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2025年03月08日 09時38分24秒 | 新聞記事から
 首相表明  高額医療費制度に関して 8月からの 患者の自己負担上限額の引き上げ  見送り  参院選への影響を考慮した模様    全体的に 今秋までに再検討

The Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba expressed the intention that the government would cancel its health care policy that they would raise the upper limits of patient's burden in the medical treatments requiring expensive costs from August on, yesterday, on February 7. It is believed he considered a bad affection to the LDP in the Upper House elections in summer. The government is likely to view the whole scheme by the time around this autumn. And the government bill for the fiscal 2025 budget will be sent again to the House of Representatives, which is a very rare case, after it has got approval in the House of Councilors.
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