from today's Nikkei

2008年08月28日 10時26分54秒 | 新聞記事から
ドル防衛 秘密合意 日米欧、3月の金融危機時 強調介入を準備 基軸通貨に危機感

It is learned that financial authorities in Japan,the U.S. and EU had reached a secret agreement in defending the dollar centering on the strategy of sustaining the currency through the joint buying in March, when the dollar plunged suddenly due to the uncertainties in the U.S. financial market triggered by the so-called subprime problem.They had also prepared to issue a joint emergency statement for keeping stable the world's foreign exchange markets.Althouh there have been only a few cases in the past of the dollar-defending strategy initiated by the U.S.,there is a possibility that in the near future major economic nations including the U.S. will seek another concerted cooperation against another upcoming crisis.we hav e to say that it is a time when they have to have a sense of crisis even towards the world's key currency,the U.S. dollar.
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