihat seorang pelayan memberi makan kepada pelanggan lain lebih awal daripada dia, Tsuchida Joryo Jepun yang tidak berkaitan dengan pembunuhan Empress Myeongseong di semua Kim Koo membunuh sebagai hukuman untuk maharaja Jepun dan Jepun.
Kim Koo kemudian menulis Tsuchida sebagai Leftenan Tentera Jepun, tetapi mangsa Tsuchida adalah seorang peniaga dari Nagasaki Prefecture (pedagang · Okubo Kiichi disewa).
Dia melarikan diri, merampas wang dan barang berharga, selepas membunuh.
Dia ditangkap dan menerima hukuman mati sebagai jenayah pembunuhan rompakan.
Kemudian dipusingkan oleh pengampunan khusus, selepas itu, jailbreak.
* Tsuchida Joryo yang dikurung oleh orang itu tidak benar-benar kosong, ia adalah cara mati terdesak lagi, tetapi hanya akan membantu Kim Koo menghadapi penyeksaan Enma Daiou pada masa ini dengan tidak sengaja atau Tsuchida - san akan mencapai membalas dendam.

Walaupun begitu, Moon Jae-in berkata dia menghormati lelaki yang paling terbunuh terbunuh.
Buat pertama kalinya dalam bab ini dunia akan tahu tentang jenis negara apa Korea, berapa banyaknya dengan kecerdasan negara ini, dengan fakta yang sepintas lalu. *

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2019年02月27日 12時59分54秒 | 日記

以下是来自Kim Koo ...维基百科。这是一个提交到2012-08-28的章节。
昨天韩国人月宰在这个家伙的纪念馆!当时......除了战时(这将是关于朝鲜战争)他在政府大楼外进行了第一次内阁会议(今天早晨从三井报上)...... Moon Jae-in对日本极为危险和恶毒。世界而不是说它是一个人,是韩国总统中最低的左翼活动家,朝鲜主体的追随者是韩国总统......说他是朝鲜特工。这是一个人类毫不夸张。
当我问互联网这个历史上最大的图书馆,与其最精彩的地方相关的活动并行时,第一次听到了Kim Koo的名字,
Kim Koo ...担任大韩民国警察总部负责人,内政部长,副总理,国务秘书(总理)。从1940年到1947年,他是韩国临时政府的主席。
1896年Chihapo Euigeo事件。当Kim Koo点了一顿饭时,当他看到一个女服务员比其他顾客更早地向其他顾客吃饭时,他感到愤怒,日本的Tsuchida Joryo与皇后明城一起杀害所有Kim Koo被杀为日本皇帝和日本人的惩罚。
Kim Koo后来写了Tsuchida作为中尉日军,但受害者Tsuchida是来自长崎县的商人(交易员·Okubo Kiichi雇用)。
*被这样一个人砍掉的土地Joryo并不是真正的空洞,不再是一种绝望的死亡方式,但只有金encoun才能在这段时间遇到Enma Daiou的酷刑或者Tsuchida - san将会实现复仇。

即便如此,Moon Jae-in表示他尊重最凶手的人。

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나는 한국이라는 나라에 정보가 있다는 것에 진지하게 걱정한다.

2019年02月27日 12時59分17秒 | 日記

다음은 Kim Koo에서 온 것입니다 ... 위키피디아. 2012-08-28에 제출 된 장입니다.
어제 한국 문재인,이 남자 기념관! 당시 ... 전시를 제외하고 (정부는 한국 전쟁에 관한 것입니다) 정부 청사 밖에서 첫 번째 각료회의를했습니다 (산케이 신문에서 오늘 아침). 문재인은 일본에 극도로 위험하고 악의적 인 존재이며, 세계는 한국인 중 가장 낮은 좌익 운동가 인 인간이라고 말하는 것이 아니라 주체 사상가가 한국의 대통령이다 ... 그가 북한의 대리인이라고 말하는 것은 인간이다. 과장하지 않습니다.
혁명적 인 공산주의 연맹, 전국위원회, 민주 청소년 연맹 (DOC) 등 국가 운동가들과 혁명적 정치 운동가들과 같은 운동가들 ... 이것은 한국의 현재 상태 ...,
일본을 영구적으로 약화시키기위한 GHQ 헌법
이제는 북한이 흡수하는 한국의 구성이 명백해 졌기 때문에 긴급히 일본의 방위 체계를 서둘러야 할 필요가있을 때 우리는 일본의 안보 체제의 구조 조정을 서둘러야한다. 일본을 영구히 약화시키기 위해 GHQ에서 누를 헌법 개정안을 ...
한반도와 중국의 기동 아래 있다고 말하는 것은 과장이 아니며 같은 실제 상황 인 아사히 신문 ... 특히 NHK의 시계 9는 대중의 시선을 돌리기 위해서,
중국과 한반도에서 가장 큰 사람은 ...
그것은 아베가 진정한 정치가이자 자유 세계에서 가장 큰 영향력을 가진 정치가라는 증거이다.
아베 총리가 이끄는 자민당 총재를 상원 의원 선거에서 물리 치고 영향력을 약화시키기 위해
공산주의자들에게 완벽하게 적합한 사보타주로 국정을 혼란시킬 의도도있을 것이다.
다시 말해서, 중국과 한반도의 대리인으로서의 반역자 · 반역자 ... 후생 노동부의 사소한 관리 (그들이 가스 미가 세키에서 가장 경멸받는 공무원 인 것 같다 ... 말할 필요도없이, 야당 인 일본 전국 및시 노동 조합을지지하는 조합 중 하나 ... 그것은 오키나와의 기반에 맞서 싸우고있는 주요 구성원의 구성원입니다 ... 그 파트너는 의도적 인 것처럼 .. 공산주의자들에게 완벽하게 적합한 사보타주로 국정을 붕괴시킬 의도도있을 것이다)
반일 생각
그들의 통계 작업의 부당함과 존재의
일본의 긴급 사안으로 미디어 조작,
야당과 아사히, 메이 도치, 도쿄, 차이니치 신문, NHK 및 중국과 한반도에 봉사하는 정치인.
오키나와를 통치하는 두 신문사 ... 중국이나 한반도의 기동 아래있는 완전 신문 회사이거나 공산당의 기동으로 논의의 여지가 없다.
다음은 2012-08-28로 보내진 장입니다.
제가 인터넷에 물어봤을 때, 역사상 가장 규모가 큰 도서관 중 가장 멋진 장소의 관련 행사와 나란히, Kim Koo의 이름이 처음으로 나왔습니다.
한국에서 영웅으로 취급됩니다.
나는 한국이라는 나라에 정보가 있다는 것에 진지하게 걱정한다.
다음은 위키 백과에서 온 것입니다.
김구는 대한민국 경찰 본부 장관, 내무 장관, 부총리, 국무 총리 (국무 총리)를 역임했다. 1940 년에서 1947 년까지 그는 한국 임시 정부의 의장이다.
1896 년 Chihapo Euigeo 사건. 김구가 식사를 주문했을 때 웨이트리스가 그보다 먼저 다른 손님들에게 식사를하는 것을 보았을 때 그는 격분했다. 명동 황후와 관련이없는 일본인 츠치다 조례는 일본 황제와 일본인에 대한 처벌로 살해되었다.
김구는 나중에 Tsuchida를 일본 육군 중령으로 썼지 만, 피해자 인 Tsuchida는 나가사키 현 (Nagasaki Prefecture)의 상인 (Okubo Kiichi가 고용 한 상인)이었다.
그는 살해당한 후 돈과 귀중품을 도둑질하고 도주합니다.
그는 체포되어 강도 살인범으로 사형 선고를 받았다.
나중에 특별 사면에 의해 감옥에 보내지는데, 그 후에 탈옥.
* 그런 사람이 깎은 쓰 치다 조료는 참으로 비어 있지 않다. 더 이상 필사적 인 죽음의 길은 아니지만, 김구가 이번에는 엔마 다이오의 고문을 천재적으로 만나거나 토치다 씨가 성취 할 수밖에 없다. 복수.

그럼에도 불구하고 문재인 씨는 최악의 살인자를 존경한다고 말합니다.
이 장에서 처음으로 세계는 어떤 나라가 한국인지,이 나라의 지능 수준과 그 사실을 한 눈에 알 수 있습니다. *

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Eu me preocupo seriamente com a existência de inteligência no país chamada Coreia.

2019年02月27日 12時58分31秒 | 日記

O seguinte é de Kim Koo ... Wikipedia. É um capítulo que foi submetido para 2012-08-28.
Korean Moon Jae-in ontem, a sala do memorial desse cara! Na época ... exceto em tempo de guerra (será sobre a guerra da Coréia) ele fez a primeira reunião de gabinete fora do prédio do governo (do jornal Sankei esta manhã) ... Moon Jae-in é extremamente perigoso e maligno para o Japão e o mundo Ao invés de dizer que é um ser humano, o ativista de esquerda mais baixo entre os presidentes coreanos, o seguidor do Juche da Coréia do Norte é o presidente da Coréia do Sul ... dizendo que ele é um agente norte-coreano É um ser humano não é exagero.
Ativistas como luta total, Facção Marxista Revolucionária, Liga Comunista Revolucionária, Comitê Nacional, Liga da Juventude Democrática do Japão e outros dominam o país e estão jogando com políticos com a postura revolucionária ... Essa é a condição atual da Coréia ...,
Constituição pressionada pelo GHQ para enfraquecer permanentemente o Japão
Agora que a composição da Coréia absorvida pela Coréia do Norte é óbvia, quando precisamos urgentemente apressar o sistema de defesa do Japão como uma questão urgente, precisamos acelerar a reestruturação do sistema de segurança do Japão ... para esse propósito, é urgente que devemos reformar a Constituição do GHQ para enfraquecer permanentemente o Japão ...
Não é exagero dizer que está sob a manobra da Península Coreana e da China, e o Asahi Shimbun que é a mesma situação real ... especialmente o relógio 9 da NHK, a fim de desviar os olhos do público disso,
A maior pessoa em seu caminho para a China e a Península Coreana ...
Essa é a prova de que Abe é o verdadeiro político e o político que tem maior influência no mundo liberal ...
A fim de derrotar o LDP liderado pelo primeiro-ministro Abe na eleição da Câmara Alta e enfraquecer a influência ...
Haverá também a intenção de perturbar os assuntos nacionais com sabotagem que seja perfeitamente adequada para os comunistas.
Em outras palavras, ele age como um traidor traidor como um agente da China e da Península Coreana ... o pequeno funcionário do Ministério da Saúde, Trabalho e Bem-Estar (parece que eles são os funcionários mais desprezados em Kasumigaseki ... Escusado será dizer que um dos sindicatos que apoiam a oposição All - Japan Prefectural e Municipal Workers Union ... É um membro dos principais membros que estão lutando contra a base em Okinawa ... Que os parceiros são intencionais, como se fosse .. Haverá também a intenção de perturbar os assuntos nacionais com sabotagem perfeitamente adequada aos comunistas)
Anti-Japão pensou em si
De ser a injustiça do seu trabalho estatístico e que ser
Como uma tarefa urgente no Japão, a manipulação da mídia,
Os políticos do partido da oposição e os jornais Asahi, mainichi, Tóquio e chunich, NHk e outros que servem a China e a Península Coreana.
Duas empresas jornalísticas controlando Okinawa ... Não há espaço para discussão, pois é uma empresa jornalística sob a manobra da China ou da península coreana, ou sob a manobra do Partido Comunista.
Bem, o seguinte é o capítulo enviado para 2012-08-28.
Quando perguntei à Internet, a maior biblioteca da história, ao longo do paralelo de eventos relacionados em seu lugar mais maravilhoso, ouvi o nome de Kim Koo pela primeira vez,
É tratado como um herói na Coréia.
Eu me preocupo seriamente com a existência de inteligência no país chamada Coreia.
O seguinte é da Wikipedia.
Kim Koo ... serviu como chefe da sede da polícia da República da Coreia, Ministro do Ministro do Interior, Vice-Primeiro Ministro, Secretário de Estado (Primeiro Ministro). De 1940 a 1947 ele é o presidente do governo temporário da Coréia.
1896 Chihapo Euigeo incidente. Quando Kim Koo pediu uma refeição, ele ficou indignado quando viu uma garçonete dando uma refeição a outros clientes antes dele, a japonesa Tsuchida Joryo que não está relacionada com a imperatriz Myeongseong matando Kim Koo como punição para o imperador japonês e japonês.
Kim Koo depois escreveu Tsuchida como Tenente do Exército Japonês, mas a vítima Tsuchida era um comerciante da Prefeitura de Nagasaki (comerciante · Okubo Kiichi contratado).
Ele escapa, roubando o dinheiro e objetos de valor, depois de matar.
Ele foi capturado e recebeu uma sentença de morte como criminoso de assassinato por roubo.
Mais tarde, sendo comutado por perdões especiais, depois disso, jailbreak.
* Tsuchida Joryo que foi golpeado por tal pessoa não está verdadeiramente vazio, é um modo de morte desesperado não mais, mas será apenas apenas ajuda que Kim Koo encontre a tortura de Enma Daiou nessa época infernalmente ou Tsuchida-san conseguirá uma vingança.

Mesmo assim, Moon Jae-in diz que respeita o homem que é o pior assassino.
Pela primeira vez neste capítulo, o mundo saberá que tipo de país é a Coréia, o quanto é com o nível de inteligência deste país, por seus fatos em um relance. *

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Ich mache mir ernsthaft Sorgen, dass es in dem Land Korea Intelligenz gibt.

2019年02月27日 12時57分48秒 | 日記

Das folgende ist von Kim Koo ... Wikipedia. Es ist ein Kapitel, das am 28.08.2012 eingereicht wurde.
Koreanischer Mond Jae-in gestern, die Gedenkhalle dieses Kerls! Zu der Zeit ... außer in Kriegszeiten (es wird sich um den Koreakrieg handeln) hat er die erste Kabinettssitzung vor dem Regierungsgebäude abgehalten (von der Sankei-Zeitung heute Morgen) ... Moon Jae-In ist für Japan extrem gefährlich und bösartig Die Welt Anstatt zu sagen, dass es sich um einen Menschen handelt, den untersten linken Aktivisten unter den koreanischen Präsidenten, ist der Anhänger von Juche in Nordkorea der Präsident von Südkorea ... und sagt, dass er ein nordkoreanischer Agent ist. Es ist ein Mensch, der ist überhaupt nicht übertrieben.
Aktivisten wie totaler Kampf, revolutionäre marxistische Fraktion, revolutionäre kommunistische Liga, Nationalkomitee, Demokratische Jugendliga Japans und andere dominieren das Land und spielen Politiker mit der revolutionären Haltung ... Dies ist der aktuelle Zustand Koreas ...
Verfassung vom GHQ gedrängt, um Japan dauerhaft zu schwächen
Nun, da die von Nordkorea aufgenommene Zusammensetzung Koreas offensichtlich ist, müssen wir die Umstrukturierung des japanischen Sicherheitssystems beschleunigen, wenn wir Japans Verteidigungssystem dringend drängen müssen. Zu diesem Zweck ist es dringend dass wir die Verfassung aus dem GHQ ändern müssen, um Japan dauerhaft zu schwächen ...
Es ist nicht übertrieben zu behaupten, dass die koreanische Halbinsel und China überhaupt manövriert werden, und Asahi Shimbun ist die gleiche Situation ... insbesondere NHKs Uhr 9, um die Augen der Öffentlichkeit davon abzulenken.
Die größte Person, die China und der koreanischen Halbinsel im Weg steht ...
Das ist der Beweis, dass Abe der wahre Politiker und der Politiker ist, der in der liberalen Welt den größten Einfluss hat ...
Um die LDP von Premierminister Abe bei der Wahl des Oberhauses zu besiegen und den Einfluss zu schwächen ...
Es wird auch die Absicht bestehen, die nationalen Angelegenheiten durch Sabotage zu stören, die für Kommunisten bestens geeignet ist
Mit anderen Worten, handelt es sich um einen Verräter, der als Vermittler in China und auf der koreanischen Halbinsel auftritt ... der kleine Beamte des Ministeriums für Gesundheit, Arbeit und Wohlfahrt (es scheint, dass es sich bei den Beamten in Kasumigaseki um die am meisten verachteten Beamten handelt ... Unnötig zu sagen, eine der Gewerkschaften, die die Opposition unterstützt, ist eine Gewerkschaft der Präfektur- und Kommunalarbeitergewerkschaften in ganz Japan. Sie ist Mitglied der wichtigsten Mitglieder, die gegen die Basis in Okinawa kämpfen. Diese Partner sind sozusagen gewollt. Es wird auch die Absicht bestehen, die nationalen Angelegenheiten durch Sabotage zu stören, was für Kommunisten perfekt geeignet ist.
Anti-Japan dachte sich
Die Ungerechtigkeit ihrer statistischen Arbeit zu sein und was sie ist
Eine dringende Aufgabe in Japan, Medienmanipulation,
Die Politiker in der Oppositionspartei und die Asahi, Mainichi, Tokio und Chunich Zeitungen, NHk und andere, die China und der koreanischen Halbinsel dienen.
Zwei Zeitungsunternehmen kontrollieren Okinawa ... Es gibt keinen Raum für Diskussionen, da es sich ausschließlich um Zeitungsunternehmen unter den Manövern Chinas oder der koreanischen Halbinsel oder um die Kommunistischen Parteien handelt.
Nun, das folgende ist das Kapitel, das an den 28.08.2012 gesendet wurde.
Als ich das Internet, die größte Bibliothek der Geschichte, neben parallelen verwandten Ereignissen an seinem wunderbarsten Ort fragte, wurde Kim Koos Name zum ersten Mal gehört.
In Korea wird es als Held behandelt.
Ich mache mir ernsthaft Sorgen, dass es in dem Land Korea Intelligenz gibt.
Folgendes ist aus Wikipedia.
Kim Koo ... diente als Leiter des Polizeipräsidiums der Republik Korea, Innenminister, stellvertretender Ministerpräsident und Staatssekretär (Premierminister). Von 1940 bis 1947 ist er Vorsitzender der zeitweiligen Regierung in Korea.
1896 Vorfall in Chihapo Euigeo. Als Kim Koo eine Mahlzeit bestellte, war er empört, als er eine Kellnerin sah, die vor anderen Kunden eine Mahlzeit gab. Die japanische Tsuchida Joryo, die nicht damit zusammenhängt, dass Kaiserin Myeongseong überhaupt Kim Koo getötet hat, der für die Bestrafung des japanischen Kaisers und der Japaner bestraft wurde.
Kim Koo schrieb Tsuchida später als Lieutenant Japanese Army, das Opfer Tsuchida war jedoch ein Händler aus der Präfektur Nagasaki (Händler · Okubo Kiichi wurde eingestellt).
Er entkommt und raubt Geld und Wertgegenstände, nachdem er getötet hat.
Er wurde gefangengenommen und erhielt eine Todesstrafe als Verbrecher wegen Raubmordes.
Später wurde er von besonderen Begnadigungen gewechselt, danach Jailbreak.
* Tsuchida Joryo, der von einer solchen Person zerschmettert wurde, ist nicht wirklich leer, es ist kein verzweifelter Todesweg mehr, aber es wird nur helfen, dass Kim Koo Enma Daious Folter um diese Zeit höllisch begegnet oder der von Mr. Tsuchida erreicht wird eine Rache

Trotzdem sagt Moon Jae-in, dass er den Mann respektiert, der der schlimmste Mörder ist.
Zum ersten Mal in diesem Kapitel wird die Welt wissen, welche Art von Land Korea ist, wie viel Wert dies mit dem Intelligenzniveau dieses Landes hat, anhand seiner Fakten auf einen Blick. *

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En serio me preocupa que haya inteligencia en el país llamado Corea.

2019年02月27日 12時57分02秒 | 日記

Lo siguiente es de Kim Koo ... Wikipedia. Es un capítulo que fue presentado el 2012-08-28.
La luna coreana Jae-in ayer, la sala conmemorativa de este tipo! En ese momento ... excepto en tiempos de guerra (será sobre la guerra de Corea) él hizo la primera reunión de gabinete fuera del edificio del gobierno (del periódico Sankei esta mañana) ... Moon Jae-in es extremadamente peligrosa y maligna para Japón y el mundo En lugar de decir que es un ser humano, el activista de más baja izquierda entre los presidentes coreanos, el seguidor de Juche de Corea del Norte es el presidente de Corea del Sur ... diciendo que es un agente de Corea del Norte Es un ser humano quien No es exageración en absoluto.
Activistas como la lucha total, la Facción Marxista Revolucionaria, la Liga Comunista Revolucionaria, el Comité Nacional, la Liga Juvenil Democrática de Japón y otros dominan el país y están jugando a políticos con la postura revolucionaria ... Esta es la condición actual de Corea ...
Constitución presionada desde GHQ para debilitar permanentemente Japón
Ahora que la composición de Corea absorbida por Corea del Norte es obvia, cuando necesitamos urgentemente acelerar el sistema de defensa de Japón como un asunto urgente, debemos acelerar la reestructuración del sistema de seguridad de Japón ... para eso es urgente que debemos enmendar la Constitución presionada desde GHQ para debilitar permanentemente a Japón ...
No es exagerado decir que está bajo la maniobra de la Península Coreana y China en absoluto, y el Asahi Shimbun, que es la misma situación real ... especialmente el reloj 9 de NHK, para desviar la mirada del público de eso,
La persona más grande que se interpone en su camino por China y la península de Corea ...
Esa es la prueba de que Abe es el verdadero político y el político que tiene la mayor influencia en el mundo liberal ...
Para derrotar al PLD liderado por el Primer Ministro Abe en las elecciones de la Cámara Alta y debilitar la influencia ...
También habrá una intención de perturbar los asuntos nacionales con sabotaje que sea perfectamente adecuado para los comunistas.
En otras palabras, actúa como traidor · traidor como agente de China y la península de Corea ... el pequeño funcionario del Ministerio de Salud, Trabajo y Bienestar (parece que son los funcionarios más despreciados de Kasumigaseki ... No hace falta decir que uno de los sindicatos que apoya a la oposición Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Prefectura y Municipal de Todo Japón ... Es un miembro de los miembros principales que luchan contra la base en Okinawa ... Que los socios son intencionales. También habrá una intención de perturbar los asuntos nacionales con sabotaje que sea perfectamente adecuado para los comunistas.
Anti-Japón se pensaba a sí mismo.
De ser la injusticia de su trabajo estadístico y de qué ser.
Como cuestión de urgencia en Japón, la manipulación de los medios,
Los políticos en el partido de la oposición y los periódicos Asahi, Mainichi, Tokio y Chunich, NHk y otros que sirven a China y la península coreana.
Dos compañías de periódicos que controlan Okinawa ... No hay espacio para discusión, ya que es una compañía de periódicos completamente bajo la maniobra de China o la Península de Corea, o bajo la maniobra del Partido Comunista.
Bueno, el siguiente es el capítulo enviado a 2012-08-28.
Cuando le pregunté a Internet, la biblioteca más grande de la historia, junto con los eventos relacionados en su lugar más maravilloso, se escuchó el nombre de Kim Koo por primera vez.
Es tratado como un héroe en Corea.
En serio me preocupa que haya inteligencia en el país llamado Corea.
Lo siguiente es de Wikipedia.
Kim Koo ... se desempeñó como jefe de la sede de la policía de la República de Corea, Ministro del Interior, Viceprimer Ministro, Secretario de Estado (Primer Ministro). De 1940 a 1947 es el presidente del gobierno temporal de Corea.
1896 Chihapo Euigeo incidente. Cuando Kim Koo ordenó una comida, se indignó cuando vio que una camarera le daba una comida a otros clientes antes que él, el japonés Tsuchida Joryo, que no está relacionado con el asesinato de la emperatriz Myeongseong Kim Koo como castigo para el emperador japonés y el japonés.
Kim Koo más tarde escribió a Tsuchida como Teniente del Ejército Japonés, pero la víctima Tsuchida era un comerciante de la Prefectura de Nagasaki (comerciante · Okubo Kiichi contratado).
Se escapa, robando el dinero y los objetos de valor, después de matar.
Fue capturado y recibió una sentencia de muerte como criminal de asesinato por robo.
Más tarde siendo conmutado por perdones especiales, después de eso, jailbreak.
* Tsuchida Joryo, quien fue golpeada por una persona así, no está realmente vacía, ya no es una muerte desesperada, pero solo será de ayuda que Kim Koo encuentre la tortura de Enma Daiou en esta época que demonios o Tsuchida-san logrará. una venganza

Aun así, Moon Jae-in dice que respeta al hombre que es el peor asesino.
Por primera vez en este capítulo, el mundo sabrá qué tipo de país es Corea, cuánto es con el nivel de inteligencia de este país, por sus datos de un vistazo. *

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Mi preoccupa seriamente che nel paese ci sia un'intelligence chiamata Corea.

2019年02月27日 12時56分05秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è di Kim Koo ... Wikipedia. È un capitolo che è stato presentato al 2012-08-28.
Coreano Moon Jae-in ieri, la sala memoriale di questo ragazzo! A quel tempo ... tranne in tempo di guerra (riguarderà la guerra di Corea) ha fatto il primo incontro di gabinetto al di fuori del palazzo del governo (stamattina dal giornale Sankei) ... Moon Jae-in è estremamente pericoloso e maligno per il Giappone e il mondo Invece di dire che è un essere umano, l'attivista di sinistra più bassa tra i presidenti coreani, il seguace di Juche della Corea del Nord è il presidente della Corea del Sud ... affermando che è un agente nordcoreano. È un essere umano che non è affatto un'esagerazione.
Attivisti come la lotta totale, la fazione marxista rivoluzionaria, la Lega comunista rivoluzionaria, il Comitato nazionale, la Lega della gioventù democratica del Giappone e altri dominano il paese e giocano con i politici con la postura rivoluzionaria ... Questa è la condizione attuale della Corea ...,
La costituzione pressata da GHQ indebolisce permanentemente il Giappone
Ora che la composizione della Corea assorbita dalla Corea del Nord è ovvia, quando dobbiamo urgentemente affrettare il sistema di difesa del Giappone come una questione urgente, dobbiamo affrettare la ristrutturazione del sistema di sicurezza del Giappone ... a tale scopo è urgente che dobbiamo modificare la Costituzione pressata dal GHQ per indebolire definitivamente il Giappone ...
Non è esagerato dire che è sotto la manovra della penisola coreana e della Cina, e l'Asahi Shimbun che è la stessa situazione reale ... specialmente l'orologio 9 di NHK, per distogliere gli occhi del pubblico da quello,
La più grande persona sulla loro strada per la Cina e la penisola coreana ...
Questa è la prova che Abe è il vero politico e il politico che ha la più grande influenza nel mondo liberale ...
Per sconfiggere l'LDP guidato dal primo ministro Abe alle elezioni della Camera alta e indebolire l'influenza ...
Ci sarà anche l'intenzione di distruggere gli affari nazionali con il sabotaggio che è perfettamente adatto per i comunisti
In altre parole, agisce come un traditore traditore come un agente della Cina e della penisola coreana ... il piccolo funzionario del Ministero della Salute, del Lavoro e del Welfare (sembra che siano i funzionari più disdegnati di Kasumigaseki ... Inutile dire che uno dei sindacati che appoggia l'opposizione All - Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union ... È un membro dei maggiori membri che stanno lottando contro la base di Okinawa ... Quel partner è intenzionale, per così dire .. Ci sarà anche l'intenzione di distruggere gli affari nazionali con il sabotaggio che è perfettamente adatto per i comunisti)
L'anti-Giappone pensava a se stesso
Di essere l'ingiustizia del loro lavoro statistico e di cosa sia
Come una questione urgente in Giappone, la manipolazione dei media,
I politici del partito di opposizione e i giornali Asahi, Mainichi, Tokyo e Chunich, NHk e altri che servono la Cina e la penisola coreana.
Due compagnie di giornali che controllano Okinawa ... Non c'è spazio per la discussione in quanto è completamente società di giornali sotto le manovre della Cina o della penisola coreana, o sotto la manovra del Partito comunista.
Bene, quanto segue è il capitolo inviato al 2012-08-28.
Quando ho chiesto a Internet, la più grande biblioteca della storia, lungo il parallelo di eventi correlati nel suo posto più meraviglioso, c'era il nome di Kim Koo ascoltato per la prima volta,
È trattato come un eroe in Corea.
Mi preoccupa seriamente che nel paese ci sia un'intelligence chiamata Corea.
Quanto segue è da Wikipedia.
Kim Koo ... è stato a capo del quartier generale della polizia della Repubblica di Corea, ministro dell'Interno, vice primo ministro, sottosegretario di Stato (primo ministro). Dal 1940 al 1947 è il presidente del governo temporaneo della Corea.
1896 incidente Chihapo Euigeo. Quando Kim Koo ordinò un pasto, fu indignato quando vide una cameriera che stava pranzando con altri clienti prima di lui, la giapponese Tsuchida Joryo che non era imparentata con l'imperatrice Myeongseong uccidendo tutti Kim Koo ucciso come punizione per l'imperatore giapponese e il giapponese.
Kim Koo in seguito scrisse Tsuchida come tenente Esercito giapponese, ma la vittima Tsuchida era un mercante della prefettura di Nagasaki (commerciante · Okubo Kiichi assunto).
Fugge, rubando denaro e oggetti di valore, dopo aver ucciso.
È stato catturato e ha ricevuto una condanna a morte come criminale di omicidio per rapina.
Più tardi essere commutato da pardons speciali, dopo quello, jailbreak.
* Tsuchida Joryo che è stata squarciata da una persona del genere non è veramente vuota, non è più un disperato modo di morire, ma sarà solo d'aiuto che Kim Koo incontri la tortura di Enma Daiou in questo periodo infernale o che Tsuchida-san raggiunga una vendetta.

Anche così, Moon Jae-in dice di rispettare l'uomo che è il peggior assassino più.
Per la prima volta in questo capitolo il mondo saprà su che tipo di paese è la Corea, quanto è con il livello di intelligenza di questo paese, con i suoi fatti a colpo d'occhio. *

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2019年02月27日 12時29分18秒 | 日記

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
アジア歴史資料センターレファレンスコード:A04010024500。以下抜粋 在仁川領事館事務代理萩原守一ヨリ仁川港ノ情況ニ付続報ノ件
資料名 黃海道來去案 資料番号「奎 17986」の一連の資料である。
調書(建陽 元年 8月 31日 仁川港警務官 取調べ 金順根 起草 金順根)によると
奪ったものは 環刀、ロバ1頭 小判75両程度
ロバ1頭 残金をもち 単騎で載寧に向かった。
同年 3月に家に帰って来てから海州巡使に逮捕された
同時に鴟河浦の宿の主人 李化甫の調書でも上記が確認されている。

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2019年02月27日 12時24分40秒 | 日記

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
アジア歴史資料センターレファレンスコード:A04010024500。以下抜粋 在仁川領事館事務代理萩原守一ヨリ仁川港ノ情況ニ付続報ノ件
資料名 黃海道來去案 資料番号「奎 17986」の一連の資料である。
調書(建陽 元年 8月 31日 仁川港警務官 取調べ 金順根 起草 金順根)によると
奪ったものは 環刀、ロバ1頭 小判75両程度
ロバ1頭 残金をもち 単騎で載寧に向かった。
同年 3月に家に帰って来てから海州巡使に逮捕された
同時に鴟河浦の宿の主人 李化甫の調書でも上記が確認されている。

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I seriously worry that there is intelligence in the country called Korea.

2019年02月27日 12時09分30秒 | 日記

The following is from Kim Koo...Wikipedia. It is a chapter which was submitted to 2012-08-28.
Korean Moon Jae-in yesterday, this guy's memorial hall! At the time...except wartime (it will be about the Korean war) he did the first cabinet meeting outside the government building (from the Sankei newspaper this morning) ... Moon Jae-in is extremely dangerous and malignant to Japan and the world Rather than saying that it is a human being, the lowest left activist among Korean presidents, the follower of Juche of North Korea is the president of South Korea ... saying that he is a North Korean agent It is a human being who is not exaggeration at all.
Activists such as total struggle, Revolutionary Marxist Faction, Revolutionary Communist League, National Committee, Democratic Youth League of Japan and others dominate the country and are playing politicians with the revolutionary posturing ... This is the current condition of Korea ... ,
Constitution pressed from GHQ to permanently weaken Japan
Now that the composition of Korea absorbed by North Korea is obvious, when we need to urgently hurry Japan 's defense system as an urgent issue, we need to hasten the restructuring of Japan' s security system ... for that purpose it is urgent that we must amend Constitution pressed from GHQ to permanently weaken Japan ...
It is not exaggeration to say that it is under the maneuvering of the Korean Peninsula and China at all, and the Asahi Shimbun which is the same real situation ... especially NHK's watch 9, in order to divert the public's eyes from that,
The biggest person standing in their way for China and the Korean Peninsula ...
That is the proof that Abe is the real politician and the politician who has the greatest influence in the liberal world ...
In order to defeat the LDP led by Prime Minister Abe in the Upper House election and weaken the influence ...
There will also be an intention to disrupt national affairs with sabotage that is perfectly suitable for communists
In other words, it acts as a treasonist · traitor as an agent of China and the Korean Peninsula ... the petty official of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (It seems that they are the most disdained officials in Kasumigaseki ... Needless to say, one of the unions supporting the opposition All - Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union ... It is a member of the major members who are struggling against the base in Okinawa ... That partners are intentional as it were ... There will also be an intention to disrupt national affairs with sabotage that is perfectly suitable for communists)
Anti-Japan thought itself
Of being the injustice of their statistical work and what being
As a matter of urgent task in Japan, media manipulation,
The politicians in the opposition party and the Asahi, mainichi, Tokyo, and chunich newspapers, NHk and others who serve China and the Korean Peninsula.
Two newspaper companies controlling Okinawa ... There is no room for discussion as it is completely newspaper company under the maneuvering of China or the Korean Peninsula, or under the maneuvering of the Communist Party.
Well the following is the chapter sent to 2012-08-28.
When I asked the Internet, the largest library in history, along the parallel of related events in its most wonderful place, there was Kim Koo's name heard for the first time,
It is treated as a hero in Korea.
I seriously worry that there is intelligence in the country called Korea.
The following is from Wikipedia.
Kim Koo... served as the head of the police headquarters of the Republic of Korea, Minister of the Interior Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, State Secretary (Prime Minister). From 1940 to 1947 he is the chairman of the Korea temporary government.
1896 Chihapo Euigeo incident. When Kim Koo ordered a meal, he was outraged when he saw a waitress giving a meal to other customers earlier than him, Japanese Tsuchida Joryo that is not related with Empress Myeongseong killing at all Kim Koo killed as punishment for the Japanese emperor and Japanese.
Kim Koo later wrote Tsuchida as Lieutenant Japanese Army, but the victim Tsuchida was a merchant from Nagasaki Prefecture (trader · Okubo Kiichi hired).
He escapes, robbing the money and valuables, after killing.
He was captured and received a death sentence as a criminal of robbery murder.
Later on being commuted by special pardons, after that, jailbreak.
* Tsuchida Joryo who was slashed by such a person is not truly empty, it is a desperate death way no more, but it will be only help only that Kim Koo encounters Enma Daiou 's torture around this time hellishly or Tsuchida - san will achieve a revenge.

Even so, Moon Jae-in says he respects the man who is the worst murderer most.
For the first time in this chapter the world will know about what kind of country is Korea, how much it is with the level of intelligence of this country, by its facts at a glance.*

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how much it is with the level of intelligence of this country, by its facts at a glance.

2019年02月27日 12時05分51秒 | 日記

The following is from Kim Koo...Wikipedia. It is a chapter which was submitted to 2012-08-28.
Korean Moon Jae-in yesterday, this guy's memorial hall! At the time...except wartime (it will be about the Korean war) he did the first cabinet meeting outside the government building (from the Sankei newspaper this morning) ... Moon Jae-in is extremely dangerous and malignant to Japan and the world Rather than saying that it is a human being, the lowest left activist among Korean presidents, the follower of Juche of North Korea is the president of South Korea ... saying that he is a North Korean agent It is a human being who is not exaggeration at all.
Activists such as total struggle, Revolutionary Marxist Faction, Revolutionary Communist League, National Committee, Democratic Youth League of Japan and others dominate the country and are playing politicians with the revolutionary posturing ... This is the current condition of Korea ... ,
Constitution pressed from GHQ to permanently weaken Japan
Now that the composition of Korea absorbed by North Korea is obvious, when we need to urgently hurry Japan 's defense system as an urgent issue, we need to hasten the restructuring of Japan' s security system ... for that purpose it is urgent that we must amend Constitution pressed from GHQ to permanently weaken Japan ...
It is not exaggeration to say that it is under the maneuvering of the Korean Peninsula and China at all, and the Asahi Shimbun which is the same real situation ... especially NHK's watch 9, in order to divert the public's eyes from that,
The biggest person standing in their way for China and the Korean Peninsula ...
That is the proof that Abe is the real politician and the politician who has the greatest influence in the liberal world ...
In order to defeat the LDP led by Prime Minister Abe in the Upper House election and weaken the influence ...
There will also be an intention to disrupt national affairs with sabotage that is perfectly suitable for communists
In other words, it acts as a treasonist · traitor as an agent of China and the Korean Peninsula ... the petty official of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (It seems that they are the most disdained officials in Kasumigaseki ... Needless to say, one of the unions supporting the opposition All - Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union ... It is a member of the major members who are struggling against the base in Okinawa ... That partners are intentional as it were ... There will also be an intention to disrupt national affairs with sabotage that is perfectly suitable for communists)
Anti-Japan thought itself
Of being the injustice of their statistical work and what being
As a matter of urgent task in Japan, media manipulation,
The politicians in the opposition party and the Asahi, mainichi, Tokyo, and chunich newspapers, NHk and others who serve China and the Korean Peninsula.
Two newspaper companies controlling Okinawa ... There is no room for discussion as it is completely newspaper company under the maneuvering of China or the Korean Peninsula, or under the maneuvering of the Communist Party.
Well the following is the chapter sent to 2012-08-28.
When I asked the Internet, the largest library in history, along the parallel of related events in its most wonderful place, there was Kim Koo's name heard for the first time,
It is treated as a hero in Korea.
I seriously worry that there is intelligence in the country called Korea.
The following is from Wikipedia.
Kim Koo... served as the head of the police headquarters of the Republic of Korea, Minister of the Interior Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, State Secretary (Prime Minister). From 1940 to 1947 he is the chairman of the Korea temporary government.
1896 Chihapo Euigeo incident. When Kim Koo ordered a meal, he was outraged when he saw a waitress giving a meal to other customers earlier than him, Japanese Tsuchida Joryo that is not related with Empress Myeongseong killing at all Kim Koo killed as punishment for the Japanese emperor and Japanese.
Kim Koo later wrote Tsuchida as Lieutenant Japanese Army, but the victim Tsuchida was a merchant from Nagasaki Prefecture (trader · Okubo Kiichi hired).
He escapes, robbing the money and valuables, after killing.
He was captured and received a death sentence as a criminal of robbery murder.
Later on being commuted by special pardons, after that, jailbreak.
* Tsuchida Joryo who was slashed by such a person is not truly empty, it is a desperate death way no more, but it will be only help only that Kim Koo encounters Enma Daiou 's torture around this time hellishly or Tsuchida - san will achieve a revenge.

Even so, Moon Jae-in says he respects the man who is the worst murderer most.
For the first time in this chapter the world will know about what kind of country is Korea, how much it is with the level of intelligence of this country, by its facts at a glance.*

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For the first time in this chapter the world will know about what kind of country is Korea

2019年02月27日 12時04分13秒 | 日記

The following is from Kim Koo...Wikipedia. It is a chapter which was submitted to 2012-08-28.
Korean Moon Jae-in yesterday, this guy's memorial hall! At the time...except wartime (it will be about the Korean war) he did the first cabinet meeting outside the government building (from the Sankei newspaper this morning) ... Moon Jae-in is extremely dangerous and malignant to Japan and the world Rather than saying that it is a human being, the lowest left activist among Korean presidents, the follower of Juche of North Korea is the president of South Korea ... saying that he is a North Korean agent It is a human being who is not exaggeration at all.
Activists such as total struggle, Revolutionary Marxist Faction, Revolutionary Communist League, National Committee, Democratic Youth League of Japan and others dominate the country and are playing politicians with the revolutionary posturing ... This is the current condition of Korea ... ,
Constitution pressed from GHQ to permanently weaken Japan
Now that the composition of Korea absorbed by North Korea is obvious, when we need to urgently hurry Japan 's defense system as an urgent issue, we need to hasten the restructuring of Japan' s security system ... for that purpose it is urgent that we must amend Constitution pressed from GHQ to permanently weaken Japan ...
It is not exaggeration to say that it is under the maneuvering of the Korean Peninsula and China at all, and the Asahi Shimbun which is the same real situation ... especially NHK's watch 9, in order to divert the public's eyes from that,
The biggest person standing in their way for China and the Korean Peninsula ...
That is the proof that Abe is the real politician and the politician who has the greatest influence in the liberal world ...
In order to defeat the LDP led by Prime Minister Abe in the Upper House election and weaken the influence ...
There will also be an intention to disrupt national affairs with sabotage that is perfectly suitable for communists
In other words, it acts as a treasonist · traitor as an agent of China and the Korean Peninsula ... the petty official of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (It seems that they are the most disdained officials in Kasumigaseki ... Needless to say, one of the unions supporting the opposition All - Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union ... It is a member of the major members who are struggling against the base in Okinawa ... That partners are intentional as it were ... There will also be an intention to disrupt national affairs with sabotage that is perfectly suitable for communists)
Anti-Japan thought itself
Of being the injustice of their statistical work and what being
As a matter of urgent task in Japan, media manipulation,
The politicians in the opposition party and the Asahi, mainichi, Tokyo, and chunich newspapers, NHk and others who serve China and the Korean Peninsula.
Two newspaper companies controlling Okinawa ... There is no room for discussion as it is completely newspaper company under the maneuvering of China or the Korean Peninsula, or under the maneuvering of the Communist Party.
Well the following is the chapter sent to 2012-08-28.
When I asked the Internet, the largest library in history, along the parallel of related events in its most wonderful place, there was Kim Koo's name heard for the first time,
It is treated as a hero in Korea.
I seriously worry that there is intelligence in the country called Korea.
The following is from Wikipedia.
Kim Koo... served as the head of the police headquarters of the Republic of Korea, Minister of the Interior Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, State Secretary (Prime Minister). From 1940 to 1947 he is the chairman of the Korea temporary government.
1896 Chihapo Euigeo incident. When Kim Koo ordered a meal, he was outraged when he saw a waitress giving a meal to other customers earlier than him, Japanese Tsuchida Joryo that is not related with Empress Myeongseong killing at all Kim Koo killed as punishment for the Japanese emperor and Japanese.
Kim Koo later wrote Tsuchida as Lieutenant Japanese Army, but the victim Tsuchida was a merchant from Nagasaki Prefecture (trader · Okubo Kiichi hired).
He escapes, robbing the money and valuables, after killing.
He was captured and received a death sentence as a criminal of robbery murder.
Later on being commuted by special pardons, after that, jailbreak.
* Tsuchida Joryo who was slashed by such a person is not truly empty, it is a desperate death way no more, but it will be only help only that Kim Koo encounters Enma Daiou 's torture around this time hellishly or Tsuchida - san will achieve a revenge.

Even so, Moon Jae-in says he respects the man who is the worst murderer most.
For the first time in this chapter the world will know about what kind of country is Korea, how much it is with the level of intelligence of this country, by its facts at a glance.*

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Even so, Moon Jae-in says he respects the man who is the worst murderer most.

2019年02月27日 12時02分41秒 | 日記

The following is from Kim Koo...Wikipedia. It is a chapter which was submitted to 2012-08-28.
Korean Moon Jae-in yesterday, this guy's memorial hall! At the time...except wartime (it will be about the Korean war) he did the first cabinet meeting outside the government building (from the Sankei newspaper this morning) ... Moon Jae-in is extremely dangerous and malignant to Japan and the world Rather than saying that it is a human being, the lowest left activist among Korean presidents, the follower of Juche of North Korea is the president of South Korea ... saying that he is a North Korean agent It is a human being who is not exaggeration at all.
Activists such as total struggle, Revolutionary Marxist Faction, Revolutionary Communist League, National Committee, Democratic Youth League of Japan and others dominate the country and are playing politicians with the revolutionary posturing ... This is the current condition of Korea ... ,
Constitution pressed from GHQ to permanently weaken Japan
Now that the composition of Korea absorbed by North Korea is obvious, when we need to urgently hurry Japan 's defense system as an urgent issue, we need to hasten the restructuring of Japan' s security system ... for that purpose it is urgent that we must amend Constitution pressed from GHQ to permanently weaken Japan ...
It is not exaggeration to say that it is under the maneuvering of the Korean Peninsula and China at all, and the Asahi Shimbun which is the same real situation ... especially NHK's watch 9, in order to divert the public's eyes from that,
The biggest person standing in their way for China and the Korean Peninsula ...
That is the proof that Abe is the real politician and the politician who has the greatest influence in the liberal world ...
In order to defeat the LDP led by Prime Minister Abe in the Upper House election and weaken the influence ...
There will also be an intention to disrupt national affairs with sabotage that is perfectly suitable for communists
In other words, it acts as a treasonist · traitor as an agent of China and the Korean Peninsula ... the petty official of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (It seems that they are the most disdained officials in Kasumigaseki ... Needless to say, one of the unions supporting the opposition All - Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union ... It is a member of the major members who are struggling against the base in Okinawa ... That partners are intentional as it were ... There will also be an intention to disrupt national affairs with sabotage that is perfectly suitable for communists)
Anti-Japan thought itself
Of being the injustice of their statistical work and what being
As a matter of urgent task in Japan, media manipulation,
The politicians in the opposition party and the Asahi, mainichi, Tokyo, and chunich newspapers, NHk and others who serve China and the Korean Peninsula.
Two newspaper companies controlling Okinawa ... There is no room for discussion as it is completely newspaper company under the maneuvering of China or the Korean Peninsula, or under the maneuvering of the Communist Party.
Well the following is the chapter sent to 2012-08-28.
When I asked the Internet, the largest library in history, along the parallel of related events in its most wonderful place, there was Kim Koo's name heard for the first time,
It is treated as a hero in Korea.
I seriously worry that there is intelligence in the country called Korea.
The following is from Wikipedia.
Kim Koo... served as the head of the police headquarters of the Republic of Korea, Minister of the Interior Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, State Secretary (Prime Minister). From 1940 to 1947 he is the chairman of the Korea temporary government.
1896 Chihapo Euigeo incident. When Kim Koo ordered a meal, he was outraged when he saw a waitress giving a meal to other customers earlier than him, Japanese Tsuchida Joryo that is not related with Empress Myeongseong killing at all Kim Koo killed as punishment for the Japanese emperor and Japanese.
Kim Koo later wrote Tsuchida as Lieutenant Japanese Army, but the victim Tsuchida was a merchant from Nagasaki Prefecture (trader · Okubo Kiichi hired).
He escapes, robbing the money and valuables, after killing.
He was captured and received a death sentence as a criminal of robbery murder.
Later on being commuted by special pardons, after that, jailbreak.
* Tsuchida Joryo who was slashed by such a person is not truly empty, it is a desperate death way no more, but it will be only help only that Kim Koo encounters Enma Daiou 's torture around this time hellishly or Tsuchida - san will achieve a revenge.

Even so, Moon Jae-in says he respects the man who is the worst murderer most.
For the first time in this chapter the world will know about what kind of country is Korea, how much it is with the level of intelligence of this country, by its facts at a glance.*

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Later on being commuted by special pardons, after that, jailbreak.

2019年02月27日 12時01分25秒 | 日記

The following is from Kim Koo...Wikipedia. It is a chapter which was submitted to 2012-08-28.
Korean Moon Jae-in yesterday, this guy's memorial hall! At the time...except wartime (it will be about the Korean war) he did the first cabinet meeting outside the government building (from the Sankei newspaper this morning) ... Moon Jae-in is extremely dangerous and malignant to Japan and the world Rather than saying that it is a human being, the lowest left activist among Korean presidents, the follower of Juche of North Korea is the president of South Korea ... saying that he is a North Korean agent It is a human being who is not exaggeration at all.
Activists such as total struggle, Revolutionary Marxist Faction, Revolutionary Communist League, National Committee, Democratic Youth League of Japan and others dominate the country and are playing politicians with the revolutionary posturing ... This is the current condition of Korea ... ,
Constitution pressed from GHQ to permanently weaken Japan
Now that the composition of Korea absorbed by North Korea is obvious, when we need to urgently hurry Japan 's defense system as an urgent issue, we need to hasten the restructuring of Japan' s security system ... for that purpose it is urgent that we must amend Constitution pressed from GHQ to permanently weaken Japan ...
It is not exaggeration to say that it is under the maneuvering of the Korean Peninsula and China at all, and the Asahi Shimbun which is the same real situation ... especially NHK's watch 9, in order to divert the public's eyes from that,
The biggest person standing in their way for China and the Korean Peninsula ...
That is the proof that Abe is the real politician and the politician who has the greatest influence in the liberal world ...
In order to defeat the LDP led by Prime Minister Abe in the Upper House election and weaken the influence ...
There will also be an intention to disrupt national affairs with sabotage that is perfectly suitable for communists
In other words, it acts as a treasonist · traitor as an agent of China and the Korean Peninsula ... the petty official of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (It seems that they are the most disdained officials in Kasumigaseki ... Needless to say, one of the unions supporting the opposition All - Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union ... It is a member of the major members who are struggling against the base in Okinawa ... That partners are intentional as it were ... There will also be an intention to disrupt national affairs with sabotage that is perfectly suitable for communists)
Anti-Japan thought itself
Of being the injustice of their statistical work and what being
As a matter of urgent task in Japan, media manipulation,
The politicians in the opposition party and the Asahi, mainichi, Tokyo, and chunich newspapers, NHk and others who serve China and the Korean Peninsula.
Two newspaper companies controlling Okinawa ... There is no room for discussion as it is completely newspaper company under the maneuvering of China or the Korean Peninsula, or under the maneuvering of the Communist Party.
Well the following is the chapter sent to 2012-08-28.
When I asked the Internet, the largest library in history, along the parallel of related events in its most wonderful place, there was Kim Koo's name heard for the first time,
It is treated as a hero in Korea.
I seriously worry that there is intelligence in the country called Korea.
The following is from Wikipedia.
Kim Koo... served as the head of the police headquarters of the Republic of Korea, Minister of the Interior Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, State Secretary (Prime Minister). From 1940 to 1947 he is the chairman of the Korea temporary government.
1896 Chihapo Euigeo incident. When Kim Koo ordered a meal, he was outraged when he saw a waitress giving a meal to other customers earlier than him, Japanese Tsuchida Joryo that is not related with Empress Myeongseong killing at all Kim Koo killed as punishment for the Japanese emperor and Japanese.
Kim Koo later wrote Tsuchida as Lieutenant Japanese Army, but the victim Tsuchida was a merchant from Nagasaki Prefecture (trader · Okubo Kiichi hired).
He escapes, robbing the money and valuables, after killing.
He was captured and received a death sentence as a criminal of robbery murder.
Later on being commuted by special pardons, after that, jailbreak.
* Tsuchida Joryo who was slashed by such a person is not truly empty, it is a desperate death way no more, but it will be only help only that Kim Koo encounters Enma Daiou 's torture around this time hellishly or Tsuchida - san will achieve a revenge.

Even so, Moon Jae-in says he respects the man who is the worst murderer most.
For the first time in this chapter the world will know about what kind of country is Korea, how much it is with the level of intelligence of this country, by its facts at a glance.*

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He was captured and received a death sentence as a criminal of robbery murder.

2019年02月27日 11時55分02秒 | 日記

The following is from Kim Koo...Wikipedia. It is a chapter which was submitted to 2012-08-28.
Korean Moon Jae-in yesterday, this guy's memorial hall! At the time...except wartime (it will be about the Korean war) he did the first cabinet meeting outside the government building (from the Sankei newspaper this morning) ... Moon Jae-in is extremely dangerous and malignant to Japan and the world Rather than saying that it is a human being, the lowest left activist among Korean presidents, the follower of Juche of North Korea is the president of South Korea ... saying that he is a North Korean agent It is a human being who is not exaggeration at all.
Activists such as total struggle, Revolutionary Marxist Faction, Revolutionary Communist League, National Committee, Democratic Youth League of Japan and others dominate the country and are playing politicians with the revolutionary posturing ... This is the current condition of Korea ... ,
Constitution pressed from GHQ to permanently weaken Japan
Now that the composition of Korea absorbed by North Korea is obvious, when we need to urgently hurry Japan 's defense system as an urgent issue, we need to hasten the restructuring of Japan' s security system ... for that purpose it is urgent that we must amend Constitution pressed from GHQ to permanently weaken Japan ...
It is not exaggeration to say that it is under the maneuvering of the Korean Peninsula and China at all, and the Asahi Shimbun which is the same real situation ... especially NHK's watch 9, in order to divert the public's eyes from that,
The biggest person standing in their way for China and the Korean Peninsula ...
That is the proof that Abe is the real politician and the politician who has the greatest influence in the liberal world ...
In order to defeat the LDP led by Prime Minister Abe in the Upper House election and weaken the influence ...
There will also be an intention to disrupt national affairs with sabotage that is perfectly suitable for communists
In other words, it acts as a treasonist · traitor as an agent of China and the Korean Peninsula ... the petty official of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (It seems that they are the most disdained officials in Kasumigaseki ... Needless to say, one of the unions supporting the opposition All - Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union ... It is a member of the major members who are struggling against the base in Okinawa ... That partners are intentional as it were ... There will also be an intention to disrupt national affairs with sabotage that is perfectly suitable for communists)
Anti-Japan thought itself
Of being the injustice of their statistical work and what being
As a matter of urgent task in Japan, media manipulation,
The politicians in the opposition party and the Asahi, mainichi, Tokyo, and chunich newspapers, NHk and others who serve China and the Korean Peninsula.
Two newspaper companies controlling Okinawa ... There is no room for discussion as it is completely newspaper company under the maneuvering of China or the Korean Peninsula, or under the maneuvering of the Communist Party.
Well the following is the chapter sent to 2012-08-28.
When I asked the Internet, the largest library in history, along the parallel of related events in its most wonderful place, there was Kim Koo's name heard for the first time,
It is treated as a hero in Korea.
I seriously worry that there is intelligence in the country called Korea.
The following is from Wikipedia.
Kim Koo... served as the head of the police headquarters of the Republic of Korea, Minister of the Interior Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, State Secretary (Prime Minister). From 1940 to 1947 he is the chairman of the Korea temporary government.
1896 Chihapo Euigeo incident. When Kim Koo ordered a meal, he was outraged when he saw a waitress giving a meal to other customers earlier than him, Japanese Tsuchida Joryo that is not related with Empress Myeongseong killing at all Kim Koo killed as punishment for the Japanese emperor and Japanese.
Kim Koo later wrote Tsuchida as Lieutenant Japanese Army, but the victim Tsuchida was a merchant from Nagasaki Prefecture (trader · Okubo Kiichi hired).
He escapes, robbing the money and valuables, after killing.
He was captured and received a death sentence as a criminal of robbery murder.
Later on being commuted by special pardons, after that, jailbreak.
* Tsuchida Joryo who was slashed by such a person is not truly empty, it is a desperate death way no more, but it will be only help only that Kim Koo encounters Enma Daiou 's torture around this time hellishly or Tsuchida - san will achieve a revenge.

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