


2014年03月25日 21時07分54秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学

モス,T. 1979.(井村宏次・西岡恵美子訳 1979/)生体エネルギーを求めて-キルリアン写真の謎.366pp.日本教文社.[y1700]




ライヘンバッハ,カール フォン.1852.(井村宏次監訳・解説/岡田圭吾訳 1987/9/25)神秘のオド・パワー.222pp.日本教文社.[1,400円][

井村宏次.2010/2/1.「オーラ」研究四〇年の今:オーラ、イメージ、BMIとスピリチュアリティをめぐって.地球人 (14): 64-69.

時間と空間についての秘教的見解/A.A. Bailey [Djwal Khul] Books

2014年03月25日 11時43分32秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学
時間と空間についての秘教的見解/A.A. Bailey [Djwal Khul] Books

 輪廻転生説 reincarnation に立っているが、或る生涯と次の生涯との間の時間のサイキック的算定が間違っている理由が述べられている下りがある。アーカーシャの記録 Akashic Records
を読んで時間の算定をする方法は、たとえばリバイ ドーリング(1968.栗原基 訳 1982/4/30 第四版)の『宝瓶宮福音書』に述べられている。

  「People are apt to for-
 get that time is the sequence of events and of states of
 consciousness as registered by the phisical brain. Where
 no physical brain exists, what humanity undestands by time
 is nonexistent. The removal of the barriers of the form,
 stage by stage, brings an increasing realisation of the Eter-
 nal Now.」
 (Bailey 1953, Esoteric Healing, pp.403-404)。
 「時間とは、肉体脳 phisical brain 〔物質脳。おそらくエーテル脳を含む〕によって登録〔記録〕された、出来事と意識状態の系列である。肉体脳が存在しないところには、人類が時間によって理解するものは存在しない。形態の障壁が取り除かれれば、段階を追って、〈永遠の今〉がますます認識されるようになる。」[試訳 20140206]。

 "The process of
(Bailey 1925, Cosmic Fire, pp.735-737; cited by Bailey 1953, Esoteric Healing, pp.414-415)
[http://www.bailey.it/images/testi-inglese/Treatise-on-Cosmic-Fire.pdf (受信:2014年3月25日。)


□ 文献 □
ドーリング,リバイ.1968[27版](栗原基 訳 1982/4/30 第四版;1970/3/25 初版;1976/9/25 改訂再版;1980/1/10 第三版).560+22+1pp.[3,500円][B19840217][Rh19870601][Levi Dowling. The Aquarious Gospel Jesus The Christ.][この本の八割(だったか?)は正しいと、Benjamin Creme 氏はQ and Aで答えていた(要引用)。]

A.A. Bailey [Djwal Khul] Books

Bailey, Alice. A. 1922. Letters on Occult Meditation. [12+]375pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B20000901, $26.00+39.00/20, Clothbound(は14冊ob).]

Bailey, A.A. 1925. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. xxvi+1367pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $60.00+39.00/20, Clothbound]

Bailey, A.A. 1927. The Light of The Soul: A paraphrase of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: with commentary by Alice A. Bailey. xvii+458pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $35.00+39.00/20, Clothbound]

Bailey, A.A. 1932. From Intellect to Intuition. vii+275pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $21.00+39.00/20, Clothbound]

Bailey, A.A. 1934. A Treatise on White Magic. xiv+705pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $33.00+39.00/20, Clothbound]

Bailey, A.A. 1936. Esoteric Psychology I. xxv+460pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $27.00+39.00/20, Clothbound]

Bailey, A.A. 1950. Telepathy and The Etheric Vehicle. xi+219pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $21.00+39.00/20, Clothbound]

Bailey, A.A. 1951. Autobiography. xi+316pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $26.00+39.00/20, Clothbound]

Bailey, A.A. 1951. Esoteric Astrology. viii+742pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $33.00+39.00/20, Clothbound]

Bailey, A.A. 1953. Esoteric Healing. ix+771pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $33.00+39.00/20, Clothbound]

Bailey, A.A. 1954. Education in The New Age. xv+174pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $18.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1957. The Externalisation of The Hierarchy. vii+744pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $33.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1960. The Rays and the Initiations. xii+820pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $35.00+39.00/20, Clothbound]

Bailey, A.A. 1968. From Bethlehem to Calvary. ix+292pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $21.00+39.00/20, Clothbound]

Bailey, A.A. 1982. The Labours of Hercules : An Astrological Interpretation. 230pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $12.00+39.00/20, paperback]

Bailey, A.A. 1998. Twenty-four Books of Esoteric Philosophy [CD-ROM]. [B20001205, $180.00][iMac OS 10.6では、soft(Mac OS 9用)が起動しない]

Bailey, A.A. & Djwhal Kuhl. 1974. Ponder on This: A Compilation. 431pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $14.00+39.00/20, paperback]

Bailey, A.A. & Djwhal Kuhl. 1985. Death: The Great Adventure. xii+144pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $10.85+39.00/20, paperback]

Bailey, A.A. & Djwhal Kuhl. 1995. The Seven Rays of Life : compiled from the writings of Alice A Bailey. ix+365pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $13.00+39.00/20, paperback]


2014年03月25日 11時34分37秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学


=== Treatise-on-Cosmic-Fire
An Atom. 1031 In connection with the Atom, the Secret Doctrine says: 1. Absolute intelligence thrills through
every atom ---------------------------------- S. D., I, 298. 2. Wherever there is an atom of matter,
there is life ---------------------------------- S. D., I, 245, 269, 279. 3. The atom is a concrete manifestation
of the Universal Energy ------------------- S. D., I, 281. 4. The same invisible lives compose
the atoms, etc. ------------------------------ S. D., I, 218. 5. Every atom in the universe has the
potentiality of self-consciousness -------- S. D., I, 132; II, 742. 6. Atoms and souls are synonymous
inthelanguageofInitiates ---------------S.D.,I.,620,622. 7. The atom belongs wholly to
the domain of metaphysics --------------- S. D., I, 559.
8. Deity is within every atom ----------------- S. D., I, 89, 183. 9. Every atom is doomed to incessant
differentiation ------------------------------ S. D., I, 167. l0. The object of the evolution of
the atom is Man ---------------------------- S. D., I, 206.
11. A germ exists in the centre of
every atom ---------------------------------- S. D., I, 87; II, 622.
12. There is heat in every atom --------------- S. D., I, 112.
13. Every atom has 7 planes of being -------- S. D., I, 174.
14. Atoms are vibrations ---------------------- S. D., I, 694.
a. An atom consists of a spheroidal form containing within itself a nucleus of life.
Copyright ©1998 LUCIS TRUST
Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy
?b. An atom contains within itself differentiated molecules, which in their totality form the atom itself. For instance, we are told that the physical atom contains within its periphery fourteen thousand millions of the archetypal atoms, yet these myriads demonstrate as one.
c. An atom is distinguished by activity, and shows forth the qualities of:
a. Rotary motion.
b. Discriminative power. c. Ability to develop.
d. An atom, we are told, contains within itself three major spirals and seven lesser 104Inner Life: Vol. II, 177-179. Occult Chemistry, p. 22. Occult Chemistry, Appendix II and III. Babbitt's "Light and Colour," pp. 97-1012. which ten are in process of vitalisation, but have not yet attained full activity. Only four are functioning at this stage, and the fifth is in process of development.
e. An atom is governed by the Law of Economy, is coming slowly under the Law of Attraction, and will eventually come under the Law of Synthesis.
f. An atom finds its place within all forms; it is the aggregation of atoms that produces form. g. Its responsiveness to outer stimulation:
Electrical stimulation, affecting its objective form.
Magnetic stimulation, acting upon its subjective life.
The united effect of the two stimulations, producing consequent internal growth and development.
An atom therefore is distinguished by:
1. Its spheroidal shape. Its ring-pass-not is definite and seen.
2. Its internal arrangement, which comprises the sphere of influence of any particular atom.
3. Its life-activity, or the extent to which the life at the centre animates the atom, a relative thing at this stage.
4. Its sevenfold inner economy in process of evolution.
5. Its eventual synthesis internally from the seven into the three.
6. Its group relation.
7. Its development of consciousness, or responsiveness.
Having predicated the above facts of the atom, we can extend the idea now to man, following the same general outline:



2014年03月25日 11時25分47秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学


 Woodgerの本、『生物学の諸原理:批判的研究 Biological Principles: A Critical Study』(1929; revised 1967)に、「p.266 エンテレキーの批判[Sattler, p.213に引用]」と、わたしの走り書きあり。229頁から272頁までの、「Part II Problems of Biological Knowledge Chapter V」は、「生気論と機械論の対照 The antithesis between vitalism and mechanism」である。
 そのWoodger (1967: 217)の頁は、

  「I have followed the tendencies of mordern thought in using the term 'event' for the spatio-temporal elements in the situation in which I am said to be 'seeing a lump of iron' ... 」

  「It is ridiculous to go on talking as though energy were
 a stuff. And it will be desirable, in view of the prevailing
 attitude of biologists towards this notion of energy, to call
 attention to some statements of recent mathematico-phisical
 writers on the question. Thus Mr. Bertrand Russel writes:
    ' Energy is a certain function of a physical system but is not
   a thing or s substance persisting throughout the changes of the
     ^2 Herbert Spence Lecture, Oxford, 1914, p. 10.

 And Professor Whitehead:

   ' The doctrine of energy has to do with the notion of quantita-
  tive permanence underlying change.'
   ' Energy is merely the name for the quantitative aspect of a
  structure of happnings.'^3
     ^3 Science and the Modern World, pp. 126-8.

 Thus energy is no longer thought of as an ' indestructible '
 metaphysical stuff or substance but gives expression to the
 recognition of a permanence in the quantitative characteriza-
 tion of events. Similarly the doctrine of the ' conservation
 of energy ' is an empirical generalization and not a ' principle '
 which can be used a priori to say

Woodger, J.H. 1937. The Axiomatic Method in Biology, with Appendices by A. Tarski and W.F. Floyd. 174pp. Cambridge University Press. [PR20001106]

Woodger, J.H. 1967(1929). Biological Principles: a Critical Study. Revised Edition. xix+496pp. Routledge and Kegan Paul. [B20031211, y15262 +763=16025]