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交通公園の利用促進活動、第2回目 / Usage Promotion Activities

2025-02-14 22:30:35 | 路面清掃活動


Today, on February 14th, we conducted the second information campaign to promote the use of the "Traffic Park" in Ako City. We visited businesses that use motorcycles and most bicycle and motorcycle retailers located in the urban area close to the Traffic Park.



The first place I visited was the post office, as they use many motorcycles for collection and delivery, so I thought it would be good information for the operations manager. However, unfortunately, the person in charge, the postmaster, was not present, so I handed the informational documents to the deputy. I will visit again at a later date.


The next visit was to Yakult Sales. At Yakult Sales, they use three-wheeled motorcycles for product delivery, and unlike two-wheeled motorcycles, it is necessary to master a unique maneuverability, so I anticipated that there would surely be a demand to use the traffic park. The center manager who assisted me showed understanding, and since he was from Ako City, he was aware that the traffic park used to be frequently used for training, but now it is no longer utilized due to the deteriorating road conditions, and he expressed gratitude for the road cleaning activities.




その後は、自転車販売店とバイク販売店を回り、概ね 賛同の言葉を頂戴しました。次回、3回目の利用促進活動は残りの地域の自転車販売店や新聞配達所、そして交通公園からほど近い市街地域にある数校の小学校と中学校への訪問を計画中です。


After that, I visited bicycle and motorcycle dealerships and generally received words of agreement. For the next round of promotion activities, I am planning visits to remaining bicycle dealerships, newspaper delivery offices, and several elementary and middle schools located near the traffic park.

I do not believe that this promotion activity will lead to a sudden increase in users. However, if driving skills can be properly acquired through the use of the traffic park, it will undoubtedly protect lives from danger and also safeguard the lives of others, so I believe that even if the number of new users is just one, it holds great value.


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