パリ パラリンピック開幕 最多の167の国と地域から参加 8月28日
The 17th summer Paralympic games opened in Paris on Wednesday. This is the first time that the international sports events disabled athletes could participate in have come to be held in Paris which have hosted the Olympic games three times so far. As many as about 4,400 athletes from the largest ever 167 countries or areas have gathered in the glorious sports events which have the slogan of seeking to realize the society of coexistence.
The 17th summer Paralympic games opened in Paris on Wednesday. This is the first time that the international sports events disabled athletes could participate in have come to be held in Paris which have hosted the Olympic games three times so far. As many as about 4,400 athletes from the largest ever 167 countries or areas have gathered in the glorious sports events which have the slogan of seeking to realize the society of coexistence.